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  1. has anyone done this. Was thinking maybe going to a lighter bike. Just pulling a trailer behind me. Is there a windshield for this bike and a hitch. Been seeing them for around 4 to 5 thousand for a 2005 model. Looks like there 300lb lighter. So by the time I sit on it will weigh about the same as a venture. What do you all think, am I crazy. Will this bike last as long. Don't look like you could put soft bags on it. Pros and cons please
  2. Can anybody compare the aero stich over suit to the triumph, for wind & rain blocks? I have a triumph that does a great job on wind & rain but velcro is pulling loose in several places in less than a year. Thanks TC
  3. I have heard of people gutting or straight piping their factory exhaust. How would you go about this? I.E. pulling the exhaust apart, gutting etc. and would you have to re-jet the carbs or no?
  4. Freebird

    New Toy

    A couple of years ago, I traded our 2004 Kia Sorrento for a new 2011 Kia Sorrento. The '04 was a 6 cylinder but when I bought the 2011, you had to go with a much more expensive package to get the 6 cylinder so we settled for the 4. It was fine for the most part but I bought a small fishing boat a while back and even though it's only a 16 1/2 ft. deep V aluminum boat, it gave the little Kia a hard time. So....I decided to upgrade the Kia so something with a little more pulling power. Believe it or not, gas mileage is close to the same when not pulling anything and this actually gets much better gas mileage when towing. So....here is my new toy. Avalanche LT, 5.3 V8, AWD, all the bells and whistles except for leather interior. Bought it used though. One owner, GM certified, new tires and etc. I think we are going to really like it.
  5. I took my Roadstar lights when I bought my venture, the bulbs are 55 watts, are they drawing too much power? or are the the right wattage for the Venture? I'm thinking of going to a lower wattage bulb, because of all the lights I have on the back of the bike, and for the extra lights I have on the trailer. (4 3 candle watt bulbs as runners) & the LED run, brake, & turn on the back. How many watts am I pulling when I'm running the radio, 3 head lights, and pulling the trailer? and what is the Max out put on the system?
  6. I'm having a problem with my bike pulling to the left when I let go of the handle bars. I wanted to search the problem before I made a post asking about it. For the first search I entered "bike pulls to the left" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search.jpg OK. Nothing good there Then I enter "pulling to the left" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search1.jpg Again no good. Finally I decide to do a new thread about the pulling and when I start the thread I get some great leads that I didn't see in the previous search. At least two of the suggestions had to do with the bike pulling left. http://www.raymondstacy.com/search3.jpg I remember a thread telling us how to use the search engine. So I enter "Search help" The search engine returned a list starting with this http://www.raymondstacy.com/search2.jpg It has been my experience that the the new thread suggestion are better than the search engine. I'm sure that it is me. What am I doing wrong???
  7. I live out in the country just off US Hwy 290. It's not uncommon, especially with this lovely bike riding weather we're having, to see lots of bikes on the road. Seeing one pulling a trailer is also not that uncommon. The doubletake was the one this morning who was not only pulling one of the mini camping trailers but also the canoe/kayak he had tied to the top of it!!! It had to be a one person craft. Anything bigger and he'd either being hitting the rear of the bike, or himself, in the back!! I'm in serious riding withdrawl. Between work and stuff going on at home [a visit from the Mum!], I've only gotten in a "quick" 40 mile run during the BIG MD just a couple weeks ago. Here's hoping I can get out this weekend and blow out some serious cobwebs!!
  8. Will be heading up to Gatlinburg from Biloxi to attend the South East Shriner Assoc. convention on 10 May with an overniter along the way. Will be departing there on Sunday 13 May to return to Biloxi. Four couples going. a GW CSCtrike, an HD Ultra Classic, a GW, and My 08RSV Hannigan. All pulling trailers. If U C us rolling along, give us a shout on CB 10. Hoping for great weather and a beautiful uneventful ride, even though there is an HD in the pack. lol.
  9. We don't have a lot of Ventures in this area that I live in, but spotted a beautiful black Midnight in Broxton, GA yesterday just before lunch time pulling into a service station. Was it anyone here? This is on US 441.
  10. Took a test ride on an 08 RSV today and yes the whine is there. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. My question is : does this whine get worse as you place more load on the engine such as riding two up or pulling a trailer. Really liked the bike. Just wanted some info before I take the plunge. Thanks.
  11. Hello Everyone: I was surprised this morning when I met an oncoming silver venture pulling a
  12. Holy Crap! I just hit a large rolling tool cart on my way to work. I was doing about 75 mph on the freeway in the early morning light. I was distracted by something (probably the truck pulling off the road up ahead) and suddenly a large gray square appeared about the same color as the road. I thought it was concrete! I did not have time to hit the brake and I just slammed into the middle of it with a shattering thwack. The heavy plastic shattered and flew all up into my bike busting my lower fairing and knocking the vents out. My feet were stinging but I was wearing cowboy boots so no injuries. I have not closely looked at the bike yet, but it looks like the fairing is repairable, but the vents are lost forever. I went back to the crash site after pulling over and catching my breath. Other cars had been smashing thru the debris. I found one of my vents crushed. I guess I am lucky, it could have been concrete. The great jumpmaster in the sky was looking out for me.
  13. While pulling & greasing the steering head bearings, I found a small (3/16) hole leading to the upper frame member. Can anyone think of a good reason not to plug this hole. The thought is to put a zerk fitting on the side of the head and be done with pulling this bugger apart to grease the bearings. I think the hole is there to releave pressure while assembling the frame. Since the frame is complete - plug the hole.
  14. After install and before replacing outer cover i tried pulling the clutch lever to see if all was working correctly is it normal at this stage to see nothing moving ie plates moving pressure plates moving. The clutch lever is hard as to squeeze in i reinstalled the original setup and still hard as way harder than before pulling down have i done somthing wrong here.I have not put completly back together yet as i dont want to destroy gasket untill sure. Awaiting a reply Thanks Terry
  15. I just stumbled on this website and knowing that we are an "older" group of riders I thought it may be of some interest to some of the members that may be starting to have an issue pulling or holding the clutch lever. http://www.efmautoclutch.com/ It isn't inexpensive but they build two clutches; one that has NO pull pressure on the lever and one that you don't use the lever at all. And they hold much better than stock. They have a few videos on the site showing how well it works. Just thought it may help keep someone riding a few years longer!
  16. mraf

