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  1. My wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer yesterday - we will be seeing her surgeon next week and hope to have the surgery done asap. We are believers and trust that God will be merciful. i would like to request the faith community here to lift her up, her name is Claire. Thanks to all and know i appreciate this VR family. Author Unknown: “Greater is He That is Within Me” “Greater is He That is Within Me” Greater is He that is within me, Than he that is within the world, Greater than all the skies, land and sea, Great is my Lord, great is His Word! Greater is He that is within me, Praise to my Savior, how great is His name, Who was, is and always shall be, Beyond all wealth, fortune or fame. Greater is He that is within me, Because Christ’s death and resurrection, A soul undeserved, am forgiven by Thee, To Christ my praise, my affection. Greater is He that is within me, Who breathes me life, I live for Him, My soul is blessed for Christ lives in me, Who has delivered me from death and sin. Greater is He that is within me, Once lost, now found, through grace alone, Because Christ has risen, I now am free, Oh praise His name to Glory’s throne. Greater is He that is within me, The giver of life and all that abounds, The Living Water to all who are thirsty, Glory to God, all creation resounds. Greater is He that is within me, Who forgives me for all my trespasses, Who delivers my soul and sets me free, Beyond my understanding, His peace surpasses. Greater is He that is within me, Than left to myself, me, or I, For me, a sinner, He gives eternity, When my heart surrenders to God on high. Greater is He that is within me, He resides in my heart each day and night, To believe, I don’t have to see, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Greater is He than is within me, Than he that is within the world, To all who believe in what they can’t see, The gift of salvation unfurled.
  2. went for my first ride on my 86 that i bought from russel.. it was a great 75 mile ride... really windy tho.. when i got home and was about ready to get off the bike the wind came up and i almost lost it. but u managed to get it back under control.. praise the lord.. hopping to go again today..the bike is awsome.. the cruise quit, the lites all work but it doesnt lock in. any advice??
  3. Often times we are quick to criticize dealers or ebay sellers for poor service, dishonesty, or other issues. I have had a very positive experience with an ebay seller of used motorcycle parts and wanted to let you know that this is a person/business that has impressed me. The seller's ebay ID is "motorcycle_parts_4_sale", and I think they are based out of Utah. I bought a part from them through ebay a little over a week ago. Not a big deal, only came to about $22 including the shipping. I received the package this past Saturday, delivered by FedEx. When I opened the box I found that the part had been broken in shipment. The box showed no signs of damage. I then looked closely at how it was packaged, and it was obvious to me that the shipper didn't properly cushion the part to prevent damage. I took pictures of the part, of the box, and of the packaging materials used. I then emailed those pictures to the seller and stated that if he had another one of these items on hand I would like for him to send it to me as a replacement. If not, then I wanted a complete refund to include the shipping charges. To be honest, I kind of expected an argument. But what I got was a reply email apologizing for their error and the damage. I also got an almost immediate refund of all charges, no questions asked. The other thing that impressed me about this seller was that they immediately posted positive feedback for me as soon as they received payment. They didn't wait until after I posted feedback for them like so many sellers do. Needless to say, they will receive the highest feedback possible from me. Anyone can make a mistake, the good ones will acknowledge it and fix the problem. In my opinion, you can't go wrong buying from 'motorcycle_parts_4_sale'. I'm not associated with this seller in any way. This was my first experience with them, and I just want to give praise where praise is due.
  4. Guest


    I stole this article, but I really don't care ... it sends a very clear message about what it takes to make things happen in a volunteer organization: *** Recreational Club Volunteers Historically, motorized recreation sports have always required a high percentage of volunteers. The list of things that need to be done to make a club or other organization run smoothly can easily exceed the capacity of one person or a small group of people. Club volunteers are typically involved in; * Getting everyone involved safely. * Making sure that our special events go smoothly. * Keeping schedules and web sites up to date. * Operating and monitoring the communication structure whether it is a BBS, email or newsletters. * Setting up new systems by which the club will be able to add more services for its members. * Helping other club members out, whether it is by answering a tech question on the Forum or by helping with an oil change * Leading the club and charting its growth. * Doing a lot more work than we would ever want to do by ourselves and they do it for free. * Staffing activities at our events. * Conducting most of the work that ever gets done by any organization. * Recruiting for our clubs, organizations and fund-raiser events. * Advocating for our sport. Knowing the importance of volunteers and knowing that they have such a short lifespan forces us to ask the question, "What is the proper way to care for and feed a volunteer?" For volunteer peers and their leaders it boils down to what we call "P.A.R."; PRAISE, APPRECIATION and RESPECT. Think of P.A.R. as the currency that you use to compensate volunteers. The only limit to the P.A.R. that you give a volunteer should be the goodness of your heart and the sincerity of how you deliver it. Praise. A volunteer may not always need praise but he will always be glad to receive it. Praise should always be heartfelt and sincere. This is as simple as telling a volunteer that he has done a good job when you see that he has done a good job. The proper care and feeding of a volunteer demands heartfelt and sincere praise be given to the volunteer. To really make the volunteer feel noticed try praising him in front of his peers when it is applicable. Such a small gesture does wonders for the health of that volunteer. Appreciation. Show your appreciation of a volunteer by never criticizing him in public or in front of other volunteers. Should the need to criticize a volunteer arise you need to be tactful and polite and you need to handle it in private! Never criticize a volunteer without, at the same time, letting him know that you appreciate him for the work that he has done for you and your organization. In other words, make it clear that it is not the person but that action that is being critiqued. Don't let it get personal. Criticizing volunteers without first making sure that they feel appreciated or doing so in public has been proven to shorten their life span dramatically and sometimes causes an immediate end to that person's volunteerism. Respect. Volunteers usually need an extra measure of respect. In fact, as a volunteer don't they deserve it anyway? This is especially true when things don't go exactly right. Volunteers are human, too, and, as humans they can sometimes make mistakes or not meet your reasonable expectations (All of your expectations for volunteers are reasonable, aren't they?). There may be times when a volunteer "spouts off" or "blows off some steam." This might become evident in something they say or something that they do. When this happens try to give them a little bit of extra room. Odds are their frustration stems more from the fact that they may have missed their mark than it does that they actually did or didn't do something right. No volunteer, especially one in any kind of motorsports, likes to "lose face" in front of others. We are a proud lot. If you have a volunteer that needs to blow off some steam, it helps to step away from the volunteer and give him time to reflect on what has happened. It has been observed that handling a volunteer in this manner is typically the fastest way to bring him around. In most clubs everyone who does anything for the club is a volunteer. Even if you don't volunteer to help a club out you should still think of yourself as a "volunteer" in your clubs' "Volunteer Appreciation Program" by seeking ways to show the volunteers in your club the extra measure of consideration that their work on your behalf calls for. Be active and join in on the conversations and events. Both social and riding when time allows. Rewarding volunteers is a responsibility that every person who benefits from their work shares equally. Showing P.A.R. to volunteers isn't just what volunteer leaders should do it is what we all should do.
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