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  1. Can someone please direct me to the thread to bypass the ignition switch if it fails on the road. I know I saw it here at one time but i'm having trouble finding it now. I would like to get to know this process to be able to at leaset get the bike home if the igniton switch fails. Thanks Everyone
  2. We are in the process of rebuilding our VR Assistance List. If you can and are willing to offer assistance to a member who is riding through your area, please edit your profile to include that information. Simply click on "Settings" at the upper right of the page and then scroll down to "Edit Profile". Near the bottom you will find a place to select "yes or no" in regards to offering local assistance and then a place to select services that you may be able to offer. Cowpuc just mentioned in another thread another, and maybe easier, way to get to it. Click "forum actions" in the small menu at the top. Select edit profile. Scroll down and you'll see where to select your information.
  3. I'm still in the process of getting my '83 roadready. I did actually ride it for the first time the other day. She really runs nice considering I haven't had the carbs adjusted yet. The problem I'm having now is that the red warning light is always flashing. Where do I begin in the process of chasing down the problem?
  4. Just after Christmas last year, there was a discussion where at least a few of you had gotten guitars and were starting the learning process. So...how goes it? How many of you have stuck with it and how many of those guitars are sitting around collecting dust now? I slacked off a bit but have gotten back into it over the past few weeks. I took too long a break from practicing and let my fingertips get soft again but they are getting back into shape now. Still playing my Seagull and have taken it on the weekly trips for the past few weeks again. I also finally broke down and took my old Epiphone to a highly recommended Luthier and he is in the process of setting it up and making some repairs on it. I bought it new back in 1971 or '72 so it is almost 40 years old now. He is resetting the neck, repairing a couple of loose braces on the inside, dressing the frets and various other things. It still looks great but needed some attention to get the action improved. I'm probably spending as much on it as it is worth but I guess it has some sentimental value to me so I told him to go ahead with the work. He did give me a GREAT deal because his business is a bit slow this time of the year. So..how about it...are any of you experts yet? I know that I'm not. It just doesn't come natural to me and I will have to work at it a lot harder.
  5. We will be closed until 08/06/12 due to the sudden death of Patti`s father. We will answer all emails and process orders when we reopen. Thank you Allen & Patti
  6. I'm a newb, just wanted to say thanks to y'all already for the tremendous help this site has been before and after recently purchasing my 99 Venture. I'm in love with this bike. Still have a few things to work out and figure out, but I'm a tinkerer, and not shy about getting my hands dirty. I'm in the process of fighting the baffles out of my Bubs (full length) with PB Blaster at work in the garage I came in to search for some tips on here. Thanks again!! And, Yes, I'll post some pics soon.
  7. Hi everyone, I read somewhere on here about a guy using FJR rotors up front on his MKII. I have an 86' and all the rotors are shot. Specifically, which year FJR rotors fir? Has anyone bought the rear from perfectbrakes.com? In the process of delinking, overhauling the whole brake system. Trying to sift through all these different years of compatability. Thanks!
  8. Wanted to see your guys thoughts, really could use a new front tire on the cheap. Saftey? Ect http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=370543493869&cmd=VIDESC&index=6&nav=SEARCH&nid=59140691589 84 VR in process of budget rebuild Bags Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
  9. Last weekend, I pulled the carbs to clean the jets (both sets). Pilots were clogged, mains were fine. Started the mixture screws at 3 turns out from seated. Question: Is there a recommendation on WHICH CARB to begin the mixture adjustment process? I've review numerous threads regarding the adjustment process, but no mention of which carb to begin with. Does it matter? Question: Does the idle adjustment affect all four carbs? Or does turning the idle adjustment screw adjust one carb, then the others "synch-up" to it?
  10. Phil's trike is being delivered tonight. In fact it's in town already, just waiting for him to get off work and pick it up. It's been a long time coming to get to tonight - he started this process back in August. I bet he'll be out learning how to drive his trike tomorrow instead of watching parades and football.
  11. Got the following bar riser kit for my Wing and took pics of the install process. http://wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/322_handlebar_risers/2361_gl1800_handlebar_risers_mbl_risers_standard_or/?goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Fgl1800%2F322_goldwing_handlebar_risers%2Fdes%2F The process... http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/2003%20Gold%20Wing/Bar%20Riser%20Insallation%20-%20GL1800/
  12. Doing maintenance checks on newly aquired 99 RSV with 55k and found the air filters were installed with the tab on top of the slot they are meant to go into, leaving a small gap. I wondered why the air intakes had a layer of dust/dirt on them when I removed the filter housing. Care to guess how much shorter the engine life is now? In the process of trying to find when they were replaced, but they didn't look new! Also the brake fluid looked like the original, like a dark beer color. Everything seems to work fine though, hope she lasts a few years!