    cell phones

    After reading about the Ural rider being killed pulling onto the thruway got me to remembering about the one very close call we had coming home from our recent west trip. We too were pulling back on the freeway after stopping to stretch and relax at a rest stop. As I was pulling onto the merging lane and accelerating I looked over my left shoulder and seen 2 cars in the passing lane. So the coast is clear. You would think. The idiot in the second car talking on his cell phone decided to pull back into the driving lane what must have been right after my coast is clear look. Needless to say I'm doing the last sway into the driving lane and I HEAR not see this low rumble right beside me and a fender close enough to polish. Whoa were did you come from! Scared the bejesus out of us. I asked the wife were did he come from and she said she didn't know. She said she looked too when were were entering the thruway and didn't see anything in the driving lane either. Needless to say I was livid and quite upset but the wife said let him go. So I follow this guy for several more miles. He was everywhere without ever touching a signal once. I finally had enough and caught up with him to at least read him my extreme happiness at the top of my lungs along with pointing out a few flying birds. Again I was chastised by the wife which I had to point out to her that she was setting up a double standard. She asked how. Which made me laugh, so I had to remind her of her own happy verses and pointing out of birds that I've seen her do on more than one occasion. Guess where I'm going with this is I HATE CELL PHONES, THEY SHOULD BE MADE TO NOT WORK WHEN ANY VEHICLE IS IN MOTION. MANKIND LIVED BEFORE THEY WERE INVENTED AND MORE OF US WOULD PROBABLY BE LIVING NOW IF THIS WOULD HAPPEN!
  17. az1103


    Went to start the bike after more than a month off and the right overflow tube at the air filter box is pouring out gas ! I guess there must be a stuck float or needle in the right bank. Took the tank off and glanced at how to reach it and see no easy way without actually pulling the carbs! Sure would like to avoid that..... Does any one have any easier ideas?
  18. I have an 2002 Dodge Ram 3.7L V6 standard cab 2 wheel drive when I pull off from a light, the motor revs, but the truck sounds like a big rig, pulling away. I find it takes along time for it to shift thought the gears ( Automatic ) the truck has 154,000 on it. just slower then death off the start. any advice, will help.
  19. Anyone here ever use or know about Power Puck by Diablo Sport? I have read a lot of good stuff about it, but still a little iffy. Looking to get a little more pep out of the diesel truck when pulling the horse trailer.
  20. I ride an 08 RSTD. I just made a trailer to pull behind my bike. Up here in SD, we usually run about 70-75 mph out in the country. My trailer weighs about 130 pounds empty, loaded about 185. Anyway I normally avg about 36-38 mpg. I did a test pull with the trailer the other day, putting about 80 miles or so on it. I did some in town pulling, so it wasnt all highway miles. I avg 27 mpg. Is this about right? Or should I try and stay out of overdrive and keep the revs up a bit more to keep from lugging the motor? I am a little disappointed in the mileage, but i knew it would drop. I figured that the trailer isnt that heavy so maybe id be ok. What is everybody else getting pulling a trailer? thanks in advance. Since the trailer is new and Im not used to it yet, im packing everything on the bike. The trailer is gonna have to wait......
  21. Just wondering anyone had any power issues while pulling a trailer in high altitude? I will be riding 2 up with the trailer some spots over 8k ft up to almost 10 k. 96 Royal Star has less hp than the newer ones. Thinking premium gas wouldn't hurt either., usually just run regular Kregg
  22. I've installed a new battery on my Royal Venture 2006, after 2 weeks without using the motorcycle, there was not enough juice to start the machine, I went to the battery merchant who assured me the battery was good but still gave me a new one. I had the same problem again , back from a 2 weeks vacation the battery was dead. Not even enough juice to light anything. When it happended the first time I went to the Yamaha dealer who checked the battery and poles etc.... he told me the only juice the battery was pulling was from the clock which pulls 0.005 amp I wonder what is pulling the juice out so it won't start after 2 weeks witout using the motorcycle. Please help Thanks in advance Jacopo
  23. I have one of the drain hoses on my 86 that fell off. Drain is just leaking down between cylinders. Any trick to hook that thing back up without pulling carbs??
  24. I'm trying to add an LED strip to my brake light. When my brake light is on (brakes on) I'm pulling 11.5 volts, but when its not on I'm still pulling 7.5 volts. This low voltage causes my LED to light defeating its use as an additional brake light. Is this voltage normal? My existing brake and running light works fine, but this low voltage is messing me up. Thanks for any help!
  25. Pulled trailer for first long distance the other day. Noticed at about 65-70 mph had a vibration in bike. Gone through bearings, it is a HF trailer.Not real sure if it ain't in the engine, seemed to do it worse when pulling a grade. What do ya'll think problem might be. Had about 25# tongue wieght.
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