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  1. I have a small oil leak coming from the back of my spin on oil filter adapter. The adapter I have looks like a plate with eight holes in a circle and a coupler through it that then has a 30mm(ish) nut put on the coupler to secure the plate. The plate appears to be able to be taken off without removing the coupler from the bike but it's stuck on there. I tried a dead blow hammer and putting allen wrenches in two of the eight or so holes and spinning the whole thing with those and a long screwdriver but didn't have any luck. Is there a good way to remove these plates?
  2. I m rebuilding the forks on a 1990 Venture Royal. The plate seat came out. My question is there is a rubber ring that appears to bonded to the the plate seat is this necessary to have the rubber on it since fluid can get around it any way or do I need a whole new plate seat cause the rubber ring is important? Please look at the pictures Thanks.
  3. Something like this? http://www.motorcyclenews.com/upload/271405/images/golf-rack.jpg I want to build on that doesn't cover the brakelight/license plate. Possibly off to the side of the saddle bag.
  4. Here I go... New to me Trike & now I need to Check it over, setup & add-ons: 1) Get out the Mecury Carb-Sync - checked OK - no need to adjust 2) removed stock ignition & replaced with DynaTek 3000 - set on performance profile 3 with red line of 7,500 rpm 3) removed stock clutch pressure plate - installed/converted to Barnett Clutch Spring Conversion plate (good old purple) 4) checked out HID headlight kit - decided against it 5) ordered Signal Dynamics Diamond Star headlight modulator 6) ordered Diamond Star Plug & Play harness 7) ordered Hella H4 100/80 Halon watt bulb for headlight 8) ordered qty.4 NGK DPR8EIX-9 Iridium IX Spark Plugs 9) one passing lamp failed so I checked out converting to lens & H3 Halogen bulbs - decided against it & needed rewiring 10) ordered qty.2 Passing Lamp Bulbs - Bulbrite HX36PAR36WFL 36-Watt Halogen/Xenon Sealed Beam PAR36 10) ordered 5-layer felt lined Trike cover - using/covering Trike with my old cover used on my Z4 11) ordered custom license plate GhostR Now I'm preparing to move add-ons from old bike to new bike when these parts get in & I have a nice weather day. I'll continue this as I progress. JohnB
  5. I'm searching for a website that makes custom engraved/cast plates. This is what my need is: plate to put on the back of my Trike below the license plate plate will say "Ghost Rider" plate needs to be at least 2"x8" up to 3"x24" engraved (if I can afford it) else etched/stamped RED letters Please oh great forum members - share your knowledge???? JohnB
  6. I started that thread a while back on "The things you find" and it just kept going the farther I got into the New/Used HF Tag-Along I bought a while back. The PO had to be one creative bugger to get the kit as far as he did. But then he did get rid of it before going anywhere and I got a pretty good idea of why he did now. The wiring..... geesh! I think he used a drill and razor wire to fish the harness through the frame. I couldn't go 2 feet of wire without finding a chewed up or broken wire patched with ScotchLocks with the bare ends hanging out inside the frame. In the end I had to replace the entire trailer harness and considering the mods to the taillight housings he did, I broke down and bought the HF LED kit and installed it. At least the LEO's won't be shaking my tree for a license plate light being out. That sucker lights up with the LED's. But after installing the new harness, shielded with harness wrap, and soldering and shrink wrapping every connection from the 5/4 converter all the way to the tail lights I'm sure it will serve me well for quite a while. Still need to tuck in some rubber grommets where the harness goes through the frame but that's a quick fix. Got the 5/4 wire converter tucked in by the frame under the seat. Piece of cake hooking that up. I hooked the side markers and rear tails to the marker lights on my switch panel. That way I can kick the lights on all the way around without the key in the bike. Had one moment there where I was ready to panic because the four ways weren't working until I remembered I hadn't hooked up the brake light wire yet. Whew! I don't like loose wires on my bike so I added a plug holder on the rear light bar for easy access. Nice clean connection. I got the rubber hose installed on the rear spring bolts. New zerks are in. Coupler has been bent back to the original shape and washers installed. One handed hookup now. Siliconed in the frame plugs, or at least three of them. Missing one so that search is on. Cleaned off the Vaseline that HF uses off the wheel bearings and packed them with High Temp and set the bearings. Got my Nebraska trailer plate mounted. Note the size of that thing. I never noticed the bike plates here before but that sucker is gonna cause some serious drag. Suppose I should mount another plate on the other side so it don't lean. Going to make some mini mudflaps for the trailer tires. Need somewhere to mount some of those lil chrome nekked ladies. Well, looking at that pic maybe I won't need mudflaps with that big ol plate hanging there. My friend (The Piper) that pinstriped my helmet last year stopped by and was eyeballing the trailer. I know what he's thinking......He was grinning. So I miss anything? I'm going to have to go out and drag it around now and check out. Looks like it's gonna rain. Guess I'll find out how water proof it is. Mike
  7. Can someone show mw a picture of where the wiring harness is under the seat, or am i best to hook up behind the lisence plate?
