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  1. While cleaning block up today, I took some pictures of the 2nd drain plug on the 1st gen blocks. I Don't know if the 2nd gens have a similar 'feature'. On the left side, directly under the middle drive cover there is a 14mm head bolt that goes into block and drains an oil pocket. This pocket appears to serve as a lubrication pool for the middle drive gear. Not very big, maybe about the size of a milk container that I remember from school, half pint I think. This pocket is isolated from draining, so a normal oil change will not drain this oil. Curiously, there is another pocket that is isolated that lays outside of the pocket that has the drain screw It is an 'L' shaped pocket that is below & to the right in the 1st picture. No drain provision for this area though. It would be nice to know what the design intent was for the 2nd outer pocket, and why it is not can't be drained. Gary
  2. Does anyone have a part number or ordering information for a Triple Pocket Windshield Bag that would fit a 1999 Royal Star Venture? Any and all help shall be appreciated. Gilligan
  3. So when I bought my bike from the dealership (2006 RSTD) it didn't have an owners manual. For my old Honda, the owners manual was a little book about 5" wide, 3" tall and about an inch thick. It fit on one of the side covers for the bike. This way if you were ever on the road and had a minor service issue, you could refer to the book. I never needed it, but like wearing an armored jacket and a helmet, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Anyway, I ordered the owners manual from Yamaha's site because I was expecting something about the same size that would slip right into one of the little pockets in the hard bags. I figured that it was worth the $$ to have the right sized manual that fit into the pocket (where I assumed the manual went) rather than print out the Owners Manual PDF that I could get for free online from Yamaha. The Owners Manual showed up today and I'm a little disappointed. Rather than being the little small booklet that would slip right into the pocket, I've got a book that's 8.5" wide by 6" tall and not quite a quarter of an inch thick. It won't fit into what I thought was the "manual pocket" and now I'm kind of bummed that I spent $30 on it.
  4. Just fund $20 stuck in my pocket,,,, was supposed to give it to Don for membership on the Venture Site,,, now I just need to be reminded who gave it to me, so that I can forward it the proper party!
  5. Just watched a story on CBS where MK lighters from China can malfunction allowing the flame to stay lite after you release to the button. The story was on a man that put the lighter back into pants pocket where it ignited setting him on fire, resulting in his death.
  6. Anyone have one of these you would like to get rid of. Eithor side would do. http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/m/mDEiy1nIJEDDfzXM_wEgYCA/140.jpg
  7. 2007 GL1800 Audio--- Asking for recommendations for GPS with external audio connection so I can connect it to the Auxillary lead cord in the left fairing pocket. I have installed the power outlet, and have the aux. connector lead wire in the pocket. So-o-o-o I should have all the necessary hook-ups available, just need to know what to shop for so it can be connected for us to hear it through our headsets. Oh yeh, and to mount it. I have Garmin 255W for the truck and car and it works fine for us, but has no connection for external speakers. Thanks.
  8. I've got a great "BOSS" 3 pocket windshield bag on my RSTD, love it. But I would like to know, what 3 pocket bag members are using on their RSVs? Web links would be good for pics and price. I have a wide F4 windshield without a vent. But I would say anything that fits stock will fit the same. Thanks, Mike G in SC
  9. Now that I've got the new GW it's time to get my electrical accessories (GPS, XM) installed. In addition, I want to install a 12V outlet for phone charger and air compressor use. There is a 12V acc plug under the left fairing pocket that is only fused at 5A. The instructions with the plug said to change the 5A fuse to 10A. I'm not going to do that. I would like to use the existing power source to trigger a relay that is connected to the battery on a 20A fuse. From the relay I would feed both the GPS and 12V plug. My question is, is there a way to route a wire from the battery to the left pocket without pulling the shelter off? It's hard to believe a bike like this doesn't come standard with a 12V port. Dennis
  10. and I'm not ready. We got about 12" yesterday. Got most of the driveway cleared and the snowblower broke. I had to order a new needle bearing and bushing for for the chain drive. Amazing that nobody stocks parts for a 40 year old John Deere snow thrower any more. Now it is snowing again so I just hope we don't get too much. I'm guessing it will probably be a week before the parts arrive. Send me a needle bearing for this if you happen to have one in your pocket.
