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  1. I am compiling the true facts of the Pork in the Pines to be posted later today after my two brain cells get back from vacation. OH the stories, we laughed, we cried, we ate, we gave thanks, we remembered, we were thankful for friends, life, liberty, and our way of life, we bonded, we watched and took care of each other. We all realize what a great and special group this is and that it is a treasure that is priceless. No names will be mentioned but I am sure you will know any way. I have to go off to start my new job so I will get-R-done later today. Just wanted to warn the guilty parties. And no I don't have pictures so you are safe there! :whistling: :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  2. OK. So, regardless of what Bubber will try and tell you, it isn’t exactly like "Hell’s Kitchen". It’s the "Oil Can Café". :rotfl:And this is what is on the menu for the 2012 Pork in the Pines week-end. Friday evening Black Owl’s world famous Sweet Chili Saturday Breakfast Eggs.. Cooked to order (As long as you order scrambled) Sausage... Links or patties O’brian hash browns Pancakes Orange juice, coffee Dinner Roasted whole hog Roast Turkey w/Moose drool dressing and gravy Old fashion potato salad Cole slaw Green garden salad w/assorted dressings Romaine Asian Waldorf salad Pasta salad Fried cabbage & fresh pea pods w/malt vinegar Fried cabbage w/horse radish Corn on the cob Eagle Eye baked beans Logging camp bread pudding Sunday Breakfast Same as Saturday Lunner (late lunch early dinner) Pulled pork sandwiches Hispaniola pork fajita (Chefs special) Assorted salads And, there are still several openings for kitchen help
  3. If anyone would like to give us a hand, Gary and I will be having a Pork in the Pines work day at his place to get ready for next year. The primary project will be fabricating a new pig roaster plus assorted odd jobs. So, if you are free (or at least reasonable) on Saturday, October 29th, we could sure use your help. Russell
  4. After a long discussion with Black Owl about what "Poke in the Pines" really is & where it is & that we are invited to attend even if we pronounce it "Pork in the Pines" , I have decided that I'm going to try & get back there for Labor Day weekend. I will be leaving the Scottsbluff, NE area Thursday morning the 1st of Sept. I will most likely pick up Babe at the Minneapolis airport the 2nd & drive on to the rally. Anybody from this general area or west of Cheyenne, WY/Scottsbluff, NE headed to the "Pork in the Pines" I would sure like to hook up with you & ride to the rally together. That's about half the fun is getting to the rally with an old friend or a new one. Can't get Phoneman1981 to shake loose to go, so far. Let's get a group from here in the Rocky Mtn area to go to Black Owls party..!!!! C Ya, Parolman46 CELL = NINE SEVEN 0- THREE NINE SIX - SIXTEEN 0 SEVEN
  5. Hey everyone that attended the Pork in the Pines I'm changing my handle from Tall Tom to Shorty. I have many friends in both the Venture Riders and Venturers motorcycle clubs and it will be alot less confusing with one handle. Anyone that has met me will understand that Shorty fits me better anyway.
  6. As everyone in the north land knows, the riding season will have to end. Why not end it in style? COME PARTY WITH A PIG WHO: One and all are invited WHAT: Pork in the Pines pig roast WHEN: Labor Day Weekend, September 2 thru September 5, 2011 WHERE: Gary (Whoompl) and Ann Kloehn's Place, 39180 Old Oak Tree Road, Laporte, MN WHY: Because we can COST: We will be accepting donations to cover the costs. The Minnesota Venture Riders are extending an open invitation to one and all to Venture into Minnesota over the Labor Day Weekend and join us for the Sixth Annual Pork in the Pines pig roast. Free Camping - group rides through the lakes region - maintenance workshop - fun - and most of all, friendship. Come renew old acquaintances, make new friends, and help the Minnesota members bring their riding season to an end in style. Chili social beer and BS Friday night to welcome all arrivals Cook to order breakfast Saturday and Sunday. Pig Roast Saturday evening. Pulled Pork Lunch Sunday There are several good motels just a few miles away. There are also several casinos in the are for those interested in helping the Minnesota economy. For further information and maps go to www.porkinthepines.com Disregard the dates shown on the web site as there were for last year. Hope to see you this year. Russell (Black Owl)
  7. What fun plans do you have for the weekend? We will be missing Pork n the Pines, but for a good reason. We normally do a lot of riding with our 3 sons, but this summer has been so busy we haven't gotten to at all, so..... We are all heading east of the river (Mighty Mississipi) to the Kickapoo area to hit the following: Vernon Vineyards Bad Axe area Rockton (famous bbq chicken) Wild Cat Mountain State Park Bull's Den Bar (crazy barn out in the middle of nowhere turned into a fun bar Cheese Curds !!!! and staying at Soldiers Grove, WI at a place that has the best Bourbon Pork Tenders and generally riding back roads! Can't wait!!! So what are you doing?
