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  1. It is windy and feels like 17°F. Snow tomorrow. It will be in the mid 20's for a high for the next 2 or 3 days. This afternoon, I plugged my RSV battery on trickle charge. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/05/72ff461ad8047aba8010ff8e039022f7.jpg
  2. My bike has been running like crap for a while now and i finally had time yesterday to have a look at things and clean it up a bit. I found a hose connector broken and both ends of the hose open and one end has a good vacuum on it, when its plugged the bike runs way better, so for now until I can get the connector replaced is it ok to just plug the hose ends? Just what is that hose for? Any ideas? Thanks for your help, Brian
  3. I have been dealing with plugged pilot jets on my 84 all this year. As most know seafoam doesn't work well on plugged jets and I didn't want to stop riding the bike long enough to rebuild them. Amazingly enough with the idle cranked up to 15-16grand i'm still getting 37mpg and able to ride. I found these on Ebay and placed a bid. When I got up today I was happy to find I won. $121 with shipping. Does anyone know if all 83's had the adjustable needles?http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=380440103134&si=ZMX9op6qie0ucLl6clKQXmfoPKc%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A3160&vxp=mtr&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  4. i just got the gloves for christmas and wore them 4 times a total of maybe 16 hours with the heat on. Just thursday I thought the heat wasnt working. i blamd it on the bitter cold and kept riding anyway . Saturday i noticed the light on the rocker switch was blinking . The switch looked great when i oppend and inspected. the gloves work well plugged directly into the power source. has anyone else had a problem with the switch. It has been used for 5 rides tops, The sloder joints look good but the bpower cuts off when moving the wire. Can the wire have broken inside the insulator so soon?
  5. Guest

