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  1. So who has had your rims powder coated and what did it cost? also some names of a few trusted pwoder coaters would be great..
  2. I'm still looking for the Flanders 650-08783. . .well I can get the 650-08784 (Powdercoated). . .not sure exactlywhat that means but is it a flat or glossy look. I have a 2006 Pearl White.. .I think the powder coat would look pretty kewl, wife doesn't. well. . .what do you all think. Just wondering! Tim
  3. Ok, ya looked. I figured the way you guys follow Beavers advantures you'd jump all over that header. But.....I was digging in a couple of those old boxes that seem to follow you around for years that contain things that you keep for no reason and I did find something that I used to love but is was lost track of for years, actually decades and I like to find it again. It took me a while to figure out what is was but when I did I started jonesing for more. Many moons ago, like in the mid 70's I was at a car show and ran across a different kind of car wax. It came in a plastic tub and was in a powder form. You would take a damp cloth and dip it in the powder and apply it like a paste. The thing was that it did not let water bead up like a regular wax. After you finished applying it you could throw a bucket of water on the car and it would simply run off in a sheet. Not a spot to be seen. The effect was rather interesting when I would use RainX on the window also. People used to stop and look at the car when it was raining out because it looked like it was dry. You could see the rain drops hit and splash but then.....nothing. No beaded water, no spots and when it dried there were no water marks. Sadly the tub is now so worn and faded I can read nothing on it. What powder is left is a solid, hard as nails chunk. Maybe if I throw it in the blender.....? Sure would like to find out if it is still available. Only time I ever saw it for sale was at the car show. Never in a store, car mags or even offered on TV! But that was way before those fantastic infomercials were there to guide in our purchases. Anybody ran across a product like this? As the kind of guy that would rather ride the bike than clean it..........see where I'm going with this........it would be great for bike. Mike
  4. The U. S. S... Constitution (Old Ironsides), as a combat vessel, carried 48,600 gallons of fresh water for her crew of 475 officers and men. This was sufficient to last six months of sustained operations at sea. She carried no evaporators (i.e. fresh water distillers). However, let it be noted that according to her ship's log, "On July 27, 1798, the U.S.S. Constitution sailed from Boston with a full complement of 475 officers and men, 48,600 gallons of fresh water, 7,400 cannon shot, 11,600 pounds of black powder and 79,400 gallons of rum." Her mission: "To destroy and harass English shipping." Making Jamaica on 6 October, she took on 826 pounds of flour and 68,300 gallons of rum. Then she headed for the Azores , arriving there 12 November.. She provisioned with 550 pounds of beef and 64,300 gallons of Portuguese wine. On 18 November, she set sail for England . In the ensuing days she defeated five British men-of-war and captured and scuttled 12 English merchant ships,salvaging only the rum aboard each. By 26 January, her powder and shot were exhausted. Nevertheless, although unarmed she made a night raid up the Firth of Clyde in Scotland . Her landing party captured a whisky distillery and transferred 40,000 gallons of single malt Scotch aboard by dawn. Then she headed home. The U. S. S. Constitution arrived in Boston on 20 February 1799, with no cannon shot, no food, no powder, no rum, no wine, no whisky, and 38,600 gallons of water. GO NAVY! ****************************
  5. My wife asked me to take her shoes for new heals. The Shoe shop wanted $20. to put on new heals about 1 inch square and about 1/8 inch thick. After recently fixed some plastic tabs on my 89 VR, I thought hmmm. I wonder if PlasticX could fix her shoes. So I washed the heal and used masking tape around the heal making about 1/8 in high fence. Then pressed firmly on the tape where it stucked to the shoe so powder and chemical would not leak through and then pored the powder level to the top of the tape then started to add the droplets. Then I stired it to make sure that all the powder got disolved then did some minor adjustments as needed then propped the shoe level and let dry. The next day I filed the high spots and bingo, new heals. Time will tell how long it will last. The origional heal lasted 2 months.
