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Found 19 results

  1. Eileen and I got home around 1:00 today. I wish we could have stayed another day but had to get home to take care of some other business. I just want to say that Big Tom and his FANTASTIC team did a wonderful job with this years rally. They had so many prizes to give away that I thought they would NEVER stop calling numbers. Everything they did was done top notch. The rides, food, prizes, location.....I can't think of a single thing that could have been done better. We are so fortunate that we always have such great people taking charge and handling our rallies. For any of you who have never put one together, you have no idea of the amount of time and energy that goes into these things. Dingy already made an excellent post about Pioneer Motorsports so I'll just quickly mention again that they are GREAT folks. If we all had dealers like that, you would never hear the horrific dealer stories that we often hear. So thank you to all involved for making this years such a great success.
  2. I now have 5 prizes for the raffle at Tail of the Dragon V @ Vogel. 1. Dell D620 Laptop Computer 2. 4 GB MP3/Video Player 3. 4 GB MP3/Video Player 4. Tom Tom GPS model # XXL530-S (5 inch Screen) 5. Morgan Carb Tune Hopefully more will added at Vogel. If your not coming to Vogel you can still order tickets for 1 more week. $10.00 ea. or 3 @ $25.00 You do not need to be present to win!!!!! If you use PayPal do not mention Raffel..........just mark as a donation for Vogel.
  3. Well the ride is over We had a beautiful day windy but a great day for a ride. There was about 50 bike there we raised $3200.00 for Gracie and her family The donations were great 80 cases of soda, 9 cases of Lance (my employer) chips and a couple of cases of cheese crackers, 600 dogs and buns w/ all the fix'ens, wings, brownies, enough prizes to make a really nice chinese auction and have a nice amount of door prizes I'm posting a couple links to Gaby Vincent Photography on facebook for the pictures http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=16596&id=118020521555956 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=16595&id=118020521555956 And Here's just a few attached
  4. OK folks...one of our members who wishes to remain anonymous has donated two riding jackets to be given away. I've been thinking about how to do it though and have decided to give them away as door prizes at maintenance day. I'm not 100% sure of the brand but I think they are Texport Duratrak. Whatever, they are very nice jackets. 3/4 length heavy cordura nylon with removable armor. Both are black with yellow trim. One is a large and the other is an extra large. I'm really just posting this so that the member doesn't think that I'm KEEPING them for myself. Now you have another incentive to make it to my Maintenance Day.
  5. i would like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the rally. annie the t-shirt packages were awesome. wish i could have won one. other than a couple of mishaps it went picture perfect. tonight is wind down and final party night.
  6. Just reminding all you folks........................................................ ANNIE'S PRIZES 1st TRAILER 2nd LAP TOP 3rd I DON'T MIND OKAY, EVERYBODY GOT IT NOW??:whistling: (NOT) :sign20:
  7. We hooked up with Scooter Bob and Karen today for a great ride... We hit some stops on the summer long ABATE 4 county poker run.... We had a great lunch at "Uncle Johnny's" in Colgate... Shari and Karen got some great prizes from the men's room at one of our stops.. So we got a little wet when we rode into the storm........ Time spent with great friends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Priceless"
  8. Sleeperhawk and Sleeperhawks Mechanic have just dontated an almost new set, like new condition of Baron's Nasty Boys 2 into 4 slipon mufflers with a set of Family Jewels Extreme Slash Cut Tips to be used as raffle or auction prizes at Vogel. http://www.psndealer.com/powersportsdlr/images/ec0372/BA-1000-00.jpghttp://www.baronscustom.com/images/products/20060511152548.jpg . Many thanks to George and Bobbie....... Since I am on the subject of prizes for Vogel I will give a short list of what I have so far. Barons Nasty Boys w/Family Jewels courtesy of Sleeperhawk & Mechanic Morgan CarbTune Pro courtesy of Sean Morgan @ Morgan CarbTune 8 Cans of ProtectAll Cleaner and Polish courtesy of Protectall 3 Hats from Bama PowerSports 2 Venturerider Hats, courtesy of Cliff Fargason 1 Very large box of misc. items from RSVAngel......to be made into grab bag door prizes. 1 Digital tire gauge courtesy of RoadGear T shirts and mag, subscriptions to Road Runner Mag. courtesy of Road Runner Mag. Several St. Jude hats and Pins Various 2nd Gen parts courtesy of Eck ArmorAll Clean and Polish Towels courtesy of Eck Book- Ultimate Street Strategies for Motorcyclist courtesy of Eck. 3 Tire gauges.....non digital courtesy of Eck 2 or 3 Reflective safety vest. 1 Set of Squidley's light brackets for 1st Gen.....Last set available Gift Certificate for a Wagner Grill (2nd Gen) courtesy of Steve Wagner 50/50 Raffle VentureRider Hats courtesy of Cliff Fargason More to come...............
