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  1. Looks like it's a go for Pork in the Pines in Laporte MN for labor day. If anybody wants to join us for the ride up (Live north of Des Moines) they are welcome to. We'll be leaving Friday morning.
  2. Hope you'll enjoy the last picture's Of the PIP. I'm already getting a new recipe for some awesome pumpkin bread with walnuts. Yummy!!!!
  3. I'll try this again haven't had much luck posting pictures. thanks again Gary ,Russell and Steve and all the rest that made my first PIP so enjoyable.
  4. Al and I look forward every year to the PIP get to gether. We love the ride but more so to see everybody again. The friendships we made will last us a life time. Each and everyone , wether they are old friends or new ones, is so unique. For a few days we are leaving our everyday life behind and replacing it with fun and laughter. I must say it is well worth it. This year we were missing a few friends who could not make it (Mike & Jodee, we missed you ) hope you will be back next year. Lowell, you were on everybodies mind, God speed my friend, hoping our pass will cross again someday. THANKS Ann and Gary, for your hospitality and everyone who makes this PIP happening every year. Allready thinking what I can bake for next year. LOL P.S Marilyn , I hope you feel better. :bighug:
  5. PORK IN THE PINES I would like to offer a personnel challenge to all who are considering coming to the Pork in the Pines. Below are the number of people that actually signed the PIP book last year with the states/province that they live in. The challenge is to get the most people from any particular state/province and they will win a prize to be determined. (i.e first in line for the pig feed) or if possible a real prize. :whistling: For all those people from Minnesota you should take this as a personnel challenge so that we are not out numbered, after all the PIP in in your home state. The cheesheads :whistling:had a equal number of attendees and we all know we can't have that, even though we love them all we need to show some strength and team spirit. :crying: We had more Canadians "A" than from any one state, what does that say about their spirit?:banana: Some (Rick) even brought a free case of his favorite beer! :rotf::rotf: I don't want to be the only one talking Scandahovian to everyone and telling Ole and Lena jokes to myself. Ya sure you betcha. Lets get with it folks. Attendees that signed-in with state/province in 2011 We think there were more, but they didn't sign the book MO. - 1 NY.- 2 MN.- 9 :banana: WIS.- 9 :moon: Winnipeg- 4 Manitoba- 7 Texas- 2 Illinois- 1 SD.- 2 IOWA- 4 ND 2 Michigan- 1 Ok the challenge is on Minnesota! Bubber aka Steve
  6. Well I was the last to leave (on a bike) with Black Owl come up behind. Left a little after 1:00 and got home at 6:00 ran in to rain in Little Falls and tried to out run it all the way home. Got to North branch and the sky's let loose. It was great seeing everyone again and Big Bob for the first time. I guess the pork was good I was a liitle indisposed that whole day. Long story $hitty outcome. Mr Rooster made it one more year due to some friendly persuasive pleas from someone holding a shotgun. Maybe next year will his undoing. Great time was had by all. Rick sure liked that special beer beer he bought here in the states. and only 64 calories. OH YA what happen at PIP stays at PIP. Lets just say he was thirsty when he left back home. Thanks for the Grampa/ma Gak and Black Owl for pulling off a great 5th anniversary PIP. And the chef, Chris for cooking the guest of honor to perfection. Ya all chime in when you get home so we know you made it safe. Bubber
  7. Enroute to PIP and ...DOH! I forgot that I don't have my drivers seat tightened. Well, you can guess what happened. It's somewhere along hy 37 in Iowa! Looked, but no luck. At a rest stop now with free WiFi! Woo hoo! Any chance there is a spare 2nd gen seat on it's way to PIP? I have a couple seat pads that I can use, Dee says Thank God it was my seat and not hers LOL. See you all there Thursday or Friday!
