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  1. I bought my 2001 Venture, and it came with a Hopnel Tuxedo tank bib; however the quicklock pouch was not included... I have searched the interwebs and do not show a pouch being sold separately other than a map pouch. Figured I'd appeal to the masses here to see if anyone has an extra( yeah I know) laying around.. Thanks, Rod
  2. 1989 VR 27,000 miles I just bought it and one of the twist hooks holding the little leather bag to the rear travel bag (trunk) is broken. I've got a replacement part. The screws go into the trunk, where the parts diagram shows there to be a "special nut". Pretty special alright because it is covered with metal frame inside the trunk that the hinges are mounted to as well as other pieces. I don't want to (probably won't) disassemble all that. Has anyone tried to unscrew this piece and get it back together? How did you manage the special nut? Is the nut spot welded to the frame or what? Thanks. Even though I just joined and this is my first post I've been trolling here a while. It's great. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10552988/IMG_0693.JPG
  3. royal pain in the you know what. BUT................one of the first thing I found that was a total inconvenience was loading the cd changer. Wife and I with owning the bar and doing our own music have tons of cd's and I simply like the sound of a good cd. So in all my wisdon I thought the changer would look really goos standing up in the truck. 4 hours later its done and definetly not bragging but I really think it looks good I had an old cd changer laying in the shop that was junk, but as you know some people, namely me, keep everything cause you never know when you will need it. So with that being said the cord was quite long, and conveniently the plug had the same pin design. So I cut enough of it off so I had plenty to add and started in. NOW with that being said I DO NOT recommend anyone trying this unless you like to put yourself through hell like I do. They sell 13 pin extension cables, but for some reason my cable was broke already so I did not have anything to loose. First worked on mounting. I used gutter guard for a mounting base for 2 reasons, its nice and sturdy, and I had it. First remove the piece in the truck where the little storage pouch is, its held with 8 push pins, then I removed the pouch from it leaving me with this. I used the material as a templete. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b6215823d00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ This little storage pouch is just stitched on, utility knife cured that. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b81cb433a00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Had to remove this "bump" from the OEM mounting bracket. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bc3ee433e00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Leaving me with my cut piece of gutter guard and bracket. A Little flat black touched things up. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0a6cf923aa00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now then these changers have to have a setting changed to go from laying down (horizontal) to standing up (vertical) so it had to come out of the rubber insulator. I had absolutly no choice but cut the rubber, but no worries it look great now. Here is the adjustment that slides from H to V on both sides of changer http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bbd8ac25500000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Mounted the bracket to the gutter guard through the piece I removed that pouch from. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bcb6c43b800000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ When I got done I wound up with this. The INSIDE 4 holes I replaced the push pins with 3/16" aluminum pop rivets for added stability. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b8636035c00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bbb85c25900000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Connect a few wires. Some are shielded, some have to be isolated. This is why Id recommend buying one. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0bcdc1431600000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ But I have the shielding wrap. a good soldering pencil, and a ton of patience and wound up with this http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0ade9e239400000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now I have a nice empty side compartment that looks huge with the changer out of there. I put some RTV on the bolt that held the changer in place and threaded it back in just to tighten things up. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc34b3127ccefc0b05c4c24700000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Now I have the grommet with no wire in the side bag where the changer wire entered it, thats going to be where I install a power outlet since the hole is the perfect size, and the battery is really close.....
  4. I found 3 tool sets on ebay. They are craftsman motorcycle tool sets. The numbers are as follows: 350183941140 350183944598 350183941936 I have one that is in a pouch and I really like it. I roll it up and put it in my saddle bags.