  9. Just wanted to say Thank's to our own ECK, we met today so he could give me some 2nd Gen parts from his totaled bike,to be used as door prizes and he also gave me some very nice items that he stopped and bought, to be used as door prizes..What a guy........... We were early for lunch so we went and visited Bama PowerSports, the local Yamaha & Honda dealer in Oxford, Al. to check out what they had, and before you know it, Eck is stealing my thunder and asking the salesman if they have any shirts, or anything that we can give away as door prizes, and sure enough, the salesman came through for us. Eck is a class act, I had to fight him for the check for lunch, and I thought I might lose, but he gave in before I did, so I got to pay....... Thanks again Eck, enjoyed our time together, wish we could have gone for a ride but time was short for both of us, hope you can make it to Vogel for a spell. Wont be the same with out you showing up and making that GW dance for us like you made that 2nd Gen dance last time........... Many thanks for all the goodies...............
  10. okay folks, we are doing so well on the rally raffle ticket sales we have decided not only to have the trailer as a grand prize, we are also going to give a lap top computor for 2nd and 3rd prizes. that is one fantastic trailer in your choice of colors, and 2 laptop computers. this really increases your odds of winning. i even bought some more tickets. i really need a laptop for traveling. can't wait to see some one win all this neat stuff. we also have the regular drawing with lots of neat donated by vendor and member prizes. the wed. night catered meal and drawing will be a real blast. see you all there. bill :welcome1:ps. raffle ticket sales are still going on. for those thsat want to get in on the great prizes.
  11. It looks like door prizes for Vogel may not be as plentiful this year as they were at the last event in 2007. I have sent out letters of request to all the same vendors as last time and a few new ones but response has been slow to put it mildly......Some members here have donated some items and that is much appreciated. I finally got one item in today and its probably going to be the best door prize to give away. It is from Sean Morgan at Morgan Carbtune..........he was gracious enuff to donate a Carbtune Pro to our cause. So thanks to Sean and Morgan Carbtune for their generous contribution.........Some lucky person will go home with a nice reminder from Vogel. If anyone can bring some t-shirts from their local dealers those would make great door prizes or t shirt swap like Muffinman did at the last event. Just drop me a line if you have something or know of someone who might be willing do donate to a very good cause, remember, after expenses, all profits go to St. Jude Children's Hospital. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
  12. come on folks...the more raffle tickets we sell the more prizes we get.......... remember all moneys from raffle ticket sales go towards prizes......... we already have the grand prize of the trailer and 2nd and 3rd place prizes as the netbooks....... Lets get some more prizes !!!! lets get some more tickets sold and also as said many times.........you do not have to be in attendance at the rally to win the grand prize or the 2nd place prize !!
