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  1. I just bought a Vetter sidecar for $700 and was wondering if there was anyone who could help with some technical info on the mounting and or could provide pictures of how their sidecars are mounted:322: The vetter did not come with mounting hardware
  2. i'm at the mileage interval where i need to lubricate the swingarm bushings on my 07 RSTD.... can anyone either direct me to a thread or provide some insight as to how to accomplish this? thanks !!!
  3. I have a friend that has an 1100 V Star Classic that wants to change his exhaust to get a little better sound. What will he have to do with his fuel system to make this change? I do not know anything about this bike but would like to provide him with some suggestions...
  4. I have an Emachines netbook that I really like. Lately I have to have the lid positioned just right to get a clear picture so I ordered a new cable for the monitor. When it came it was perfect except the connecter for the webcam was the wrong size. I decided to contact Emachines directly to try to get the right part. I thought some of you might get a kick out of my conversation with their rep. Now keep in mind that I had to input my serial number and my problem before I could even start. Swaroop Gantayat: Hi, my name is Swaroop Gantayat. How may I help you? Swaroop Gantayat: Are we connected? Swaroop Gantayat: Are we still connected? Bill Madole: I need the cable that hooks up to the LCD monitor.webcam, and microphone. Where can I obtain one? I purchased one online (50.S6702.001) but when I went to install it the connecter for the webcam was to large. I thought if I went to the manufacturer I might be able to get the right part. Swaroop Gantayat: I can understand your concern. Swaroop Gantayat: I will provide you with the required information. Swaroop Gantayat: I have verified your product serial number and found that the unit is out of standard manufacturer's warranty; hence I regret to inform that Emachines is unable to provide warranty privileges to fix this issue. Bill Madole: I do not want warranty work. All I want to know is where can I buy the part? Swaroop Gantayat: May I know exactly which part are you looking for? Bill Madole: The cable that hooks up to the LCD monitor,webcam, and microphone. Swaroop Gantayat: Okay. Swaroop Gantayat: Thank you for the information. Swaroop Gantayat: I understand that you would like to know where can you purchase the cable which connects LCD monitor, webcam, and microphone. Am I correct? Bill Madole: Yes Swaroop Gantayat: Thank you for the confirmation. Swaroop Gantayat: Bill, that is a generic part and they will not part number for it. Swaroop Gantayat: You just have to provide the model number and they will provide the information. Swaroop Gantayat: Bill, as we are hardware technician, we do not do any direct sales. Swaroop Gantayat: However, I will provide you the MundoCorp phone number and site, who are parts sellers. Swaroop Gantayat: Please contact them and they will provide all the information you need. Swaroop Gantayat: Here is the model number of the computer:EM250. Swaroop Gantayat: Here is the website and phone number, Bill. Swaroop Gantayat: http://www.mundocorp.com Swaroop Gantayat: Mundo corp Direct Phone number: 888-278-7500 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM EST Hope somebody gets a laugh out of this. The shame is that I own three emachine computers and actually do like them. At least after I put the netbook back together it started working right. I don't expect that to last though.
  5. What function does the AIS provide?
  6. I found the hippo hands site (http://www.hippohands.com) Also found Bikerpaws, but it is apparently no longer available. And lastly I found "winterhands" (http://www.outsideconnection.com/gallant/VX/winterhands.htm). Unfortunately only a mailing address, no phone or e-mail winterhands is lined and more expensive, while hippohands looks more like a rigid "fairing" which would keep the wind of but not provide any insulation. There are probably other similar things but I haven't found them (yet). Who has experience with what? Thanks
  7. Apparently there is a site where a guy can enter the VIN of his GL and it will provide info about warranty and or recall work done to the bike..yes/no?? Anyone have a link to this?
  8. Well that time is upon me. I have rolled over 52k and want to go ahead and get this beast of a maintenance item out of the way. Not to mention the valve cover gaskets are starting to look cracked and stuff (obviously, from the outside) whether that means anything or not, I don't know. I do know that I am starting to get some seepage out of the back right cover (into the spark plug hole) and mileage wise I am a tad overdue. So I have some questions. First of all I am wondering if there is any interest in a valve adjustment day sometime in the next couple of weeks? I can host BUT I still need to order that fancy pants "J" tool and a shim kit. I am pretty sure I have the rest of the required tools (Torque wrenches, sockets, hex and torx socket attachments, etc). I also have a 2 car garage that should provide ample working space for a few bikes. That being said, I have no problem taking a little ride either if someone with more know-how and possibly the tools would be in a more convenient location (ie. NOT Lubbock) and willing to help out. While I could pay the local dealer ~$400 to have it done, I am pretty sure that I (personally) won't be happy unless I SEE it myself. I know that there are some honest mechanics out there but... well... That is how I am. So, anyone interested in a valve check get together? Anyone have the tool & shim kit and willing to let me borrow/rent it? Anyone have the know how and willing to sacrifice a day or two to help me out? If I end up hosting, I can provide food, beverages (as expected, I am sure), ice cream and ????. I have been over Goose's write up and while I am no master mechanic, I am quite confident that I should be able to git-r-done... provided I can procure the proper tools. Thanks for your consideration. Happy riding!!
