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  1. Here's a few pics of my latest project. Whaddya think??
  2. I know that there are other threads for adding lights. I will be using what I feel are the best of the ideas that I have found on this site and others. This is going onto my 88 Venture, (not a Royal) you may need to modify this procedure for your scoot. This project may last all winter as I acquire parts and install them. I will post pics but some buffoon left my camera on my desk at work. The first project is to illuminate the reflector that is on the trunk. I plan to make it a combination of running stop and turn lights. Step one is to figure out how to get the reflector off the trunk. It is mounted with 3 small screws from the inside of the trunk. Sounds easy huh, NOT!!! There is also a piece of double sided tape at each screw plus one more pirce at each outer tip. They used some REALLY strong tape. After a bunch of head scratching and a few failed methods what finally worked was to slide a sheet of .008 thick sheet steel up from the bottom and use the sharp corners to cut through the tape. This worked great and got it off with no damage to anything. Next getting the reflector off of the back. More head scratching to do.
  3. Just purchased a new bagger shield to replace the orginal. Any information on how to complete this project would be most helpful. Thank You Joe
  4. So I got this Venture about a week ago as a project bike. It wasn't in too bad a condition for sitting for four years, so after two days of cleaning it up it looked pretty good. Spent the better part of another two days making repairs and cleaning the carbs. Put it back together synched the carbs and it now runs like a champ. Thanks to all for suggestions and comments!
  5. Well it looks like I have found my winter project for my Gen1... a small leak in the right fork seal. Used the "film" method twice but it returns. (I know I shudda replaced them when I installed progressives) I figure while I have it apart, I will disconnect the antidives, replace the front tire, & add a superbrace. How bad is the fork seal replacement on a Gen 1? Also is there a preferred seal to use? I was going OEM dealer but if there is a better one I'm game. Don't want to do this again too soon.
  6. I'm trying to set up a budget for a project in Quickbooks. I have multiple expense accounts set up and i know you can set up budgets thru the "company" and "budgets" tabs.....but I can't see where I actually input the budgeted amounts for each expense account. this is a new project so I can't use "previous year" or other historical data. Anybody?
  7. My new to me '83 venture that has been triked as as a project is still very much a project. To start, I need the airbox,filter holder, filter and top . I will need much more in the coming weeks If you have any of these parts please let me know. I'll be posting the pictures very soon. If you are counting this is my second project on the go. ( my wife sure is! )
  8. Hi All you guys with parts bikes... I was wondering if anyone has a set of forks for a MKII they would be willing to part with? Got a project to work on...
  9. Would anyone happen to know the wire color and were it might be for the Electronic Speedo for the Second Gen. ? Adding a gear indicator soon. just for another project. I know it doesn't have a relay bit thats OK ! Thanks, Jeff
  10. Well its almost done. A few odds and ends and we'll be using it. It started as A Harbor Freight trailer. I narrowed the frame 10". Built the base out of 1/2" plywood and the shell out of 1/4" luan. Wrapped the whole thing in fiberglass and bondo to smooth it out. Used the trunk hinges out of a Ford Taurus. Opened up the reflector between the saddlebags from a 1st Gen Venture, and installed led tail/brake/turn signals for the rear lighting. Along with the trunk hinges I got the electric trunk release, so no keys to get into the trailer. Painted the whole interior white, and plan to install a white led strip for the inside. Also have a remnant of carpeting that need to be cut to fit. Then I'm off to the scales to see how much it weights. I'm guessing around 225 lbs give or take. Then the next decision is a swivel coupler. If I really need it or not. The only trailer I have pulled had one, so I will probably get one. But thats it, in a nutshell. Been an ongoing project for about two years now. Will be glad to finally see how it works.
  11. Here is my latest RSV completed project... (MTCVoyager off eBay) http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/5/2/e/6/highres_32721222.jpeg JohnB
  12. 2 bikes arrived today, one, another parts bike 85 Venture. The 2nd is a little unusual, but may be a fun project. 1974 Indian branded Moped Something to tinker with. Gary
  13. While I was working at the Speedway this weekend I met a guy who offered me an 86 Venture that he bought from a lady whose husband died. It had sat since 1996 so he took the tank off and had it lined and installed new tires. The carbs are off and he assumes they need to be gone through. He wants to move on to another project and I can get it for a good price. I don't do carbs. I had carbs redone on the Cavalcade I flipped. Does anyone on this forum rebuild carbs and what can I expect to pay. I really don't need another project as I want to finish up my 65 F100 but this one is tempting me!!!!
  14. Just picked up my project for next winter. A true barn find. 1975 Moto Guzzi 850T with 17k miles. Motor turns freely, inside of tank is in OK condition, no dents in tank, forks are straight, frame is solid and rust free, and seat is in good shape. PO put on a Windjammer which is going to have to go. Bought if from a guy that had it stored in his shed for over 10 years. It was his father's who passed in 2001. He was going to get it running but didn't have any time (or ability). It was last started in 2002 or 2003. Will need: Master brake cylinder rebuild Airbox replacement (has pods now) centerstand repair saddle bags either removed or repaired Windjammer removed and headlight moved back to forks With the removal of the fairing, will need turn signals All rubber (grips, peg covers, tires) Repaint and stripe (leaking MC got brake fluid on tank) Replace throttle cables and likely clutch cable Clutch handle NOS exhaust (current is home fabbed) Wish me luck. RR
  15. Geesh, I'm at it again. Onto another odd project. Before I get into what I'm going to try do this time I thought I'd check and see if anybody has access to any scraps of heat shrink tubing in a diameter of 2" with a wall thickness of around .045. I figure a piece about 6" long would let me find out if this is workable or not. A few pieces would give me some room for failure. (I'm betting on that) Just thought I'd shake the cage to see if anyone had some short ones laying around before I order a chunk from McMaster-Carr just to find out my idea don't work. Like everybody has 2" shrink tubing laying around right? Mike
  16. Wow I got a long way to go to catch up this new one with the RSV chrome. My first list is just shy of 5000.00. What did I do ? Kelly thinks Im nuts and says whats wrong with the old one . I say " nothing " just time to start a new project.