  5. After all the work on my carbs. Lately, what with the diaphragm replacement and the adjustment of the diaphragm needles, I finally bit the bullet and ordered the Morgan Carbtune Pro from the manufacturer's site: http://www.carbtune.com/ Right now, the dollar is strong against the pound and I was able to purchase the Carbtune Pro for $87.00 US with shipping! It arrived about 4 days later in excellent shape and I am looking forward to breaking this unit in this weekend. I didn't buy the pouch, mostly because of comments from this site that said if you want to put the Carbtune back in the pouch you had to disassemble the unit. I opted for a medium size plastic fishing tackle box from "Wally-World" for $9.00 and now I can leave all of the hoses connected and have storage "cubbies" for the adapters and what not.All in All I found the service from Morgan very good although you have to search around a bit to find the Carbtune Pro without the pouch, as they make it really easy to buy the "Combo Deal". When I was shopping for this unit in mid 2008, with the shipping it would have run $115.00 US, so I am glad I waited. With owning an 86'VR and an 87'VR I looking forward to Syncing the carbs on them both. Earl
  6. I got the leather tank bra for Christmas and saw that the clip for the intercom will be in the way. Is it just double faced tape holding it on? I want to use the pouch on the bra to hold my I-pod.If it is tape any one know what is the best tape to replace it out of the way?
  7. Was wondering if anyone had a good way to attach their iPOD to your bike. It seems I have seen some attached to the handlebars but I have not been able to find anything to hold it on so I could see it. Now I have a pouch on the windshield but I am wanting something to hold it on the bars so I can see it. Any ideas?
  8. So there I was at Carl’s Birthday Party thinking this is really nice and what a great bunch of folks. Honestly, the way VR’s mixed in with Carl’s family you’d think we were all related! I guess we are in a sense and it’s nice to see the family grow and faces become more familiar. The gathering was great and nothing was missing, except Hal’s ‘wings’ of course (long story, if you weren’t at the Rally perhaps you seen the photo’s), even the weather behaved. Smiles and laughter were all around amidst great stories and even better food... one would think it couldn’t get any better... well it did. Part way through the evening while out on the deck I was approached by one of our members ‘bongobobny’. If you ever met Bob and his lovely wife Becky you’ll know what wonderful people they really are. Well by this time Bob and I had already said hello but hadn’t talked much. I was looking forward to catching up with him but our conversation took a little turn and that’s when it happened. Bob reached out to me with something in his hand and with the most sincere smile he said “here is something I’d like you to have”. When he opened his hand there was a small black velvet pouch and he handed it to me. Well I feel challenged to find words that adequately describe how wonderful I felt when I opened the pouch to find a VentureRider Guardian Bell. It truly is a gift of friendship and I will cherish it as such! Thank you very kindly Bob & Becky! PS. I haven’t put it on the bike yet but I’ve hung the pouch off my belt loop till I do... every once and a while I hear a “ting” from the bell and I think of Bob and it brings me a smile! At some point I’ll put it on the bike.
  9. I would like to put a three pocket windshield pouch on my 07 RSTD. Has anyone put one on, and how did you mount it? Had a Harley one on my Venture (sold it with the bike). Looks like it would need to be mounted to the windshield bolts, but needs to rise upward a bit to miss the speedo. What does anyone have and how is it mounted?
  10. I ordered today from Mustang, a 3 Pouch studded windshield bag to match the studded seat from my midnight venture. But I'm afraid that the mounting support is to short ... can I drill 3 little holes in the windshield and use windshield bolts to attach it…and do I need a special drill bit for drilling holes .. I don’t like to take the risk that I may crack my new windshield.
  11. just thought that some of you would like to check this out , just got mine and will install it in one of the saddle bags .Come whit all the connectors and a pouch . http://www.goldwingcountry.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=125&manufacturer_ID=503&product_ID=16845&model_ID=0&query=slime
  12. I just picked up the Plain Jane leather tool pouch from Carolina Leather Works [http://www.carolinaleatherworks.com]. I just mounted the bag to the from of my bike. It attaches right to the crosbar for the highway lights. This is the tool pouch, it's only $19.95+5.95s&h. I ordered it Sunday and I put in on the bike Thursday. I think I'll dress it up a bit with a Yamaha Star Concho. My tools (2 cresent wrenches, 1 3/8 ratchet, 2 metric hex key sets, 1 metric ratchet set, 2 philips screw drivers, 1 driver with 2 dozen bits) all fit snuggly. They won't be rattling around up there. This tool pouch will give me back some room in my saddle bag. Get bagged at Carolina Leather Works!
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