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..... to show my pride in my oldest son.
Do you cringe when you hear some artist sing their rendition of the National Anthem, they try to give it their personal touch, but to me they mutilate our treasured Anthem. I wish everyone could just come close to singing it with pride and dignity like these young men do..........Thanks to Ken Derrett for sending this to me. [ame=]SNC Webisode 5 :Recording The National Anthem - YouTube[/ame]
I went on a PGR mission today and ended up in the ditch. I was behind another bike that froze in a harpin corner and lost control with me behind him. I had nowhere to go as I was committed to the corner and did not want to hit him so I ditched it in the ditch. Now for the bad news, I need a front lower left cowling, and a radio exterior shell. the radio works but the case is severely damaged. Any one have any of these??? The other bad new is a cracked rib or two and two scuffed and brused knees and of course the pride issue. I did finish the mission with 200+ miles so i kept most of my pride. Any help on the two items would be appreciated as I am heading to Freebirds MD and at least need the radio repaired. I will need to paint the bike but don't know if I can accomplish this before MD. I guess I need to donate to the pot now!! WHERE???? Thanks:depressed:
What a good-looking way to demonstrate a patriotic attitude. That is awesome! It may cause some of you to swell up with pride.
Senior citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary. We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others. HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took: The melody out of music, The pride out of appearance, The courtesy out of driving, The romance out of love, The commitment out of marriage, The responsibility out of parenthood, The togetherness out of the family, The learning out of education, The service out of patriotism, The Golden Rule from rulers, The nativity scene out of cities, The civility out of behavior, The refinement out of language, The dedication out of employment, The prudence out of spending, The ambition out of achievement or God out of government and school. And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!! And, we do understand the meaning of patriotism, and remember those who have fought and died for our country. Does anyone under the age of 50 know the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner? What about the last verse of My Country 'tis of Thee? "Our father's God to thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright, With freedom's Holy light. Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King." Just look at the Seniors with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with their hand over their hearts! YES, I'M A SENIOR CITIZEN! I'm the life of the party...... even if it lasts until 8 p.m. I'm very good at opening childproof caps.... with a hammer. I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up. I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying. I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure place, somewhere. I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy, and that's just my left leg. I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps. I'm a walking storeroom of facts..... I've just lost the key to the storeroom door. Yes, I'm a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having the time of my life! Now if I could only remember who sent this to me, I wouldn't send it back to them, but I would send it to many more too! Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
Finally! Here it is: 2 months of work, 2 months of asking you guys and gals for advice and help, and now i can finally put the rubber to the road with much pride and even more joy. I have to thank all of you for your help and i hope that my efforts will help resonate the pride that we all have and the respect that comes with being the stewards of these dignified works of art. i realize that this isn't everybody's cup of tea, but for me it couldn't go any other way. i will not be upset at any criticism you may have so don't hold back - i do want your honest opinions. Thank you all so very much......
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Just wanted to share with you all, how much pride I have, marching in the Anzac Day parade tomorrow (25th April) wearing my fathers' (WW2), and my grandfathers' medals (WW1.) I even have the rising sun badge from my grandfathers army hat. Alan and I march every year--even argued with Dr's when in hospital(after accident) to go in wheelchair and march. To see the old "diggers"-- and our young people serving our country, has always filled me with such pride. And I love going to the RSL club afterwards and spending the day with them. Lots of beer, two-up and BS-magic!! LEST WE FORGET _________________________________________________________________________ NEVER RIDE FASTER THAN YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL:2133:CAN FLY
Well, Got done buyin' me some new tires and a feller on a new Big Dog pulls up as I am mounting my ride. We exchange pleasantries, I light the scoot and head out the parking lot. The exit from the parkinglot is steep uphill to a stop sign with an imediate down to the street curb. As I come to a stop, front wheel one side of the hump, rear on the other, my left foot catches the pavemnent and down we go. I have to say, I made a very graceful roll backwards as I gently let her down on the guards. Had to look and see if anyone had seen and noticed the feller on the Big Dog was walking my way with a big grin on his face. My pride being abit bruised, I recalled the "Stand-up" strategy described on this forum, and before he could get to me, I had the old girl back on her tires. Blushed a little and thanked the Big Dog feller for coming to my aide, fired her up and made a little noise leaving. DJ