  6. Today is 4-25-10 and i am editing my original post to let RSTD riders know i have 3 brackets left. they are $225.00 and you pay shipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finished up the tour pak yesterday and the wife and i logged some miles on it so that i could get her feed back. we've also made two Walmart runs and we filled up the tour pak on both trips. i am happy to say that she said she feels more secure than with a stock back rest, she also said that she has more room between us, her one downside comment was that she thought the contour of the back rest cushions weren't as comfy as the stock back rest - so i'll take the cushions to my friend the upholsterer and have him do his magic. i originally said i was going to offer this unit with locking mechanisms but honestly the amount of hours that we put into it to make it work caused us to think of a simpler and less expensive solution. we're going to replace the locks with knurled stainless steel thumbscrews. this will allow us to have the holes placed by our water jet cutting guy and they will all be uniform. we are thinking on offering the bracket several ways...1) primered 2) powder coated (black) 3) chrome plated, however plating it presents one problem - when you drill it for your tour pak it will chip the chrome ...or you can take it primered and drill your own holes and have it plated. i'll post up the price(s) during the week as soon as i get the numbers from powder coater and plating guy. take a look at the pic and i hope to get a video up on you tube as soon as i can. http://i41.tinypic.com/2q8a71y.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/ipd46a.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/el60rs.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/24uyiie.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/207t45t.jpg
  7. Well I have been fooling with this for a while but I just got the mount back from powder coat. Thanks Gary! Assembled it all together, pre-wired the bike so I should be good to go on Saturday and mount and see if the little bugger works or not. Mount made by Renne it was a great job and a hell of a design as far as I am concerned. Paint by Gary and fooling around by me. I think it is exactly what I wanted to so fooling around is just part of the deal for me! YA I KNOW!!!! Where the heck are the pictures? RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!! Befor paint and after powder coat
  8. Ok since I had my shoulder injury I have had a lot of time on my hands wich is bad for a guy but I love to cook. I have not used my smoker in a while and was looking for something new to smoke and came upon this from Bobby Flay http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/bobby-flay/smoked-bbq-brisket-recipe/index.html I have a 6 1/2 lb brisket in the fridge right now with the dry rub on it and tomorow I will smoke it. If it comes out good we will have to do a meet and eat. It seems a little spicy to some people but not to me I like it when it burns coming out.I could not for the life of me find ancho chilli powder so I just used chilli powder if I die from over sweating it was good... TOM:thumbsup2:
  9. Anybody ever hear of this, I will give it a try, I love both so it will be easy............ Why not give this a try..it sure is cheaper than most RX's even the OTC.. HONEY and CINNAMON Cinnamon & Honey ~ I Bet the drug companies won't like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a 'Ram Ban'(very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. Today's science says that even though honey is sweet,if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada ,in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists: HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada , various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins. ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients may take daily, morning, and night, one cup of hot water with 2 spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of 1 tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain. BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder. CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, were found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken 3 times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured. According to information received in the journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol. COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses. UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root. GAS: According to the studies done in India and Japan,it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas. IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases. INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals. INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural 'Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu. LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old. PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to make a paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root. SKIN INFECTIONS: Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections. WEIGHT LOSS: Daily in the morning-one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. CANCER: Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a day. FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the body within a week. BAD BREATH: People of South America , first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day. HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing. Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it!
  10. i planted my tomatoes today so that means summer is here. it's going to be 82 here tomorrow. ran the attic fan to cool the house down around midnight. since i have been riding all winter, riding is'nt that exciting but it sure is nice not having to wear all them clothes. going to get the zx-14 out tomorrow for a shake down run. haven't ridden it since last summer but have had it in my shop all winter and started it regularly. got to get the state inspection on it monday . putting new tires on my wing this week, and getting the wheels chromed or powder coated. probably go with the powder coating. got new avons on the v-star, so it looks like i'm good to go for another season. you all be careful out there. the same crazies are out there on the road + a bunch of new ones. bill
  11. Any interest in 1st Gen trailer hitches ? Today a welder friend of mine stopped in to drop off a seat pan from a '54 and '55 Harley Davidson Hummer for me to recover during the winter months as he is restoring . He noticed that I had a Markland trailer hitch laying around the shop (Muffinman's hitch) and he mentioned if I could gather enough interest in them , he could make them for around $100.00 each . No chrome , nor powder coating , just plain bare metal . This welder friend of mine is one top notch welder and specializes in fabricating trailers and hitches . He is also a biker as well . I didn't think of it till later , was to ask him to make receiver hitches out of them . But I am sure it is doable . There are several Powder coaters around in my neighborhood .I could take the hitch I have in possession to inquire the cost to have them powder coated as well . Any interest ? BEER30
  12. I resently was given a set of Bub sleeper slip on mufflers that the chrome tips were pealing badly. Took them to a powder coater who stipped the rest of the chrome (Media blasted) then powder coated them w/ high temp (1000 Deg) black satin. While I had them apart I repacked the baffles w/ 4 stroke packing material. They soung great, not to loud but a nice growl.
  13. He went up a little to far up with the powder coat, I will need to sand that off before i install them. They were right at $100.00 to have powder coated like this. I love them, pretty neat.
  14. A few short clips from Cache La Poudre Canyon: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkevVyBC-is]YouTube - Powder Canyon 1[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsdh5gdp-fw]YouTube - Powder Canyon 2[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvA5BKvVBkY]YouTube - Powder Canyon 3[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qbl4nYfGos]YouTube - Powder Canyon 4[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ytpR3y0kz8]YouTube - Powder Canyon 5[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byyzR3s86w0]YouTube - Powder Canyon 6[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bva3L8QIZjs]YouTube - Powder Canyon 7[/ame]
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