  13. I know someone asked in another post whether u had to be present to win the raffle ticket prizes at the rally..... it has been custom in the past that you had to be present to win anything except the grand prize trailer........ bill announced earlier today about the 2nd and 3rd prizes of the netbooks...... well we have decided this year that not only will the grand prize trailer be a "not need to be present to win" item..........but also 1 of the netbooks....... so 1st ( the trailer)and 2nd ( a netbook) prizes can be won by anyone whether they are in attendance or not at the rally.
  14. Ok folks time is getting short......to put it bluntly if we want to have a trailer as the main prize we need to sell 4 or 500 $$ more in ticket sales.......we just arent raising enough to cover the cost of one. So its all up to you guys........ please remember you do not have to be present at the rally to win this prize or what ever prize(s) we end offering if we cant raise enough for a trailer. Your friends and guests attending with you can buy tickets also..... just think if all 1200+ supporting members of this site bought 1 $10 ticket.....heck we could offer a few trailers for prizes !!!!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ATTENDING THE RALLY TO BUY THESE TICKETS OR TO WIN !!!! THIS RAFFLE TICKET DRAWING IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO PURCHASE TICKETS I know we usually sell more tickets at the rally and at the last minute but we really have to know very very soon if we can pull off the trailer or not, we can not wait til the day before. Let me assure you that if we dont raise enough for a trailer we will be offering some great prizes!! We will let everyone know as soon as possible what the prize will be / or prizes.
  15. want to thank everyone that is donating prizes for the 09 rally. keep them coming. we want every one to win something. i really want to thank aussie annie for taking such a great interest in our group and going above and beyond the call sending prizes from australia. if i was rich i would pay to have her and mr. annie to be here to meet the fine folks that are venture riders. we love you annie. i will make it up to you some how. bill :clap2:
  16. just want to rmind all you folks, we are going to have alot of ladies there. so nothing wrong with prizes for the ladies. i will be sure to bring some, and i hope others do to. they don't have to be bike related. you gals no what you like so you do the shopping. linda says she likes turqouse rings. :rotf:
  17. steve wagner is going to donate one of his radiator grills for the 09 rally drawing. the winner will have choice of colors. thanks to everyone that is donating prizes. keep them coming we love to see people win something. bill :clap2:
  18. Ok, I think I might need a little help here, with the economy the way it is, I think attendance will be down from previous years, which wont surprise me. But also I think auction items and door prizes will not be as plentiful as they were at previous Vogel's. I am hoping some of our members might be able to help me out in this departmemt, if you know a local vendor that might be willing to donate something for the raffles or the door prizes, or maybe your company could donate something, it doesnt have to be motorcycle related, any small item will do, everyone loves to go away with something regardless of value or size. Many members here have been very helpful in this department for past Vogels and it is much appreciated. If you dont want to approach them, just send me a pm with the name of the company and email address, I will be glad to email them and make the request. Thanks in advance, this group is the greatest group of family on the web.
  19. Folks, I should have brought this up LONG ago but just hadn't really considered how big a deal it could end up being. I'm going to have to ask you that if you are hosting or helping to organize a VentureRider rally, Meet and Eat, whatever...that you PLEASE not solicit donations from any of our listed vendors/supporters listed on this site without checking with me first. The problem is, we have a LOT of events throughout the year and we simply cannot ask a handful of vendors to donate prizes for each and every one of them. Our primary rally of the year is the Internatonal Rally. This year it will be held in Arkansas. We will be asking our vendors to donate prizes for that rally and hopefully some of them will be generous enough to do so. These are mostly small vendors though and they simply cannot be expected to donate to every event. It is also not fair that they may not even KNOW what is a major event, what is simply a Meet and Eat, etc. They get a message from John Doe at VentureRider.org and may assume that he or she is making the request as an official representative of the club. I'm sorry, but it just can't work that way. We will only ask our vendors here to donate to one major rally a year. For the other events, if you wish to give away prizes, you really need to approach your local dealers or new vendors. Please do not approach any company or vendor on behalf of VentureRider.org without discussing it with me first. I hope you understand and I thank you in advance for that understanding. Don
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