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  1. If you are ever inclined (or have to) remove the fairing (aka Cowl) on your GL1800 Wing, there is an undocumented "step" that you need to be aware of in order to get it off the bike. Hopefully the following link will work for you; however, if not, let me know and I will re-create a post here with the info. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?335313-Removing-the-Fairing-question(s) See my posts #15 and #21 in the above link.
  2. Well, Mine finally went after 30k miles on my 05.Its got oil all over the boot and the lower mount.I wonder how many here have had the shock replaced at least once, and how many have had it replace more than once. If you have had to replace your rear shock post a quik reply so maybe we can get a count. Just added some pics of what to look for for those that have not had this problem yet
  3. I am 70, and dislexia makes me a happy 07! I have two artificial knees, and I feel YOUNGER on my 86VR (thanks Squidley and Lonna) .... than at any other time. Have we done a survey? I did read the VR 1st Gen post of the 16 year old riding a VR. Great. So, ... fill me in while I roam Colorado some more! Jack Tharp Fort Collins, CO
  4. So I read the instruction on replacing the Shift Shaft Seal in the library; I also read the post on it in the forum from last April. In the Library it talks about major work, in the post it talks about pulling the seal with a hook and driving in the new one with a block of wood (or other tools would work as well) without removing the shaft. Anyone got experience or advice to offer?
  5. My 2005 RSMV was involved in a wreck before I bought it. After carefully looking it over I decided to buy it. They did a great job fixing everything that was bent or broken, but I noticed a misalignment of the panels on the Left lower leg protectors. During Christmas vacation I had time to tear into it and see what was going on. The left engine guard/crash bar is slightly tweaked. I might be able to bend it back, but I thought I would post on here to see if anybody would by chance have one they would want to sell? I found a couple on e-bay, but they don't look like they are completely there or in good shape. There was a new one, but it was $260!!
  6. Wow, I went from less than 50 post to 10,600 in one day. I think I'll go rest now.
  7. Just tried to post a classified add, way to complicated for a computer dummy like me, must be a easier then way to do it any help out there?
  8. How do i include multiple member posts within my reply....in order to make comments to each in one post? Hope this makes sense.
  9. I have been researching the older post on LED's. I read some that say you don't have to add anything but the bulbs unless you change out the turn signals. Other post sound like you do have to add resistors. I would like to change out the running lights that I have and perhaps the headlight. I don't want to change the turn lights at this time. My bike is a 87' 1st gen. Can someone please clear this up for me?
  10. This evening, whenever I click on the 'go to new post' chevron to the left of a thread title, I get this: [h=2]vBulletin Message[/h] No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator These are in fact new posts that have been posted since my last visit to that thread. The workaround: When I click on the thread title and then to 'view first unread', I arrive at the newest unread reply. I would like to save a few clicks, so please restore the 'go to new post' chevron functionality. Thanks.
  11. This area was created for the posting of legitimate fund raising events that are motorcycle related but being held by groups other than VenturerRiders. There are many charitable causes out there and I often receive requests to put "stickies" on such threads in the watering hole. If I honored all those requests, the first page of the watering hole would be nothing but stickies for such causes. So, this area was created for our members to post such things. Please note. ONLY events that are being held by recognized groups will be allowed here and only when they are raising money for verifiable charities. Any others will be removed. Only "Supporting Members" may post to this area. Thanks for your understanding.
  12. Sorry for posting here, but new to the site and trying to figure it out. I just bought an 06 Venture that needs a new kickstand. I was trying to post it in the Classified section but couldn't figure out how to post a new ad. I couldn't find a little button that said something like "post new thread" or anything. Any help for a noob would be great...and if anyone reading this has a kickstand in good condition they are trying to get rid of, please contact me! Thanks
  13. My ignition switch is bad. Must be the second time because I have two keys, never knew I was only supposed to have one. I have seen much talk about adding a relay to take stress off the switch. I would like to put in the relay when I redo the switch. I am fairly handy, but the elecrical side of things is one of my glaring weaknesses. Is there a step by step post that shows how to do this? Any suggestions on where to get the switch? What type of relay to use? Can the switch be cleaned up and keep on using? Thanks, Ross
  14. I have an appointment Monday to take my 06 RTSD in for the clutch whine. I talked to my service manager today and he says he is not aware of the "I" basket. Does anyone remember where the post was that listed the part number for the "I" basket and the phone number for the Yamaha rep. I want to have the part number and phone number with me when I get there because it sounds like I might need to educate my service dept. I'm sure I read a post that had this info. Any help please.
