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Found 25 results

  1. Sherry sent me a text today requesting that the Ventureriders please put her on their prayer list. She is having surgery Thursday July 26, 2012 for kidney cancer stage 1. They are going to be taking part of the kidney. The tumor they found is the size of a golf ball. She has been having pain and nausea. Will update when I hear anything else.
  2. A few weeks ago, I asked for your prayers for an unnamed member. Well that member is our own one and only Black Owl and he is still in need or our prayers. Russell was admitted to the hospital before Christmas with complications from pneumonia. Things got really bad and to be honest, a lot worse than he really wanted anybody to know. He is doing better now but is still hospitalized and has a ways to go. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
  3. Abdul who for many years and up until this year (due to family health reasons) has been a loyal member going under the screen name chabichka, could use our prayers. His wife Shah, (and though he would prefer to keep details private), is not well. So for those of you who believe in prayer please pray for him and Shah. And for those not so inclined please offer your best wishes and support. For those of you who know Abdul and Shah nothing needs to be said and for those of you who do not, I can only say they are are a wonderful couple a pleasure to be around and deserve all the hope and prayer they can get.
  4. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  5. About two days ago My friends wife was in the car with her two small children. For some reason she went through a stop sign at a country road intersection and got t-boned. Sadly though the accident was her fault the three of them were rushed to the hospital. His wife and small son were released yesterday but their small daughter remains in the hospital with severe brain trauma and internal head bleeding. She has been rushed moved from the kitchener Hospital to a speacial unit in london. Their little girl could certianly use all the prayer and good will hopes that she can get. I also believe the mother, who obviously is full of regret and tormented by her action and bad judgment, could use some spiritual and moral support as well. They are a very close knit and loving family.
  6. Your morning devotional. Classic example: At dinner, a little boy was forced to lead the family into prayer. The little boy said" but I don't know how to pray. His Dad said "just pray for your family members, friends and neighbors, the poor, etc. The little boy said "Dear Lord. Thank you for our visitors and their children, who finished all my cookies and ice cream. Bless them so they won’t come again. Forgive our neighbor's son, who removed my sister's clothes and wrestled with her on her bed. This coming Christmas, please send clothes to all those poor naked ladies on my daddy's blackberry and provide shelter for the homeless men who use mom's room when daddy is at work. AMEN" Mom and Dad did not have dinner that evening......
  7. I have a dear old friend that I have known since high school, and he needs a little help from the big man above. He has suffered two strokes in the last 10 years, the first he recovered from, the second not so good, left side of his body is practically useless, cant walk without a cane or and only for short distances, uses a wheelchair most of the time, he is now in Tulane Hospital in New Orleans, has an infection in his good foot, (he is also diabetic) and might loose his big toe or worse his leg up to mid-calf. He has always been the strong silent type, but when I talked to him 2 nights ago after he was admitted to the hospital, he broke down and could hardly speak, he is normally not the emotional type and this really tore me up. Please offer up some prayer for him, he isnt a church person or religious at all, but I know that doesnt matter to the man above. He is the last of my life long friends that I have left and this hurts me as much as having it happen to family.........
  8. Thought this was good to share.
  9. This morning my friend Steve and his wife Becky were leaving SoCal on a trip to Texas. There was a light misty drizzle and doing 35 on a long sweeper right hand turn their front tire hit an oily spot and they crashed severely injuring both of them. Steve has 4 broken ribs and Becky is in ICU on life support with numerous broken bones and trauma. Please say a prayer for these two and help them make it back to health again! Prayer is a powerful tool! Thank you! Brian BigDawg
  10. The day before Thanksgiving, while preparing to set up a large turkey frying pot, Johnny, a friend from work, sustained 2nd to 3rd degree burns over most of his upper torso and head. He was life flighted to UF Shands burn unit in Gainsville FL for treatment. I talked to him by phone several times, all the while I still couldnt picture the agony he was in. They did a skin graft and so far its doing well. He made it home a few days ago and I went over to see him. It all hit me hard. While his face sustained some pretty severe burns it wasnt as bad as I had imagined. The rest of his upper body was wrapped up pretty good. He described the experience to me and it all came home pretty hard. Hes a pretty easy going guy and quite gregarious at times so to see him in such pain really had an effect. He says the scrubbing down is the worst. He served in Iraq at least twice that I remember and he said this is 100 times worse. He has developed a bad fear of fire now. We did manage a laugh when he said that if he was ever back in Iraq and caught and they brought him by a fire he would give everybody up!! Even laughing hurt him. But he still has some of his good humor with him. Just say a prayer or have a good thought for him as he recovers.
