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Found 22 results

  1. only five days to go. looks like we will have a crowd. looking forward to seeing all our good friends once again. lets see if we can out do last year. we had a blast. looks like buddy and coles grampa have some great rides planned, and alot of good eaten. linda decided she did'nt want to miss it, and has the bags packed already.
  2. My daughter is graduating Marine corp basic training. We have ridden many miles on my Goldwing and I will be surprizing her by picking her up at the Airport Friday Night on my 2011 RSV. She has no idea I have the bike. In the last three months all we got was a call last Sunday for 6 minutes and of course letters. I am so very proud of her. She will be a member of the Marine Corp Band. She still has to attend combat training in 24 days. My Mom, Wife and Son have gone down to bring her back. I cant go since I am the Head Football Coach at my High School and we have an upcoming scrimmage. I have a trip planned leaving for Washington Island which is off the tip of Door County, WI. You have to take a ferry to get there. She doesnt know this trip is planned either. It will be fun for the both of us as we visit the various State Parks Sunday on the way home. Semper Fi
  3. Looking to find out who is camping @ Vogel and has space on the plot for 2 newbies to camping and willing to give us a guiding hand at this. We had planned on hoteling it, but hubby is itching to try out the new tent. Let us know! Kat
  4. Just wanted to vent.... My wife and I had planned a Vacation this year after not taking one for a couple of years due to having TWO Weddings to pay for. Well THIS year we have the money and planned a two week trip. I had posted questions about it on here a couple of times. We had planned on heading to Indianapolis for a Charity Ride with Friends, then head to Niagra Falls for the night. Then we were going to take suggestions from this site and cross into Canada and follow the highway along the lakes. We planned to hit Maine and the rest of the northeastern states, working our way down to D.C.. From there, start heading west, back to Ohio to meet up with a good friend that has made me some White Lightning. he offered to put us up a few nights while we party & he shows me how to make the stuff. Once we left his place, we were to head home to Omaha. This trip would've left us only a few States left on our map. BUT.... The Army Corp of Engineers and Mother Nature couldn't come to an agreement this year and my home has been only a few feet from flooding since the beginning of June.I just heard yesterday that the Missouri River isn't planned to be back into it's banks until the end of September or October. - We don't want to be on the east coast if / when the Levy breaks. So, it looks like no Vacation again this year. That being said, if losing my Vacation is the worse that happens too me this year, I will still feel blessed. There are MANY people that have lost everything due to this flooding. Because of the MONTHS of the flooding, there is a lot of farmland that will take many years, if ever, to recover. Craigr
  5. This year Grump & I are heading off on a long trip by 83 & 86 VR bikes. So far, there are a few planned stops, with about a month in the CFB Borden area & a side trip to South Carolina. This trip is part of his bucket list, seeing that he is now 70, it can't really wait. I want to, hit the International rally in Cody as well. A few members that I am in periodic contact with, told me that we must stop by during the trip, or I am in deep doo doo. So this is a general warning to all, that we will be meeting more of you this year.
  6. well the cushman is done and it hit the road for the shake down cruise today. it ran flawlesly and has more balls than i planned on. very fast. i think this is the best build i ever did, and it's going to be my last one. pictures will be coming soon. it really turned out better than i planned on. i just wanted a rider, and got in deeper than i planned. heading for greenwo0d ar. in 2 weeks for the debut. next project which should be a cheapy, is a gocart with an old 7 hp. wisconsin engine that i picked up at an old thresher show. it's not going to be anything major just an engine restoration and build a gokart from scratch. i never had a real gokart. the engine is almost like one i had on a cushman airborn frame back in the 50's.
  7. Bought this used Escapade today, '06. First time trailer owner and looking forward to taking a trip with it. Have a cross-country trip planned for end of June, but will have to try something sooner. Any tips from trailer owners for newbies?
  8. There were probably many, many times this year when I may have..... Disturbed You, Troubled You, Pestered You, Irritated You, Bugged You, or got on your Nerves!! So today, I just wanted to tell you.... Suck it up Cupcake!! Cause there AIN'T NO CHANGES Planned for 2011!!
  9. Smashing my fingers with a hammer. I been laying shingles on the new scoot roof at the camp. Not much to look at and still plenty to do but it will hold 2 or 3 scoots this winter. I took 3 days off from work and it rained 2 of those days. We planned a ride Wednesday up in the mountains but ended up caging it. It rained and was 38 degrees on Dolly Sods. Think I might ride tomorrow and work on shed next Saturday.
