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  1. Does anyone have an identification diagram for the wires going to the cassette deck? I want to eliminate the one on the 88 but the radio wont play without it. Any ideas. seems like i have seen this in the past but i cant find it.
  2. Has anyone had any issues with intermittent play from the stereo? No matter what I have selected; CD Changer, AM, FM, Cassette (yes, I still have some), AUX (iPod)--nothing will play. If I leave the unit on as I'm riding down the road, the sound will come up to volume for a bit then go away again. It is not a connectivity issue because, if I turn up the volume all the way, I can hear the music on the selected source. The CB works just fine. I have the fairing split while I tourbleshoot this. I wiggled all the connections to make sure there isn't a loose connector. I put some dielectric grease on some of the connections that needed to be zip-tied before I resecured them. It's possible this problem came up since the last time I washed the bike. I was thinking possibly water got in somewhere and is grounding a connection??? I'm grasping at straws now. I've ridden this bike in torrential downpours and hailstorms in the high plains so it's seen its fair share of water. I would appreciate any help you can offer. BTW-I have a 2nd Gen '99... Thanks...
  3. Lets see who can get this right...
  4. I again want to remind everyone to check the play in their side stand. When changing the oil on Rocket's 86, out of habit, I checked the side stand and there was at least an inch play at the end of the side stand tip. When I removed the side stand, the forks were splayed open and the bolt was bent. I was able to use my hydraulic press to bend the fork tips back parallel and also straighten the bolt. With the side stand now fitting the frame mount just snug enough to not bind, I pulled the side stand off and checked the seating of the bolt. The shoulder of the bolt seated with a gap under the head of the bolt so I used a thin washer so the bolt seated at the shoulder and the nut at the same time. I cleaned everything and reassembled and tightened the bolt to the point it was almost binding and then tightened the nut. I was able to get it to the point there may have been an eighth inch play at the tip of the side stand without any binding. When we did his 83, there was about the same amount of play, but the bolt was not bent, but there was a slight step worn on the side of the bolt and the forks on the side stand were splayed about the same. Again did the washer trick and got about an eighth inch play when tightened back in place. I am really glad I was able to fix this as his bike has a lot of lean on the side stand and with the trailer hooked up, it would have been a disaster to encounter a broken side stand/bolt. Rocket should pick up another side stand bolt, but for now I believe he is good to go as long at he monitors the looseness. Again, for those of you that have never had you side stand fail, and it will if you let it get loose enough, you can hardly imagine how big of a problem it can be. RandyA
  5. This looks like it'd be a kick.....
  6. Doing the Tail probably Monday of next week and also the Moonshine 28. Are there any must see areas around there? Going with my in-laws, basically no plans other than those two rides but we have the whole week to play around. Any suggestions?
  7. Hi Venture Friends I am a newbie to Venture rider I just bought a 1987 Venture 1300_ I bought it cheap and of course Has its problems . All the diaphyrams in carbs are busted no problems with handling this problems. MY BIG CONCERN IS THE TRANSMISSION-'THE REAR WHEEL WAS JUST STUCK ON . I REMOVE WHEEL TO TEST DIFFERENTIAL ETC--FOUND LOTS OF PLAY IN TRANS. I COULD MOVE DRIVE SHAFT APPROX 90 degrees back and forth except for 5th gear in which was nor mal I drain oil no signs of metal in oil . My question what should back lash be when rotating driveshaft- WHY IS IT SO MUCH PLAY IN 1 thru 4 but. 5th to me is nornmal Thanks. Jim C. Carson City. Nevada:bacp
  8. Lori Tom and Debby Hendry and I will be riding these roads and trails on utv's for the next week. I couldn't resist taking the bmw up for a preview. The pictures are on the alpine loop near cinnamon pass. (Lake city CO) Anybody want to come play?
  9. I have a 2009 royal star touring deluxe and noticed that the swing are when on my lift has about a .003-.005 side play on the swing arm. The factory manual says there is not supposed to be any. Has anyone had this issue and if so what is the proceedure to take the side play out.
