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Found 19 results

  1. If you get an email like this... delete it. Dear Customer, Your order has been successfully processed. FLIGHT NUMBER RX749CA ELECTRONIC 740278947 DATE & TIME / NOVEMBER 16, 2012, 10:30 AM DEPARTING / Toronto TOTAL PRICE / 420.33 CAD Please download and print your ticket from the following URL : For more information regarding your order, contact us by visiting , visit : Thank you Air Canada.
  2. Ok i answered a post asking what you recieved for Christmas so it sparked this idea. My bad gifts were A Zebra print Snuggie A Zebra print knit hat with tassles A Orange corrections color sweatshirt( For those times I may sweep the highway?) Expired chocolate,and a weather station? You connect the transmitter to the pc and the reciever shows you the weather on an LCD Screen. You have to have your pc on though which defeats the purpose of having this item . Who wants to trade some gifts?
  3. When ever i try to print a statement from my bank my computer always crashes. If I open the statements online, it opens a pdf file. I thought maybe it was IE causing the problem but If I save the document to a file, close down all the programs, open the PDF with READER and try to print....the same crash happens. What it is ..... I get a message that says "Spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem and needs to close" or something like that. I end up with my computer not seeing the printer (HP colour laserjet 2600) It has happened many times in the past and I have to delete spool printer and driver files, then into the registry and delete a couple of files. I know how to make it work again...but not how to stop it from crashing when I want to print my bank statements!! I don't understand because I can print other PDF files EDIT: Running Windows Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2 IE9 64 bit Operating System Quad core 2.2Ghz 4 Gig Ram
  4. I have a need. I want to post word files on our server at work and I want to secure them so people cannot print out the document/file. I want them read only and no able to print. Does anyone know if can be set-up to do this??? If yes I will need specific instructions because....lets just say I am not as computer literate as I would like. :rotf:
  5. I have a Universal Large Print Atlas that I've had for a few years. 2001 edition. Usually carry it along on trips just because it is so easy to look at and I don't trust Amanda (Tom Tom). I've gotten this one pretty ragged. Newest one I can find from Universal is a 2002. Is there a newer one with big maps like this. Easy to read and you don't spend all day looking for things.
  6. I for the most part over the years have been happy with them. I am not crying over the recent lost of some Fox programming. One side says this and the other says that. Who knows what is really going on. The truth is somewhere in the middle I suspect. I do (well did) watch SOA. I won't be any longer if or until they reach an agreement. If not, oh well. I am not leaving sleep over it. Kids and I did like National Geographic channel though. Just means more Nick Jr. for them. Anyway starting my story now. I am window shopping to either go back to cable or another satellite provider as hoping to find something a bit cheaper for the same channels I like. I wanted to compare the channel lineups from the others vs. Dish. I do this by printing the lineups for each provider. So I am on the Dish Site and do not log in. I click on the learn more button under the current programming (America's top 250 btw). There is a field labeled Region. I enter in my zip code and press the thing that looks like a sideways triangle. To the far right of that in small letters there is a button that says print. I clicked on it which takes me to another page and a print dialog. I click cancel on the print dialog. I scroll all the way to the bottom and in the local channel section I don't get my local channels. I have tried this several times. I have gotten San Fran, Houston, Evansville (at least closer), and tonight DC. Obviously not Indy. So I e-mailed the web-master saying your site ain't working right and here is the steps I took. I get a response saying local programming is not offered in my area. Uh, yeah it is. Part of response to them was did you actually try and do the same thing as me before you responded? So here is the experiment for everyone here. Follow the steps as I did and see if you get the same type of results.
  7. At one time there was a print of all the dimensions for the solid motor mounts noted on here. I made a copy of it, but I not only can I not find the copy I made, but I also can not find the post that had the print noted. Does anyone have a copy of the print that has the dimensions noted? Thanks, RandyA
  8. Is there anyway to be able to get the security protected owners manual .pdf from this site to be able to print? Thanks for the help.
  9. When I come to this site and read a few threads, then leave and come back later, and click on new posts, threads that I didn't look at the last time are being marked as read. (no longer in bold print) Is there some way I can set up my account so this won't happen? Thanks.