  8. Well here it is finally got it back together all painted,just a little more wheeling and she should look complete. Now a name plate for the back where the goldwing emblem came off. Hum-lets see maybe Goldstar,yamawing,??????????. Joe
  9. OK the project got started yesterday. Yesterday I took off my floorboard and brake pedal and removed the old master cylinder. Today I did a little planning and thinking and fabricating. I decided to use the stock brake pushrod and I am fabricating a mounting plate for the master cylinder. I am tapping the side mounting holes on the new master cylinder so I can bolt it to the plate. The plate is going to be bolted to the brake pedal equalizer mount. I am slotting the holes so that the master can be adjusted up and down a little, and adjusted closer and further away from the brake pedal. I did a lot of hacking away on the piece that is the brake pedal mount so that the fabricated bracket will work out. I am trying to avoid drilling holes into the frame if at all possible. I have been taking pictures but probably not enough for a step by step illustration. I will make a template of the mounting plate once it is finished, I'm using 1/8 inch aluminum. My next obstacle is coming up with a nice SS brake line to go from the master back to the T block that will be SAE on the Master cylinder end and metric on the T block end. More to follow and pictures...
  10. well, I got my plate renewal today and I'm looking at $104 for a 2005 bought for $9,500 back in 2008.. seems a little hi even for indiana, the trailer was only $25. anywho who else is getting screwed and for how much.
  11. So what do you all think. Will this pass? What do those who pull a trailer do when the cooler rack blocks the plate. I know I could drill holes in back of the cooler rack, and put the plate there.
  12. I am installing a Barnett clutch pack #306-90-20082 and SR-2 kit in my 08 venture. With the spring plate torqued in place and the cover ready to go on. I still have considerable play in the clutch pack. It feels like I am missing one or more discs. Is play normal here or should torquing the spring plate have tightened everything up? Thanks for any guidance. Mike
  13. I like loud. I have drilled the back of the muufler and still think its sounds like a 90 year old man snoring. If I cut out the rear plate on the muffler and pulled out the tube would I run into a problem with the carb mix and backpressure? Would it lean out too much?
  14. The Metro Diner in Jacksonville was featured a while back on Diners, Drive-in's and Dives with Guy Fieri. We were never able to even get in as this is a breakfast/lunch only place and its fairly small. They finally opened a second place at the beach and I went there today with my wife. Man, I never knew what I was missing!! This place rocks. No wonder it made the triple D show!! The menu was fantastic. We ended up having a new item called the Vortex burger. Lets break this thing down: Take 2 grilled cheese sandwiches with thick bacon slices, very nicely grilled. Now add a 1/2 lb fresh Angus burger, more cheese and cole slaw between both sandwiches. Stack it on a plate with fresh cut and fried potato chips and I mean a stack of them, not just a few and you have a triple D worthy heart attack on a plate. I should have only ordered 1 and split it as it was I was only able to finish just under half of it. Had some more for dinner with enough left over to satisfy the dogs. I looked around at some of the other tables and all the food looked fantastic. The table next to us had a 4 piece fried chicken plate with a thick Belgian waffle under it all and topped with some type of a strawberry sauce! Amazing!! If you pass through Jax you owe it to yourself to stop at this place. Its that good!! I was thinking of having a meet and eat here sometime but the waitress said that weekends are just a total madhouse and they shut down at 3 pm. Im not sure we would be able to seat so many at once. I didnt inquire about holding any tables yet, but I may sometime in the future for a possible M&E.
  15. Hi Guys. Need some help. I am suffering from a bad case of clutch slip. Does the 1999 second gen TF Venture have a clutch spring plate or does it have several, say six small springs like the older machines. I say that it is an spring plate as shown in service manual. 1 in total. The chap who sells EBC parts on E-Bay says it is a set of several springs. As shown below. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11051.m43.l1123/7?euid=e57ef8c1b95d43ddbc200129acc4e73c&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Febaymotors%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D270926331528%26ssPageName%3DADME%3AX%3ARTQ%3AMOTORS%3A1123 Thanks. Neil. Old Miner.
