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  1. I think that any MKII parts bike would be ok for my 91 VR. I'm just wondering if besides finding another 91 VR if there might be a priority in prefered MKII years. Like would a 92 or 93 be better than one 90 to 86? Then in the 90 to 86 are there certain years that might better than others?
  2. The new BaggerShield for the RSV is all finished and currently in production. The new model adjusts from 10.5" to 16.5" and is 4" wider than the OEM shield. Thank you to everyone for their suggestions in the development of this shield. We tried to incorporate all of the feedback we received. The new shields will be ready in about 2 weeks and we are currently taking orders. Remember all Venturerider.org members receive 10% off plus free priority shipping. Send me a PM for your code to use at www.baggershield.com or give me a call to order by phone. Tomfieb was kind enough to let us use his bike for fit up and photo shoot. Here's a look at the new shield. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/BaggerShield%20Product%20Line/StarVen105-165.jpg Thanks again and ride safe,
  3. Digital tach group buy is now closed. Tachs have been shipped to members that ordered them on Monday, February 8, 2010. Gary ================================================================ I received the digital tach today that I had ordered from an ebay vendor. He sells these tachs in an auction style format and they vary widely in price. Prices for the last 6 on Ebay incl. First Class shipping were $21.19, $19.19, $17.69, $19.19, $34.69, $20.00 These tachs would be very useful when doing carb synching and adjusting the pilot air screws. He will sell me a bulk order of 20 or more for a fixed cost of $14.50 including shipping to me. The tach is 2" x 1 3/4" x 3/4" Mounting tab holes are 2 1/2" apart, 2 7/8" wide at tabs. Display digits are 3/8" tall. Over cable length is 66". There is about 12" of dual lead cable. One for spark plug sensor & one for ground. The tach can be set to read RPM's once every revolution, once every other revolution or twice per revolution. RPM display updates every second. Readout is to 99,999. First picture below shows how I received unit out of package. Last picture shows tach attached to my Dodge Ram. Bike is not even close to running at this point. Also tried on lawn mower and it worked great. All you have to do is coil black lead at end of cable around spark plug wire two or three times. It doesn't even have to be grounded to read RPM's. Prices below include shipping costs. (Qty 1) First class for 17.50 to U.S. (Qty 2) First class for 32.50 to U.S. (Qty 1) 2-3 day priority for 20.00 to U.S. (Qty 2) 2-3 day priority for 34.50 to U.S. (Qty 1) First class for 18.50 to Canada. (Qty 2) First class for 33.50 to Canada. (Qty 1) 6-10 day priority for 26.00 to Canada. (Qty 2) 6-10 day priority for 40.50 to Canada. I can get two units in first class mailer and 4 units in small priority box. I would recommend priority mailing. The packaging will be better, I can use USPS supplied box. And it is much quicker and I can get a USPS tracking number. I have recently seen first class mail take almost two weeks transit time. U.S. shipping is to lower 48 states. If you want one or more of these please respond to this thread, or you can PM me. Gary Red highlight below indicates I have received your payment. 1 LilBeaver 1 BigBoyinMS 1 KeithR 1 Pick 2 islandmech 1 Snaggletooth 1 Bubber 1 Sleeperhawk 1 jonsey 1 hlange 2 short-haul 1 bigbob 1 jlh3rd 1 Norm 1 Sling 1 Stud Muffin 1 wngrr 1 BJB 2 mbrood 1 rhncue 2 sleeepy2 1 colesgrandpa 1 RandyR 1 MiCarl 1 67mini67 1 Gibvel 1 dthomso1 1 genelegg 1 Pktexas 2 Bloodbrought1 2 guthdaddy17 1 herb in texas 1 Truckin48 1 Thom 2 Mabeline 2 warthogcrewchief 1 Eagle77 2 Beau-Kat
  4. I got about 3 hours seat time today. Had to plow twice once in the morning and again this after noon. We have about 12 inches now and still snowing. First priority was to plow the dog a potty patch. His muffler drags at 4 inches.