    Mystery Harness

    Well, it's winter around here and I just bought my bike (MK1) so I'm taking it apart, cleaning it, fixing all the broken plastic tabs, replace screws as needed... etc. and, I find this NEW HARNESS under the right hand side fairing box next to the cubby hole, just below the speaker... and I have no idea what it's for. Can anyone tell me what it's for? It is new, never been plugged into anything, has the larger two prong connector, a small two prong, a ground cable and goes to a harness controller and then feeds in behind the headlight and I assume to the battery from there. Check out the pic and let me know what you're thinking... THANKS
  6. The small vacumn lines used to sync carbs. I had two plugged and two with hoses. I synced the carbs and can't remember which was which. Does it matter? Thanks Richard
  7. The right side horn has quit working on my RSV. The horn in the left cowling is still working but it is useless. I've heard babies cry louder than it sounds. I didn't particularly want to go with the air horn mod, so I hunted around and found a nice looking replacement auto horn. Plugged in the new horn and it doesn't work at all, not only that, it also kills the other horn as well. Neither horn works with the new horn plugged in. Removed the new horn and the left horn works again. Measured the voltage available at the horn connection and got full battery voltage. Don't have the meter to check current draw. Per the wiring diagram, there are no hidden connectors in line to drop voltage under load. Checked the new horn by jumping directly to the battery and it works fine. Just doesn't work when pluged into the harness. My question: is there something special about the OEM horn on the RSV? Does it take less current than an automobile horn? Other ideas?
  8. Coolant drain on the front of my '86 VR is dripping.To replace that o-ring you remove the little set screw in the side and then does that plastic plug unscrew or wiggle out of there.That fitting and the little hose on top were plugged up with a reddish brown clay when I flushed the system,now that I cleaned everything out it started leaking.Thanks
  9. Can anyone advise?? I've been thinking of buying the yamaha helmet headsets but need a question answered first. When the headset is plugged in does the music from the radio play through the headset or the the bike speakers? Thanks
  10. just found a three inch long nail in my almost new rear Avon Venon. i pulled it and plugged it. what are your thoughts on plugging tires? the nail when in straight and on the 'leaning' portion of the tire.
  11. I've been too busy wrestling with the leak in the '91 to do anything else, but now that it's down to a Harley Drip it's on to other issues. Mainly the CLASS controller. What a saga. The controller was giving E1 and E4 errors, so I tore into it and did some PCB soldering. Now I'm not the greatest solderer in the world, but I'm not all that bad either. After working over all the brown rings I hooked the controller back up and .... nothing. I could get the pump to give a couple of beats and then quit by plugging and unpluging the coupler. So I went ahead and piggybacked another compressor and it did the same thing. This told me it wasn't the pump, but the controller. So I drug out another controller and plugged it in. E4 error. So soldered it's PC. Plugged it back in. E4 error. Grrrr!!!!!! OK, one more time. I soldered everything I could see with a magnifying glass. Ate dinner. Went back out. Plugged it in and the CLASS ran like a champ. I would have taken the bike out for a ride this morning but due to forseen circumstnces it's going to be Monday. Gonna be strange sitting on a 1stGen again. So the lesson is... If at first you don't succeed...try..try...again....
  12. Just curious - how many has plugged your flat tire on your car or truck ? I've been doing it for years without a failure and decided to plug my Kumho after I found that miniscule needle in it yesterday. It held 55# of pressure overnight so I have no doubt it will run it's life on my Venture. That is unless I manage to find another nail in the same tire.
  13. Alrighty.. just got back from installing two new Firesticks on my Midnight Venture with mixed results.. a lot of work and it LOOKS great but with a few probs.. A quick note, hopefully someone has an idea to help me out.. The AM/FM antenna was the hardest part and it turned out awesome.. good audio but with a few weeks of rain coming our way it's going to be hard to test for range. However, the CB antenna install was a shambles.. argh. Right now, when I press the CB button on the control unit, I get a CB:ERR message and it shuts off.. oops! Though I tested the AM/FM radio before putting everything together, I failed to test the CB at all.. argh.. I'm sure I plugged in everything under the trunk when I re-installed it.. Antenna cable plugged from antenna to box under trunk OK.. but before I start yanking things apart again, is there something I should be doing first? I must say, it does look awesome with a midnight venture hehe
  14. Hello everyone, I made the mistake of having a friend adjust my carbs a few months ago. I have an '03 MRSV, running with K&Ns and all the pollution stuff plugged and rolled up. I also have the four tits stemming from the carbs plugged. I checked the spark plugs today and the bike is running extremely lean. My buddy does not remember where the mixture screws were at when he started turning them out a few months ago. I have been getting popping on decel too. So I turned out the mixture screws a complete 360 turn and the popping persists. I need to ride it for a while and check the plugs again. Can anyone tell me a good setting, for these screws, FROM BEING BOTTOMED OUT, while running with K&Ns and with the all the air polution stuff plugged? Many thanks in advance - Ponz
  15. Friends I've heard the idle pilot holes are very small on our bikes. Has this become a problem for any of you getting plugged (rough idle)? Wyoming Tom
  16. Summer is coming fast. Pretty soon it will be hot and we'll need something to cool us down while riding. Check out this cooling shirt. This thing looks great. Then next winter, maybe the lines could even be plugged into a coolant line on the bike and you'd be toasty warm. Seems like someone on this board came up with this idea a couple years ago. I can't remember who though. (No, it wasn't me.)
  17. I can not hear the CB when I turn it on. It powers up, channels change, keys up with the PTT but I have no audio. Does a mic or headset have to be plugged in to have receive? Also the squelch is open, so I know it isnt just being squelched out.
  18. While working on the bike the other day, I noticed that the reubber manifolds from the carbs and showing some signs of cracking. Bike is an 01 and has 55k on her. Is this comon? I don't notice any problems, have some slight backfiring, (have not plugged AIS yet). but the bike getrs consistant mileage, 35+. Is it expensive/difficult to replace the manifolds?
  19. I have an 07 RSV with 4500 miles on it I have not gotten in to the carbs because I don't want to risk voiding my warranty. I have fattened the PMS 1/4- 1/2 each and synced carb's. She pulls good off the line but if you are at about 1/8-1/3 throttle and you stab it in any gear above 2nd it will not accl. it does not fall on its face just not accl. No lean popping at all if you stay in it you start to smell very rich exhaust. so I know its either getting too much fuel (my theory) or in efficient combustion. My dealer can not find the problem. tells me that's now a XVZ13 runs BS!!! I have had this bike since 0.4 miles and now my top speed on a flat is 85-90 MPH up a pass 70 MPH. I have had the speedo buried before. Changing fuel makes no difference. tonight I am going to try some seafoam but don't have much hope it that as a cure. Any suggestions on a good tech/dealer in Seattle area. I am more than able to find and fix this issue. but you see I turn wrenches all day long, 5 days a week. I bought a Bike with a 5 year warranty. I did not buy a HD for a reason. My dealer reset carbs and said #2 pilot was plugged and #1 almost plugged (why did not that effect the idle and how does that effect top end throttle) I guess I need to go get re trained in carbs 101. The dealer by the way is RMC Motorsports. But the saga continues my dealer tells me that Yamaha will not cover carb issues and charges me $345.00 to tell me that my pilots are plugged and that that is how they run. Needless to say I will be contacting Yamaha customer service. I have stepped down from the soap box now thank you all for coming to hear me
  20. I just picked up that V-Max final on Ebay. Thinking about installing it in the '91... once I get that oil leak plugged.... Should be interesting....
  21. The sound system on my 2007 Venture squeals when only the front headset is plugged in. When both front and rear are plugged in everything works fine. Tried switching helmets but still squeals. Worked fine up until today. Anyone have any thoughts as to why this would happen? Thanks in advance.
  22. I personally would not plug a tire and ride it like it was never plugged. I don’t think it’s a safe thing to do, I only have two tires under me and I don’t want either one of them to blow out on my butt doing 75 or 80 on the freeways. Also my brother lost a leg years back when his front tire blew out, the investigation showed that it blew at the plug, he had a flat and just had it plugged. That being said what do you think, what are your experiences on this?
  23. Guest

    ZUMO - MP3 solved

    To quote one of my favorite characters, Inspector Clouseau, "The case is solv-ed." Thnx to the great help herein: Burn a CD from iTunes Then using the Advanced options in iTunes, convert to MP3 file Sure enough, I dragged them to the Zumo SD card and there they were -- and yes -- I plugged in the DC cord in the truck and they even PLAYED !!! Many thnx, best to all. PS _ I expect to pick up the RSV this THU !
  24. and picks up a screw, gets plugged runs fine. However I am preparing for an Iron Butt sooo It seems as though Venom's are the most popular. I don't plan on down sizing the front tire (which is the plugged tire) the rear is a dunlap original. Should they both be changed at the same time because of different tred patterns?
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