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  1. Perhaps a poll is warranted(pun intended)... for second gen rear air shocks, asking if your rear shock went out before the 5 year warranty, and if so, how many times was it replaced? AT HOW MANY MILES YEARS? would be good to know what percentage of our organization has this problem?.... would be good ammo when addressing the yamaha customer service reps and just might force them to address the problem(use a better replacement shock).
  2. I just noticed the Poll Widget is looking for numbers of rear shocks replaced on Ventures and list from 1 to 5 the numbers to vote. Heck I never replaced mine, but I have so few miles 194,xxx plus. Guess I don't get to vote.
  3. This is just a feeler to see how many VR members from the west coast.... Vancouver, Washington, Oregon, NorCal, SoCal, Nev, Arizona would be interested in doing a 'weekend' Venture West V in 2012. No specific place or dates, just would like to know of any interest at this time. I'll try to do a poll... did one a long time ago but can't remember exactely how I did it.... Meanwhile your post will work.
  4. Deleted. Tried adding a poll but it timed out. Starting a new thread.
  5. Help, can not find information on how to start a poll to a thread I started. i do not see where to even start the poll. Sux getting older. Thanks for any help.
  6. 8/15/11 :banana: 2 Days till Vogel!!! :dancefool: Vogel Poll............ - VentureRider.Org Vogel Registration 2011.doc
  7. I am starting a Poll to find out witch belt buckle everybody wants , The Stainless Steel from one of our rally supporters , Bill told me his have a life time warranty , no matter what you do to it , he will replace it . it is just like the pic but it will have VentureRider at the top and your name or handle at the bottom, cost $55.00 shipped in US $3.00 more to CAN. PM me me for other countrys Min. to order in lots of 10 The leather one are from Wayne , a local guy here Rockport , the same as the the pic but with your name on it , no warrantry cost $ 35.00 shipped in US $ 3.00 to CAN. Min. to order in lots of 25 If any money is left over I'll hit the donate button Thom
  8. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but things arent looking good for raising funds for St. Jude this year. Yes I have sold some t shirts, and I have some left. But Registrations are way down for being under 2 months from Vogel, 53 days to be exact, I need to know some numbers of how many are coming and I thought the poll would help out there, but it hasnt. I need to order the shirts and patches in about 3 weeks and with what I know know, I wont be ordering the quanities that I usually order which is 100 patches and 100 t-shirts. Raffle ticket sales have just surpassed what I spent on the 3 items I bought out of my own pocket, and we need to sell the rest which is 115 tickets. So please if you plan on coming, please go to the poll and vote, that would be a great help. And if anybody would like to help in selling raffle tickets, I would be more than happy to send some out, Send me a pm or let me know on this post if you can help. Thanks, Lewis
  9. Since the early days of this site, there have been folks here who have expressed the opinion that they do not like our classified area. Some have stated that they would rather have the classifieds as part of the forum and not a separate page. This poll is to allow you all to vote on this issue. Before doing so though, I would like to point out a few things that we will be giving up should we move the classifies to the forum. 1. There will be no way to hold "auctions" as are sometimes used now for St. Judes and occasionally for other reasons. 2. In order to keep it manageable, the ads in the forum will be set to expire after a pre-determined time. I'm thinking 30 days but it is open for discussion. It could be 60 or 90 days but I want to keep it to a relatively short amount of time. 3. There will be no way to "renew" an ad. The only way to renew an add will be to completely re-do the ad once it expires and is automatically deleted. 4. There will be no way to include a "buy now" feature. 5. There will be no "distance" estimate. Though it is sometimes WAY off anyway. There are probably some other things also but basically, the area will work exactly like any other area of the forum does at this time. So, please think about what you think would work the best and we'll go from there. As always, your comments are welcome.
  10. Should I let Leslie open her Mother's Day present early...
  11. I have posted a poll in the poll forum that might interest everyone..........Please check it out. Vogel Raffles........... - VentureRider.Org
  12. 2/3/2011 7 - Poll on current Darksiders 2 - Poll on people that tried but Didn't like darkside. Please... If you want to "participate" in these polls, go to the aforementioned links. However, Comments can be made here and are welcomed. I am just trying to get an idea of user satisfaction for running car tires. Will try to update daily for about a week or so that anyone that wants to can add their input. Thanks joe Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning the use of car tires on a motorcycle... Use your own judgement...
  13. I would like to get a quick poll on the Metzler M880 and the Avon Venom. I have narrowed my choices to these tires and would like to get a count of how many use each. I know everyone has a favorite for different reasons, but since lots of you have used either one or both of these I would get some numbers on which you prefer. If you are interested in helping me make a decision and simple M or A would be great in your response. If you would also like to say the mileage you have gotten from the tire you selected that would also be helpful. Please just note whether it was a front or a rear. Thanks for all the info so far and everyone's help... JM:bagpipes-emoticon:
  14. OK folks. The design, color, etc. is pretty much finalized. The poll has been simplified. Please take the time to vote as it is important that I get a good estimate on the number of shirts that will be ordered. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45433
  15. OK Folks..... It's 2010 now officially for the last 11 days and now it's time to set you creative types to put your thinking cap on and show us what you got with a design that we will pick for the T-shirts for the International rally. We'll use this as the idea thread where you can post up your designs and we will have a 2nd thread with a poll where we will vote on the design the majority like. Keep in mind that this years rally is the 5th anniversary of the original rally held at Potato Creek State Park In Indiana. We'll run this till the end of January and on Febuary 1st we'll put the poll up with the entries we have and pick a winner....so show us what you got!