  11. My co-worker and friend and brother in the Lord, Philip Howard, is need of prayer for his family. His son Ben Howard (20 yrs old) wrecked his four wheeler ATV yesterday afternoon and had to be flown to the UK hospital in Lexington,KY. He is in critical shape and may be paralyzed from his chest down. He is to be operated on tomorrow.The young man is a good Christian boy and that is very good. He is in need of prayer and please remember his family also. This is very devastating news to me and all those I work with. We are a close nit group that work together at the State Highway Department. We spend many hours working together and watching out for one another as we do a dangerous job, especially through the winter months. Please remember us all in prayer as we all pray for Ben and his family. Fuzzy
  12. Folks, last week was very busy for me and I was unable to get online for any extended amount of time. I know that there was a thread deleted and then another thread explaining why that got a bit out of hand also. I'm pretty sure that this one will end up getting deleted also but I feel that I need to respond to some of the remarks made in that thread. It was voted on by the membership in the early days of this club that political discussions have no place here. This has been discussed MANY times over here but in spite of MANY warnings, they still happen from time to time. It's just human nature that something is going to get under your skin and you just can't control the urge to get it off your chest. I understand that but we ask that you PLEASE no post it here. There was also a statement made that there are a lot of political statements made under the disguise of jokes. That is true. I've seen it many times. I've seen such jokes aimed at the left and others aimed at the right. I can usually see the humor in them regardless of which side they are from and we sometimes will let them slide for a day or so in the misguided hope that they will not become political debates. They usually do though and then get deleted. It seems that it is getting harder and harder to tell any joke without offending somebody so maybe I just need to add an "auto-delete" function to the joke area. Seriously, we try to be fair to both sides and I can promise you that there is no preference given to one side or the other. It simply depends upon the responses. If they are blatantly political, they are typically deleted as soon as one of the moderators see them. Now there were also a number of comments about religion and prayer requests. The forum rules clearly state that religious debate is not allowed. That rule will always be upheld but I don't think I can remember it ever being an issue. Apparently though there is some confusion regarding what is religious debate and prayer requests. When I wrote that rule, my definition of debate was that there would be no discussion in regards to "does God exist", "Protestants vs. Catholics vs. Islam, etc." "Baptism by emersion vs. Sprinkling, etc." The Prayer Request are was created for those who DO believe in prayer to request them and to receive them from other members who believe. That is NOT debate. There have been a few people here who have stated that they are Atheists. I have seen no instances where anybody asked them why they did not believe and try to convert them. I have also seen no instances where an atheist tried to convince a believer that there is no god. The members here have been very respectful to one another and that is all that is asked. I did see a couple of posts in this last discussion from one or two people claiming they are "offended" by the prayer requests. I honestly don't understand that. If you don't believe in prayers then simply don't read the requests but why in the world would anybody be offended by it? I'm not going to be offended because you refuse to pray. I just don't get it. Folks, I very seldom draw a line in the sand here because I've always said that this is OUR forum, not MINE but I know that the prayer request area is appreciated by the vast majority of the members here and it is just something that I am not going to change. I don't want to lose a single member here. I know that you can be an atheist and still be a good person of high morals and a willingness to help your fellow members and all are welcome here regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof but if you are truly offended by the prayer request area, then I am sorry but it's not going away. Anybody who is offended to the point that they don't feel they can participate here then just send me a PM and I will refund your membership dues. So, like I said, I will likely have to delete this thread later on because I know it is going to turn into yet another debate but there is really nothing to debate here. We have had the discussions, the members have voted in the past, the rules have proven to work fairly well over the past ...what...8 years? This post is primarily for any new members or visitors who may have questions about these policies. Thanks, Don
  13. Folks, as most of you know, we send out happy birthday wishes to those who have their birthdays listed in their profiles. Such a birthday wish went out to Biker44. His actual name was Terry Richardson from Fulton, NY. He only posted a couple of times so most would not know him but I still ask that you say a prayer for those that he left behind. Here is the response that I got back from his wife today in response to the birthday wish. "Thank you for the birthday wish, unfortunately my husband died 2 weeks ago in a motorcycle accident. Would you please remove him from your email list. Gratefully, Joyce Richardson"
  14. Dear God, My prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up again. Thank you. Amen Margaret
  15. Condor


    Dear God, my prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account & a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did last year. AMEN.