  8. I was going to title this thread something like only 6 more daysbut then I remembered that last week they wanted meaningtful titles. SO, just to let anyone that may have overlooked it... Only 6 more days before the kick off of the 4th annual Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com Just reying to head off anyone syaing they didn't hear about it until it was too late. Remember. Only 6 days left before the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com See y'all at Grandpagak's place in six days.
  9. As most members are aware, there is no charge to attend the 2009 Pork in the Pines (www.porkinthepines.com) pig roast this year. And to help us cover the costs, one of long term members has donated a brand new car tire to be auctioned off. The proceeds from the auction will go directly to the Pork in the Poines donation jar. As this is a car tire, this will pr0obably interest a lot of the darksiders and those who are considering going to the dark side. What we have is a brand new 155.80.15 tire. The bid will also include shipping to the winner. So, if your interested in this tire, and in helping a fun Venturerider event, let the bidding begin.
  10. I am working on a deal to get some Rocky Mountain Oysters aka Calf Fries/Swinging Serloin/Tendergroin... Anyone else attending the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast interested? www.porkinthepines.com
  11. Well, we are 52 days away from the kick off of the 2009 Pork in the Pines Pig Roast, and except for the fact that we have a lower than anticipated pre-registration, everything is moving along smoothly. We have recruited a sponsor for breakfast Sunday morning. So, that means free breakfast on site Saturday and Sunday. As only 5 people responded to the question of having biscuits and gravy on the breakfast menu, the cook made an administrative decision and we will not be having biscuits and gravy. As much as I like biscuits and gravy I can't justify the effort or the expense. Nor could I see having biscuits and gravy available and having to tell folks that they were reserved for a select few. Big Bob has registered and we look forward to seeing him after his accident last year. Still no official word from Tessa (Tequila Pete), but we are keeping the faith and hoping he will be able to make it. Am checking to see if there is some way we can get a better handle on the flys this year. Will be checking with a local farm supply to see what they recommend. If all else fails, may have to recruit a few folks with shotguns.... Just another reminder that due to miserable economic conditions we are facing this year we have done away with a set registration fee and will be simply setting out a donation jar for those that feel they can make a small donation to help offset the expenses. So, if your Labor Day week-end, September 4 through 7 is still open, and you are looking for an economical way to meet old friends, make new ones, get some of the best food around, and are in the mood for a lot of laughs, check out www.porkinthepines.com and come join us for the 4th anual Pork in the Pines. You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it.
  12. If you haven't been to the Pork in the Pines. Great food Great people (well Red1 may or may not be there this year) Great riding and did I mention Great Food. So, if you really want to have a great labor day week end please consider coming to the 2009 Pork in the Pines. www.porkinthepines.com
  13. We are very please to announce that the law firm of Stempel and Assoc, Hopkins, Mn has offered to sponsor a breakfast at the 2009 Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. Just one more reason to consider attending the 2009 PIP in Laporte, MN 4-7 September, 2009. Free camping Free Chili feed Friday night Free breakfast Sat morning Free Pig roast Sat night Free lunch (pulled pork sandwiches) Sunday While the Pork in the Pines is free this year, we will be accepting donations to help defray expenses. So, if you have not already made other plans, and if you are considering attending the PIP this year, please sign up early so we can get a tentative head count and plan the menues accordingly. To sign up, please visit http://www.porkinthepines.com/ Thanks much folks, and looking forward to seeing a whole lote of you this year.
