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  1. I responded to an ad for a pup on Kijiji.ca asking for more info & pics and what the price is. Here's the response I got.... sure looks like a scam to me... Thanks for the mail and interest in the little puppies. I am having Just one puppy remaining. I also wish to inform you that, i am not giving it for sale but for adoption. Its name is Kenny and it is 11 weeks old. He is a male puppy. I love him so much but its unfortunate that, i can't even give him the love and affection i have in my heart for him. I am on a volunteer mission to Victoria British Cameroon together with the UN malaria committee ,in regards to the disease in pregnant women and children. I traveled up here together with Kenny and my 9 year old daughter. They won´t allow Kenny into the country for reason being that, pets are not allowed into the country from other countries and i have been given a maximum of 2 weeks to send him back to Canada. So that is the reason i have to find for him a home back in Canada where he will be showered with all that love and affection. Hope you won't mind me asking you some few questions: Do you really want to adopt this puppy? Do you have any experience with puppies? Do you have kids? Where are you located in Canada ? Will you consider him as part of your family in future if you take him? I am just being concerned about the type of home he will be going to so that is why i am curious to know. I love him so much and i want to make sure he goes to a family that will show him the affection he deserves. He is health guaranteed, and will come along with all his papers,diapers, dog blankets, play toys, crate and food menu. He is very playful and goes along with kids and other home pets. He loves to be held and cuddled and sometimes want all the attention for him self. . So if you can stand the chance of taking him home, you will only need to pay for his transportation fee. This fee will be paid directly to the airport providing his delivery because i did not pay for a round trip when i was coming down to Victoria British Cameroon. But i am sorry i first of all need to know if you are interested in the idea before i will know if we can proceed with the re-shipping arrangements. Also i will need answers to my questions. Waiting to read from you soon.
  2. New dog at RandyR's house, introducing Filly the Puppy. She's a 12 week old Pyrenees mix. I expect she'll be a 90 lb dog when fully mature. Last night was her first time away from her mother and litter mates, so she was lonesome. But very friendly and intelligent. She'll be a great dog. http://randyrick.us/dogs/Filly1.JPG
  3. As rumor has it, Taters new puppy was HEARD traveling on the I-90 just east of Syracuse about 20 minutes ago:whistling:.... I can see it now, no ones gonna get any sleep tonight:no-no-no:...PB&J called a few minutes ago and all we could hear is the new puppy crying .... good news is , Phil only has about 180 more miles to go to get here:duck:...man I owe him and Rawhide BIG TIME....:bowdown:
  4. Ok, I'm finally done...finished the puppy pen and we are awaiting our new arrival this comming friday.....Thanks to member PP&J and Rawhide who are going to pony ...err, puppy express our new puppy to us....didn't realize how much not having a dog around the house effected us and our wellbeing...not to mention that Taters and I had to talk to each other more often since we lost our beagle...lol.... soon, the fun part of house breaking etc.... oh well, let the fun begin.....
  5. Help... It is getting dimmer in here...LOL Where is this puppy located on a 1988? Thanks guys... MB
  6. need some help here. i am trying to remove Bub end caps. I have drilled off the two rivets but cannot seem to get the puppy to come lose? Help!
  7. Guest

    how is everyone

    how is everyone tonight i am fine and i am sitting here surfing the internet and my puppy is sleeping my brother is watching t.v. tonight
  8. By now I am sure that everyone has heard on the news about the "FIRE" this past weekend that started in Sylmar, CA. We are all okay and the dogs are okay. We (5/6 staff members) came in around 1:30 AM Saturday morning and evacuated 69 dogs around 2:30 AM. We loaded up 6 vans with dogs in crates, on tie-downs (and a couple riding in the passenger seats..smile) and went to the Wal-Mart Shopping center in Santa Clarita, CA (which is about 9-10 miles north of the center through the Newhall Pass). The air was clear and we were able to walk, water and exercise the dogs. Around 7:00 AM, local puppy raisers started arriving to help with the walking of the dogs. Around 9:00 AM we decided to see if we could place the dogs in puppy raiser homes locally (throughout the Los Angeles greater area) so our Puppy Manager who was home sick in bed got up and started calling people. We arranged to meet at the Rose Bowl to place the dogs. To get there, we had to drive through Santa Clarita the back way up through Palmdale, CA out the 138 highway to the I-15, south to the I-210 back to the Rose Bowl. So, to get to what would have been a 45 minute drive to the Rose Bowl, turned into about a 2 ½ hour drive. When we got to the Rose Bowl, there was over 90 puppy raisers there to take dogs. By that time we had about 47 dogs left to place as the Santa Clarita group took 12. I can't believe how fast the puppy raisers mobilized and came to our aid. What HEROs. Anyway, the kennels, dorm and admin building received no damage other than ash accumulation and the smell of smoke. To give you an idea of how close the fires were, the Mobile Home Park that burned to the ground is about 1.25 miles from the school to the west, the hospital that was evacuated and lost some outbuildings is about ½ mile north of the school. At some points burning tree limbs were flying past staff members as we loaded dogs. The winds exceeded 70 miles per hour. I must say it was an "exciting" time. At any rate, we are all safe and appreciate the help from everyone. Chuck Jordan Director of Programs Guide Dogs of America cjordan@GuideDogsofAmerica.org (818) 833-6453 Direct line & FAX
  9. After I got home from todays meet and greet here in N/Cal I'm sure the puppy would like to say thanks to jack and the others if he would just drop the bloody bone for a min. Kurt
  10. This is a puppy my son found. We are trying to figure out what he is...we are thinking German Shepherd...any other ideas? Appreciate your input. We will find out for sure in the next day or so when we take him to the vet.
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