  16. I just opened up the web site for the dau and noticed all the requests for prayers. All I ask is that as we start our day we say a little prayer for those that need our help! Thanks for listening.
  17. ok does any one have a cable modem. there not useing. and could sell cheap? mine went out but i got it working but its held together with a prayer &duck tape its a old rca one heck if any one even has one of these laying around that wold be great.
  18. Motorcyclist’s Prayer Lord, thank you for the open air, The feel of wind blowing through my hair; Just me alone upon my bike, The thrill of freedom’s what I like. To wind through country unexplored, Not knowing what I’ll see next, Lord; That’s what I seek when off I ride, I’m thankful that you’re by my side. If I should ride ‘til morning’s light, Please keep me safe throughout the night; And when I’ve come to journey’s end, It’s you I’ll thank – Protector, Friend. T.H.S.
  19. Just wanted to say thank you to you and LuAnn for the beautiful home made card I received. The verse that is printed on the background of the card happens to be my favourite Irish prayer, and I carry a card with it on in my wallet all the time!! THANK YOU & GOD BLESS
  20. got to work @ 8am - soaped up the garage floor and scrubbed it down - stepped out to grab the water hose to rise it off - took one step into the shop and went down on my left side.... dislocating my shoulder (man that hurts) - off to emerg. room where they xrayed it and said they saw no break (s)-three shots of morphine and one other type didn't touch the pain- a doc comes in & tells nurse to give me a shot to put me sleep, well that didn't work either - so he proceeded to put it back in place - and when it popped back in the pain was instantly reduced by 90%. my left hand is numb and can't move two fingers- doc said wait about three days to see if it begins to cooperate, if not to see a ortho doc. got no one to blame but me, but the prospect of missing out on riding is a bummer. if anyone has an extra prayer send it my way,thanks. my initial prayer was already answered, i ask God to allow me no bone breaks...so praise God from whom all blessig flow. Buz in N.C.
  21. Hoping that those of you who are on the site this morning can say a quick prayer. Our oldest son is doing is first long distance solo flight this morning up to our airport to meet us! Grandpa who is also a pilot, Grandma, Gary and myself are meeting him in about an hour. Clouds are low this morning, and I know things will go fine. Problem is I've flown with my dad hundereds of times....but it's a little different knowing your child is up in the air for a long flight by himself for the first time. Just hoping you could say a quick prayer for his safe trip and return home. It would help me out. Thanks Deb
  22. If I have it straight, Don goes in for his first surgery tomorrow morning at 11:30am Eastern time. This is just the first step in what could be a long journey for a man that has done so much for all of us. I know that many of you are already praying for Don and his family. But my heart tells me that we can never offer up enough intercessory prayer. Jesus said; And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13 So my proposal is simple. Any of you that feel led to do so, please join me in prayer for Don and Eileen tomorow (Tuesday) at 11:30am Eastern. Let's all just take a few minutes out of our day to send up requests to Heaven on behalf of this family. God does hear our prayers and knows our hearts. Thanks so much and God bless you all.
  23. Well I was setting here looking at the web site today and started thinking I have not seen Buddy on here in a long time. I said to my self, self why don't you call him and make sure all is OK. When I talked to him he said he has been working two jobs his and his bosses and cant get to the INTERNET right now. buddy said he has only been getting about 3 hours sleep a night. I think he could use a prayer from us to get him though this time at work. As we all know about Buddy he will give it his all. So for anyone that has been worried about him he is OK just tired.
  24. where is the best place ( Service / Price ) to order the EBC brake pads from??? Think I`m riding on a prayer ..... Thanks
  25. hey all....well it got to 70 degrees here in north west tennessee and the sun was shining all week. guess where i was....in the bed with the flu. missed all the riding weather. its now a light rain falling and i feel great. maybe next week huh. just catching up on all the post. first i would like to shout out to all the new members WELCOME. i know you will enjoy this group of some of the nicest people i have ever had the privilage of getting to know. all are willing to lend a hand and help with any problem you may have. second my heart goes out to meandog and his family. my wife and i will be keeping him in our prayers. kbran i know you are going through a rough time and i will add a line for you too in that prayer. third now that i have give my sermon LOL i have a question about wiring. my acc fuse is blowing and i want to know what is on that circut that might cause the problem i'm having. appreciate any feedback. have a great day all steve. p.s. great job don....had my own group once know how diffucult it can be sometimes...the good things allways makes it worth it though.
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