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  1. I have seen in the past on this site, someones instructions to remove the tape deck and add a jack for an MP3 player. I haven't found it, any help would be appreciated......Thanks!
  2. Anyone have any info on the remodel of the Venture for 2010. I have heard that they are gonna completely redesign it, no more cassette player and a toned down version of the new VMax engine....Waiting on info before I buy a new bike.
  3. No, I don't mean working on carbs. I recently came into possession of a (used) MP3 player. Now, I still like vinyl and 8 tracks. This little trinket had a bunch of music in it, about 140 songs, none of which was to my liking. I discovered that I could plug it in to a USB port and figured out how to delete the stuff that was on it. I have now "ripped" two of my CD's onto the computer and I'm gradually learning to "sync" them onto the MP3 player. This may not seem like much to many of you, I know there are some of you to whom this kind of technology is like second nature. But when I can play "my" music on the GL1800 using a little gadget not much bigger than my thumb, I figure I've made a giant leap towards entering the 21st century. No cassette player or CD player. What I don't know is, do I have to carry a supply of AAA batteries to power this thing, or is there some way of running it on the power from the bike?
  4. An odd question. Anyone here buy the RSTD and wish they had bought the RSV that they test rode? Or visa versa? I really love my RSTD, but the test ride on the RSV still sits in the back of my mind. I loved it, but had issues with the top heavy. I am a small guy. I know we probably wouldn't use the cassette player or even the radio. But the looks are so cool. I don't regret it and am looking forward to some long rides next year. Just wondering that's all.
  5. I was messing around the other day and using my cell phone for Pandora. After awhile I switched to regular FM radio. I had to really turn down the volume as it about blew my ears out. I flipped on the CD to listen to something after that and had to turn down a little more, not as much as before. Of all the music I would have to say the CD player has the clearest and loudest out put. The Aux the least. Why? Maybe because you have to run it thru so many cables etc to get anything? Just wondering, and has anyone else experienced the same?
  6. Gentlemen , I absolutely love this forum as a wonderful source of information! That being said , I was thinking of installing a CD player but after reading several posts, I believe an MP3 player may be a better choice? Is there a "clean looking way" other than using the aux plug on cassette deck, which I plan on converting to storage box as seen on other posts and since mine doesn't operate anyway,and is there a wiring harness or adapter to accomplish this? We ride in some remote areas that radio reception is poor at best. I may have placed this in the wrong forum as I have a '99 yamaha venture...don't know how to move to gen 2. Thanks for your help in advance! Last edited by Wayne McClain; Today at 09:23 PM. Reason: wrong forum I think Wayne McClainView Public ProfileSend a private message to Wayne McClainSend email to Wayne McClainFind all posts by Wayne McClainAdd Wayne McClain to Your Contacts Edit Tags Tags None
  7. Have, 85VR want to know if there is a CD player that will fit in the space where the cassett player is , jbsr71
  8. While looking for a part on a Yamaha website I saw that the loyal and trusty cassette player is no longer available.........now they can go on and make a new RSV finally!!!!
  9. Not sure this has made this forum yet or not, but sure seems like a nice replacement addition for the CD Changer and conventional MP3 Player thru the Aux Jack routine. http://www.venturemp3.com/
  10. Hi all - I've owned this bike since the new year and just recently encountered my first real problem... I have been plugging a mp3 player into the Aux audio jack and have had great results with no commercials like you get on FM. The other day, something strange happened - probably a short, but not really sure where to begin looking. The audio has been randomly switching back and forth from AM radio, CB and the mp3 player on its own. This morning, plugged in the mp3 player and had no right channel. Still bounced around from AM to CB to mp3. Went out on another ride later and left the mp3 player at home and opted to listen to FM radio. The right channel was working properly again, but still bouncing between audio settings all by itself. Almost got hit by a cager and hit the horn - and the horn sounded through the speakers. Even if the volume is turned down all the way, the AM & CB audio will still come through the speakers at a pretty loud volume. Strangest thing I've ever seen out of an audio system. Any ideas of where to start? Thanks to all.