  11. A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, "Pick me up!" He looked around and couldn't see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice again say, "Pick me up!" He looked in the water and there, floating on top, was a frog. The man said, "Are you talking to me?" The frog said, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up, then kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you've ever seen!" "I'll make sure that all your friends are envious because I will be your bride." The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully and placed it in his front pocket. The frog said, "What! Are you nuts?" "Didn't you hear what I said?" I said "Kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride!" He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, "Nah, at my age, I'd rather have a talking frog!" With age comes Wisdom!
  12. Yep, Yammer I thought that would get your attention. I've always hated the dingy tan plastic/rubber tank bra that they put on the Millennium edition RSV. A while back I ordered a piece of buffalo hide and started thinking about making my own. I definitely wanted a pocket to put stuff in and I wanted it big enough that I could put my iphone in but didn't want it to be all saggy if it was empty. Anyway, I've started the work and thought I would post photos of the work in progress. It's going to be basically the same shape as the stock bra, but made of leather and have a (hopefully) nice looking pocket on it. To support the leather for the pocket, I found a plastic bottle that was the width and height I wanted and cut out one side of it. I then used fabric glue to adhere it to the leather. The lace you see on the top of the pocket will go down the entire length of the bra once it's finished. Let me know what you think whether pro or con. So far I'm happy with it. Once I get it completed and mounted on the bike, I'll post some more pics.
  13. this happened to oldgoat today rub it in on him. today he went outside to tighten some things down on the bike. he went looking for a screw he knew was in the trunk? when he got a sharp pain in his thigh.yep found the screw was in his pocket. while putting in the screw his cell phone rang. so he put the screwdriver in his front pocket and rippppppppp put a hole in his pocket change fell to the ground. he bent over to pick it up ripppppppppppppp he felt a nice wind and pepole could see his butt . said the heck with it time to pour a cold one down. well he went to the fridge to find his beer and other refreshments where warm? seems he left the extension cord outside last night and we got a late night shower. so it blew the fuse to the fridge. so he fixed the fuse. drank a warm beer. placed the rest of the beer and soda in the freezer of the fridge. i didnt say nothing. he then drank a warm beer. sat down and feel asleep for about 2 hours.. got up and went for a beer and opened the freezer and boom he now has beer popsickles all over the freezer.
  14. Anyone have any ideas where to get a tank panel/tuxedo/tie (call it what you will) with a pocket that'll fit a '97 Royal Star Tour Classic?
  15. I received the sample of the shirt that I designed for "Freebird's Maintenance Day" and am very pleased with the way that it turned out. These are very good quality Hane's Beefy T's and the text and image quality is very nice. I am now taking orders and payment for these shirts. I did the best I could on the price based on the number of shirts that you indicated in the poll that you would want. They would be a bit cheaper if I had them screen printed but that does not work well with a full color detailed photo as I am using on the back. Therefore, the prices are as follow: NO pocket shirts: $20.00 Available in sizes small - 3XL Pocket shirts: $22.00 Available in sizes small - 2XL These prices do NOT include shipping as I assume that most of you will pick them up at maintenance day. If you want shirts but cannot attend maintenance day, I think that an additional $4.00 per shirt should cover packaging and postage. These prices will result in a profit of about $2.50 per shirt. Actually less than that after PayPal fees are deducted. 100% of the profits will go to a local charity the "Domestic Violence Center". This is an organization that my wife volunteers at. They are a great group that provide food, shelter and other aid to women and child victims of domestic violence. Eileen has been very patient of the time that I spend working on and participating on this site and this is just a way for me..and all of us...to show my appreciation for all her support while helping a very deserving group that is dear to her. Please place your orders ASAP. I will try to order a few extra shirts but probably not very many so order now if you really want one. Payment should be made via PayPal to dk_nelson@verizon.net Please note the underscore between dk and nelson. If you don't use PayPal, PM me for my mailing address if you don't have it. Be sure to note with your payment: Pocket or No Pocket and sizes for each. I will take orders for a week or two and then place the order with the vendor.
  16. just adding this here, i'm looking for a 1st gen mk2 inner right fairing and pocket.. anyone got one laying around ?
