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Thank You... To folks that give of themselves freely and without reservation. Who don't look for something in return and genuinely give to their fellow man? As some of you folks know, unbeknownst to Lonna or Myself, y'all decided to secretly raise funds for us. I'm not the kind of person who openly lets my troubles known. Times are a bit tight right now as we have Lonna's son and his family with us. Me having kidney stones doesn't help either with the surgeries, but I wasn't greatly worried as I have walked this walk before. Then I find out this morning of y'all's plan, and was very humbled. Before anything else....Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for thinking of us and wanting to help us. Even though we are the reason for this, and blessed beyond our wildest dreams, it is all of you that prove who is truly blessed, and it is all of you. This time of year we look to give to others, and help those in need. This tells of our character and leading by example, which you folks have. My Grandfathers instilled in me probably the most important things that I know. Both were pay it forward type men, and always told me to do that when I could. I have had many great teachers, my Mother and both Fathers who told me to stick to my guns and accept responsibilities and actions if you screw up. I try very hard to live up to my parents and grandparents lessons. Karma, is a 2 sided sword, good will come back ten fold, bad will come back even worse. God has always provided for me and my family, and this is no exception. All of you should be very proud of yourselves, it's easy to just look the other way. It's helping when you can that defines you. I am very proud to know all of you, you folks let me know that what comes around goes around. We will never forget what you have done for us this year. Y'all are giving our children a great lesson of the season and showing them 1st hand that surrounding yourself with good like minded people is a good thing. Thank you all so much for helping us, as always, the door is open at this house here in Cleveland Texas.
My daughter has finished nursing school and today she received her pin becoming an RN. Charlene and I are very fortunate to have 2 great kids that make us proud, they both have done very well for themselves.:clap2:
Check it out. I'm so proud.
Heading out in a few to see my 2 Sons ship out for their 14 month deployment, which will take them to Kuwait and Afghanistan. They will be together, and I told them they had BETTER look out for each other. They will be going to Ft. Bliss, Texas first, for some training, then go overseas. We are so proud of our boys, but also a little worried. I'm sure they will come home safe to us, but there's still that worry in the back of your head. I think it will do them some good, and make better men out of them.
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Finally found a deal to work and I am now the proud new owner of an 89 Venture Royale:cool10:. My 07 RSV is headed South shortly with Grey Ghost. It was with a heavy heart that I had to let the 07 go, but was eased by my new addition. Rode the 89 into work this morning (1st time riding a 1st gen) and it is much different than a 2nd gen, but I loved the way it handled. Gonna get out tonight after work and take my girl for a ride (she already loves it after sitting on it last night)and the kids are quite excited about getting their first ride when they come back tomorrow night.
well the oldgoats back ite been a hectic few days up in Brainerd MN. the wedding of my daughter Amber to her husband Justin was great. but like most weddings it rained. then right after the sun came out for the reception. of course a church made for 200 pepole was over packed and hot as he$$. no one passed out. i got along with the step dad as we both walked her down the isle. sometimes old wounds must be coverd up for the child. my daughter and I danced to the song i held her first. and of course i cried. and of course i forgot my camera but will be getting a picture album from her and my son-in-law. im verry proud of this young man he fought a heart transplant and all kinds of medical problems and came out of a coma to keep his promise to be with Amber. she was by his side day and night. now there together for life. there off now on there honeymoon up in Dulth MN to start on my future grandkids.
Prom 2011 proud daddy
OK so I have these two tires. They are 1,000 mile take offs in perfect condition from my bike. Now I know that the factory dunlops are not the first pick of the litter. BUT if their is a member down on their luck, and needing tires please let me know. I dont want someone who needs tires but cannot afford them to do without, or ride an unsafe bike. Look I know times are hard for lots of folks. Do not be so proud that you ride on bald tires or not ride, or be to proud to speak up. F- Dunlop 150/80-16 D404F R- Dunlop 150/90-B15 D404
i talked with my 24 year old son , this evening, and he was elated. yesterday, his gross sales for ONE day, was $42,000.00!highest sales in Houston region, EVER for one day. later today, his manager told him, he was top salesman/expert tech. for the entire Texas region, which includes La.ARK.GA.Ala.and Fl. to top that off, he was informed , today, that he had Top Salesman of the Quarter sewn up again.that will be 13 quarters in a row! oh. he has been with Apple computers, in The Woodlands, TX for just over 3 1/2 years. i know the "good book", says NOT to be "puffed up with pride", but how could i NOT be proud of this kid? just jt
My Mom and Dad were just awarded this by the State of Maine Patriot Guard Riders. The award will now be given out annually in my parents name. All 6 of us kids are proud of Mom and Dad and their involvement with The Patriot Guard Riders.
Well I want to thank all my friends here who kept my son in their thoughts and wished him good luck in his Mr. Universe competition. We just got back from Barbados where my son Josh won first place in the middle weight amateur INBF Mr. Universe competition. Josh also won the overall competition which judged the winner of each weight class for the overall winner. The winner of the overall competition receives his pro card. Each contestant has to pass a polygraph test and the winner has to pass a drug test to prove they are clean of drugs and steroids. So I am the proud father of the 2010 INBF Mr. Universe winner.