  11. albyzee


    Looking for suggestions for the best "kick ass" handle bar mounted speakers that I will attach an mp3 player to.
  12. I have a 2007 Venture Royale that the tape player dust cover will not lock close. Since the bike is still under warranty I spoke to the dealer about having it repaired and was advised the hole assembly mounted in the dash had to come out and be sent to Clarion. I'm not about to have my bike tied up for potentially months over this. Anyone else have this problem or a solution?
  13. http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1203_ducati_future_in_four_rings/index.html Ducati makes some excellent bikes. The Monster 696 is one for sure. Having 8-9 percent of the market means they are not a 'bit' player. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
  14. Try as I might, I just can't find the cassette deck. I've looked everywhere! I found the ABS system, fuel injection, throttle bodies and all sorts of useless stuff... but no cassette player to be found! http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/photo.jpg
  15. Anyone have a black face cassette player laying around? I want to do the "storage" mod. My face is broken and won't stay closed. Thanks!
  16. My CD player stopped working. I split the fairing and checked the connection there and while I was at it, I put the dielectric grease on all the connectors. Everything seems to be properly connected, but the cd selection does not come up on the control panel. Is there a separate fuse for the cd player? It worked great when we used it last in August.
  17. I now have 5 prizes for the raffle at Tail of the Dragon V @ Vogel. 1. Dell D620 Laptop Computer 2. 4 GB MP3/Video Player 3. 4 GB MP3/Video Player 4. Tom Tom GPS model # XXL530-S (5 inch Screen) 5. Morgan Carb Tune Hopefully more will added at Vogel. If your not coming to Vogel you can still order tickets for 1 more week. $10.00 ea. or 3 @ $25.00 You do not need to be present to win!!!!! If you use PayPal do not mention Raffel..........just mark as a donation for Vogel.
  18. Motorcycle video starts at the 1 minute, 20 second mark. [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43510285#43510285]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
  19. Well, I have my BikeMP3 player installed and I have tunes, but what a struggle! Check out my posting on another forum. http://www.goldwingowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7169 When I ordered the MP3 player, I thought I would get the "music populating" software on a CD, didn't read the whole thing, did not understand it was a download. When I could not get the download to work, I gave up on it. I loaded CD's into windows media player and worked with SD cards from there. Player is mounted on left side of travel trunk, 2nd card is in small case . Both attached with velcro.
  20. There's good news for those of us who need an mp3 player for our Venture cassette deck. The company has updated the old player to now accept SCHC cards, and it is available for $24.00 now. The web site to order this player is: http://usb.brando.com/usb-cassette-mp3-player-ii_p01481c035d15.html
  21. My wife and I went to Henderson NV to watch our grand son play T ball. I have never had such a fun experience watching any baseball game, in my entire life. The little kids 4-5 years old were so fun to watch. Some were even shorter than the T ball post. No one struck out and no one walked. There was no score keeping and every player got to bat every inning. But of course there were only 5 or 6 kids per team. The infield was filled with the players and behind every player was a parent giving encouragement to their little champion to be. The little Babe Ruth wannabes would stand at home plate the official (from the city parks and recreation) would wind up and place the ball on top of the T the little slugger would give it his all and, most times, hit the T post. The ball would fall to the ground and the whole process would start over again. Once the ball was rocketed into the infield 4 little figures would rush to the ball only to fall on it and then fight over who got there first then all the future leaders of America would stand up and the ball still sitting in its sandy divot. Only for one of the parents to point out that the ball was still resting in the sand and suggest that one of them pick it up and throw it on to the first baseman, who wasn’t sure what it meant to be a first baseman nor what to do with the ball once it was in his possession. All the while the little slugger either walked, fell, wander or the really experienced veteran would actually run to first base only to meet his little teammate there on first base. With a little encouragement from the on field parent/coach the first player that was on first base would rocket on to second base or the pitcher’s mound maybe on to the big peoples second base which was about 20 feet further out toward center field. One little player would run from third base back to first base instead of home base. I guess he wanted to keep on running. Anyway, all in all it was the greatest sporting event I have personally ever witnessed.