  16. This has probably been talked to death, but I'm a slow learner. I am getting ready to get my 04 Midnight RSV back together after my wreck in Nov. I want to make sure she is ready to go for the next 4 to 5 years so I am wondering about changing out the clutch. I only have 49K miles on it, but I am experiencing some slippage when I shift hard into second and third gears:whistling:. I'm a pretty agressive rider at times and hate to hear the clutch slipping. I grew up wrenching so I know it wont heal itself and will only get worse. I know several of you have changed out to the Barnett clutch and pressure plate. I am just wanting to hear your thoughts about the performance of the Barnett parts. The Warden travels with me a lot so we pull a trailer to haul her make-up and purse . I'm sure this puts a serious strain on the stock (and weak) diaphram pressure plate. Also, at some point we are thinking of gettin a camper. I would welcome any negative comments as well as the positive ones. Thanks to everyone.
  17. Why do some cover up the licenses plate before showing a picture of their bike?
  18. Does anyone know if a new or reproduction gauge face plate is available for a 83 VR? I had mine apart the other day to oil the speedometer and tried to clean the face and wipped the numbers off. They were white but now they are faded yellow and smeared.
  19. I had my stitches taken out today and the Dr said it was healing good and my ribs are doing good. I start rehab Monday but the plate in my shoulder is still a little uncomfortable. Tom
  20. Can anyone tell me how much travel should be in the pressure plate when working the clutch lever? Mine travels about 3/32nds of an inch but the clutch does not want to disengage, I'm thinking I might have air in the line but so far have not been able to bleed any out.
  21. getting lil tired with my taillight . I would like to install a brighter multi led light, new plate mount and maybe some turn signal hugger lights on the fender. There is a module i can purchase to have my turnsignals also rnning lighst but how hard is it to make them running lights turn signals and brake lights as we?
  22. From what I’ve read on clutch and clutch slippage has left me with a couple questions. I'd like to do the spring upgrade but am now thinking of doing the plates as well, so-o-o... 1) Where and what do I ask for when ordering/upgrading my clutch springs? I believe I will also need a new gasket... anything else? Torque values? 2) I understand the friction thing but doesn’t switching from a half plate to a full plate decrease the pounds per square inch on the contact surface by distributing the pressure over a larger surface area?? Pressure vrs friction??? What are the advantages or disadvantages of the larger plates? Perhaps I'm just over thinking this?
  23. Sense my great licence plate swap did not work out I will try this.... Here is your chance to own a lot of plates from around the world. For everyone who sends me two motorcycle license plates from their state they will get one entry in a drawing to receive one of all the plates sent in...... woo hoo!!!!! I am doing this as I would like to collect one motorcycle license plate from everywhere possible. All states, prefectures, provinces, countries, counties, etc as possible. If you want to play, post here and I'll PM you with my mailing address. how easy is that?? IF you will send me a third plate from your area I will send those plates to freebird (The guy who runs this forum) to hang in his garage. This drawing will be limited to the first person to post to this thread from each state. after they receive my address by PM they have three weeks for me to receive the plates then that state is released to the next person to post from that state. So who can send me some plates??????? The drawing will be held at a yet to be determined date as I may have to go on travel for work and it may take a little while for people to get excited enough to go to their garage to look for old plates or to go to the salvage yard to take some off of wrecked bikes....
  24. My license plate bracket broke from the weight of the harley light. Does anyone have an extra bracket laying around that they want to sell? Otherwise it off to the dealer to order P/N 4XY-84751-00-00 @ $25.62 + tax
  25. I found some real nice red running lights with chrome at the truck stop in Balwin, Fl. I then made a metal bracket to go on both sides:dancefool: of the license plate. The brackets mount to the screws that hold the license plate. I then drilled holes in the bracket and mounted the red running lights to each side of the license plate. It really increased the red lights from the rear and was very inexpensive to install. Ofcourse I had to hook up the electric to the lights which was right there in the rear of the bike. Several of my friends really liked the hookup and so Iinstalled them on there respective bike. "Not all Ventures", forgive me!! ha ha . I am attaching some pictures of the rear lights installed. Any questions please let me know. Hope it helps someone out there. If the photo does not come in with this post let me know and I will e-mail the photos to you. Dan4852@aol.com DanC
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