I found this posted by scottybye on the ISRA forum and thought I would post it here. A letter from……THE BIKER When you see us moving past you quickly: Don't take offence or think we're trying to "show off". Ninety five percent of the time, we're trying to get out of your blind spot or taking ourselves out of a potential dangerous situation that has evolved around us. Distancing ourselves from you does not mean we want to race, but that we're giving ourselves the edge we need at the moment. When you hear our horn: Don't take offence or think we're trying to aggravate you. All we're doing is letting you know where we are in relation to you on the road, and we're more than likely aware of your inattentiveness to us while you're talking on a cell phone, eating, reading or involved in some other distracting aspect to your driving. It's important to us, and you, that you know we're there. When you hear our loud pipes: Don't become angry and hostile toward us. Yes, some are quite loud, but for some, there's a purpose behind being loud. It's about letting you know we're close by and we're constantly hoping that our investment in this accessory will help save our lives. Our pipes are really not about our's a pride and personalization to our form of transportation. When you see us in our clothes: Don't become fearful of us or think us weird. Our leather jackets, chaps, gloves and boots are the barriers between loosing massive amounts of flesh should something cause us to go down...nothing more, nothing less. Safety gear is paramount to our riding. We wear patches on our jackets, and pins on our vests. These are symbols of pride and honour within our group(s), individuals giving back to those who gave. These things bond us as a brotherhood and sisterhood among bikers. Not that we're better than anyone else, but that we have the same kind of nobility and pride in our accomplishments as you may have in the various aspects of your life. I guess one could say; our patches and pins are the decals and the bumper stickers of our involvement with society and the general public, of which we are very pleased to be a part of in our own little way. When you see us in a restaurant: You don't have to shield your child or feel intimidated. We have family, wives, husbands, children and loved ones too, just like you. We smile; we laugh and enjoy the moments we have. We are approachable, and would befriend you, if given the opportunity. When you see us in a parking lot: Don't convince yourself that we're there to "get you". More than likely, we just finished a long ride and are taking a break. Or, we may be meeting up with other riders for a charity run for young children, or another very worthy cause. We may just be admiring one another's bikes, sharing our pride with other brothers and sisters, just like you do with your personal vehicle. It's what we's a part of our lives, and we'd be more than welcome to share with you what riding a bike is all about...if you'd only ask. When you see aggressive riding bikers: Don't put us all in the same stereotypical category as those whose behaviour and actions would cause you to react in disgust and intolerance. Many of us do not agree with this style of riding either, and we know and understand that human nature tends to blend us all together as the "same group". Most of us don't want that title...and don't deserve it. When you see a group of bikers on the roadways: Give us the courtesy of sharing the road with you. Please don't "move in" between several bikers in formation. This gets us very excited and nervous, especially when it's done with no due regard for our safety. Provide us with your awareness of the fact that we are much more vulnerable than you. We don't want to challenge you, for all of us are wise enough to know...we'd lose that battle. When you are turning left or entering a roadway/highway: Look, then look again...and then one more time. For we can be easily hidden, and appear to be invisible by such things as a telephone pole, another vehicle, bright lights or the glare of the sun...or possibly, the beads hanging from your rear-view mirror, among numerous other items that are displayed there. If you see us flashing our lights at you or blowing our horn, we're only trying to ensure that you will see us before tragedy changes both our lives. When you are behind us: Please give us the room we need and don't tailgate us. If you hit us, we're going down...HARD! We don't want to play games with you, we just want to enjoy the ride and the fresh air, and experience that which many of you have never lived for. If we accelerate away from you, don't interpret this action as though we want to drag race you. We're only trying to take ourselves out of a bad situation if you insist on being too close. When, and if, you experience road rage: Don't take it out on us just because we're smaller than you and more vulnerable. Think about what you're doing and the end result that may become a reality. The consequences of your actions and choices could be very detrimental to our well being, our families, our children and our loved ones. Yes, there are those that can tend to piss you off, however, rage towards them will not solve the issues, but accentuate them. Nine out of ten bikers will do everything they can to take themselves out of that situation without causing you or them harm. When you have an opportunity to talk to us: You'll discover, outside any influenced or stereotypical mindset you may have, that we are just as human as you are, just with different interests and toys. Many of us would give you the shirt off our back if it would tend to brighten your day or console you in some way. We're really no different...and we drive cars, trucks and vans too. So, meet us and greet us...I think you'll be pleasantly surprised that you'll be met with open arms. Thank you for attempting to understand