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  1. HOW PUMPKIN PIES ARE MADE Keep this in mind as you prepare for the holidays. http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/pumpkinpies.jpg
  2. While removing my rear wheel to have a new tire put on, I decided to lube the drive shaft end that goes into the pumpkin. I have lubed the shaft end that went into the U-joint, but was never able to get the shaft out of the pumpkin end. The oil seal was stuck. I slide a mechanics pick around the oil seal and it came right out. However, I noticed the pinion was really loose. I could move it around - axially - by an 1/8 inch or so. Not good. Showed it to the mechanic at the local dealer and he agreed the nose bearing is likely shot. I typically replace the rear drive fluid every time I change the oil. The last several changes I noticed a good sized ball of shavings on the magnetic plug. Now I know where these shavings are coming from. Took the rear drive apart and the pinion nose bearing is shot. Unfortunately, the outer race is worn down so far there is not a shoulder to press against to remove it. Heated the race hosing with a butane torch and it tried to move it, but no go. The inner race on the pinion nose looks frosted (micro tearing of the metal, soon leading to full spalling). OK, bottom line - I need a rear pumpkin. Anyone have one available they would like to sell? Guess the KLR is going to see some additional miles over the next few weeks. RR
  3. Well, after servicing my bike, I've run across a potential issue. When I pulled the drive shaft out of the swingarm to check the upper splines, a coil of metal was wrapped around it. Looked like the coils that spin out of steel when it is drilled. I had a look up the drive shaft tunnel and all looked well...no leaks and everything in place...as far as I could tell. After all was back together, it seemed to be running just as it should...until the rumble started. The description is somewhat typical of what has been described before; quiet with power on, a low rumble on deceleration, somewhat quieter with the clutch in. Being the paranoid type...I'm going to have to discover what the hell this noise is. What I've done so far is slip the swingarm boot back to look at the yoke. The bolt is in place so that shaft isn't broken. There is no detectable in or out play in the output shaft. There is very little rotational play in the mesh with the drive gear, (as gauged by slowly turning the shaft and listening for the tiny click when the gears touch). Total slack in the drive system with the bike in first is about 2 inches, measured at the wheel. With the bike in neutral on the center stand, the rear wheel spins easily, without resistance or binding. When I roll the wheel forward by handd, (which dynamically puts the same forces on the system as deceleration), I can feel a slight rumble which feels like gears meshing somewhat roughly. It smooths out when rolling the wheel backwards. With a stethoscope, I pinned down that the rumble is coming from the pumpkin, not the middle shaft. So now I'm going to try a few things. Tonight I will loosen the 4 nuts holding the pumpkin to the swingarm and see if there is enough movement to realign the shaft a bit. If that fails, I will remove the pumpkin completely to check for play. (When I had the pumpkin off to service the rear end, I pulled the shaft out of the pumpkin. The seal came with the shaft, completely intact so it was reusable. The input shaft stayed with the pumpkin indicating that the shaft was also intact.) I'll basically have a good poke around and see what's what. I'm hoping for an easy fix but am prepared for tears and pouting. Attached are some pics of a strange bit of metal I found wound around the shaft when I pulled it from the swingarm. I have no idea where it's from....I'll have a better look when I'm in there again...unless it fixes itself then it will have to wait until the snow blows.
  4. Guys! I removed my rear wheel. I cleaned all the old grease off. I applied the Honda 60 Moly. I pulled the pumpkin, and the driveshaft. The driveshaft was bone DRY on the engine end, but not damaged. Some wear, but looked ok. A little wet on the pumpkin end- guess my seal is rotten. I liberally applied the moly on both ends. I pulled the cir-clip off the rear wheel and the dampner pins were BONE DRY, some surface rust, but not pitting. I lubed all of them. I reassembled the whole kabudle and tested it at 85mph. NO Roar! All I could hear when I pulled in the clutch was WIND! There is a tiny bit of whine (barely audible at 55 and about 35 mph). All I hear is the slight muffle of exhaust coming through my worn out sleeves on the mufflers where they meet the pipes. I even love hearing the chirping! I can't believe how this worked out, You People are AMAZING.... Great Balls of Fire- THANKS!!!!!
