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  1. Is there a way to set the font, color, and size when making a post? So each time I don't have to go through the motions to get what I want? Or have I looked over something? I know its not anything major, just makes it looks pretty.......
  2. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  3. Thunder By The Bay in Sarasota Fl was a huge event that went on for several days. There were many of the downtown streets that were blocked off on Sunday for the finale. Jagermeister sponsored the big stage and the music was awesome by several bands. There were thousands of bikes, a couple of bike shows and hundreds of vendors with everything from patches to parts to bike customizing on the spot. There were some pretty cool Ventures, Royal Stars and even side cars. I know you guys are gonna complain about pictures but it was pretty hot and most of the bikes (the ones I wanted to take pictures of) were parked in the shade and my cell pictures were all too dark or had pictures of people more than bikes. There was plenty of parking that was either on the streets or huge reserved lots for those that had registered for any of the events. The food was awesome for vendor food but hey who doesn't like the Italian Sausage with peppers and onions or a deep fried snickers bar? Budweiser was the beer sponsor and there were beer tents everywhere. There were even full bar tents and even though there were a lot of mixed groups from MCs to Veterans rider groups and clubs by ethnic background everyone behaved. I was wearing my vest with my American Legion Rider emblem on the back as well as some other veteran and patriot guard patches so I was especially thankful that a lot of folks stopped me to say thank you for your service and several even thanked me for belonging to the Patriot Guard. All in all it was a pretty great time especially the charity poker run and I would recommend that folks try to make it next year.
  4. The only thing I can think of that I have not added back to the forum is the countdown page. It was the page that counted down the days until various rallies and etc. I think that those events get enough attention here and on the calendar that the countdown page was pretty much just a novelty. What are your opinions? Is it something that any of you really miss?
  5. I know that a lot of people swap the RSTD bars to the RSV for wider bars and more pullback. So does that mean that I can throw a set of RSV bars directly on my RSTD? I am pretty tall and actually liked the RSV bars. Just sitting on the RSTD, the reach and angles feel funny to me for some reason. I am thinking I could put the RSV bars on pretty quickly without having to change any control wires or hoses. So has anyone done this? I would actually like mini apes eventually, but with Xmas close, I am trying to keep costs down for now.
  6. looking for a tank bag that is not too large and (pretty much) water proof . Any ideas
  7. Received an offer from our hosting company that was too good to refuse so I had our server upgraded with more memory and disk space. Don't know if we will see any difference in performance because I think it has been working pretty well anyway but we'll see.
  8. I have a number of old scoots in the basement and thought I drag would something out while waiting for the turkey to finish cookin.. Thought you all might enjoy a trip down memory lane.. Anyone ever have one of these back in the day?? Its actually later than my early years BUT I realize not everyone on here grew up in the 60's like me hahaha.. Anyway, pretty cool lil bike, I would say the neatest moped ever made.. Course, I love anything on two wheels - old new or in between - they are all fun!! Scott:mustache:
  9. Coming home from running an errand, came upon an accident where a motorcycle rearended a car, both riders down. The couple on the bike where older husband and wife. We practically had to hold him down, he was bleeding from some cuts on his head and was complaining of pain in his groin. His wife was laying motionless on the roadway, but she was conscious and talking but not moving. It only took about 4 minutes for police and ambulances to show. They got them loaded on the ambulances pretty quickly after putting neck braces on them and getting them on backboards. He kept telling his wife he was sorry, for some reason he didnt see the car slowing to make a turn. The Harley looked to be totaled. Please pray for them, I dont know their names but I think they were associated with one of our local churches. Left me pretty shaken after it was all over. It can happen to any of us. Please be careful out there.
  10. How about some of you AZ riders. Tell me how the weather is all year in Phonex and South. Tombstone,Serria Vista,Bisbee areas is riding all year pretty much good to go?? Whats your thought's.
  11. OK folks. The flags were here when I got home yesterday. Today I will get them in envelopes and addressed and then sent out first thing Monday morning. I think they turned out pretty well. Appear to be good quality that should hold up for a long time.
  12. How are all of you doing? I know the (for those with a sensitive reaction to curse words don't look) snow is pretty nasty up there. Let us know that you are ok. Margaret
  13. http://www.youtube.com/embed/oCPTZi2Srdw?feature=player_embedded
  14. I just bought one used off of this site's classifieds and it arrived today. Wow, is this thing way more stout than I thought it would be. Pretty happy with it. Looking forward to adjusting valves and other maintenance this winter.