  10. I have a 2009 Royal star touring deluxe and am currently servicing it and found the reear swing arm has some end play in it. The end play has about .003-.005 side play on it. Is this a concern and if so what is needed to take this play out. Does the exhaust have to be removed to get access to the through bolt.
  11. Hello Folks, Ive been a member here for a little over a year,just lurking in the background,I guess its time to come out of the closet, as I am stumped. I have a 1987 Venture Royal with almost 80k. The swingarm is completely apart for general maintenance and a tire change. When I reassembled the swingarm I noticed about 1/8 inch free play from side to side, Im using the workshop manual to limit my mistakes, I have all of the right parts, and everything is torqued per the book. So assembly is not the problem, I think. I put it together and took it apart 3 times, and it still has side play,(yes I know what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over,and expecting different results). According to the book sideplay is eliminated by installing new tapered roller bearings and collars,but the ones I have now look and feel like new, what am I missing? I cannot find anything wrong. I was thinking of equal shims on both sides, but I dont think that is the answer. Did anyone ever run into something like this, any suggestions will be welcomed.
  12. OK so I have a Garmin 765t. It has blutooth capabilities. I have recently found pandora, such a cool deal. So my question is instead of using the MP3 player on the GPS can I connect my via bluetooth and use my phone to connect to pandora and it play thru the bikes comm system? I havent had a chance to just go out and try it.
  13. Take advantage of these nice days and get out and play the Great Venture Scavenger Hunt. I know this has been going on a lot longer than I have been here but it's been fun and only a handful of folks playing. After looking back over the first 55 pages of the post I think its safe to say that the early drama is gone and the rules ? Well I have been here long enough to know what some of you think about rules ? So come bend a few and have a ride.
  14. I currently have the bike up on the maintenance stand for winter projects and it occurred to me to check the previous work done when I had a local shop do a neck bearing change. Though the 'bounce' check seems fine (not binding, not bouncing more than once when hitting the stops).. I do notice some 'play' in the forks when I pull forward on the front wheel.. Is there an acceptable amount of play allowed or should there be NONE at all? I would hate to think the whole front end has to come off in order to tighten all of this up again or worse, an indication of something even worse going wrong.. or perhaps, just a little loosening after the initial installation that simply needs a tap on the nuts to make it work properly.. (I can't believe I just said that.. ouch).. Thoughts, comments or advice?
  15. Being retired I have a lot of time on my hands so just out of the blue... How many of you are on XBox Live and what games do you play? I bought my XBox after testing out a used GTA4 game I bought on Ebay for my 16 yr old & I was hooked. I Play Grand Theft Auto 4 Saints Row 3 Red Dead Redemption to name a few, I know my son has a lot more games. (Call of Duty type shooters) Hey if enough of us are online maybe we could share usertags & set up a party
  16. Well, check this out .... http://video.ca.msn.com/?mkt=en-ca&vid=87e4bf48-34e2-47e8-bffb-5c0f5df1fc51&from=sharepermalink&src=v5:share:sharepermalink:uuids
  17. The boss is away.........Us mice can play.......politics, religion and.......... Toga, Toga, Toga, Toga
  18. I put new tires on for summer and found that as soon as bike was not perfectly vertical that I got a drive line howl that would not go away until I straitened the bike up or ended up going straight after a corner. It didn't matter how mild the corner was the noise was there. I assumed the tires. Not! Brother had same brand on his 1200 BMR Putting the bike on the center stand and starting it and putting it in gear, I found that there is considerable play in the u joint..Putting a long screwdriver in there and prying it I found the play. Does the engine have to be removed to change that out? I see these offered on ebay but with gear that goes into the motor/transmission attached to the universal. What is easiest?