  5. This is an open notice to those who would like an item from St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. The demand hasn't been high for these items that I have so if anyone is interested in having one please check this thread. All I ask is that you pay the priority mail shipping charge to get it to you. You can go to this thread to check out the pictures and the shipping costs. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41577]St. Jude, Vogel, Mean Dog Memorial......... - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  6. I tell you folks, I have done quite a few transactions on Ebay and for the most part, they have been very positive experiences. This last one has been a real pain though. I list an item a couple of weeks ago. Everything goes well and the winning bid was $114.00. Two days later I get a message from the buyer that she will be unable to complete the purchase because she had to take her dog to the vet and now doesn't have the money. Folks, if your money is THAT tight, you shouldn't be bidding on non-essential items on Ebay. So, I filed a non-paying bidder complaint against her with Ebay and then relisted the item. I send a second chance offer to the next bidder and he declined. I don't really blame him. I'm not usually interested in second chance offers either because they are often either bogus or else I suspect that the seller had used a friend to run up the bid in the first place. So after relisting the item, it sold again. Not for $114.00 though but this time...for $34.50. Oh well....things happen. But WAIT...I then notice that this time the winning bidder is in Mexico. I sometimes will ship internationally but for this item, was not interested in doing so and had clearing listed it as shipping ONLY to the USA. I contacted the buyer to let him know that I would not ship to Mexico. He finally decided that he would have it shipped to a friends house in Laredo, TX. I agreed to that. So...it was then 6 days before he finally paid via PayPal. This is a fairly large item and though not heavy, I knew shipping would be a bit high due to the size. I had specifed shipping as USPS First Class Mail for $27.50. I then got an email from the buyer, AFTER he had paid, instructing me to send it Priority mail because he was in a hurry for it. OK...if he was in such a hurry, why did he wait 6 days to pay? I emailed him back and told him that I had quoted $27.50 for First Class Mail and if I could ship it Priority for that price, I would but otherwise it would come First Class. That was shortly before I left for the post office and hadn't heard back from him yet. At the post office I found that First Class was going to cost $22.50 and Priority would be $34.50. I decided to try and please this guy and I shipped it Priority. So right now, I'm $7.00 in the hole on shipping. I charged nothing for packing and supplies. I just sent the guy another email and told him that per his request, I shipped it Priority and to please PayPal me an additional $7.00. What do you think the odds are that I'll ever see it? I'm guess not very good. No big deal, I can certainly live with it and am just glad that this particular transaction is over with. OH...and here is a summary of one of our email exchanges last Sunday: Me: Please understand that I am going out of town on Monday. If I do not receive payment before then, I will not be able to ship until I return. If you pay today or early tomorrow morning, I'll get it shipped before I leave. Otherwise, I will be away in which case I will not be able to ship until Friday or Saturday. Him: I plan to pay in a day or two. And no, I do not need the case.
  7. It's amazing how changing times can change a household priority. Today it seems our top priority is bandwidth. My dsl connection when it's working right runs at 1.2MB on downloads. For the past 4-6 months I have been complaining to the phone company about slow speed and dropped wireless connections. When I'm having the problem my wireless connection speed drops to less then 100K on all wireless machines. My hardwired machine (mamamo's desktop) drops to about 300K. Every time I'm on the phone with tech support we do the usual. Recycle power to the modem,turn off antivirus software,change channels on the wireless connection,Is there anything else hooked to the phone line (satellite tv,recorder,etc) NO NO NO. You can send me a bag of dsl filters I have about 10 new ones from the last time. I think they need to replace the modem. I got up this morning and the bandwidth was way down about 95K so I done a cold start on the modem (recycle dc power for 30 seconds) and still nothing no improvement. Then 30 minutes late like magic I'm back to 1.2mb connectivity. Never a problem with the telephone side of the operation. Tech support is coming out today lets hope it's broke when they show up and find something. Then again they never showed up the last three times I called them.
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