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Found 12 results

  1. We've all talked to this guy. At last, a picture of him. Mujibar was trying to get a job in India . The Personnel Manager said, 'Mujibar, You have passed all the tests, except one. It is a simple test of your English language skills Unless you pass it , you cannot qualify for this job.' Mujibar said, 'I am ready.' The manager said, You must make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink, and Green .' Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, 'Mister manager, I am ready.' The manager said, 'Go ahead.' Mujibar said, 'The telephone goes green, green, And I pink it up, and say, Yellow, this is Mujibar.' Mujibar now works at a call center. No doubt you have spoken to him. I know I have.
  2. Just got her back from the Docs. She went in and started telling him she would like to have one of those walking boots. She now has a bright shiney Hot Pink Cast!!! Not a happy Lady. No weight on it at all for 6 weeks!!!! Anybody got a spare room???? Going to be rough around here!!!
  3. ok what are you farmers down here in good old IL giving these birds? just got back from a 50 mile ride me and 2friends. me on the venture. one friend on his new vstar. and a lady friend on a pink crotch rocket yep its pink. we where going down a nice country road here into a little town called tonica. i just got a new bell helmet maroon. and a jean jacket. well we went past this field where a farmer was out there plowing i guess? that field was full of i think are gulls? well we got about where the middle of the field would be. on this road when whoosh the birds took off like the movie the birds. then it happend splat splat splat this nice white stuff hit me and the female friends bike like someone tossed paint at us. my face shield became blured the windshield held some of it back. my jean jacket all down my shoulders and back. her pink bike coverd with it. friend laughing his arse off he got it in his hair. teach him not to wear his helmet LOL so is this something you farmers feed to maybe make the birds crap them selfs to death LOL
  4. I was out on the 88 today on I-26 in Charleston, SC. Was passed by a pink (?) RSV. Was that any member on here?
  5. Just ordered samples of the tee's with the new logo's..AND YES THEY WILL BE OFFERED WITH POCKETS..also long sleeve tee's (no pockets), sweatshirts, and..... for the women...beautiful pink fleece zippered jackets...wow..... taters had one made to see if she would like it...it's great ...ok, if you guys like pink ,maybe we can get your size..lol...should be up and going within a week or two...four colors to choose from...when the shirts arrive, I will get pictures posted and prices up to...thanks for bearing with me on this project..I know its taking a little time to get rolling but, it'll be worth the wait...:fnd_(16):.
  6. Just a short post to let everyone know I'm still around ( if anyone cares)..Archery shoot was a great success...going to pp& j's meet and eat this weekend ,than as promised ,I will get to work on the tee shirt project...should be ready to go soon..I promise....have met with vendor twice , colors chosen, with and without pockets, taters ordered a pink fleece zippered jacket and really loves it and wants to offer that too... no logo...ventureriders.org. on front only...and got to check things out with the bossman before we're ready to go ahead....
  7. This is the nite before the tat's got done. A few of us met up for dinner. Riderduke got a little pink gift as well. Margaret
  8. yeah, I know been beaten to death. I searched several posts and still can't find the answer. If I were to mount it on the brake side of the bike, I can use an L bracket and tie into a pink and brown wire on 2 relay posts If I were to mount it in the fairing (which is how so far I have chosen to do), one relay post still goes to the pink wire, but not sure about the other wire. If there is a brown wire in the fairing, please let me know where. Any other options? A. Pink horn wire goes to RELAY POST 85. B. Brown horn wire goes to Relay Post 86. C. Connect one end of a wire to Relay Post 30 and the other end to the Hot side,+, of the compressor D. Connect end of your 20 amp Fused line to Relay Post 87 and the other end to the Hot Post,+, of your Battery. E. Connect the negative,-, on compressor to ground or neg,-, post on battery Also I have been reading about the feedback issue. Has anyone that has mounted it in the fairing still had the feedback issue? I am considering getting a seperate button and just wiring it seperately from the stock button if that will eliminate any feedback issue. From what I have understood the closer to the battery you install the fuse, the better off you are. Anyone else have this same understanding? Thanks.
  9. Asheville is almost here and I got work to do. The voyager kit is coming off the 99 this week. I'm putting the RSV on the lift for a little maintenance. I might as well remove the tank,fenders,etc for a paint job while it's down. I got scarlet (89) in storage at Skids for a while. Wonder what the storage fee will be?I need the room in the shed for the work on the 99. If this plan comes together you will see it in Asheville.It depends on how much pink it turns out to be. I ordered some new electrical test gear today for my tool kit. You never know when you might see a 05 wing smoking beside the road.Is that the sound of a venture firing up in Ivadale?
  10. Congratulations: To Floyd (Alex) & Pink (Kathy) on their marriage today. Shine on you Crazy Diamond. How’s Vegas? http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/ADB/400.jpg
  11. Well today I'm in the shop working on trying to finish some of the projects I'm behind on and started pattern making Scooter Hooters for the 1st Gen's . Just have to make a few more mods and sew in fastening/securing tabs and should have them production ready . Muffinman loaned me the 1st Gen scoot supposebly going to Squidley with the understanding to make his bra's in PINK ! I think I may add a little lace to balance it out . Here's a preveiw . Keep in mind they are NOT finished ! BEER30
  12. Gene how about making me a pink right handed holster like this to go with my chaps.:rotf: http://cgi.ebay.com/BLACKHAWK-Holster-Coyote-Tan-Colt-45-Browning-9mm-LEFT_W0QQitemZ270121581832QQihZ017QQcategoryZ73975QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Maybe some of the ladies on the site may like a pink holster as well. Jeff
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