  22. There is a great deal on a Garmin Nuvi 855 on Woot today. Any of you looking for a good GPS with MP3 player and bluetooth here it is. http://www.woot.com/
  23. Q: Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the left? A: When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid's right! And that's where women's buttons have remained since. Q: Why do ships and aircraft use 'mayday' as their call for help? A: This comes from the French word m'aidez -meaning 'help me' -- and is pronounced, approximately, 'mayday.' Q: Why are zero scores in tennis called 'love'? A: In France, where tennis became popular, round zero on the scoreboard looked like an egg and was called 'l'oeuf,' which is French for 'egg.' When tennis was introduced in the US, Americans (mis)pronounced it 'love.' Q. Why do X's at the end of a letter signify kisses? A: In the Middle Ages, when many people were unable to read or write, documents were often signed using an X. Kissing the X represented an oath to fulfill obligations specified in the document. The X and the kiss eventually became synonymous. Q: Why is shifting responsibility to someone else called 'passing the buck'? A: In card games, it was once customary to pass an item, called a buck, from player to player to indicate whose turn it was to deal. If a player did not wish to assume the responsibility of dealing, he would 'pass the buck' to the next player. Q: Why do people clink their glasses before drinking a toast? A: It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. To prove to a guest that a drink was safe, it became customary for a guest to pour a small amount of his drink into the glass of the host. Both men would drink it simultaneously. When a guest trusted his host, he would only touch or clink the host's glass with his own. Q: Why are people in the public eye said to be 'in the limelight'? A: Invented in 1825, limelight was used in lighthouses and theatres by burning a cylinder of lime which produced a brilliant light. In the theatre,a performer 'in the limelight' was the centre of attention. Q: Why is someone who is feeling great 'on cloud nine'? A: Types of clouds are numbered according to the altitudes they attain, with nine being the highest cloud. If someone is said to be on cloud nine, that person is floating well above worldly cares. Q: In golf, where did the term 'Caddie' come from? A. When Mary Queen of Scots went to France as a young girl,Louis, King of France, learned that she loved the Scots game 'golf.' So he had the first course outside of Scotland built for her enjoyment. To make sure she was properly chaperoned (and guarded) while she played, Louis hired cadets from a military school to accompany her. Mary liked this a lot and when returned to Scotland (not a very good idea in the long run), she took the practice with her. In French, the word cadet is pronounced 'ca-day' and the Scots changed it into 'caddie. Q: Why are many coin banks shaped like pigs? A: Long ago, dishes and cookware in Europe were made of a dense orange clay called 'pygg'. When people saved coins in jars made of this clay, the jars became known as 'pygg banks.' When an English potter misunderstood the word, he made a container that resembled a pig. And it caught on. Q: Did you ever wonder why dimes, quarters and half dollars have notches (milling), while pennies and nickels do not? A: The US Mint began putting notches on the edges of coins containing gold and silver to discourage holders from shaving off small quantities of the precious metals. Dimes, quarters and half dollars are notched because they used to contain silver. Pennies and nickels aren't notched because the metals they contain are not valuable enough to shave.
  24. Rode the bike yesterday listening to my favorite tape.Got on the bike today and cannot find the tape player on the selector switch.I have AM/FM Radio,IC,Auxillary but no tape selector option.I have a tape in the player but it wont eject.???????? to do??????????
  25. I successfuly replaced the hot water heater after 3 trips to the hardware store, aqnd while In was at it I routed a Cat5e cable to the blue ray player in the bedroom so I can have internet access to the player. Managed to fall on the ice and bumped my thick skull. Now my back hurts and my neck too!! I need a new desktop computer, I renewed my anti virus, downloaded the software and it quit in the middle of installing and now it won't access the internet! Oh well, the darn thing is about 8 years old or so, and waaaaay obsolete. BJ's has a $50 off sale on a HP and I have a credit card with Zero interest until next Feb. My electric razor broke yesterday but I found another one on Fleabay for around $40 new so I'm happy. Been sort of a mix of good/bad the last couple of days...
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