  14. We just landed back at home about an hour ago. This years Pork in the Pines was a great success. Black Owl cooked up vats of his famous chili. The pig cooker performed perfectly, the pig (all 115 pounds) turned out great and it was fun eating. Cooking commenced early Saturday morning and wasn't finished until about 6pm. I ate several pounds of it myself. This year more people than ever camped at Gary's place turning his farm into a biker campground. A special thanks to Gary for providing his place for the rally. However, I think next year many people may camp on the other side of the farm AWAY from the ROOSTERS!!! They sure like to wake up early and cock-a-doodle-doo. We had rides on Saturday and Sunday as well as a maintenance day on Sunday. Saturday we had about a 170 mile ride on the backroads of Northern MN. Part of Saturday's ride was a quick stop at the Mississippi headwaters for those that had never been there. It's always great to walk across the mighty Mississippi. I am told Sunday's ride was also a great success. I was helping with maintenance day, but most of the crew went ona full days ride through more backroads which many of the Canadians tell me are better than their primary roads. On Sunday we set a record for us at Pork in the Pines. We successfully completed work on five bikes. That is four more than we've ever done in past years. (There was usually too much drinking and goofing off for any serious work to get completed. This year we did several carb syncs, plug changes and color tunes. Also a special thanks to Freebird for providing us with the Colortune. We successfully used it on three bikes on Sunday then we raffled it off. I forget who won it, but they are happy to have their own color tune now. Thanks Don!!! My wife is processing photos and I have a few hours of video from Saturday's ride to process and get posted. That should make it way here and to the Pork in the Pines website. Those in attendance were: Myself and Tigeress Black Owl GrandpaGak and GrandmaGak, Sarges46 (Rick) and Marilyn Red1 minnmac and wife Renate wild hair 39 krispy and wife Denise Rocket Norm and wife Kim noddy (Gord) and wife Laura Bubber and wife Luanne tessa c2 Lennie RedRider and son Grant Crowsnest (Brandi) and her man Crow Bigbob was in attandence via our thoughts and prayers. Those that have met him have always found him to be a great man. We pray for his recovery and look forward to seeing him again. Thanks to all for attending and making this years Pork in the Pines another successful VentureRider.org rally!!!
  15. I finally have the trailer ready (wired and safety chained) and we are loading it up now. We'll be there this afternoon/evening. Cheers
  16. Just wanted to say good morning to ya! Looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice here in the midwest for the weekend! Hope you all have safe travels wherever your headed!!! Going to miss pork n pines...but at least we'll be riding. Hope you all have a great holiday! Ride safe!!
  17. I am loosely calling this a Rally Schedule. For those that have been to the Pork in the Pines in the past you know we do not stick to a strict plan. We just have a general idea of things we want to do and then we go off and have fun. Friday: Arrive (anytime through out the day) Setup camp Enjoy a free chili feed Meet old friends and make new ones Saturday: Breakfast at nearby casino Embark on a ride to where ever your ride leader takes you Stop for lunch on ride (where ever you land) Ride some more Return to camp and get ready to eat pig Ohh and ahh over the pig as it is pulled from the cooker and presented Dig in and eat! Recover from eating Evening bonfire and cigar smoker (I am providing 2 dozen cigars), B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) crash for the night Sunday: Maintenance day (we work on one or more bikes if needed) Breakfast a nearby place Return to camp for maintenance day OR for those that want to ride we can ride Lunch - BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches More maintenance day work OR continue riding for those that wish Dinner Evening bonfire B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) and if there are any cigars left we can smoke them as well. crash for the night Monday: Departure day break camp and head home full of good food and memories Register now to avoid missing the fun and pig.
  18. A question was raised as to whether the Pork in the Pines was a child friendly event. Just want to reassure one and all that the Pork in the Pines is definately family and child friendly. We may get a bit loud, but never abusive... No naked dancing girls, drunken brawling, none of the BAB stuff (damn) Not that we're prudish or anything, but most of us are too old to partake of those kinds of activities any more. (Not that I ever did mind you. Pure straight arrow) So, if anyone was considering bring the kids along, please do so... Russell
  19. any one going through st. louis on the way to pork in the pines. if so, i would like to ride along if i can swing going. i hate to ride that far alone. bill
  20. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put up the banner of the 3rd annual Pork in the Pines.
  21. With all the flooding going on in Iowa the past couple of days, thought I would check on Blusees. Called her yesterday evening. All is well with her. They have closed the University due to the flooding, but she has no flooding at her home. She was going to get on line and do a post to let all know she was okay. Then got a VM from her saying she could not get Internet access. She has access through the U. But as they are having flooding at the U, the internet is down. So, she asked that I do a posting to let anyone who is interested (and even those who are not) that she is okay. She is still waffling on the Pork in the Pines. SO, maybe some of you folks who would like to help her make up her mind, can prod her a bit on coming up for the Pork in the Pines. Besides, she is the only one with a tuned guitar.....
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