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Found 17 results

  1. I hope nobody finds this political, & I hope it works. http://www.bornagainamerican.org/
  2. Go vote!
  3. info to cut down or cut out "gasohol" http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=51059636 http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=54681921
  4. I hope with all my heart that this will not cause a commotion...if any of the moderators feel it will do so, please eliminate it. I hope it will not be construed as political...I see nothing political about honoring our heroes...particularly when they have made the ultimate sacrifice. God bless these young men and women, Semper Fi, and Way to Go, Mississippi! http://www.ihatethemedia.com/a-simple-way-to-stop-westboro-baptist-church-funeral-protesters
  5. Most folks here know this, but maybe a few new members have missed it. While there are many many sites on the web where political discussions are welcome, and even encouraged, this is not one of them. We do not have many rules, but no politics and no religious discussions are important. We have found that these types of threads inevitably lead to unpleasantness and negatively affect the overall feel of our forums. I have just deleted a thread that was purely a political discussion. The deletion had nothing to do with agreement or disagreement about anything that was said, just that we do not allow political discussions. Thanx for listening. Goose
  6. I am in possession of a copy of documents setting out the pay and allowances and health insurance benefirts for our federal legislators. If anyone would like a copy send me an E-mail to CFAS4U@Charter.net and I will make them available. I have locked this thread to preclude any political discussions This is simply to let those who may be interested in getting some facts that I can E-mail the documents to them.
  7. I guess it's time for a reminder folks. I'm amazed at the number of political threads started lately and also some of the jokes that are crossing the line of our PG rating here. I'm not going to give a big speech here. There are plenty of threads where I have done so. I'm just going to ask that you PLEASE think about what you are posting before you post it. It's really simple. No political discussion here and the jokes should be no worse than PG rated. Thanks, Don
  8. OK, its official now, Business Week, mag. has finally said the the Ethenol Industry is an economic bust. And the stuff actually lowers MPG on most vehicals. Nothing but a political shell game !!! ( but we all knew that ) :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::doh::doh: And, they added that the stuff is damaging a lot of engines !!!:witch_brew:
  9. In the old days this would be funny,,,,,,,,,, today, just plain TRUE http://home.att.net/~hideaway_today/t133/noah.htm
  10. OK folks...I honestly don't know how else to say it. I've put it in the site information, I've pleaded and begged, I've always tried very hard to be nice in the way that I request things of you. I honestly don't ask for much but one thing that I have ALWAYS requested is that we refrain from political discussion here. Some folks just don't seem to get it though. In the 4 1/2 years that this site has existed, I think there has been ONE single member banned. OK...there have been some spammers banned but I'm talking about legit members. Most of you have been very respectful of the very few rules that we have here. There are however a small handful of members who just can't resist making a political statement anytime the slightest opportunity presents itself. It might be in response to a joke, a casual post, whatever but they just have to do it. Some seem to think that they are so smart and witty that the political implications of their post will fly under the radar. Let me assure you, it doesn't happen. I read every single post made to this site and in fact, I have it set up so that ever single post is emailed to me. I can promise you that I watch these things. I try very hard to be fair and I often let things go until I see a war starting to break out but have become less tolerant as time goes on. So, there have been plenty of warnings, nice requests, begging and pleading. I simply cannot continue to allow a handful of folks to continue to push the envelope every chance they get. You are all intelligent people and you KNOW when you are doing it. Don't send me emails or PMs asking if I am talking about you. You KNOW if I am or not. As much as I despise the thought, I'm not going to continue having to dance around just a few people. Those who continue to abuse our few simple rules are subject to being banned from the site with no further warning. This may seem extreme but if it happens, you have caused it to happen. This applies to everybody, regardless of their political affiliations. If you are Democrat, Independent, Republican, conservative, libertal, whatever...this is not the site for it. This includes not only posts on the forum and profile pages but also avatars, signatures, etc. The only other major thing here is that the site is PG rated. I know that there is a big difference between PG rated and G rated. I'm not trying to make this the Disney Channel but some have gotten a bit lax in their language and jokes. Please help me to get these things back under control. You are the greatest group I've ever had the pleasure of being associated with. This message applies to VERY few of you.
  11. This film was made by a 15 year old girl. No matter what your political stance on this may be... All need to see this...it will touch your heart. Watch all of it...
  12. I notice a thread, political statement actually, which was , I guess, closed without comment by the moderator. I do believe that closing it was the right thing to do but leaving it this way allows for a political statement!!! It should have been deleted altogether!!! If this isn't done, provocations of all sorts may be posted for viewing without fear of repudiation, where is the fairness in that??!!