  10. I know that it is only July, but I want to inform you all of the WNY mini rally to be held in August....It is posted in the regional rally section forum...last year we had about 35 attend and I hope we will have more this year....camping is again free at out sponsors grounds...PIONEER MOTORSPORTS...THE OWNER IS ALSO A MEMBER OF THIS FORUM...She will again be providing the coffee and dough nuts on Saturday along with music for the Saturday night campfire..friday will be for arrivals along with a supper ride to a local eatery... PIONEER will be open until 2 pm for us and they will be offering our normal 15% discounts to members...saturdays activities are still being planned and we will be having lunch at the "HEARTH" again (WALKING DISTANCE FROM YOUR CAMPSITE), there will be a variety of rides planned ...one short and one longer...saturday evening we will be having our weenie roast and campfire.....a bike show is again planned with prizes for the winners.....please join us for some fun and mahem...maybe we can get Earl to tell us another story around the campfire...sunday will be breakdown and breakfast at EARLS...please check the rally section and sign up if you will attend, you wont be disappointed....I will post some local motels in a week or two for those who don't camp..........
  11. Happy New Year everyone from Viva Las Vegas! It was a stressful drive the last couple of days getting here due to weather conditions but we made it time for the New Year celebration as planned. They are shutting down the strip to traffic at 6:30. It'll probably be nuts out there tonight.
  12. While at work today we were doing our regular excercise and I tore the bicep in my right arm. What a bummer. Had a ride planned for next week in Myrtle Beach. 3-4 month+ recovery time. What did I do?
  13. All, For my latest contribution to www.thetentacle.com , (a central Maryland local news and commentary site), click on the following: http://thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=3064 . This column is about planned obsolescence and how some of us have confronted it and live with it. Owners of old bikes (I'm a 1st-gen Venture guy) would appreciate this. My columns, usually about motorcycling or math education, come out every other Tuesday. Nick Diaz Middletown, MD __________________
  14. I am looking for a light and compact half cover for the 2005 Midnight that folds up compact for use on some longer trips planned for next summer. Any suggestions on some good quality water proof half covers? Thanks
  15. While my brother and I were out riding this year we started kicking around an idea about doing a 4-corners tour come spring. Not the 4-corners area in the Southwest, but the four corners of the US! Touching the bike tire as close as possible to the US border in the SE, SW, NW and NE corners of this country. We haven't actually planned anything yet, but the general idea was maybe to hit Daytona again in the early spring, then swing on down to Key West again, scoot along the southern boarder to San Diego while it is still relatively cool, then up to Washington and over to Main. Lots of other options too, but that will give you some idea of what I am talking about. I don't even know yet how many miles it is, when we might start (if we don't do the Daytona thing), or how long it might take. I can map it out on the computer pretty quick to start answering some of those questions, but I just thought I'd throw the idea out here and see if anyone might be interested in joining a trip like that? Or even part of it? I'm not talking about anything formally planned and pre-scheduled with reservations or anything - just an ad-hoc ride were we throw the leg over the bikes and go. I could actually put together a formal tour with plans and prices if enough people actually wanted to do something like that, but I doubt it. So what say you? Anyone interested in joining up for a long tour? Goose
  16. i am happier than a dead pig in the sunshine!!! i do hope it is contagious! i love it when "stuff" comes together, as planned! the HIPSHOT said that!:dancefool:
  17. After studying the posts on this site, I decided I would install a Bartlett clutch in my '86 Venture. Everything came out just fine, but, I think there may be a problem. Is the clutch boss supposed to have any play in it? I can get a slight wobble out of it. I hadn't planned on taking it off, but will for sure if this "play" is abnormal. I would very much appreciate some advice here.
  18. Just curious what your plans are for this BIG Holiday weekend? I know I am being nosy, so what else is new around here. Any big rides planned? Mama:whistling:
  19. today, jeannie ate her first solid food, in almost three weeks! all four of her doctors, told her she is definitely a "diabetic", with no diabetic tendencies. she has lost 42 pounds! about half of which, was fluid. down to a lean ,mean, 151 pounds! lol her lymphoma, appears to be "only in the bone marrow", and easily treated, with a high success rate! Dammn, i'm happy! i should have planned on going back to work a week ago! thank you all again, and again, for all the prayers, good thoughts, and most of all , the pm's ,phone calls, and moral support! just jt
  20. Is it me or has this been a slow year for noted winter projects discussions on the forum? Since I ended up doing my winter project last summer of replacing my transmission gearset, other than a planned cleaning and checking the bike out for some loose bolts, I don't seem to have much planned. I may try to get motivated and get my solid motor mounts made and get them replaced. RandyA
  21. The wife and I have a loooonnnnngg run planned late June. Salt Lake City to Roanoke and back. 3 weeks riding. My idea of a great time. Now... we need guidance. Out of Utah, down through Southern Utah, through south Colorado and then south down to Hyw 40 is pretty much planned. The rest... we have no clue. We just need to be in the Roanoke area in 5 - 6 days. We're open for input. Thanks bob & Lisa
  22. Anybody doing the motorcycle Escort for these folks when they roll through your area on the way to Arlington National Cemetery? They will be coming through my State and to date we have a well planned 3 day Escort set up for them. You do not have to be a member of the Patriot Guard in order to join in the Escort. http://www.wreaths-across-america.org/ Regards.....Boomer
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