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  1. THIS WILL DRIVE YOU CRACKERS ! Go to the site, then click on the start button. A group of numerals from 1 to 33 will appear in red boxes. You don't need to click on the numbers, just move your cursor over them in order from 1 to 33 and as you correctly do so that numeral will disappear. See how fast you can get the task completed. This is a good practice to keep your brain sharp and your eye hand co-ordination crisp, or ...................................................... it could drive you mad! Enjoy!! HA! Note: REMEMBER, you don't have to "click" the mouse http://www.chezmaya.com/jeux/game33.htm
  2. this guy needs better friends that pay attention.....or more practice loading a bike...ouch! [ame=http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7f6_1294254202]LiveLeak.com - Motorcycle Loading Fail[/ame] Brian
  3. KarlS


    Went downtown and watched the Police practice for their competition tomorrow at Bikes on the Bricks. Only got one fall (to slow with the camera phone) but every time one fell the others would turn on their sirens so everyone would know. Some of these guys can ride. And that's Straycatt (Glen) taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.
  4. Went over to Don's(B2dad) this morning and got 'dem gauges installed...finally. Took me about 4 hours, working at a comfortable pace. I needed the practice for MD. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/Image1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/Image2.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/Image3.jpg The B2 Bomber is good to go for the trip to MD!!
  5. Did anybody catch this ebay item?????? Not sure I understand why 2 engines, but hey, at least they are V-4s! Guy appears to understand & practice good workmanship. It's different, that's for sure. Submitted for your viewing pleasure (or not).... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1-OF-A-KIND-TWIN-ENGINE-REVERSE-TRIKE_W0QQitemZ280389197365QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item41487f9e35&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
  6. Well, you have to come to a stop and wait a cycle or two but it's good to know that common practice has become legal. http://www.fox4kc.com/news/wdaf-run-red-lights-bikes-081309,0,6130460.story
  7. Pktexas and I took the Ride Like A Pro class in Houston today, along with another buddy of mine and a fourth rider. There were three instructors, so we each got a lot of riding and a lot of individual attention. I didn't watch the video first, and I need to be taken off the "lending list" because I bought my own copy. But, I cannot imagine getting the same benefit from the video that I got from the class. Having Wayne or Tom or Kim calling out instruction and fine tuning us was incredibly beneficial. And, frankly, when we got frustrated, they were quite adept at inspiring and encouraging us. The four of us learned at different speeds. My buddy seemed to get it very quickly. A relatively new rider, he had fewer bad habits to overcome. I still need practice, although I know I am on the way to being skilled. I think Perry (Pktexas) had the hardest time, in large part because his 2nd Gen was modified with pull-back bars. They hit the chrome tank cover early, preventing him from turning as sharply as everyone else. He'd mysteriously go wide, and it wasn't until the instructor rode his bike that the problem was revealed. You need a full lock-to-lock range of motion to do these maneuvers, and he wasn't getting it. I'll let him talk about that more if he wants. I'm kinda lucky, because I live 10 minutes from the class. It ran from 8 to a little after noon. From noon to 1:00 was practice, and we learned that we are invited to come back during future class' practice time. Since I live so close, I think I'll get lots of practice. As a corollary, if anyone here takes the class in the future, let me know. I can meet you at my favorite diner, about 5 minutes from the class. Then I can lead you over there, since the directions are confusing. The four of us students came away thinking the class was well worth the money. The instructors were top notch and made learning fun. I highly recommend the class. I'll leave you with a couple photos, and a video of my buddy making it look easy. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=valJiM5uX80]YouTube - Allen Riding Like A Pro[/ame]
  8. I'm sure it's been said before, but if anyone has an opportunity to take an "experienced rider course", I highly recommend it. I just completed one on Sunday, and I had a blast. I wouldn't say I learned a ton I didn't already know (at least in theory), so much as I was able to become more comfortable with my bike, and put things into practice in a controlled environment. I watched my dad throw his Goldwing around like a toy, to the amazement of us both. And to make it more interesting, we got to practice "emergency braking in a curve", right about time time it started pouring down rain. We all had a blast, and a couple of us have already discussed taking it again next year, just for the practice.
  9. Well, it only took me about a year start to finish but she is finally finished. The aluminum boxes were the only items purchased elsewhere. Everything else was done at our home. Of course the day I get it put together it is raining outside. Had to wait until 11pm to take her for a test run. Pulls great, I just need a little more practice. First time pulling a trailer, was a little nervous. Hope you guys like. I've been ever since the last bolt went in!!!!!!
  10. but I made the team roster. Weight is right for now, I'm more like 6' 0". Position: Center http://www.hometeamsonline.com/teams/default.asp?u=DLOCASCIO&t=c&s=football&p=roster&rsort=weight&rsortFlip=1#dt_r Practice starts Apr 18th. First game is June 15. I gotta lot of work to do.