  5. Do I have to remove the pumpkin and rear tire on a 1988 Venture to get the drive shaft out? I tried to find information in the maint book but no luck. It looks like you might be able to do it but do you have to slide the pumpkin back some way? I am still very new to this bike but am sure haveing a lot of fun with it. Hope I get to ride it soon! Ed
  6. This guy must be smokin somethin'??? Ebay Pumpkin
  7. http://www.cubpack81.com/images/carve_pumpkin.swf
  8. Just got back from the test ride on my latest monthly maintenance project on the 87 XVXZ1300 VR. New final drive gear pumpkin change out. No whinning or small slip when taking off from worn splines on the pumpkin hub. Finally got the brake system properly bleed. Nice to have rear brakes again. Replaced spring on rear brake switch........................Again this one should last. I guess its good for the brake light to come on when using the rear brakes. Replaced leaking fork seal. No more leaking fork oil opr messy clean up from oil all over the front end. Next a good bath and final assembly of lower fairings and right saddlebag. Then ready for N. Ga. M&E tomorrow.;
  9. I'm finally getting around to installing the new to me final drive pumpkin I snagged from Lonestarmedic and thought it would be wise to lube the shaft before sticking it in. Question is: How do you disconnect the shaft from the pumpkin end to lube it?
  10. A few weeks back I changed rear tires and noticed wear on the spines on ring gear. I thought about swaping ring gear and plate with a MK1 84 which I have on hand off a parts bike but noticed that bolt pattern is different. But my question is: Does any one know why I can't swap the whole pumpkin on my MK2 87 XVZ1300 with a 84 MK1 XVZ1200 pumpkin by unbolting from the drive shaft end from swing arm. Will they interchange without a problem.
  11. Can you tell I have been looking at recipes today? How many of us remember Chocolate Gravy over bisquits? Frogman found a website www.southernplate.com today it had these recipes and more. Already planning to make Chocolate Gravy over Homemade Bisquits. Crockpot Applebutter but will try using some of the ingredients in my momma's applebutter. Know the recipe for a copper kettle from heart 10 gal applesauce, 25 lb sugar, 2 bags red hot cinnamon little round candies, and some oil of cinnamon. Yum Yum. Planning on a bike ride with the trailer to get some WV apples. Oh and it's time for Pumpkin. Local Bulk Food store finally got the Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream in. Can we say gooood. Started buying the things I need to make my Pumpkin Cake also. For some reason September starts my I want Pumpkin and Apples to eat time. Asked Frogman about a ride with the trailer to Cool Springs WV to the little store with a resturant for apples, a nice ride. Or Maybe a real long ride to Romney WV where there are orchards. The apple hunt is on. Leaves are turning in this area already. Fall is in the air.
  12. Need a little advice, I have the pumpkin off and when I had it sitting on a slight angle oil was seeping out of the holes that can be seen in the pic...where the leaf stalk is....there is nothing coming from the outside of the coupling gear. So I was wondering if this is normal, I can't see any sort of seal being around that inner part on the exploded view of a diagram. [ATTACH]25560[/ATTACH]
  13. I hope I can get this picture to post. The pumpkin on the bottom can't hold it's liquor.
  14. whats it worth,have a guy looking to buy one?????????[rear wheel,drive]
  15. Mr. Holloween here, I finally made it back from the dead !! Its really good to be back. Have so much catching up to do. But really feel rested.AAAAAAHHHHHHH... (a good strech ). So what have I missed ?? Anything good.Hope everybody had a Super Holloween, And got all kind of neat gifts from the GREAT PUMPKIN !!! Boy am I glad Halloween is over, Had so many toys to make an so many houses to visit. Huh, No wait! :doh:Thats the other Guys job !!! Anyway me an Jack (The Pumpkin King ) really did it up this year.Even the Mayor says that this year's Halloween was the most HORRIBLE ever.Already planning for next year.Hope all are doing good, Look forward to seeing everybody again. Mr.& Mrs. Holloween AKA Dave & Theresa
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