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  1. Every time I go to post a new thread and enter the subject line this damn frame pops up with suggestions about other threads that might possibily have something to do with what I'm posting about. It's a PITA. Any way I can turn the thing off???
  2. If I am posting on an ipad to Watering Hole and want to change URL to another name....how to I do it?
  3. I realize there is another posting about protable cameras like the GoPro...but this little guy takes the cake. It's not really HD or waterproof....but it does seem to work from what I've read from others... Pilot Automotive Dash Cam - Walmart.com david
  4. Wow, I went from less than 50 post to 10,600 in one day. I think I'll go rest now.
  5. How does one insert pictures in the "Insert Thumbnail" section that shows up at the bottom of the posting?
  6. My new to me '83 venture that has been triked as as a project is still very much a project. To start, I need the airbox,filter holder, filter and top . I will need much more in the coming weeks If you have any of these parts please let me know. I'll be posting the pictures very soon. If you are counting this is my second project on the go. ( my wife sure is! )
  7. So I got my drift camera...and in the next week or so I plan on recording bits and pieces of some of the great rides we have around here. To post video, is it the same as posting a picture....just "manage attachements" and select the file I want to post? I can see the file sizes and types. 1.91 mb doesn't sound like much for a video file. How does one go about posting to a web site like youtube? any other recommended sites where I could post video and have folks go there to view it?
  8. Haven't been around as much as I used to, but when I saw this.....well, there was no other place to come for guys who would appreciate it. You may have already seen it. If so, excuse me for posting it again. I have no other words for this pic.
  9. Computer Down got major virus. From repair forum for weed eater carbs. Warden is working on it and I don!t have a clue. Posting this on her I Pad. I,m lost without computer. May get something done. Has black screen blinking cursor???
  10. Is the a way to post a pic to this site from an iphone?
  11. Is it just coincidence that you guys are posting all these senior jokes now that I am officially a senior or what??
  12. I guess maybe I'm posting in the wrong area or just not getting my point across Last week I asked if someone could measure standard handlebar width on any Venture newer than a 1999. 58 views not one response. Today I asked about how to use a regular jack on a Venture 50+ views and no response. Would like to know if I'm posting wrong don't want to pay for this site with this kind of response. Thanks
  13. Ok, after much thought and deliberation, (running up/down stairs 1000 times from mancave/stable to get on computer for tech help will speed up this process) we think it is time for a IPHONE APP for VentureRider.org. No small task I'm sure, but I (my knees) would be up for increasing dues to cover cost? Sure would be nice to take the forums on a ride, maybe posting location pins to map, maybe connecting with others while in a certain area, etc. Ideas? Suggestions? I am sure Freebird will enlighten....... please..... And then again, maybe this has been discussed previous..
  14. Happy New year Everyone: When I first joined almost two years ago I did not have any issues posting pictures. Then just about Cody time, I tried posting pictures of my completed Harley Trunk install on my RSTD. Many of you had helpful suggestions, but I was still unable to post before Cody. I got busy and neglected to try again until this weekend. I am stuck in the house do to the winter cold and I am "ON Call" and cannot go very far. So I made more attempts at the file uploads and they finally worked. For those that would want to look around in my albums. Their are good pictures about several popular upgrades. Flanders Bars (Before and After). DMY aftermarket trunk install with Wompus Rack. Harley Trunk install on the same Wompus Rack. Bar end weight idea and my own invention of adding a spacer to the RH side to allow for a "Total Grip" when the Crusie is on. Grippy Puppy pictures. Along with pictures of several local friends and VR members that I am honored to call my FRIENDS.....Mark:)
  15. This was posted on another board by a very accomplished artist and photographer. Hope she doesn't mind me posting it here. It's well worth viewing. [ame=http://vimeo.com/18026388]Riding the World[/ame]
  16. When I was reading Freebirds article on the work done on his eye it occurred to me that we have seen some amazing advances in medicine and the things they can do to help out eyesight is nothing short of amazing. BUT it is Really unnerving and can be painful depending on the procedure done. The You Tube video I am posting is the same as the one done on me, but they dont show the needles used to freeze the eye that are inserted into the corners of the eye at the start of the procedure. I was wondering why i stil have an ache in the muscle behind my eye over a month after the surgery, after watching this now I know.....lol! My doc insisted I do this with a local anesthetic and it was a curious/cool/eeeewww! feeling when I could watch the instruments from inside my eye.... This is a graphic video of a medical procedure and I am posting just so those that are curious can see what is now possible, but again I warn it is graphic. Brian go to youtube.com/watch?v=ZZhM3hmmCiE
  17. Well GW'ers we've got our own section of the forum. Thanks Don! Now that we can come out of the closet how about posting some pics of your Wings? Here's a couple of mine. It's an '06 Airbag model with 29K mi on the odo.
  18. Where's Cindy been? I know I miss her posting, hope all is going well with them. Come on Cindy let us know how it's going. Margaret
  19. Hello all, I had been running my business and storing equipment at a friends 5 acres, and 2 months ago bought the place. The neighbor had a little camp fire, thought it was out. The grass was brown and dry from frost. Here's the results: http://www.xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=22564.html (pics and more details are already posted at this ^ site, makes me sick looking at them, hope this doesn't break any posting rules) I will know more Tuesday when the Insurance Adjuster comes out. The '88 VR is safe ( but I had the tank and side covers in the shed!) Pray for Haiti, I'll be OK.
  20. This is my first ever posting of pictures.Sooooooo hoping it works. :canada:
  21. I guess it's time for a reminder folks. I'm amazed at the number of political threads started lately and also some of the jokes that are crossing the line of our PG rating here. I'm not going to give a big speech here. There are plenty of threads where I have done so. I'm just going to ask that you PLEASE think about what you are posting before you post it. It's really simple. No political discussion here and the jokes should be no worse than PG rated. Thanks, Don
  22. Check out my square dance song for trikes on your "Fun & Friviolous" posting :dancefool:
  23. Bob, The fist clamps are perfect :thumbsup2: Have sent you a PM in regard to purchase. Thanks for posting your web site for me (in Ladies Lair) Alan was able to see them really well. IH Truck Guy, Am posting the pics you requested of sticks in place on bike: 1. Frame of outrider, at rear, where end of crutch will sit. 2. Shows stick in place. 3. Looking down between pannier and fender (handle of stick) 4. Position of crutch in place. Rubber stopper on the bottom will sit up on a slight angle, and will need about 21/4 inches in the "thingie" to fit-okay. This is all amazing-and so appreciated. My mechanic (Alan) gets up for work at 4.15am and sometimes isn't home till 6-7pm, and that's six days a week. Doesn't leave a lot of time. Thanks for the idea's :clap2::thumbsup2:
  24. Its not to late to join me, 86er, RandyR, and Ediddy for the ride up to MD. I am leaving Newnan, Ga around 2:30 pm on Thursday, 6/4/09 to meet up with the others, so if your interested get in touch with one of us either by posting here or pm. Looking forward to this one, since I have missed the others........gonna be a grand time.............
  25. mraf


    If I was free I would ride All over this countryside But it is not to be because life has a hold of me There is hay to bale Grapes to spray reunions to attend and babysitting to make amends If it weren't for this site Life would be a fright For it is a depressing thought that you all are caught In a cycle of work without a cause So keep on meeting one and all keep on posting for us all someday this will change for me especially and then look out for I to will have a cause!
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