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  1. A few weeks ago, I asked for your prayers for an unnamed member. Well that member is our own one and only Black Owl and he is still in need or our prayers. Russell was admitted to the hospital before Christmas with complications from pneumonia. Things got really bad and to be honest, a lot worse than he really wanted anybody to know. He is doing better now but is still hospitalized and has a ways to go. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
  2. Abdul who for many years and up until this year (due to family health reasons) has been a loyal member going under the screen name chabichka, could use our prayers. His wife Shah, (and though he would prefer to keep details private), is not well. So for those of you who believe in prayer please pray for him and Shah. And for those not so inclined please offer your best wishes and support. For those of you who know Abdul and Shah nothing needs to be said and for those of you who do not, I can only say they are are a wonderful couple a pleasure to be around and deserve all the hope and prayer they can get.
  3. Going in tomorow for my left knee replacement! Had the right one done in feb this year! turned out to b a wonderful thing. started to have trouble with left knee, had it looked at, doc said it was bone on bone, not as bad as right one was but still bone on bone. monday at 10:30 we get the left one replaced!!! Its a b----h gett'n old!!!! Like this new parts for old farts program!!!! Would appreciate any prayers you all would like to send my way! THANKS!
  4. Some of y'all knew that Mike, aka StormRaven was given the opportunity to become a candidate for a paid programming internship through his college. The internship will be with the Georgia Farm Bureau in Macon GA for spring semester. He finally got called today to set the date for his interview. It's thurs morning @ 9:30am. Please give up some prayers, good vibes, etc that he gets the position. I will also mention as of this semester he's officially double majoring in Computer Programming and Computer Networking and should walk with both degrees next spring. I'll also be throwing the man a graduation ride (yes I said ride) as a reward for all the hard work he's done the past 2 yrs with one more to go. Despite all the obstacles he's faced since his wreck and head injury in Sept 09 he's bounced back in a major way. Carrying a 4.0 GPA every semester, president's list, National Honor society member, works at Radioshack on those crazy hrs and about to add an internship to the mix (we hope!)
  5. Thoughts and Prayers for all those folks in Webster NY.
  6. The more that pray the better.... My 19 year old niece Olivia was hanging out at college like any other 19 year old. Didn't feel well and rapidly deteriorated.... one day hanging out with friends.... days later on a vent at the hospital being treat for APL - an acute leukemia..... Please pray for her and our family..... My sister has already lost one at 39 days old..... anything else is unthinkable..... prayers needed........
  7. Folks, I received an email from a new member. Username roger podoll has not posted here yet. Here is the message that he sent to me. I hope you will all keep him and his boys in your prayers. haven't had much time to check your site.My wife of 36 years was killed on oct. 27. head on collision with camper.She was on her 250 helix an I was on 650KLR.Do need prayers at this time.Have a13 an 15 year old boys at home yet.very hard on them.
  8. Just want to offer up our prayers for our families, friends, members in the areas being hit by Hurricane Issac. Its no Katrina but still a deadly storm. Charlene and I have plenty of family and friends there, hope everyone makes it through, we also have many members in the storm area and they are in our prayers. What makes it hard for us is that its hitting the same area 7 years later, what an anniversary..........not one we want to be reminded of. God bless everyone affected.
  9. My daughter-in-law past away in her sleep on Tuesday afternoon. My son is broken-up right now. We laid her to rest today. Four children from 22 to 11. Please keep them in your prayers. tew47
  10. Don spoke to Patti today at Diamond R Accessories. She asked us to let you all know that her father passed away yesterday. Some of you may have met him at the Intl Rally at the Hub 3 years ago. She was there with him. she also wanted you all to know that orders might be going out kind of slow for a week or so while they work thru this tough time. Please keep her and Allen in your prayers.
  11. In memory of my Friend,Boss, and CEO of Lloyd Hoff Holding Corporation. 48 years old is to early to take that final ride. You will be sadly missed. Prayers for your wife and three children left behind. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/BenOval.jpg
  12. Big Bird starts his radiation today. It will be what seems like a very long and frustrating 5 weeks for him, but with prayers, family and friends i know he'll make it just fine!! Please pray for family & Big Bird..