  9. I need to order the small plates and screws that hold the power plugs in place for the AM-FM radio for my 89 VR. They are screwed into the bottom of the tray where the radio goes on the left side. I tried looking in the parts drawing on Bike Bandit but couldn't find them. Can someone provide me with the part numbers for the two mounting plates and the screws? And are the parts still available from a Yama dealer? The photo is from an '83 but I need the part numbers for a '89 Venture Royale. Thanks for any help. Jim
  10. It doesn't get any simpler then this! Subject: Arizona Governor's response to Phoenix Suns Owner Phoenix Suns have protested the Arizona Immigration Law: The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona 's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?" - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
  11. After trying the Butler mod and a $350 rework of the stock seat and a new stock seat and still not satisfied I decided to try Mustang. I ordered the non-studded version with backrest for $670 delivered. They offer a 10 day return policy so I'll be able to try it out thoroughly before I keep it. They had 3 more in stock after my order. I should have it by next Tuesday and I'll provide a review after I've tried it out. Dennis
  12. First time I have seen this upgrade for a 1st Gen, looks like it would provide quite a bit of light........... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-83-85-Halogen-Projector-Light-Upgrade_W0QQitemZ170454829736QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item27afe64aa8
  13. My mother recently gave my daughter about 10 goldfish from her pond. I have a decent sized (Approximately 20 gallons) hexagon acrylic aquariumsitting in the attic that My mom had given me years ago, but never used. All of the equipment is pretty old, so I am researching a new filter system for the aquarium. My mother had used an Undergravel filter (UGF), but I have encountered several sites on the net that do not use UGF's and provide reasonable reasons for doing so. So, I got this aquarium that I would like to use for basic, low maintenance fresh water fish. I have some gravel and some old ornaments. I just need the cleaning "system" to get this thing going. The ten fish are currently sitting in my garage in a 2 gallon bucket. My mother assures me they will be fine for a week or so, but i'd rather not have my 6 and 4 yr old find their "pets" floating on the wrong side of the water. I may buy a 10 gallon starter aquarium from the box store for now, but I would like to use the big hex aquarium eventually. Any hobbist out there that can provide some info?
  14. Ok....I've been around here for a couple of years now. Been reading and asking questions and talking to a lot of you folks by way of these forums. When I trailered my '84 home she didn't run and was in need of some TLC and this site helped me provide that for the bike. Information and an odd part here and there has come to me when I needed it. Some of you have gone way out of your way to provide items for the members in group buys. Thank you for that. Thanks to everybody that has offered advice and information on my projects. You are the reason this club is so different from others. This is a family. And Freebird.....you do one hell of a job keeping all this in running order. So the first pic is when I first finished the bike after bringing her home and got her cleaned up and running. I thought it turned out pretty well. Ahhh... but the second pic is of the bike today. I finally rolled her out of the garage after a long winter and spring of reworking the bike. Again. LOL! So it was the first ride of the year for me and I know how much ya'll love pics. So here are some shots of the changes that I have made and the things that have been added or upgraded. It's been a learning experience for sure. From RickH's upgrade stator and SS lines and Condors "Battle of the MAC" exhaust and CondorBrace to odd eBay finds to items that were DIY stuff. Thanks again to all for helping me pull all this together. Mike
  15. Well got everything done on the bike. Now all I have to do is pack the clothes and we will be ready. We are really excited about the ride and can hardly wait to get going. I have created a blog space for this trip for anyone that would like to follow along. When we can we will be updating it in the evenings when we have internet access. We will provide commentary about what we saw and the people we met. We will also include pics. The blog site is www.pirateriders.blogspot.com We hope you will join us on our trip.
  16. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002009&id=285 Wife & I both listened and figgured the Vance & Hines sounded the nicest, followed by the Khromewerks. Anyone here got the Vance & Hines installed and could you provide some info re: what's needed to install these.
  17. Hi All, Has anyone found a place to get a radiator cap from besides the stealer for an 87' VR? Thanks for any help you can provide. Ride Safe, Earl and Jean
  18. I am really considering putting a set of drag bars on my bike. I was wondering if anyone has done this or has seen any pics. I welcome all opinions or help that you can provide. I know that the bike is a touring bike, but there isnt any reason I cant look cool.
  19. All, Here is my story. Bought 2006 RSTD 4k miles. Picked up the bike and returned 2 days later with the dreadfull whine to a point it was making me cross eyed on a 120 mile quickie. Took the bike back in and the dealer did call the Yamaha Rep. This was almost 2 weeks ago. It was said they would be ordering the "I" basket. Well go in to pick up the bike this afternoon, as I was told she would be ready. Show up and oh sorry we forgot to order the gasket. Again I go home without the bike. Sadly of course. Sorry for the venting. Ok here is what I did.. Based on all the good info here I decided at this afternoons visit to ask to see the basket that finally showed up. Part # 4xy-16150-09-00 was on the box here is my sick part Number on the actual basket is 26H01 T-3. I am assuming I didn't get the famed "i" basket but instead got an "H". So in the event this is correct, any thoughts on what I should do? Should I let them move forward with the installation of the "h" if that is what it is or should I request them return the "H" and provide me an "I"? Lastly, has anyone seen any success on a "H" basket install? Based on the posts I have read, I have a gut feeling that as the letters go up, the more they have shaved off of the basket. Does anyone have any thing backing up my theroy? Most importantly though, again, any successes with the "H" and while they have not yet installed it should I push for the "I". I know I am new to this forum, but any direction/advice/Help anyone can provide would be MOST greatly appreciated. Thanks, Buckey
  20. I can't find my 2004 RSV owner's manual. Is there one avail on-line anywhere? Failing that, can someone please provide me the instructions for programming memory channels in the radio. Regards, John
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