  10. As we know Dingy has made an excellent contribution to the site in the form of the color wiring diagrams. I have printed the wiring diagrams for my 83 VR in a size of 36”x24”, full color and put them up on my workshop wall. It has been great to be able to work on the bike and be able to just look up and “see” the wiring without finding my place again on a small black and white page. This got me to thinking, which RandyA will tell you is very dangerous! How many of the members would like to have large size color prints of the diagrams for their bikes? I called the local Kinko’s to see what the charge would be to print them and was quoted way too much money. (at least for me) So to cut to the chase what I am proposing is this: Each member that would like a large size print would donate to a common fund what they thought the prints would be worth to them. All cost for printing and United States Postal service would be at my expense. ALL of the money donated for the prints would be divided by the number of our members serving us in the military. It would be my intent that the money be used by them to help pay for the cost of phone calls home over the Christmas/New Year holidays. (If this plan is not to your favor then a substitute donation to St. Judes will be made.) I have spoken with Dingy and he has given his okay to go ahead with the idea. I will be setting up a Paypal account later today or you can send checks/money orders. Many of you do not know me but you can check with RandyA and I am sure he will tell you that the money collected will go for the intended purpose. So let’s begin, tell which diagram you want, where to send the diagram to, the amount of your donation and the benefactor of choice. (I will keep records and supply those upon request.) I will print each week from now to the end of November, mailings will go out Mondays, last mailing on November 30. Contact me via private message or my home email and phone number is listed in my profile. Thanks all – working together we can make the Holidays a little brighter for each other. Steve Neal (sgn)
  11. Did any of you go to Apple Fest in Woodbine, IA today? I saw a 1st Gen Venture parked there, but didn't see anyone around it. I just HAVE to print some of this site's cards and carry on my bike. craigr
  12. This should be really interesting - Watching golf on the telly and heard that Steve McNair was found SHOT dead. gunfight ? - guns in a club ? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there's more to this than the media is going to print
  13. I know it is a little late, but anyone interested in the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show, here is a $3 discount coupon you can print out for yourself. http://motorcycle.progressive.com/IMS-Admission-Discount-Coupon.pdf Hope you enjoy the show. Rick F.
  14. Snopes confirms that it is real: > > http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/ups.asp > Just thought everybody might want to know about this > > Better safe than sorry. > > With Christmas fast approaching watch out for this new computer virus. > > The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure. > > You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along > > with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is mis-spelled on this line. It will say that they were un-able to > > deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. > > DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. > > This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.
  15. With Christmas fast approaching, watch out for this...be alert.. The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure (there’s a FedEx version too). You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is misspelled on this line. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. Snopes confirms that it is real: http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/ups.asp
  16. Ok, Just tried to print vr business cards on computer business cards. There are only 8 cards on the format. Can anyone tell me how to make it 10 cards?? This is on adobe . Thanks, Davecb:puzzled:
  17. I'm not new to motorcycles but i'm new to the Venture Royale. I just bought an 83 with a little damage, my problem is that I don't the difference between a VXZ and a VXE . My bike was listed as a VXE, it needs a side cover and I',ve found one for a VXZ. Don't laugh but for all I know VXE could have been a miss print. Anyway I need to know so I can bid on the cover if it will fit. Please help! thanks Shaggy Perservere to endure
  18. Caveat Emptor Here is the HF 1000 LB capacity bike lift on sale till 12/12/07 http://www.harborfreightusa.com/html/emails/49/RetailBv2/Images/2.jpg Click HERE to print it out!!!! I wish I had room for this in my garage....
  19. OK, second ***** post this morning... there must be somethin' in the water??? I've got another complaint. I picked up a rally t-shirt at Ft. Collins, and have worn it a few times. My question is.... can't the guys who we order these things from find better t-shirts to print on? The one I have, it might not be true for all, is made of a really thin material, and feels like 'H'. I'm about ready to retire it....permanently... I have a bunch of other 'trophy' T's and they are all made of a nice thick material and feel great. The one from FC is more of an undershirt than a T-shirt.....
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