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  1. Put the scoot through her paces this morning with my RLAP routine....That clutch job that kbran did this week really makes the difference!!! Boomer.....who had the pygmies in the parking lot climbing the light poles.
  2. I'm hoping maybe someone in here can help me. I just obtained two used telescopic crappie poles. At least I think their called crappie poles anyway. One is a Shakespeare TSP 13, 13' Wonderpole. The other is an older fiberglass 15.5' - 16' pole with no identification on it at all. My question is simple. How the heck do I string them up? I'm assuming I don't just tie the string off on the eye on the tip. I did manage to find some info on stringing up a bamboo pole. It says to tie it around the pole every few feet in case it brakes when I get a big one so I don't lose the fish. But I couldn't find any kind of illustrations or anything. Would any of you happen to be able to point me in the right direction? Thanks, Bill
  3. Any body know where to get rack mount flag poles that do not cost an arm and a leg??? J&P wants $89.00 Thats alot of $$$ for what you get.. I just Joined the Patriot Guard, and really need some way to mount some flags..
  4. Hey guys, I have a two flag poles up for auction on the venturerider.org website. One pole carries an American Flag and the other carries a POW MIA flag. The flags and poles are used. Starting bid is $10. The entire final bid amount will be donated to venturerider.org. I will pay shipping. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=1759 http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0807.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/Ggerg1186/Venture/100_0808.jpg
  5. I pledge my allegiance to the Flag , and to all the BEERCART's in America . And to all the Beer drinkers …… if they can stand , One understanding , that we’re invincible , with liquor and mixed drinks for all ! :rotf: http://www.meangene.us/pictures/BCF1.jpg On a more serious note ..... As a member of Rolling Thunder , on which we have been invited to participate in the NC Salute the troops parade in Raleigh , NC . It has been said it will be the largest parade in NC history . http://www.saluteournctroops.org/ . Here I have mounted my flags onto the BEERCART , rather than the scoot itself . The flag poles and mounts are made of aluminum . The flag poles themselves are constructed out of 1" and 3/4" ID tubing to make combined a schedule 80 rating and still lightweight . They are 8' tall themselves . The mounts are welded to the trailer tongue . I've had the BEERCART up to 65 mph with 25 mph winds (flags rolled and covered) to see how it handled and no significant signs that they were even there . I will not be traveling at high rate of speed with them , only for parade ceremony activities . Just thought I would share this with you since I haven't shared pic's in a while and also if you can , look into this Saturday's event . BEER30
  6. You may have seen my flag mounts in other threads. In response to several requests for more information on the construction, I am posting detailed info here. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/V7Goose/Flagmount4.jpg Here is a little background info - I have used this flag mount for many hundreds of miles at highway speeds (60-80 MPH) with both 3X5 flags unfurled with no problems. Nothing is used to secure the flag poles - they just drop down into the mount tubes. This makes it especially easy to take the flags out when heading for a flag line during a PGR mission. I've seen a lot of other guys' flags come loose during missions, but this design so far seems solid. All measurements are taken to the outside edges. I like the V design, and I have not seen any others like it. Don't make it any wider than this, as the flags can get in the way (the first one I made was wider). If I was making another, I'd probably make the bottom bar 16". Here is a picture of the bottom of the mount before painting: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/V7Goose/Flagmountunfinished3.jpg The bottom bar is 14", and it is made from 1 1/4" angle iron. The angle iron is welded to a square tube that sticks 3 1/2" out of the receiver. Ignore the bolt you see sticking down through the stinger just behind the receiver; this was originally put in for a center brace that I later removed. I just left the bolt in place because it aligns the hole for the clevis pin behind the mud flap. The tubes are 1" O.D. EMT electrical conduit, 25" long. I brazed these to the bottom bar instead of welding because of the relatively thin metal - no danger of burn-through. The middle brace is 1" flat bar brazed to the back of the tubes. It measures 18 1/2" to the outside of the tubes. I later bolted 1" aluminum angle inside that brace as an anchor point for the center brace I later removed. I never took off that aluminum angle, but there is no reason for it. Here is a closeup of the brackets that hook onto the helmet locks: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/V7Goose/Flagmountsupport.jpg The top of the tubes measures 23" wide. The brackets I made for the helmet locks measure 5 1/2" from the eye bolts to the back of the tubes. I made these by simply taking aluminum bar stock and bending it around the tubes and riveting it together. This fits very tight, but still allows some movement that facilitates fitting the brackets over the helmet locks. Here is how I braced the flag poles: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/V7Goose/Shelfbracket2.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/V7Goose/Shelfbracket.jpg The flag poles are 3/4" O.D. EMT electrical conduit and 6' long. These are smaller diameter than anyone else is using, but they seem plenty strong. I originally made several 70 MPH runs with flags out without problems (even before I added the helmet lock brackets), but decided to reinforce them just to be sure. I took modular shelf wall bracket and just laid it on the driveway and started whacking it with a ball-lean hammer to force the edges together, then drove it up inside the flag poles with the hammer. This brace extends past the top of the mount tubes so the full pull of the flags doesn't cause the poles to collapse at the top of the tubes. Not sure it is necessary, but it gives me peace of mind! That's about it. Make sure you use decent sized eye bolts for the helmet lock anchors, as I had one break from the strain of a heavy flag after about 400 miles (but the rest of the flag mount made the entire mission without further damage). I have found that very light weight nylon flags put much less strain on the mounts and actually last much longer at high speeds than heavier flags. So save your money and buy cheaper flags! Goose
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