  15. I think this is just pretty darn cool. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/10/02/world-smallest-supercharged-v8-enters-production/?intcmp=features
  16. Take a look at this guy doing stunts. http://www.wimp.com/stuntrider/
  17. Hi all: Any chance anyone has had a problem with the passenger intercom. The radio/CB work fine and can be heard in the drivers headset fine. However, the passenger hears nothing. The two shops I use were of no help, didn't want to try to figure it out and pretty much sai I was on my own. Anyone have any thought where I might begin in trying to resolve this issue? Thanks
  18. I've been busy dismantling my wrecked 91VR. Before I take this stuff to the dump, I'd though I would give the group a look. Some of you are pretty creative. If you want a closer look at a specific item, just point it out.
  19. Got about 1500 miles on them. Wearing pretty good. I wore out a set of E3's in 7000 miles and hoping I can gets some more out of these. Been reading the reports on chunking, most seems to be about 4 years old. I will keep an eye on them and keep them at max wall pressure. Other than that I think they are much quieter than the E3's and turning at speed is much easier too.
  20. Pretty Interesting & only a few miles from me. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/3216256238.html
  21. Seems pretty effective http://www.infowars.com/how-to-stop-a-massacre-surveillance-video-reveals-simple-low-cost-solution-that-works-everywhere/
  22. One old man on a 2007 FJR. Left Houston at 02:50, Saturday morning. South on the beltway to IH10 west. Sun rise as I was leaving the west side of San Antonio. Boerne, Comfort, Kerrville, Junction, Sonora, Ozona, Ft. Stockton, Balmorhea, turn around and head back. Arrived home at 20:30 just as the sun was setting. 1115 miles, 17hrs 40min. Odometer reading was 47 miles higher than GPS. Bike ran great. You can really haul butt in west texas where the posted speed limit is 80mph. Hot (upper 90s) and dry in the desert. Corbin seat and Heli bar pull backs did their jobs. No sore body parts. Hydration using Camalbak 100oz insulated carrier. 50/50 water and Propel Zero. Drank a full 200 ozs (6 liters) and only stopped to pee once. Thought I would be pretty sore the next day but surprisingly not so much. Hands were a bit tired and sore but that was it. Need to replace my worn out gloves. I am pretty much ATGATT. I was trying out a new base layer from Cycle Gear called Heat Out. It is similar to the LD Comfort riding stuff but only about 20-30 bucks. Fits like a second skin and helps wick away perspiration and provides cooling. It works. I like it. Durability remains to be proven. Zipcode Dave was tracking me with a ham radio APRS program that worked pretty well. I will let him comment on that. It was a good ride. Next...
  23. I don't normally praise a lot of companies but I have to say something about Garmin. I've owned a Zumo 550 for a number of years. Once I had a software issue after the warranty had run out and the service rep told me she had heard of this sort of thing happening on a rare occasion with some of the other units but never a Zumo. She said it was obviously nothing I did and sent me a new unit completely covered. Impressive!! Now recently I had the covering of the on/off button finally wear out and the unit got some water in it that made the screen hard to work and then it finally cracked. I'm pretty technically inclined so I openned it up and found the problem. I called Garmin to see if I could order a new screen and housing because the warranty was LONG over and the rest of the unit worked fine. They told me they didn't sell the parts but for $150 they would send a new or refurbished unit to me. That's pretty close to what I was thinking I would have to pay for the parts so I was pretty happy with that. They said I would receive the replacement 10-14 days after they received mine so I sent it off. Not only did I have the replacement 7 days after I sent mine but after careful examination I'm convinced this is a brand new unit. New software, maps and everything. They had even updated the serial number in my registration in MyGarmin so I didn't need to do anything for the new unit to be recognized. WOW!!!! Now that's customer service!! I am now a LOYAL Garmin customer.
  24. The day was just too nice and the VR was rockin. I got home 120 miles later! Looking outside, today looks pretty good too. hmmmmm...I need more gas http://www.raymondstacy.com/vr.jpg
  25. Hey guys, I started collecting some of the points off of the Mt. Dew boxes and such for the Mt. Dew gear. Well I have enough for a long sleeve t-shirt so far, but I would also like one of those Drake MST Eqwader Plus Quarter Zip pull overs as well. So I figured what the heck, I'll beg for some points. So if ya drink Mt. Dew and don't collect the points, can ya send me the codes please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? With a cherry on top even? Thanks for any help! Bill
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