  17. Is it as bad as it looks like it'll be? What are some things i should look for? How many hours worth of work am i looking at? I'm going to switch to one that has a CB. This will probably be a doozy of a project, but ill start on it after i get my carbs redone and back on the bike
  18. well i had an oil leak in my new stratoliner, which i fixed for a second time before christmas. i had to replace a bad rocker box casting. while i had it in my new shop i did a little tweaking. i added a cobra powerpro autotune, and a patrick racing big air kit. my new d&d exaust arrived yesterday, so it may go on this weekend. this thing has got balls out power from idle on up. it is one cantankerous machine. lots of engine noise, and an archaic engine design. it handles like a wing, and really sits low. kind of a modernized piece of nostalgia. next project in line is a total service on my majesty scooter. whats every one else working on this winter?
  19. Sure do wish I had the money, space and time for this one.... http://autos.yahoo.com/news/ford-reintroduces-the-1965-mustang.html
  20. My RSV has had a backfiring problem, since I went from aftermarket back to stock pipes. It has been my number one priority to resolve this issue. Well, my sync tool came in yesterday and I synchronized the carbs. What an easy job! They were way out of adjustment. I rode the bike to work this morning with NO Backfires! Unbelievable! On to the next project... When I bought my 2000 RSV three weeks ago, the helmet speakers and mic booms and cords were in a bag and the guy said he never used them. When I inspected them, they were majorly dry rotted. (must have been stored in a hot garage.) So, I would like to buy new helmet speakers and mic booms and associated wiring and a couple of helmets that this equipment would fit comfortably in. Can you guys point me in the right direction? Thank you, kindly... dana
  21. Could you do it? What if it meant raising 15 to 20 Million Dollars to build the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Iowa. That is exactly what Darrell Rall, Grand Aerie Trustee of the Fraternal order of Eagles is proposing to do. To that end the Grand Aerie has committed $600,000 and the Grand Auxillary has committed $400,000 to fund this project. His plan as it now stands is to tour all 48 Continental U.S. States and all of the Canadian provinces meeting up and riding with Eagle Riders and other supporting riding groups along the way. As the Georgia State Eagle Rider Ride Coordinator I have pledged my help assistance and support to this project. Check out www.foeeagleridersga.byethost24.com as further details are known I will post and update as this project progresses.
  22. I haven't been around the site much lately. Sold all the bikes and bought my 53 Mercury Monterey 2 Dr. Hardtop. I am quickly discovering that parts are hard to find and when I find them they are either pitted or very expensive. As a result I'm clearing out some of my motorcycle gear to raise funds for my new project! I take donations as well!! If you run them through the church I can make them tax deductible! Just kidding. I love the car and haven't missed the two wheels ------ yet!
  23. Hi All, Just wanted to get aquainted with everyone so that as I go through my project and ask for help you'll know what I'm up to. A couple er 3 years ago I started a project to put a Venture drive train and electronics into a legend's race car. Not just a standard legend but one that would have two seats and be registered for the road. Fast forward to now,,,,,,The frame has been widened and is complete, the body has been widened and is mostly complete except for the hood and grille. The rearend is installed with a 4link. The engine/trans is mounted but not yet connected to the drive shaft. The current project is the exhaust. We intend to run them into side pipes. The two biggest projects left is an offset drive between the trans and the drive shaft to reverse the direction of rotation and to get the output back to the center of the vehicle to line up with the drive shaft and of course the electrical system. I intend to incorperate the complete electrical system from the bike into the car including the dash board/speedometer, stereo, CB etc. At the moment I don't have any pictures handy but I'll try and get some posted later. Thanks in advance for allowing me to lean on your knowledge as I'm sure I will as I attempt to get this project going. TR
  24. I am bikeless for now - but I have something to keep me busy! I went to look at a rusty old 50 Ford F1 and bought this instead! It was restored 10 years ago but is pretty much stock. The guy bought another one to street rod and took the interior and good chrome off this one. So, I'm looking for 53 Mercury parts! Runs great and is going to be fun!!!
  25. Now that the Tour Deluxe is gone - I picked up a new project. A guy had a an in the local shopper selling a 1950 F1 pickup for 500 but it was more of a project than I wanted to tackle. He had bought it to restore but found a better one and it was all done. So I asked him if I could see it and he opened his shed that had several cars he had redone. 64 Galaxy, 50 Ford F1, an old Lincoln, a Ford Street Rod, and two 53 Mercs. The first one was done 10 years ago and the other he had just finished. He used the interior and chrome from his first car to do the second. The he said he wanted to sell the other car that runs great and has all the parts and is solid - it just needs put together. Long story short - I bought the fixer upper at a great price! Now I have something to keep me busy!!! The first pictures are the car I bought and the last few pictures are of his car. If any of you want to come help me put it together - let me know!
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