  17. Last summer, I picked up set of warn-n-safe gloves and jacket at the local shop on clearance. I then found out my bike couldn't handle the load so they just sat. Now that I have the new ride, I'd like to get them hooked up. So my question to those of you have this stuff, where do you mount the controller or should it just go in a pocket or something like that. Do you need to get at it very often? I know they have several different versions of the controller and I'm wondering which to get and how to hook it up.
  18. out of here this morn,will be gone till the pocket $$ run out
  19. Received my new pocket Tee shirt today. OUTSTANDING!!!! The new logo on the back really looks good. This one is black and the logo really stands out. Now to order a couple more in different colors.
  20. My friend put a leather bottle holder / pocket on the saddle bag guards of his Harley. They stretch between the top of the front guard and the bottom. The right guard holds a water bottle, the left has a closing pocket for stuff. This puts stuff within reach while keeping his handlebars clear of junk. Anyone know a source for a RSTD-sized similar product?
  21. Hey Guys I'm stuck without a way to go right now. Don't want to just jump and buy something. Pocket book not in greatest shape after this one. Just what do you think of this one?? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=160338682918
  22. I am looking to purchase a leather tank guard BUT I don't want studs or a pocket on it. I will be using it to protect my tank from my boot !! I have a gammy leg and have to pass it over the tank to get on and off (while sitting up on the pillion seat),so if there was anything on the guard I could "come-a-gutsa" off the bike NOT A GOOD LOOK:thumbdown: As cost to Australia is a consideration--cheap too!! If anyone can help with web sites or contacts I would appreciate it ____________________________________________________________________ never ride faster than your guardian angel:2133:can fly
  23. Has anyone bought and installed th Wide Leather Tank Panel with Pocket yamaha accessory. Do you have to remove the rubber strip on the tank or does it go right over the top of it? Any tips would be appreciated.:think:
  24. Just ordered this for my son. Thought I'd pass along the deal. I had ordered a black one last year from them and I love mine. Also got to donate a buck to Venture Riders!! Teknic Chicane Textile Jacket Waist length jacket, 15º forward arm rotation 600 Denier Cordura® outer shell construction with second layer of Cordura® in elbows and shoulders Powerskin II™ waterproof/breathable Z liner system Labyrinth waterproof entry system™ Taffeta lining (part of Powerskin II™ system) Underarm zipper vents and 1 rear exhaust vent Zip-out 5 oz. polyfil quilted vest liner Knox® CE approved KFP1 elbow armor in exterior Advanced Armor Pockets™ Knox® CE approved KFP1 shoulder armor in lining pockets Knox® CE approved TP2 spine guard in lining pocket 8” zipper and snap belt loop connectors TASC stitching system provides maximum seam strength YKK Japanese nylon zippers Airmesh lined collar with soft neoprene edge Reflective 3M™ anthracite piping Snap adjustable upper and lower arm synch straps Hook-and-loop adjustment waist belts 2 large cotton lined pockets with waterproof tri-fold entry 1 baseball cap pocket 1 interior mesh pocket http://www.newenough.com/image/path/576/small/Default.jpg?1203997081 http://www.newenough.com/image/path/16818/small/blue.jpg?1216300687 http://www.newenough.com/images/magnify.gif?1238524932 http://www.newenough.com/image/path/16819/thumb/silver.jpg?1216300694 http://www.newenough.com/image/path/16820/thumb/yellow.jpg?1216300704 http://www.newenough.com/image/path/16821/thumb/red.jpg?1216300715 MSRP: $169.95 , Our Price: $49.99
  25. i came out of a local drug store, this afternoon, with close to $100.00 worth of "over the counter" stuff, for Jeannie. sitting in front of the "pay phone"(remember those), was a woman in a wheelchair, leg in a cast. her husband asked if i had any spare pocket change, so that they could call SOMEONE , in a neighboring town, (about 60 miles away),to ask for a ride home. it was HOT, NO shade on her side of the store, so i dug deep, and came up with $10.00 or 12.00 dollars worth of change. i NEVER spend change, so now you know. i started to try to separate the quarters , dimes and nickles, etc. then i thought , hell with it. and gave it all to her! sure felt better, on the way home. got rid of a lot of excess weight, and might have helped out a stranger! just jt:scorched:
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