  13. I notice that my left hand driving light is pointing considerably lower than my right one. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to adjust them and what the process is? Thank you in advance Chris
  14. Hello everyone, New here and excited about my purchase but confused.....I'm actually in the purchasing and transporting process at this time. I'm purchasing a 2007 Royal Star Venture in Ohio and trying to arrange to get it here to Florida. Confusing I might add. I have never done this before and I'm seeking suggestions if anyone has any. I'm excited about the bike but not about the process. Thanks ahead of time for your comments.
  15. Asked local Yamaha dealer to quote new tire with them doing the labor on my 83 Venture. They won't work on bikes older than '85! Afraid if they break something they can't get parts. Now I see why folks are parting out much nicer bikes than mine. Guess I'm gonna have to get brave and do this myself. Studied the process but still uncomfortable. Would like to see a video with shaft/spline, brakes, ??? maintainance included. Wonder if I could find some help here... http://www.barbervintagefestival.org/ this weekend.
  16. I had to repair my exhaust collector and I am in the process of putting thing back together. I ordered 2 exhaust gasket http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-26H-14615-01-00.html and I see in the parts list http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-26H-14618-00-00.html Ring stopper. I did not have any ring stoppers when I took everything apart. What are they for. Should I order these are they necessary?
  17. Last weekend I had to pull my gas tank off, the first time I had done that. In the process I lost the two gray tabs that hold the rear fender in place not knowing they were there. Well, I found the tabs and am in the process of putting them back in but I'm not sure exactly where they are placed since I didn't remove them myself, they just fell out. I thought they would go in the little metal tabs welded on the back of the gas tank, but then they are too wide to go through the slots in the fender, so now I'm not sure how they go ?
  18. I find that the number 2 cylinder on my bike is not firing so I swapped the #2 and #4 plug leads to see if the problem lay with the ignition coil and is appears that this is so. Does anyone know if there is an easier way of replacing the coil other than the way Yamaha intended this to be done, ie remove the fairing, the motor, cut a section out of the frame, replace the coil and then reverse the process. Many thanks.
  19. I am in the process of replacing my battery. I hooked up the Argus Battery Bug this past weekend and it indicated that my battery has 22% life left. The Bug's instructions say at the 10% warning alarm imminent failure at anytime, replace battery immediately. Anyway, I have been looking at the Deka ext20L. In the process I see the Big Crank ext20L appearing to be the same battery. Are the Deka and the Big Crank batteries made by the same manufacture in Pennsylvania?
  20. So I finally find the right screws, take cover off, unplug the light. And it doesn't just pull off, there nothing to twist it with but the pronges, I don't wanna muscle it and it break, so if anyone can help me wth the right answer it would be awesome, I thought it was going to be a quick process. I'm sure it is mine is just stuck or something simple like that lol well thanks
  21. I always liked the MM edition seats so I colored my own. The rest and rear seat are still in process as well as the Hopnel tank bib. I think it really makes a midnight look great.
  22. Sleeperhawk is in the process of installing his new instrument panel. He had painted it this week and it really looks good! Pecker came over to help and supervise. Wanderer and Patricia came by a little while ago to get the rear tire removed and Ted was taking it to town to get a car tire mounted on the rim. He just got back and they are in the process of putting it back on the bike. More pictures to come later! (By the way, Sleeperhawk cringed at the first drilling into the front panel!)
  23. Hi Guys, Could someone tell me if a stator from a V max engine will fit a 1990 XVZ1300 Venture Royale ?. I've been told that it does, just wanted to check. Also any tips or instructions on the process of changing the stator out, as I don't have a manual of any kind with my bike, do I need any special tools to get the flywheel off/out. Thanks Waz
  24. Well we finally got around to shooting the Black Beast, not in the put it out of its misery shoot but it now has a fresh new paint job. Spent the last three nights with my buddy from work painting it and it came out great. He did an awesome job painting it. Below are the pics of the process. Hopefully will have it reassembled in a few days...........The color is Ford Black with Pewter Trim. Had to go back with Black, after about 20 different choices, decided Black is beautiful..............:dancefool:
  25. I just wanted to report in and tell everyone what an exhilerating time I had riding from SLC, UT to LA, CA last week. My first major trip on a big bike!! I had my Sirius radio going and the Cruise Control on with a smile on my face!! I am in the process of making a trailer so my wife can go with me on these trips. I will submit pictures if anyone is interested.
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