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Well this is not about any motorcycle topic. It is just a proud old papa (me) doing a little boasting. As many of you who have children know raising kids is challenging and rewarding. One of my three children has accomplished something very few amateurs ever accomplish. He is a amateur natural (no steroids) body builder. He is on the current issue cover of a national magazine, Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness. I am very impressed and proud that they chose Josh for what is usually reserved for the Pro's. Muscle Tech is sponsoring him and sending him th Barbados to compete in the INBF Mr. Universe contest. This is in itself an honor because Muscle Tech does not usually sponsor amateurs on contest outside the US. I bought my tickets and I'm going with him. So wish Josh luck the competition is on June 12th. Sorry for the thread but I know my VentureRider family will support us in this endeavor. Here are a couple of pictures of Josh. One is the mag cover and the other is him at the gym. Thanks, Harry
At 04:00 I will hop on the mighty steed and head for MCRD San Diego to watch MY son graduate boot camp! He is now one of the Few And The Proud. As of Friday he will not only be my son but my brother. Semper Fi Ya'll:thumbsup:
Just got back from saying goodbye to our son, Jason. He has deployed to Afghanistan. It will take him several days to get there. He is piloting his own plane there. It was really hard saying goodbye, but on the other hand, we are so proud of him and what he does. We are proud of all our soldiers and their families and ask that you keep them all in your thoughts and prayers. Don
year ago I put some Wally-World passing lights on they didn't hold up well (rust) Today I put some show chrome lights on and am right proud of the way they turned out
We are heading out to Ft. Sill Oklahoma today for my youngest son, Benji's graduation. We are sooo proud of him. The older son, Jared, is on his second week at Ft. Sill. We are very proud of him too. This should be an interesting 11 hour drive, as I just had a major tooth pulled yesterday...ouch. Mama will be doing most of the driving. Buddy, we may give you a call when we get out there. If time permits, I would like to meet you in person and look at your RSV. I'll have my laptop with me, so I can keep in touch, and yes Mini, I will get some more pics.
As I am proud to support the men and women in uniform, both here in Australia, and our allies in the U.S.A. I am now a proud member of the PGR I try to support both the Vietnam Veterans MC and the Patriots MC here in Western Australia -- so wished to support our brothers and sisters in the U.S. forces.:clap2:GOD BLESS 'EM ALL.
Thanks Skydoc:clap2::clap2: Just when I thought things coulden't get any better then owning a First Gen venture, I found this web site. Me and my wife who are very proud of our bike, traveled to the WV Skid in. There we met some great people and took a look at some bike,s. I left there and Bike ran better than when i arrived thanks to frends from this site. Today me and wife travled to SkyDoc's home and installd new carb diaphrams and tweaked the carbmixture screws along with a carb sync. I'm proud to say 46.6 mpg on the way home. Best mileage yet with the bike and the get up and go is great. This man Knows his first gen's. Hats Off!!!. Jean thanks for the hospitality we had a great time, and Earl cooks a mean burger if i must say so.... Again Thanks Earl & Jean.. p.s.-Deb found her key-it was in her shoes! go figure
It came to my Attn. today i am not really but i am on youtube. maybe some of you have heard of "Matt moupin" (god rest his soul) was a soldier went missing in Iraq for several years. As a member of the Armys honor guard in cincinnati we as a team went to the servive at great american ball park. There were some folks there demonstrating against the war and so on (its there right) i as many of you have fought them to do silly things like that. anyway as i was walking past this lady holding her sign which read " GOD LOVES A DEAD SOLDIER" i noticed she was standing on an american flag wrong ansewer but i gave her the benifit of the dought and thought maybe she didnt know that she was stepping on it i bent down and pulled on it and said ma'am your standing on our flag she replied to me I know and started stomping on it so doing what any red blooded american would do i was going to throw her in front of on coming traffic i am not always proud of what i have done but am proud to serve our great nation i didnt get to throw her in the street i have a really strong corpral who grabbed me and pulled me off of this lady. just thought i would share my moments of shame/fame with you. if you want to see it search "matt maupin funeral protesters" on youtube Im the SGT. grabbing a lady. Ron
Rider Magazine reports on the test of Victory Vision, Kawasaki Voyager, HD Ultra and Star Venture. The results are here Makes me proud to own a all those HD guys can go jump in a lake.
Ok who went on the PGR ride today for Sgt Battle. I know I saw loehring out front with those big flags waving in the breeze. Made me real proud. I saw a blue 07 Venture and a Midnight Venture with some pin striping and a two tone champagne colored one with a couple riding with red shirts. There were about 135 motorcycles today so there were probably some Ventures I didn't see. Rides like todays really make you proud to be an American. I wasn't able ride to honor a Fallen Hero Sgt Beale last Saturday. Today I met a very kind and sweet young lady and her name is Mrs Beale. Meeting Sgt Beales wife was a real honor to me. If your not from GA you may not have heard of these two hero's but I'm sure you have your own hero's. Anyway any of you own the Ventures I mentioned above.
A couple of weeks ago I posted about how proud I am of our oldest son. Since he was a little boy he has wanted to get his pilots license and he finally started taking lessons. My grandpa was a pilot, my father is one and I just have to show him off. This was taken yesterday after his first solo flight!! Man, I'm proud to be that boy's mamma!! 5.6 hours of instructional flight and they sent him up alone!!! Life is great!
I talked to my Son tonight, He's heading out to boot camp:pushups: in San Diego Ca. on May 4. I'm so proud of him yet I'm scared as well - being a Father. He said he wanted to go in the Marines. So I gave him my full support:happy34:. He was kinda shock that I backed him on his decision. Told him I wanted to go in when I was 18 but my football days ruin that idea - knees. So now my Son is going to serve our Country. Sorry this is not about motorcycles, Just wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of my Son...... Buddy Father of a U.S. Marine