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  1. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced and reliable chrome plating company. I am in the Detroit, MI area and would prefer to deal face to face rather than on the phone or by mail.
  2. I am looking for a tank bib for the RSV. Does anyone have one they want to sell? I'd prefer one with the detachable pouch but all others will be considered.
  3. if its been mentioned i've missed it, but the emblem on the fuel tank seems to change with each yr, has there any two yrs alike, as for my self i prefer the looks of the 06 model it gives it more prestige i think. steve:325:
  4. Recycle - Re-use I have come to the end of my Cycle Canada subscription and I have 5 months (I think Nov 2010 - March 2011) kicking around. Would anyone be intersted in these? I'd prefer to NOT have to mail them. Maybe someone nearby, we could meet? I presume it has to be a Canuck as the magazines are written in Canadian
  5. I have a scratched one but would prefer a mirror that isnt so beat up. Thanks, Ray
  6. I being somewhat new to this group with having been to only two events am and have been truely impressed with the friendship, behavior and general manners that this group displays. Not that there arent good nice people riding other bikes that have meetings and i have attented most brands meetings and rallies but this group is by far the the type of "bikers" i prefer to be friends with and riding with. that being said like it or not you can plan on seeing me at more events where Venture rider.org is concerned thank you all. ps. they do like to eat
  7. well i have been considering opening a detail shop.. around here they get $100- $250 for this service.. now the question is. how many of you here would or do use this service?? personally i do all of my own work.. but with the economy as it is i personaly would think that this service would be an option as opposed to buying a new car.. what do you people think on this.. i personally , prefer to buy a vehichle at the bone yard and redo for myself... but then thats what i like to do. any thoughts on this would be appreciated.. here are a couple of xamples of what i do for myself.. the last 2 pictures are my next project for myself.
  8. I have a 2008 venture and would like to get rid of my cassette deck and install what? I don't want to stock cds in the bike but I suppose if I have to I would. I would prefer a USB hook up to plug in an Ipod. Is there anything like that available ? Tks.
  9. I bought my Venture with Bubs, would prefer the stock setup. I really like listening to the music not the pipes. I have the baffles packed right now and greatly prefer the quiet. Bubs are the muffler pipe only and are in good shape no damage. The add on tips are flaking a bit. About 10,000 miles on them. I want stock exhaust mufflers, don't know exactly how we would trade yet, I still have a few trips planned for August. I'll post pics fairly soon Let me know if anyone is interested
  10. The pipes on my scoot are "BUB"s and I must say, I'm not too crazy about them. I'm assuming the previous owner had the carb jetted and all, but I'd really prefer to have something different. In fact, I'd be happy with hollowed-out stock pipes... Anyone have any idea where to find some standard pipes without spending $500+?
  11. Happy New Year to you all I am looking for a set of footpegs and a backrest for my 2001 RSV which I acquired last fall after being a member of the Gold Wingers since 1984. I want to add these creature comforts and have found some on the internet but I would prefer hearing from you as to what has worked well for you and any company(s) to stay away from. Thanks much Ken Jenkins aka Jinx56:puzzled:
  12. Thom

    i am needy

    i broke the upper clamp on my Marklands , you can see the one with the broken clamp and what it looks like whole on the other one , i need to beg , borrow , or steel one but i would prefer to buy one from someone . me and my bad knees would be very thankful ! Thom
  13. Seems like several of us are purchasing this trailer. I'll be picking up mine, tomorrow. Look forward to putting it together. Where and how are you mounting a spare tire on this trailer? I'd prefer to have a spare, in case the gremlins pop up. Any ideas or pics? Thanks, Pistol Pete
  14. Hope I can get some advice/recommendations on getting high quality chaps for this upcoming season. Prefer leather over kevlar or textile from a safety standpoint. Suggestions? Thanks
  15. I am looking for a touring bag for my RSTD. It's hard to tell very much from the small pictures in ads and I haven't had any experience with them. From what I see, some of them mount over the backrest and sit on the passenger seat while others seem to strap to the back side of the backrest. I think I would prefer one that will strap securely to the back or fit either way. It doesn't have to be leather, cordura fabric would be OK but I am not interested in spending $400 on one. Would also prefer one with some type of inner frame to keep it's shape. I have seen a couple of the Saddleman bags that I might like, but I would like some feedback from folks who have had different ones and what you think about them. I have run a seach on the forum, but some of the older links no longer work. I may be asking too much, but hey, if you don't ask ........ Thanks, Jeff
  16. I'm looking for a new helmet. Need a modular, I wear glasses. What are your opinions on a good, reliable, SAFE helmet. Prefer not to break the bank. Also realize that, most often you get what you pay for.
  17. I know this has been discussed more times than I can count, however being a 'newbie' I haven't seen/read any of the discussions. 2 part question - which tires do you prefer ? what kind of mileage do you expect ? I guess I should mention that I have a 2007 RSV thanks
  18. This guy figured it was time to clean up the old, traditional motorcycle wheel... and did it in spades! Although I'd prefer some suspension springs somewhere... (warning... 7 meg mpg file) http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/hubless.wmv
  19. Anyone have a final drive for a 1300 1st gen you're willing to part with? My Pinion shaft is broken. Alternatively, I guess I could use a pinion, although I prefer a complete unit so I don't have to order shims etc. None currently on eBay. Thanks, Carl
  20. Guest


    I saw a small plaque on a bike once, that had the states marked off that they had visited with a smal diamond, or zirconia or something. Anybody know where i could find something like this? i have seen the patches for vests, but i prefer this settu, if i can find it thanks
  21. I am looking at replacing my stock windshield with one from Clear View, and read that most people want to see over the top of the windshield, I currently look through the windshield and like that. Why does most prefer to look over the top?
  22. Mike, if you're out there, I got your check for the battery cables. Unfortunately, I don't see where you want the all black or the color coded and I'd rather not send you the wrong ones. Let me know which you prefer, and I'll get them right out to you. Sorry for the delay, been out of town for a while. Thanks! Paul
  23. I am installing passing lights. Does anyone know what the law is in Ontario Canada with regards to when they can be on. Ie; with hi beams on, low beams on or all the time. I would prefer all the time but dont want to get a ticket. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jim
  24. I was wondering what was under the tank bib and if it had any real significance or if it was just decoration? I didn't want to pull it off if it covered anything up. Anyone have a picture of what it looks like under the bib? Not really thrilled with the look. I would prefer a clean top to the fuel tank.
  25. This was passed around on the C.M.C. site, thought you'd all get some enjoyment out of it as well. http://www.whybike.com/biker Mine came back as; You are a Road Captain You live in the wind. You could be at home watching far off destinations on TV but you prefer to discover your own. You cross state lines like most people cross the street. When stuff happens people look to you for answers. You are a wiz with duct tape and bailing wire. Riding is not just a diversion but a way of life.
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