  11. I haven't had time to do much riding in the last year. I decided to go for a ride today I installed the new dry cell battery turned the key hit the button and she came to life. I rode into town and gave her a bath then off for a couple of hours of ecstasy. It was kinda rough being cold and my butt out of practice, the only difference between a corbin seat and a piece of plywood is the corbin won't give you splinters. The temps were only in the upper 60s but I managed to survive. I thought about you northerners but not for long.
  12. OK, I'm just sitting around with nothing to do but surf on YouTube and I found this. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbs64GvGgPU]YouTube - Muppet Show - Swedish Chef - making donut[/ame] Yes, I know. I've got to find something constructive to do like work on my bike or practice my tuba.
  13. While I am waiting on my new tires to get here I decided to go try some of the techniques in "Ride Like a Pro V". Well I certainly found out that I am nowhere near as good hauling this big gen1 around as I am an XR400! I also found out the hard way that I needed the first thing taught in the video....how to get your bike back upright! One of the things that is stressed in the video is to practice in a controlled setting so you don't have to learn things the hard way, in an uncontrolled setting! I'm glad my spill happened in a parking lot, and not on the road! I scraped up a bag protector and ended up with a stubbed middle toe, but other than that me and the bike are both ok. The little women in those videos sure make things look easy. It is amazing at how agile they are on these huge bikes! The one thing they have done to get their skills to where they are is to practice. I obviously have a lot more practice to do before I can even get close to their skill level, and before I let my wife on the back of the bike. I will also plan on practicing the skills taught in the video with her on the back. I've already got 4 fused vertebrae from being foolish. I don't want to add any more battle scars to my collection or start a collection for her! I'm glad that I've found this site, everyone has been very helpful. I will follow and learn from others, and help out when I can. The internet is such an amazing place, and I hope I will eventually get to meet many of you in person Also, now that I've had a chance to read more....I'm not sure if I really need a crotch rocket with suitcases, so I'll ride my mkII very reserved, and as much in control as I can get her. I appreciate all the camaraderie that I've observed at VR!
  14. Big "B" said I could use you to practice on with that little toy we got. Maybe I can actually get what I aim at if I get to practice. So what do you say?:rotf::rotf: Margaret
  15. Is this a normal LEO practice. I monitor several county sheriff dept and local city pd radio transmissions over our home scanner. One local small town dept is constantly running traffic stops. During the exchange for information with local 911 dispatchers the dispatcher gives the usual name address etc of the driver. Next the officer will ask for and receive over the air the drivers SS#. Identity theft is a major problem and now if you are stopped for a traffic violation your name,address, and SS#are broadcast for all scanner land or monitoring thiefs to hear.This must be a new practice because I don't remember hearing this before until recently.
  16. This is absolutely incredible to watch this guy shoot - no camera tricks, the real thing! I think I need to go and target practice! Enjoy, Bobbie [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woILVt30QV8[/ame]
  17. For all you Bah Humbugs!!!
  18. I have finished with the installation of the Rick Butler Brake Modification and the installation of the TCB in companion with his original installation. I wish to stress to all of you, either one of these installations, in or by itself or in companion, will not prevent lock up of the rear wheel, as neither will the installation of the TCB on the front brakes. What these things do is give you great control over the brakes and stop the instant lock-up so common with the rear brake. You will have to practice with these installations...learn their limitations and yours. I am personally delighted with Ricks proportioning valve installation, the TCB devices......used on the front, I give a thumbs up.....used on the back by itself, thumbs down, used in companion with Ricks proportioning valve, it adds a bit of smooth control to the braking. I only put these things on this afternoon and went to a large parking lot to practice......I kept it down to 35 to 45 mph for a bit........got used to them, then romped it up to 60 and put the binders on, took me a bit to get used to how to use these new installations.......but you have such great control with the use of them.....in the space of two parking lot spaces , I can stop Crickett from 60 mph in that space with the front wheel about a foot past one of the spaces. I had no tape with me and it is those back to back spaces in the middle of a parking lot and I am traveling the full length of the two spaces with an over shot of about a foot. Any harder and the wheels lock up. Thats pretty good folks........somewhere in the neighbor hood of 40 to 50 feet. I really do wish to stress to all of you.......this is not a magic cure.....it is a means of gaining more and great control of the brakes...you will have to practice with these things......get used to them, and train yourself to use them, I cannot stress that enough...simply bolt them on, do not ever practice and the day you need them......yes the wheels will still lock up, you have to learn how to use these devices. I tried all kinds of settings......as lowas turning the proportioning valve adjustment out one turn(this was a bit too soft for me) all the way up to three turns out. With the TCB used in companion, I have settled on two turns out on the valve. I tried it without the TCB first and used one turn out......with the TCB installed two turns seems to suit me just fine. I have then safety wired the valve to prevent accidental adjustment of the device. The bottom line is if you practice with these devices......they do give you great control of the brakes on this bike.......hope the photos turn out, they show the parts.......the valve and the tap and adapters installed into the valve....The TCB installed front and rear and my safety wire job. Kit
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