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Found 18 results

  1. I have either went off the deep end, jumped into midlife crisis. Or maybe just gone plain crazy, but at 53 I have decided that I want a boss hoss, not a 502 or anything like that just a plain 350 boss hoss. When you look at them from a sensible point of view they are completely unrealistic over kill, there is absolutely no need for a 350 hp motorcycle, much 700 hp one. But I sure do want one. and then there is the price, I will need to take up donations!!!!!!!!!! Oh well guess I will do with out. who else want one gregg
  2. Hi, fellas. If you followed up on my last post, you know that I dragged home another project. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65645 Now here is my question: Did Yamaha use a special break-in oil, or should I just dump in whatever I plan to run in the future? I like synthetic, since these things don't leak, but with less than 100 miles, I'm afraid the break-in period will be affected by the extra slipperiness of the synthetic stuff. Maybe some plain ol' dino oil for the first couple changes, then synth? Oh, yeah... Here's a pic. Not a great shot, but you get the idea. Once again, thank you for your time and wisdom. Bert
  3. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO9wA2RsEkY&feature=player_embedded]Raw Design Grand Opening Video - YouTube[/ame]. just plain awesome!
  4. OK, I have done a search, but did not find the directions for REPLACING my clutch and brake levers. I just ordered a new set...chrome with leather braiding from Ironbraid.com. But the posts I found mostly discussed where to get them at online. My question...can someone explain how to change them out in PLAIN LANGUAGE. My wrench skills are weak...but I'm willing to try. Will I have to remove any cables? Is this a difficult swap to do? Thanks, Wally
  5. I know there's a few other threads on this but figgured I'd start a new one to get some feedback on what ya'll may have done with your Choke Knob... Here's what I did... Got a "plain jane" drawer knob made of aluminum, cut the threaded extension off and JB welded it to my choke knob. Whatcha'll think and whatcha'll done if'n ya done it???
  7. I just a Mild Manner Individual who like to try out the max in a Scoot YOU on the other hand .... well You are Just Plain NUTSO :rasberry::rotfl:
  8. I have a disagreement with a vendor about when the FIRST Royale was introduced. He has parts listed from 1983 as Royale parts and although most of them would possibly fit, I say it wasn't until the Mk2 came out in 1986. Prior models were known as just plain vanilla Ventures! Who's right? I looked at the Venture History and it doesn't specifically say, but I think I'm right! Help me out. It isn't an argument, I'm just a stickler for details.
  9. The full-grown doe ran in front of my new, used '92 Subaru Justy this morning at 5AM on my way to work. Now I'm car-less & bike-less! I am SO tired of all of these problems that keep coming up!! This Thursday I'm having wrist surgery resulting from my bike accident of 3 months ago, so I won't be able to do anything to try to fix the Justy. I'm just plain hosed now - no car, no bike, no money, and no way to get to work without paying a LOT more for gas and making it so my wife can't get to work & be mom-taxi driver. Doug
  10. Well, here it is: 2010 Star line: http://tinyurl.com/2010-Star For the sake of comparison, here's the 2009 offering: http://tinyurl.com/2009-Star No RSTD New Stratoliner Deluxe, no "plain" Stratoliner no Roadliner Midnight no "plain" Roadstar upgraded 1300 Tourer no "plain" 1300 no 1100s, at all no Warriors There are some pricing changes on all models, some more modest than others. TERRY
  11. My 02 RSMV with 112k needs the forks rebuilt again. I had this done over three years ago with the additions of Baron's gold emulators. It is now just like before, very rough on the road, rattling from hitting bumps and just plain annoying. When it was done before it was so solid for some time. Some suggestions would be appreciated. Could I drain and re-oil or do I need seals etc. There is no sign of leaking.
  12. In the old days this would be funny,,,,,,,,,, today, just plain TRUE http://home.att.net/~hideaway_today/t133/noah.htm
  13. Got a chance to hear some Jardines purr on a 1st Gen today. Is there a sweeter sounding pipe for a 1st Gen?? I haven't heard any. And Brickstones on anything just plain SUCK!!!
  14. Ok trying to get my paint colors together. But I have a question. What is better Mica, Metallic, or Pearl? Is Mica and Metallic the same? Will be putting clearcoat over. Is there really a difference? I know they are not plain and I don't want Plain. Dark on Bottom or top? Think I have narrowed my Dark down to two color choices one is Mica other Metallic. Really like both colors.
  15. This should be an easy one. Does anyone know of a company selling just a plain (good quality) chrome water pump cover for my 05 Tour Deluxe? I was able to get a plain chromed timing hole cover from Baron's, but the only water pump covers he has are the "V Four" etched ones (to me, no better than the ones marked "Yamaha"). Let me know if there is a company you know of. Thanks.
  16. Tom- Maggie was looking at your visited states map and wants to know whats up with Idaho? Wanted by the law, got ex's, in-laws, outlaws, or just plain hate states named for 'taters? Had a great time Sat. I am working on the pictures. Julia will have you a CD next time we meet. JB
  17. Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house the whole family was asleep and quiet as a mouse. When, from the garage, there arose such a clatter, I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter. And when I opened the door, it was plain to see, it was Santa trying to start the RSV. I said, Santa, what are you doing here? you should be out - spreading Christmas Cheer! Well my friend, I've had a stroke of bad luck. My reindeer are sick, and my sleigh is stuck. But what can I do to ease your way, you know the RSV can't replace your sleigh. But the jolly old man, with a twinkle of an eye roared out the door and into the sky. The gentle rumble of the pipes could be heard loud and clear. Letting everyone know there was nothing to fear. As he flew through the clouds, I could hear him say - "This RSV sure beats my sleigh". The moral of the story, is plain to see. When all else fails, you can count on the RSV. Merry Christmas Ventureriders Mackinawman
  18. I know this is a forum for topics related to motorcycles -but- seems there's a lot more of just plain old "communication" going on as well so..... I'm quitting smoking! I have set a "butt out" date of next Tuesday. I am on the pills (there's a new product out now) and I've reduced my smoking from a pack a day to less than 1/2 pack a day within 2 weeks. Anyone out there gone through this or going through this? Any comments / suggestions / or just plain old "communicating" about it you'd like to post?
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