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  1. Ever since I purchased my 2006 Midnight this summer, I had burned Premium fuel as recommended by the previous owner and my fellow RSV riders here. The bike is a Yank bike, it's ODO is in miles but the pumps here are in Litres so on the road fuel mileage conversions suck.. lol.. However, 'on average', when I pull up to the pumps, I put 1 litre of fuel per 10 miles on the ODO.. in other words, if the ODO shows 170 miles, I'm putting in close to 17 litres of fuel into the bike. When you do the math and all, I'm getting roughly 44 mpg (Imp or US?).. And this fluctuates a bit depending if I'm doing a lot of slow speed 5th gear riding or high revs curve blasting.. Yesterday I thought to myself.. "Self, why spend more money on Premium when Reg is cheaper.. there can't be THAT much of a difference in mpg or performance, can there?" So I filled it up with Reg gas and went on a loooong run last night.. Yesterday, Reg was $1.33 / Litre and Premium $1.39 / Litre.. (and I never want to hear another yank whining about high fuel prices, come up here to do that.. over $5 a gallon here, and worse in Europe) Omg.. what a difference.. I'd never get anywhere on regular gas!! On average there was a 40 MILE difference to the range of that tank. When I went to fuel up, the bike took 17 litres but I only managed to get about 131 miles distance.. Now THAT is scary.. this was the average on two fills and two runs. On Premium fuel, I would average 40 mpg / 48 mpg (US/CDN) On Regular Fuel I would average 30 mpg / 37 mpg (US/CDN) Needless to say I can go further and spend less money to get there by running premium If my milage appears lower than norm, I'm running K&N and HD slash cut exhaust. Your milage may well differ ; )
  2. I just got my annual bill from Allstate, and the annual premium jumped about $100 for both bikes. I called my agent, and we went through all of the coverages to see why the increase. I lost one discount that I got last year when I switched from Progressive (transfer discount), but we also discovered that I qualified for a few others that were not previously noted on the policy, such as having taken the MSF course, membership in a few organizations like CMA, and low and behold, also a discount for Venture Riders! This is unique to Allstate, and you have to ask for it. All combined, my new discounts lowered my premium back down to what it was last year, even after losing the big one. It pays to ask!
  3. i was out driving my 2005 pontiac grand prix 74.000 miles on it i was down to a 1/4 tank of gas then the check engine light came on? this has done this before in may on my trip to MN but after a fresh tank of premium gas it went off? and has not come back on untill now when i went and put a half a tank of gas in 2 days ago and ran it down to the 1/4 of a tank. this was regular gas not premium? im hoping that now that i filled it with premium it will go off again after running this tank out? any ideas what could be the cause of this? i just cant afford a major problem right now. i dont feel any loss of power? thanks oldgoat
  4. a fellow is supposed to pick up my zx14 tomorrow. the wing is next to go. it's an 08 with 14,000 miles and loaded with all the extra goodies including a hitch that has never been used. well over $21,000 invested ,ridden in rain once, looks like new. dark red metallic. premium audio. lots of chrome and neat things. pm me if interested. swifty, this ones for you. lol:2133: ps. please help me retire again.
  5. So I'm thinking about replacing the windshield on my '01 and wondering if the F4 is an upgrade over the Clearview? Clearview has a 10% discount for the month of March, so I'd like to decide one way or the other before the sale ends at the end of the month. I was pretty much decided to get a Clearview, but want to be sure before I pull the trigger. F4 advertises that the polycarbonate (Lexan) is 30 time more impact resistant than acrylic and their hard coatings resist scratches and shed rain better with no treating needed. They also say you can safely use paper towels, Windex, and Rain-X if you want to. I'm wondering if the F4 would stay really clear longer than the Clearview? I would be really careful cleaning either one, but how will the Clearview look after many miles and years or road grime? Other considerations are the tint and vent. I'm thinking the tinted Clearview would be nice, but clear would be fine too. The Goldwing vent might be nice to get some air, but I've not minded the stock with no vents. Maybe just because I've never had a vent? Should the difference in warranty make any difference to me? Six months for the Clearview and four years for the F4, but they probably both exclude all but manufacturing defects, so it may not matter? Price is nice, but I'm always willing to pay a premium for a premium product... So has anyone had both that can compare them? I think Don may have had both? I'd really appreciate any comments about the tint or vent in addition to the basic product differences. Thanks! James
  6. Some do, some don't. For me, way out in the sticks, it takes a half day ride and and extra 30 bucks for the pair. Since I spent almost 300 on premium rubber, maybe i should. i thank you as i am a nubie dumbxxx.
  7. Today I bought a 85 VR with 49,000 miles got a great deal $1,000.00 bucks has a couple of issues it will need fork seals. It has a miss and suppers at high rpm it has been settin for a while put half can of sea foam and filled tank with premium. Class system was unpluged pluged it up got E-4 code. Main concern is rear brake is draging going to drain old and put new fluid and bleed. Thought I saw something about someother problem that might cause it?
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