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  1. Just got back from the prostate cancer ride in Victoria. Preliminary figures are $ 75,000.00 raised to fight prostate cancer. Did the poker run and pulled 4 aces and a 7. That was high hand for a 6 burner stainless steel bbq until someone showed up with a straight flush at the last moment. One unhappy thing, when we got on the ferry to go back to Saltspring one of the crew informed me that a biker had got off the ferry on their previous trip and got wiped out just outside the terminal. We had watched two ambulances and three fire trucks go by at that time. Don't have any other info. Hope it wasn't someone I know.
  2. Too my BEARD and MUSTACHE, which I have worn since shortly after my first daughter was born in 1979. None of my five kids have seen me without a beard. My fellow employees of Sheehan's truck centre have registered with the MOVEMBER CAMPAIGN for PROSTATE and MENS CANCERS. As an incentive I have agreed to completely shave my face if donations from work hit $1,000.00. by november 1st.
  3. hi all not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes. at kregerdoodles mx saturaday i have come out and told the houston bunch that i have prostate cancer. i have known about this for about a month now. brad and lonna were the first to know and keeped it to them selves until i was ready to go public (as i feel ya'll are my family). i wanted to tell ya'll my self. i'ts in the early stages and i will be talking to my doctor wedesday about having the operation. i have read the old post here about other members haveing this cancer, and i just want to REMIND everyone that it's very important for our male love ones to have the psa blood test. i will keep everyone updated as time goes own. see ya'll down the road some where. reguards don c.
  4. No, not me! I thought I'd pass this along though my knowledge is not complete. I received a letter from business associate the other day saying he was going to have prostate surgery, I found it disturbing because one of my customers had this diagnosis and went into hyperdrive to find alternatives to the standard surgery/impotence and a bag. He came up with several options, one of which involved cryogenics and the other which he ultimately chose: focused heat -burn the suckers! Since the FDA had not approved the procedure yet (It's been used for ten years in Europe) he went to the Bahama's to get this done, he still has a prostate because the treatment was targeted to cancer celss, he is not on a bag, his potency is at 95% (with the help of cialis) and should the cancer return this procedure can be repeated again and again. On top of that the insurance paid 90% of the treatment cost. (Which of course may go out the window with universal healthcare) So for us guys who are faced with this, I would urge you to consider alternatives before agreeing to going under the knife
  5. Let me begin by saying that, like most men, I visit the doctor as seldom as possible. That being said, one beautiful day last July, while riding the 07 RSV that I have grown to love, I was within my fence leading to my house. Our land is southwest of San Antonio and anyone familiar with the area knows that the one thing in abundance is SAND. Because I was waiting for the gate to close to ensure the dogs did not go out, I was stopped. I was in very soft sand…and…a very stupid negligence on my behalf; I did not ensure I was in first gear. As I revved up the engine and released the clutch, the front wheel, in the soft sand, turned. Being in the incorrect gear I did not have the power to get moving forward and the bike started falling. My reaction was, of course, to attempt to hold it up. I am 5’ 7” and weight 175 lbs…so you know the outcome. While attempting to right the bike as it was going down, I hurt my right wrist. After trying to cope with the injury, I finally gave up and made the doctor’s appointment. While visiting the doc, he noticed it had been a while since I had been in to see him…therefore, he asked me to get the usual tests done that should be accomplished every year…especially for a 60+ yr old man. Well, the tests revealed a problem with the ole PSA, which most men know is a possible indication of prostate problems. After two biopsies revealing “atypical cells” the third one confirmed prostate cancer. I am scheduled for surgery on the 16th of January to remove the prostate. Although I am nervous about the whole thing, I am very happy to have this situation found early enough to be alleviated…thus avoiding any further, more significant, conditions. Guys, don’t be foolish like I had been and avoid the doctor…had this not been caught (had I not had the bike incident)…the condition would have continued to worsen and, well, who knows what may have been in my future…assuming I would have had one. If my posting helps but one of you to have the same good fortune as I have experienced, it will be worthwhile. Knowing that my health is in good hands will enable me to have a great Christmas…I wish you all the same.
  6. Spent yesterday in the Emergency Ward with a very bloated stomach and having a very hard time breathing. My esophagus was, and still is inflamed and still hurts to breathe. My stomach was so bloated that it pushed my diaphragm way into my lungs and colapsed the lower lobes. CAT scan also revealed that I have a very large bladder (2 liter) and an enlarged prostate. Large bladder is normal for me, but now I'm going to have to have the prostate thing investigated. Anyway, we didn't get home until 2 in the morning, and we went to the ER 2 in the afternoon. I'm feeling better but not up to par yet. This is a heck of a way to make sure I stay off my feet so much and give my foot a chance to heal...
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