  19. Hey guys, Just wondering how many of you out there are using a smart phone instead of a dedicated GPS. After all, there's only so much room on our handlebars, and you can't beat the functionality of a smartphone. I'm using a smaller smartphone on my bike-it's about 2/3 the size of an I-Phone type phone. I wanted a smaller one so it would definitely fit on the handlebars and so I would still have room for my cupholder. The phone only cost $50 through Metro PCS and has all the usual Android features. Another great thing about the smaller phone is I was able to get a cheap phone holder at Wally World for about $8. I removed the back (designed to insert into an automotive AC vent), then used two zip ties to attach it to the handlebars. A lot less expensive than a Ram-type mount and uses up way less space too! I use a patch cord to hook it up to the accessory jack on the cassette player and everything plays right through the speakers. Of course I can play it through my helmet speakers too. It all works great. So instead of just GPS I can also play Pandora internet radio (for free) unlike XM. And of course you can play all of your MP3 music through it. And I can also make calls through the helmet microphone and helmet speakers. It will also voice dial for you. Only thing is I haven't perfected is the right intercom volume to be able to hear and be heard by the caller but will still reduce windnoise to a manageable level. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating using the phone often while riding, I think it's too dangerous. But for occasional use on a country road it's pretty cool to have the ability to do so if you're very careful. And of course on top of all that you've got the camera on the phone handy whenever you want to use it! I'm sure there's a lot of guys way smarter than me already doing this...I just wanted to throw it out there. Ride Safe, 1/2crazedbikr
  20. Bagpipes at a funeral....... As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Kentuckyback country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played 'Amazing Grace,' the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full. As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years." Apparently I'm still lost.... it's a man thing
  21. The wife and I have an opening of sorts and are throwing together a trip out to California for 3 weeks (roundtrip). We have a son attending school in Berkeley and we will tow our bunkhouse "pop up" as our hotel. Time constraints and getting the businesses set are making planning difficult. Just not enough time. We are planning on leaving East Texas Friday and head??? I wanted to hit Utah and pick up an extra wife or two. I will have to play that one by ear....but seriously, I did want to head north as the weather seems to be okay at the moment. I will play that by ear. A friend in Colorado said to avoid the State as higher elevations are getting snow. I guess what I am asking in a round about way.....any suggestions, routes, sights, eateries....anything? We are more country than city and love to ride and take in sites as well as shorter hikes and nice sites. We have California mostly planned as the son has worked on it. Any info or ideas would really be appreciated! Oh, I owe Buddy a hello from our recent Ark. trip. Hard to forget that day in Paris!!!lol
  22. Well, at long last the first game of week 1 will begin at 8:30 pm ET. This is going to be a "must see" game as it pares the last two Superbowl Champions against one another... Personally, I'm for the Saints (still PO about the Steelers giving the game away to the Packers earlier this year), and, I like Drew Brees style. The other great game, is this Sunday at 1 pm ET. Hey, whenever the Ravens and Steelers play "it's all good!":Avatars_Gee_George: Rough and tumble... Well... Can anyone else suggest other games that would be good to watch? or pick the winners of this, week 1 regular season? Come on, Bring it!
  23. Could I ask everyone here to say a small prayer for me in the AM? I am going through some employment issues and need a few prayers. My motorcycle accident from back in March 2010 could play a negative role. Thank you VR family!!! Ben
  24. Everyone up the Eastern Seaboard pay attention to this girl, she means business. We hope everyone stays safe and has little to no damage. Right now the eye is projected to make landfall about 15 miles from us and then go right over us. Everybody in low lying areas head to higher ground she is going to be a big Rain Maker ala Floyd. Only she will be moving faster thank God. So play it safe please. Wayne
  25. As "Brown Sugar and I were playing with some twisties today I was paying attention to the shifting. This has been going on for a while but is getting harder and harder. Holding a rule against the end of the ball on the handle it has more than 1&1/2 inches of play before you start to feel pressure when you squeeze it. Time for the push rod and bushing?? I bled it out last fall. All new fluid. Hope its not the slace cylinder.
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