  8. Most of our snaps from 2009's PIP. http://photobucket.com/Noddys_PIP_2009
  9. Well, here it is 10:30 and I still need to load the VentureRanger for the trip north. Did get all the grocery shopping done and the back of the truck is dragging dirt. Just to let everyone know, Stardborg and Red1 are on their way to the PIP. Still haven't heard from a few others that threatened to show up. But we live in hope. Better shut this down and get ready to hit the road. See ya'all in a few hours.
  10. Just to Chime in, I'm back home from 4th aual PIP. Did we have a good time, or what? Great Hosts Ann, Gary and Kris Thank you for sharing your house with us. Black Owl, Wil, and Elisabeth Thanks for food, ride, and smokes (not funny ones ) We did have good weather, good food, good roads, some new friends, old ones anyway dont wanna see my face, beer and.......... Whiskey.. hm, hm I mean "Whiskey" Hors and Red1. Well, Whoever didnt show up, to bad, you are guys miss great, great.... I mean great event.
  11. Where do I find the information on PIP, MD, and such on here? As in when, where, and who to talk to If one was able to show? I see Black Owl is from Apple Valley, which is not to far for me. So do I assume that PIP is also in that area? Thanks, Bill
  12. Yep, we got home Sunday night from the PIP that ended a week earlier. Denise and I spent the next 7 days wandering northern MN, nw WI, and a bit of upper MI. Looked for the least straight country roads we could find and hopped from state park to state park, geo-caching as we went. Road some beautiful country, mostly in decent weather (we got absolutely drenched once by Two Harbors, MN) on our RSV, and really enjoyed ourselves. Highlight roads included county 71 around Ten Mile Lake south of Walker, MN (new tar, lines painted, but NO signs whatever had been replaced after the ditch re-building, and the road curved and carved the hills along the lake-way fun, right Norm and Kim?), Highway 1 from Ely, MN to Lake Superior, Pierce County (WI) O from near Red Wing, MN north toward River Falls, WI, and a handful of roads that took us south from Marenisco, MI toward Woodruff, WI. We spent Sat and Sun in SE MN around the Winona area, and you could ride there for days and not run out of good roads. Wish we could have spent more time there and in SW WI, but that will have to wait for another time. Also have to echo what has been said about the PIP, great hosts, great place, great people, great food, great time. Such a diversity of people with the common interest of riding on 2 wheels, mostly Ventures. I learned a lot getting in on Maintainance Time as well. To report on the carb sync results, my mileage increased to 43-44 mpg, after having faded to the 40-41 area prior to the sync. Can't say that I can notice a difference in performance or smoothness, but the mpg's are there again. Owl, Denise made good use of the gaitors (sp) thru the week, sometimes when it was cool and they went over jeans, and sometimes when it was downright cold, and they went over everything else she had on. So thanks again. Look forward to crossing paths with all the folks at PIP again in the future. Wish we could have got to know the Canadian contingent better, but they got in about the time we were going to head to the hotel for the night on Sat (definite disadvantage for not camping on the grounds) and they were out on a group ride by the time we got there on Sunday, and hadn't returned by the time we left. That's about enough. Thanks again to Gary, Ann, Owl, and everybody for a good time. Larry:thumbsup2:
  13. I was planning on going to the PIP and I was hoping that some one would be there with a carb tune and show me how it is suppossed to work and how the carb are ajusted. I know this is suppossed to be a fun gathering but I was hoping to learn a few things from you all that have more time in the saddle than I do. I was just in the process of changing out the plugs but I thought I would wait to see if the carbs needed to be synced too. Thought I could do it at the same time. I am looking forward to meeting the regulars and those that came in from some distance. The wife wants to know if she should bring a pan of bars or something. Ya know somthing to eat while having a barley pop or orther adult beverage. I figured some one would be interested since this is a eating club with a motorcycle disorder. Ain't it ??????? LOL Steve aka Bubber
  14. Just to let anyone interested know, I will be out of the net for a few days due to a family situation. Should be back in time to make the PIP ralley. Ride smart and stay safe...
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