  13. for the interview, prayers & good vibes needed. at or b4 10 central... :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  14. VentureRider.org member A report shows a probable esophageal cancer. He will be having surgery in the morning for a biopsy and they will also attempt to put in a feeding tube. The family appreciate the prayers thus far and ask for you to continue to remember him in your prayers. I meet him one afternoon at my wife's office and of course I was on my venture & we struck up a conversation. He invited me over to his shop to show me somethings he thought I needed to know. He really helped me in a lot of things about the Venture. He is the one who introduced me to this site. His love for riding really showed & his love on passing down what he has learned to a newbie was greatly appreciated ...So please say prayer for Big Bird......
  15. Brad t's mother passed away tonight. Don't know any details, Rhonda ask to pass it on to you guys as she couldn't get on the computer. I would ask for prayers for the family.
  16. I suppose it was just a matter of time, but I have been laid off. My company, despite having almost 50,000 employees across the world, cannot keep me busy. I'm not surprised, because despite looking for two months, I can't find a company hiring for my core job (airport planner). My last day is next week some time. I get benefits through the end of the month. I would like prayers for a successful job search. Clearly, this is more than I can do alone. But mostly, I would like prayers for my wife, Jamie. She worries much, and I know this will tear her up. She is blameless in this, has faith in me, and is my support. She deserves the calming presence that prayers can provide. Keep her in your thoughts, please. As I write this, my mind goes back yet again to the accident we recently had. She doesn't remember it--she has amnesia--but I cannot forget listening to her screams of fear and pain. I feel so much guilt for that, and now, this. I guess I need some prayers for peace of mind and perspective. Thank you, Dave
  17. I have a close friend that is having open heart surgery this Thursday, they are going to remove his heart, repair the aorta and replace it. Please keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers.
  18. Hello Everyone: Thanks again for all of your prayers and support from my previous post about my Father being placed on hospice. My 88 year old Father passed away early this morning. He is no longer suffering and is in a better place now. We are all doing fine so far. Thanks again for your concern and prayers...Mark
  19. Some of you knew our oldest daughter, Dorothea, 41, one husband and 5 kids, was diagnosed with kidney cancer a short while ago. I forgot to ask for prayer at that time, but today she went through a successful operation to have one kidney removed and our prayers have been answered. So far all is well and she seems to be well, our requests have been answered once again. Sure good to know we are in the Fathers hands!!
  20. Folks, I hate having to post this type of information but I just received an email from Rosemary Obert that Dan Obert (Dano) was involved in a motorcycle accident this morning. I know very little at this time. The following is the email that I received. Please keep our friend Dano in your thoughts and prayers. Rosemary wrote: Dan has been in a motorcycle accident this morning on his way to work. Eight point buck and motorcycle don't mix. He is at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis in neuro critical care unit. All we want is prayers please.
  21. I am scheduled to have my right hip replaced Thursday. Venture Family keep me in your prayers. Earl
  22. My wife is scheduled for a heart calf tomorrow. The doctor is going to do the procedure around 4 PM. I took her to the Emergency Room around 4:30 pm yesterday evening. I stayed there last night and just got home a few minutes ago. My daughter will stay tonight and I will return tomorrow to stay while the doctor does the procedure. Please remember my wife in your prayers. We are hoping and praying that there is nothing real serious wrong. She is doing fine for now, but was so very sick yesterday. I could tell that she is really concerned and frightened, and so am I. Thank you all so much. James
  23. Have a update on Ponch? I keep checking here daily and hoping for more good news. Boomer....who sez the prayers and good thoughts continue.
  24. I just received a private message from Bisquit regarding John Nelson (Hipshot). This is all that I know at this time. Please keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers. Just wanted to let you guys know John is in the hospital in Victoria Tx. They're keeping him sedated. They have him on a breathing machine. His doctor has had him on oxygen for several weeks now. He has to fight for every breath. Saw him yesterday, he's resting comfortably. They are running every test known to man as well as taking samples and getting cultures. He's very sick down to 95 lbs a few weeks ago. Hopefully they'll figure out whats wrong and then they'll have a better idea what treatment he needs. He's in ICU so there's a nurse right there. He's being well cared for. Seems like since Jeannie died he's gone downhill fast. I'd appreciate you puttin the word out. All prayers greatly appreciated.
  25. Kelly Wilson ( WilsonTAMU83 ) is in the Hospital under going tests for severe stomach pain, he went in to the ER Sat night and they are running every test that can to try and figure out what is going on, so far they havn`t found anything. please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, and send a extra up for the doctors to be able to figure this out. Thanks,
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