  13. This post edited by Freebird. Folks, we have adopted a ZERO policy on political threads. This was a decision voted on and adopted by the membership here by a GREAT majority long ago. We were a bit lax for a while in enforcing the rule but due to the increasing frequency of such posts, there is no more letting things slide. The moderators here typically discuss any post before deleting it but that practice has been suspended for political posts. The moderators on myself will delete any political post just as soon as we see it or it is brought to our attention. Please try to follow the few simple rules that we have here.
  14. Well folks, looks like we need another reminder about political posts. I have deleted two threads that either started out as or turned into political discussions. Simply put, they are not welcome here. This was discussed and voted on by the membership long ago and it was overwhelmingly agreed upon that we simply do not need political discussions here. I understand how tempting it is with all that is going on right now in the world of politics. I have said it before though and will say it again. There are PLENTY of websites and discussion forums available if you want to argue about politics. This is NOT the place. I also want to comment on a post in one of the threads that I deleted. The post said something like "I thought that political discussions were not allowed. I guess that's only if you disagree with the admin". That statement is totally false and I am offended by it. I most certainly have strong political views but I try to be unbiased in the way that I moderate this site. No threads are ever deleted without much thought and when possible, discussion among the moderators. Many times a political type thread is posted and is not deleted immediately. The reason is that even though we do not wish to see political threads posted, if it happens, we will usually give it some time in case by some unknown miracle, it doesn't get nasty and turn into a debate between the right and the left. It has nothing to do with whether or not the admin agrees or disagrees with the poster. Perhaps we need to take a stronger stand and just realize that ANY political thread is going to turn into a nasty debate and delete them immediately upon one of the moderators seeing the post. Folks, we have very few rules here. We try to give as much leeway as possible in allowing discussions on many subjects. No political discussion is one of those rules. Please try to keep that in mind.
  15. Actually....let's NOT talk politics. Here's the thing folks. I know that as we get closer and closer to the primaries and then the general election, it will get harder and harder to not get into political discussions here. I'm sorry folks, I just can't let that happen. Here is why. IT MAKES ME MAD That is the truth of the matter. I know that some of you really enjoy debating the virtues, or lack thereof, of the various candidates, issues, etc. I also know that most of us feel very strongly about our positions on these things. I can assure you that I am no exception. I am VERY political. I've actually written to my representatives about 25 times during the past 12 months alone. How many of you have taken the time to do that? I have strong opinions, I get very angry with some of the decisions made by those who are SUPPOSED to be representing the people and I make my voice heard loud and often. It does very little good but that along with voting is all that I am able to do. We can debate these issue here until the end of time and it will NOT change a thing. My political leanings are a result of things that I have seen and experienced during my 52 years on this earth. I am smart enough to read, research, investigate and form my own opinions about the issues. If I told each one of you that you could post 100 pages of political commentary and opinion, there is not a single one of you who could change my mind about what I believe and how I will cast my votes. As I said, my political beliefs are based upon my life happenings, not anything that I've heard from a politician, friend, news personality or anybody else. I think that most people are the same way. That being the case, what is there to gain by venting our anger, frustration, opinions here? I try to be very fair in the way that I run this site. I know that we have people that are Republicans, Democrats, Independents. I know that we have people of various races, religions, socio economic standings. We have people from various countries and cultures. We are NOT going to agree on politics and we are NOT going to persuade anybody else to think the same way that we do with the words that we can write here. I'll be honest with you about something else. If we start discussing politics here and I get involved, some of you are not going to like what I have to say. Whether I'm to the left or to the right, there are going to be some of you who lean the other way and there are going to be feelings hurt. I would much rather have as many of you as possible as friends....friendship based upon the thing that brings us together as a group... a club...a family. I am only human and as much as I try to be tolerant of those whom have opinions that differ from my own, I am not strong enough to always separate it. I do have close friends from different political parties and for the most part, I do respect them. I will also stand beside them and fight for their right to have those differing opinions. The truth is though, there are some specific issues that I just cannot understand how people can feel the way that they do. For that reason, I choose to NOT discuss political issues with most people because it could very well result in my loosing some respect for them and them for me. So that is the way that I feel. That is why we will continue to keep politics to a minimum here and I hope that you will all work with me to see that this rule is followed. If this site ever DOES turn political, I can promise you that it will be in support of MY political views and some of you wouldn't care for that at all.
  16. i will now enter my 08 presidential prediction.after the iowa caucuses.i am picking osama bama hussien lama dama ding dong for president, oprah winfrey for vice president, and dr. phil for secretary of state. :rotf::rotf: looks like another up coming political fiasco is in the making. sure would like to vote for some one rather than against someone for a change. snarley bill
  17. Amazing...the Al Gore crowd pushes this stuff before the research is really done. How many states are REQUIRING are promoting this mess? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,297681,00.html I just found it to be interesting. PLEASE don't turn it into a political debate.
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