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  1. So when I load up a heavy passenger I can't go into any kind of lean angle without draggin parts on the ground.. Also bottom out on bad bumps.. I set the class to High and still have the problem. So I'm thinking the old springs are getting weak. I have a set of progressives for the front that i'm putting in over the winter. Does anyone know if rear progressive springs are still available and where to get them?
  2. Well I started my "Winter" project early. I had to do fork seals ASAP as I was leaking all over the place. I lost 1/2 my fork oil in the right for. No wonder it was handling badly. When I disassembled the forks and inspected the seal, I noticed that it had a nick in it the size of a pinhead. I was leaking fork oil just parked in the garage!! Anyway... It was an intimidating tasks but actually the job is really not that bad. It's just a few extra steps over doing progressives. I have to give a shout out AGAIN to Muffinman for all his help. I used a 41mm MotionPro Ringer fork seal driver. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009M4COVI]Motion Pro (08-0489) 41mm Ringer Fork Seal Driver : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41bv0ErRFtL.@@AMEPARAM@@41bv0ErRFtL[/ame] Worked perfect on the 40mm forks I also made a short video showing the disassembly & reassembly process to hopefully take the fear out of someone considering doing them for the 1st time. My kid is going to do some editing on it so I can upload it. What's left is to put the tire & calipers back on, drop the progressives back in & add fork oil. Hey what else is there to do during a hurricane??
  3. Eventually plan on buying block off plates for anti-dive. My question is this: Does just unplugging the anti-dive have the same effect or is there a side effect to doing this? Thanks Edit: Already have Progressives up front.
  4. Has anybody else here tried Progressive's "Snapshot" discount? They give you a gadget that plugs into your OBD port that tracks for mileage, time of day and braking. FYI, they consider excessive braking to be a decrease in speed of 7mph/sec. or more. I decided to give it a try and I don't like it at all. I think its way to sensitive. I find myself rolling through stop signs and hitting the gas to run through a yellow light now, when I didn't before just to keep the damn thing from beeping. I've tried several times now to stop for a yellow light before it turned red, only to have it beep at me. I don't feel as though I was breaking heavily at all. If I broke any less, I would've been in the hit the red light while in the intersection. I think my grandma would've set this thing off. Anybody else have a similar feelings toward these things? Bill OK, I take that back. Progressive counts 21 hard brakes since the 5th. I was told I would hear it each time I brake to hard. I guess someone was full of crap! Way more sensitive than I thought!
  5. I'm familiar with the Race Tech Imulators, but ran across this info on another board, and found it very interersting. Anyone here gone this route?? I'm thinking the Ricor Valve, plus the ease of installation, along with a set of Progressives just might be a great way to go. They are pricy but not much different from the Race Tech's..
  6. OK so I'm a slow learner. I think the attached pictures answers my question but I want to make sure. These pictures come from Bkuhr's pictorial of doing progressives. Am I correct in saying that when installing progressive springs... instead of re-inserting ALL the stock parts, all I need is the spring washer (#4) between the new spring and the PVC spacer (which has been cut to 1") and the cap (#2) and finally the cap bolt (#1) I no longer need the spacer(#3). Have I got that right?
  7. G'day All I'm replacing the oil in the front forks of my '83 VR after fitting new seals on the anti-dives. I have progressives. What oil level do I use ? 5 inches from the top or 5 and a half inches ? Jim O'D...........
  8. OK, I've looked through http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=48542 but have a few questions. I just got my 89 and the leak from the front right is fork is getting worse and worse. I know I need to replace the seal, so where do I get that from? I found the thread with how to replace it, but I'm wondering if I should get Progressives as well? The CLASS system seems to function and hold air. If I do that what additional parts do I need? I can follow directions but don't understand what I need or how to do it on my own (if that makes any sense). Thanks in advance!
  9. I am dealing with suspension issues. Have an '88 VR purchased last August. Immediately I wasn't happy with suspension/ride...felt rough/'harsh' and bottoming out. I had a comparison bike in that my brother has an '85 VR..stock springs and rides very smoothly...and no bottoming out issues. So I replaced with progressives as many recommmend here...but still find a 'harsh' ride on sharp bumps and a sort of firm bouncy spongy action on other bumps. I have played with oil levels and different spring spacer thicknesses and tried no air to various air pressure settings....but can't seem to get improvement on my ride. I have had the forks off and apart and cleaned and done bushings and seals and dust seals. I have also added a fork brace. I use 10W fork oil. I weigh about 167 lbs. I even took the progressives out and went back to the OE springs to see if it was different/better but ended up putting progressives back in. As i said.....even now with everything i've done and tried.....the ride on my bike is not near the ride comfort level I feel on my bother's '85. Any help/suggestions/recommendations?? Am i missing something? Should i look elsewhere? I believe for this bike and weight of the bike...i should have a better level of ride comfort.
  10. The wife and I went out on a ride last week. I hit a pothole which made the forks bottom out soooooo I said enuff with this. So in the last few days i have replaced the fork seals because they were starting to weep, new brake pads on the front, AND put in a set of progressives. What a change!!! Now the forks are sturdy and the ride is much better. Might do a superbrace next year but for now I'm RIDING:322: Thanks to this site i have probably saved 500 bucks just by reading on how to fix it myself.
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