  15. Just got an 06 RSV Midnite and couldn't be happier! My son and I are going to be doing some trips this spring and summer. Ready to buy some headsets. I know the Yamaha headsets are made by J&M and I can get a 15% discount on those. How do they compare to the Edsets? I've read a lot of post and not sure which to purchase. Any advice would be appreciated as far as sound quality and wind noise, Reliability etc. What a great site, I look foward to joining.Thanks Scott
  16. From a saved tech install article... unknown contributor who will probably announce him/herself... With all this talk about adding better horns to our ride I found these and mounted them to my ride in the stock location. Right side just forward and below the passenger foot. These are the one's I used from here: http://www.adventurersworkshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=STEBEL_COMPA CT_CHROME&Category_Code=Stebel_Air_Horns Included are a couple of pic's on how they look on the bike. For mounting the horn I used an "L" bracket Bolted to where the Grounding strap mounts onto the engine. and mounted the relay under the cover just beside the right foot of the passanger. I also have an easy wiring instructions. A. Pink horn wire goes to RELAY POST 85. B. Brown horn wire goes to Relay Post 86. C. Connect one end of a wire to Relay Post 30 and the other end to the Hot side,+, of the compressor D. Connect end of your 20 amp Fused line to Relay Post 87 and the other end to the Hot Post,+, of your Battery. E. Connect the negative,-, on compressor to ground or neg,-, post on battery By using your wiring instructions, does this disconnect the OEM horns? I like your set up and God only knows that the RSV horns leave a lot to be desired. If it is as easy as you say -- then even I can install this thing. http://www.adventurersworkshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=STEBEL_COMPACT_CHROME&Category_Code=Stebel_Air_Horns At 139dB these horns are extremely loud and provide that "rock concert" ringing in your ear if you are too close when it goes off. I've been told that it can be heard almost 3 city blocks away! YEEEOOOWWW! Dimensions The Compact Nautilus chrome horns are 4 3/4" tall, 2 3/4" wide, and 4 1/4" deep. Yes I only had to remove the OEM horn from it's place and then add the new horn where the old one was. The other horn under the faring is still there and still connected and working. As for wiring just follow those instructions and everything will work like it should. The plug on the OEM horn I just cut into 2, their was a small V shaped plastic piece holding the 2 wires together. Once the V piece is cut you can then plug them into the relay directly. I mounted the relay under the battery cover on the side.
  17. Any possibility of a "like" button on here? Or a "thumbs up" "thumbs down"? I find it a really helpful feature, like the thanks but not quite the same, and it keeps the forum from being cluttered with "good post" and such. So many times I've seen posts and thought, "Great post!" but "thanks" wasn't really appropriate and "reply" and then clicking a smiley then "post" then back three times to get back to the forum is, frankly, too much to be bothered with just to say "good post". Just a thought.
  18. Just hop on anywhere and take a ride, out to Lancaster, towards Hershey, take a detour through the towns along the way (find the Windmill - go up the big Hill, great ride!). There are some really great roads in PA - time to post 'em! gp
  19. I've been sitting back watching all the info over the proposed weapons bans over the last few weeks. Won't even go there. No desire or need to. Don't intend to either. So please keep with my theme. But I ran across this listing this morning on eBay and it cracked me up. It's nice to see someone still is keepinng a sense of humor during all this. Found it a little late to post the link but made a couple .pdf files of it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tactical-Assault-Rock-from-CroMagnum-Arms-International-CAI-/261153926569?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&nma=true&si=8aRuiXd0wPHlQiprQbVkPlE1YQk%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc The questions posted at the bottom of the listing were the best. Some people can still laugh about all this. The seller even has a Assault Spork listed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261153740945?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Mike
  20. TDunc

    Eagle swoops Kid

    ummmmm... don't know what to say. Maybe..."Duck!" There is adult language... dont turn it up with the kids in the room. http://www.break.com/index/golden-eagle-swoops-up-little-kid-2397519 Edit... added for those that don't get the humor of the original post - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4jefE-0Zt8]Golden Eagle Snatching A BABY IS confirmed Fake HOAX on GMA Good Morning America YouTube - YouTube[/ame]
  21. What happen to the post of a video someone put up of truck and car crash. Went to show someone and its gone??
  22. OK folks, we are going to kick this contest off today. It will run for two weeks. I will draw the winning numbers two weeks from today at or around 6:00 PM. There will be two prizes and two winners. First prize will be a set of custom engraved VentureRider carb covers for the Royal Star Venture or Royal Star Tour Deluxe. This prize was generously donated by AdChrome. You can visit his webiste here: http://adchrome.4t.com/ The second prize will be a brand new 4GB Ipod Shuffle. This prize was generously donated by BVinson. Here is a link to one just like it. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Apple-shuffle-Black-Generation-MODEL/dp/B001FA1NZA?tag=citofgamonlco-20]Amazon.com: Apple iPod shuffle 4 GB Black (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL: MP3 Players & Accessories@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31gS8%2BEjMqL.@@AMEPARAM@@31gS8%2BEjMqL[/ame] So what is the contest? I'm going to make it very simple. In the spirit of the season, I will ask you to post to this thread about your most memorable Christmas. The one that you have the most joyous memories about. I like these kind of contests because I think they help us to get to know each other better and bring us closer as a family. Now because I realize that we are a diverse group here and I don't want to leave anybody out, I'm going to allow any of you who may not celebrate Christmas to substitute a similar holiday of your choice and if you don't celebrate any holidays at all, then just the most joyous event of your life will certainly suffice. Now I know that some folks are better writers than others so though I encourage you to take this seriously and write more than a two word post, the winner will again be chosen randomly from all the entries. Also, regardless of how many times you post to this thread, each person will receive only ONE chance. OH...and one last thing. Contest is open to supporting members only. So if you are not a supporting member, you still have time to take care of that little issue. So there you have it. On your mark, get set, GO. Good luck to all.
  24. Well I just got back from the Eye Doctor and it isn't healing as well from my accident. getting some blank spots and double vision at times. Figured I better sell whats left of the bike. Maybe in a year or so I will get another if my eyesight comes back better. Will still keep in touch with y'all and will post some pictures of it when I get back to the house. Squidley was going to sell me most of the parts needed to put her back together.
  25. Has anyone herd from Tony? Not seen or herd from him in almost 2 years. Freebird is he still a member? Paid his due's? Maybe he'll see this post
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