  16. Seems there are lots of threads about fuel consumption. I thought it might be good for new(er) folks (like me) to have one definitive thread about what can be expected for MIXED mileage. Now obviously everyone should know that "Your Mileage May Vary" (YMMV) but if we got a consensus here it'd be cool. So I set up this poll for users to vote ONCE for the mileage number that is closest to their AVERAGE MIXED MPG. Not your best, not the least, no varying conditions like mountains, towing, two-up, fuel type used etc. Just normal average mileage say over the last 5 tanks. This would make a great sticky, too. *hint hint*
  17. Now we have one so let's all make a choice and see where it goes. The "I" basket seems to have cured mine.
  18. I used the search option and can't seen to find a poll on how many have the "whine" vs how many do not. I found a poll ref: to how many have fixed the problem, but no one that would give an average on how many bike have the problem. If anyone knows of a poll could you post a link.
  19. Im going to put up a poll here. This poll is for people who are going to attend the rally but havent registered yet......or who are not attending but are going to order t-shirts or patches if you have already registered or ordered please dont answer this poll.... please bear with me here as my plate may get extremely full just before the rally. As most of you know about our ordeal and court case..trial is scheduled for July 20 th . There will be no more continuances im sure.......and unless something happens with a plea bargain we will be tied up with a trial for a few days and extremely stressed. there fore i am asking those who will be attending but havent registered to please answer this poll so i can get a better count idea for patches, shirts, dinner, etc. I would like to get the patches ordered and really would like to know if i need more than 100 so as to save on the cost of them. I appreciate all your help on this. Please note that I am not going to hold u to this...if something happens and u cant attend or order...this is just to get a better idea of the counts i need to order.
  20. This is it...........last call for rally tshirts........the order goes in tomorrow morning 9am central time is the cut off........ so if you want one or plan to register yet i need your sizes and color choices or you will be stuck with what ever is extra...... I will probably have about 15 extras at the rally.......but thats it i know yada yada yada......but i dont want anyone to be disappointed they didnt get what they wanted. we also need to get the final dinner count into the Hub a week or so before so they can do their grocery shopping for it...... also the estimate for the BBQ for tues night......there is a poll for this in the poll section [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37322]BBQ Tuesday night at the 2009 rally - VentureRider.Org[/ame] dont forget to reply to the new post about how many kids will be there also...... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38240]kids at the rally- please read - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  21. I have made my decision as to what we are going to serve for our Saturday Banquet at Vogel. This year I am letting someone else bring all the food and do all the cooking, so I will have more free time to spend with everyone else. We will be having Shane's BBQ. They have excellent BBQ and Brunwick stew, theirs is one of my favorites. The menu will consist of: Pulled Pork BBQ Chicken Brunswick Stew 1 other side dish, to be choosen from a list.** (Suggestions welcome) Peach Cobbler Unsweetened Tea Sweet Tea Lemonade Please if you havent registered, it would help greatly in determining how many I have to order for, if you are undecided, at least go to the poll in the poll section and indicate how many of you will be coming. This will insure that everyone gets enough to eat. I would rather have a little too much than not enough.
  22. for those that are not ready to register yet, how about checking in the 2009 rally attendence poll and let us know your status on there. this would greatly help us in getting our count. could one of the moderators, or don move that to a sticky to make it easy to find. the poll is listed under venturerider polls. we could also use a sticky on the children that are coming poll so we can figure the childrens menu, and gunboat will know how many to expect for the games. bill
  23. Not trying to start a big argument or get something going about politics. But I know you like myself always hear about these polical polls and approval ratings of who ever is in office and wonder "who did they ask to come up with this information in this poll?" mostly cause everyone in our private circle may have a totally different opinion. Well here is your chance... MSNBC has a poll on a website about the performance of our president. Check it out and you may want to contribute. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29493093/ Again we do not want to get into the good, bad or ugly discussions...Keep your ratings to yourself, cause everyone is different and may not see it as you do. Remember we are a very diverse group with all kinds of different ideas about religion and politics...and that is OK. One thing for sure...we all like to ride and that is what has brought us here. Plus the Boss says don't start no junk.
  24. Since many of us are running car tires now and there seems to be more interest almost daily, I think a poll may be in order to determine the most popular make of tire. I think this would be benificial to all of us for safety reasons and to help determine longevity of wear. Jeff
  25. Guest

    Dumb Carb question

    Sorry, since I don't own a 2nd gen I really don't know that much about the specs on them.....do they use the same size diaphragms as the 1st gens? I'm asking because I'm negotiating with a local supplier for diaphragms and we had posted a poll in the 1st gen. tech section to see who would be interested in a group purchase and we didn't get much response and was wondering if maybe we inadvertently overlooked the 2nd gens and needed to broaden our poll. The poll indicated an order of approx. 67 sets of diaphragms.....I would have thought ( of course if the price was right ) that we would have been well over the 200 mark considering the size of the club.
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