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  1. Wooohoo, we have the grand daughters for two weeks but there is one problem. I have been informed I can not "spoil" them. That being said I was able to get our daughter to "allow" me to get them something if they "need" it. So far I have figured out that they both "needed" new shoes because the shoes they had on when we picked them up didn't match their outfits they had on. I then determined that they "needed" sun dresses because it is hotter here than in CT. Oh, they also "needed" new sandals because they didn't have ones that matched the new sun dresses they "needed". Of course since it was so hot out and they had the new sun dresses they "needed" chairs that fit them so they could sit out side in their new sun dresses so I got them a canvas hippo chair and a canvas frog chair, but only because they "needed" them. Well as I thought about it some more I could clearly see that they "needed" a pool to put their chairs next to so I got them a 103 inch blow up pool. Now my brain was in a high awareness state and it was very apparent to me that their bathing suits did not match the color of the pool so I HAD to go get them the new bathing suits they "needed". Now as I was sitting there contemplating their needs there was no doubt in my mind that there was still one more thing they "needed". Now we all know that after a good day in the pool one needs to get their energy back up and what does that best? Why ice cream of course. Not being one to deprive Pappy's Girls of the things THEY need I of course had to stock up on ice cream bars in the freezer. So you all are now my witnesses that I have not been "spoiling" them I have only been getting them things they need. Right? Right? Ride Happy, Ride Safe
  2. http://biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=28443
  3. Needed to have valve adjustment on my 83 venture. Ponch is going to be kind enough to come down with equipment and supervise. Will start about 9 AM on Saturday 8-27-11. My address is : Jerry Van Avery 1255 CR 878B Sweeny Texas, 77480 Others are welcome to come buy watch/ learn and do other maintenece on they're bikes. Will plan to have Sloppy Joes for lunch and If you want to cool off the pool will be available. Might be able to have some Ice cream for desert. Let me know if you plan on coming to the country and if there is specific maintenance you need or plan to tackle. I do have motorcycle jack but not a stand.
  4. I hope that you had a wonderful birthday. Yama Mama:smile5::Happy Birthday: Oh here is your pool boy!
  5. I know this isn't bike related but it't that time of year when I have to open the pool. I just had a new liner installed and I've been reading up on saltwater chlorinating systems. From what I've read they might be better than using traditional chlorine. However, I know nothing about the various brands. Is anyone using saltwater? What brand system do you have and what do you think of it? Dennis
  6. Our area at the Michigan meet&Eat at Maxie's will have it's own pool table. So I will have a trophy made up and we will have a single elimination pool tournament. Does NOT matter if you ever played before of not, smack them balls and see where they land. Winner gets a trophy and bragging rights. Now as far as letting me know who is attending or not. The only reason I wanted a number of people attending is for the special menu. Mike Abraham is a gourmet cook and I wanted some of his razzle dazzle specialize creations to tantalize your taste buds. BUT if the comment number is low I will have him make up a simple menu. Does not matter if you say you are attending of not, last minute attendees are welcome. Now I'm going all out on this to make it the best M&E I can so hope all you can make it. Hoping to make it an annual thing. See you all on the 15th....Karl:fatsmiley: Updates on Hotel rates soon.
  7. Ok - I was just kidding, I'm heading to Mexico on an all inclusive 6 day get away. 24/7 room service, pool, Pacific ocean, drinks I never heard of - I'm pumped. btw - wife is going with me, gonna be FUN !!!
  8. http://blogs.carpoint.ca/2009/08/texting-tow-truck-twit-splashes-down-in-pool.html Typically, a tow truck is called in to cart off the vehicular casualties of an accident. Alas, such was not the case recently when a Lockport, N.Y. area tow truck driver needed to get his rig towed – out of a private swimming pool. Worse, it was the tow truck’s mindless behaviour that caused the accident. Authorities identified the driver of the tow truck as Nicolas Sparks, an employee of Adams Towing. According to reports, the tow truck was traveling down Tonawanda Creek Road when it struck a car at an intersection in Lockport near a residential area. Sparks rear-ended the back of a car, causing the vehicle to swerve out of control. The car slid into a nearby trench prior to crashing through a resident’s backyard fence. Meanwhile, the car and motorcycle that Sparks was towing on the back of his truck flew off, obliterating a residential air conditioning unit and the gas lines of a house. But Sparks wasn’t quite done yet. After damaging the structural integrity of a house and smashing through a backyard fence, the tow truck finally came to a soggy stop after it plunged into a backyard swimming pool. Luckily, nobody was taking a dip at the time. Hey, accidents happen. But in addition to dangerously tailgating the vehicle in front of him, police confirm that just prior to the mishap Sparks had been talking on his cell phone and text-messaging simultaneously. (The phone has been confiscated by police to investigate the call history.) It would all make for a comedy of errors except for the fact that the woman driving the car had to be transported to Erie County Medical Center via trauma helicopter for serious injuries. Her passenger, an eight-year-old girl, was taken to Women and Children’s Hospital for her injuries. The car was a write-off. As for Mr. Sparks – the newest poster boy for distracted driving insanity – he’s been charged with reckless endangerment and tailgating.
  9. BuckShot


    Ok guys and gals- I have been wondering just what kind of hobbies everyone has other than riding bikes and eating. I'm fairly new hear and I probably won't remember, but I thought this would be fun. As for myself, and family bowhunt deer shoot trap camper on river with ski boat guns (buy-sell) shoot pool wife and I both like to read books go to auctions go to flemarkets So lets hear from everyone-maybe you like to work with stained glass or collect butterflys. Let us know.
  10. I got a little Bichon whe wieghs about 18 pounds, up till a couple weeks ago she kept my disabled father who lived with me company durring the day. Then he had a freak accident and drowned in our pool when i was at work. any way id like to take her with me on the bike, ive seen other dog just sitting on the back seat but id like to find a safe secure way to bring her with me.any one here do this?
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