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  1. I was just wondering if anyone has any feedback over THIS lowering kit? I'm also curious why this kit doesn't mention anything about relocating the brake caliper? I'm interested because these links look well made and even with conversion from the pound and shipping, they still only cost about $72. Less then half what the Baron's kit costs.
  2. Which Branch of the Service Do Your Prefer? An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is crap!" An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "This is good crap!" A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having had a 10 mile swim to shore, a five crawl through swamps, and a 25 mile march in jungle, at night, through enemy positions, says with a grin, "This really is great crap." A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 pound pack on his back and a 15 pound weapon in each hand, after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this crap." An Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? What kind of crap is this?"
  3. happly holidays to all --------happy holidays to all ----- Turn on your sound. The video will advance on its own. Click below: The Seasons In Life i'm doing pretty good,heart rate is back to normal,blood press is comming down,havan't been doing any riding,bike is ready to go, pretty well moved in,got about 4 pound of the crap put in the 1 lbs bag thank you all for all the prayers,and support wild hair 39 [lowell]
  4. OK Folks, Now it's time to start with the donation amounts. We have our volunteers 21 folks that have taken the baton and will "Run" (pun intended) with our hopes of big weight loss. What we are going to do is have all you members donate towards the total combined weight that all the volunteers have decided to loose, this total is 567 lbs. This weight is what all of us are trying to loose, this also is all that we will ask you folks to honor as far as your donation amounts. If we loose more as a group, the donors will not have to pay above the 567 lbs if they do not wish to. If we end up loosing 700 lbs as a group, thats great and if folks want to donate for whatever the total is thats even better. There is a twist for us who are trying to loose the weight. If we dont meet the goal that we have set for ourselves we will have to pay $1 for every pound we miss our goal by. Kinda keeps us honest about loosing the weight The totals will be taken at Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th in Oberlin Ohio. So now it's time to present this to you folks, figure out what you believe that you would like to donate. Just to make it easy to figure out, 0.10 per pound will be $56.70 so you can figure it out what will work for you. As always Thank you to all you that donate and will help to champion this cause. St. Judes is a wonderful hospital and if you went and saw how much good is being done there, you wouldn't hesitate. I will be handling all of the donation amounts, so if your interested in donating PM me with the amount per pound and I'll keep track of all of it. Thank you to all our volunteers who have jumped on board and helped with this idea. Thank you to '93 Venture who thought of it....let the bidding begin Link to 1st thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30853
  5. Hey Folks, Well here we are at another New Year, I know many have made resolutions ( I hate that word) and will try to change a negative in their life. Darren (93 Venture) came up with what I think is an awsome idea to raise some money for St. Judes. His idea is for a weight loss for money to donate to St. Judes. I have thought over the holidays what might be the best way and this is what I and some others have brainstormed. We will get some volunteers to be a group that will attempt to loose the weight. They will come up with a weight that they think they can loose before Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th. Folks would then pledge so much per pound on the combined total weight that the members want to loose. There is a twist to this also as we want folks to be realistic in their attempt on loosing weight. If someone says they want to loose 40 lbs and they only loose 30 they have to pay lets say $1 per pound that they didn't loose. Keeps people somewhat honest and motivate to lose the weight they said they would. As mentioned if your going to participate in this, BE REALISTIC! dont say that you want to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. This will be a total of all the goals set by the individuals. There will be a second thread started once we have the volunteers where members can donate however much per pound. So what do you folks think....are you up for the challenge??
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