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  1. 1996 Royal Star : Been playing around with pilot screw tuning options. I have a digital induction rpm meter...rpm bounce around but never over 1200 or under 900 rpm when idol set at 1000, or as close as I can figure by ear. I set it but still not happy. Then I got an IR temp gun and with the heat around the motor I never seemed to be getting an accurate temp as it flucated no matter what I measured on..and I ,measured almost everything on bike. So yesterday I took all the pilot screws out and cleaned them up and cut a little deeper grove for the srewdriver. I put them back in, set and left it at that for the evening. I have a brand new Morgan Carbtune for syncing...could I set my idol fuel air mixture with it? Shouldnt the vacuum change as the rpm rise and fall...just a thought.
  2. Yesterday, I went out to tweak the pilot screws after replacing the fuel pump. Anyway...three of the four screws turned easily...the fourth...well...didnt turn at all (in or out). As luck would have it, one of the brass "slots" in the screw head appears to have fractured. I sprayed liquid wrench on it to let it soak overnight, and will attempt to turn it this evening after work. Hopefully, I'll be able to use a flat blade to turn the screw. So the question is...."Can I replace the pilot screw WITHOUT removing the carb rack from the bike"? Anyone ever heard of the pilot screw seizing up? Is there a trick to prevent that from occurring? Maybe spray WD-40 on them?
  3. So I went on a 6 mile RT with my '88 VR to gas up the bike, and when I got back, the engine was running a little rough, saw no wet spot clue under the bike, so I removed the engine side covers to tamper with the pilot screws to see what happens. On 3 carbs, turning the pilot screw in all the way caused the engine to slow to almost stop, but the 4th made no difference. That meant the one carb was getting fuel from somehwere else. So I shut off the engine and heard a soft Darth Vader type labored breathing sound. Sound did not quit, so I removed the air filter and looking down the intake with a flashlight saw carb in question all wet, and could watch fuel spraying from the needle jet with each of the breathing sounds! What the...? Never experienced this before in 45 years wrenching. Decided to drain the fuel bowl and ran the fuel pump to pressure flush through the inlet valve, and sure enough, there was a small particle that came out. Reassembled and started the bike, sync'd the carbs and adjusted the pilots, and the bike idles fine once again. Just can't figure out what caused the pulsing breathing sounds that lasted so long, as there seems no vacuum source with the engine off. Maybe engine heat was vaporizing some fuel for the pressure cycled release and resulting fuel spraying. BTW, new fuel filter installed a week ago, so the particle likely came from the wrenching environment. I guess it pays to flush everything when fooling with the fuel system. -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA '83,88 Venture
  4. I know this subject has been beaten to death, but I would like to add my thoughts (feel free to correct me). My bike idles great and runs great through the entire range, but just off idle--it goes lean and backfires slightly (this seems common). I decided to richen-up the "pilot screws". I agree with several of the other members who err on the rich side (milage will not be affected much). The "pilot screws" adjust the idle mixture. The Main jet size controls the main circuit mixture. What I usually do on a muscle car is adjust the screws until the highest vacuum reading is attained. What I found with my bike is that No amount of adjustment made any difference at all! That tells me that the entire "idle Circuit" is plugged or otherwise non-functional. The reason the bike idles fine is because the throttles are probably opened-up enough to draw from the main circuit. It's time for a chemical dip.
  5. Alright looks like the meet and eat will be Sat. July 7, 2012. We will be meeting at 9:00 am at the Pilot Truck Stop at Exit 41 off of I-85. Coming from the north take a left turn under the interstate and the Pilot is on the right, coming from the south take a right and the Pilot is on the right. If anyone wants there is a Subway and a Wendy's there if they want to eat breakfast before we leave, expect KSU at 9:45 am. We will take some back roads down to Warm Springs where they have a shop, Extreme Motorsports that opens at 11:00 am, also have a M/C musem, there is an admission to get in. We will spend about an hour there and then head into FDR State Park and ride over Pine Mtn, mild twisties nothing like the Dragon but a nice ride with some very nice scenic overlooks. We will make a couple of stops in the overlooks, bring your cameras for some nice pics. From there we will leave the park and head down to the small town of Pine Mtn. and eat at a great little BBQ stand called Three Little Pigs, great food, but they dont take credit or debit so make sure you bring cash or you may go hungry.............!!! After that some more back roads back towards Newnan. Hope to see lots of new and old friends there.
  6. I've read lots of different threads about turning pilot jet screws from 1 3/4 turns out all the way to 3 turns. So, how can you tell what "your happy number" of turns out is? What is the deciding factor? Will this effect gas mileage or is it something else? Part 2 of this thread: I'm trying to get the mileage up out of the 31 range. I've changed plugs, Seafoamed 7 tankfuls, tried sync'ing 3 times and have finally got her to idle and run decent. But it's still touchy with the choke in the cold mornings. The other question is when sync'ing, at what rpm should it be? Idling or 2000 rpms? And when I think the sync is complete, (I do crack throttle during adjustments) my levels are constantly changing after that when I crack the throttle and let it settle back to idle. I mean everything gets wacky again. Never a consistant reading on any cylinders. '86 Royale, 40,000 miles and homemade sync tool, board with tubing & trans fluid, 143 assorted bugs on windshield - 97.6% of those smashed flat allowing minimal wind resistance @60 mph.
  7. A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by. The jet jockey decided to show off. The fighter jock told the C-130 pilot, "Watch this!", and promptly went into a barrel-roll followed by a steep climb. He then finished with a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier. The F-16 pilot asked the C-130 pilot what he thought of that? The C-130 pilot said, "That was impressive, but watch this!" The C-130 droned along for about five minutes, and then the C-130 pilot came back on and said, "What did you think of that?" Puzzled, the F-16 pilot asked, "What the heck did you do?" The C-130 pilot chuckled. "I stood up, stretched my legs, walked to the back, visited the restroom,then got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll." When you are young and foolish, speed and flash may seem a like good thing! When you get older and smarter, comfort is not such a bad thing ! Slower, Older andSmarter! Yup My dirt bike days are definately behind me!
  8. I recently bought a 2000 RSV Millennium. It had Bub slip ons that sound really good, but too loud. I couldn't hear the stereo. So, I purchased a set of stock mufflers on ebay and slipped them on. Now, I have a backfire (sometimes very LOUD) on deceleration, just as the engine reaches idle. I have greatly reduced the frequency of this backfire by raising the idle. However, it still backfires occasionally, and I really don't like the higher idle. (I'm guessing 1200-1300 as opposed to 950 or 1000, hard to tell without a tach.) I'm thinking I could adjust this backfire out. First by getting someone to follow me and see which side the backfire is on and then by adjusting the pilot screws in the carbs on the offending side. I'm just wondering...Can the Pilot screws be reached without removing the tank? Thanks. dana
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g5lSVfquu4&feature=share]2011 Memphis Airshow - B-2 Fly-by - YouTube[/ame] Pretty cool. If you listen carefully, you can hear the first pilot, Jason, saying hello to his parents!
  10. Beaumont Hamel Unit of 2nd CAV (http://2cav.thecav.ca/www.2cav.thecav.ca/Beaumont_Hamel/beaumonthamel_index.htm) will be hosting our annual Support the Troops ride in St. John's NL, CA. This year we are raising funds for a "Wandering Garden" at the LA Miller Centre Veterans Pavilion. When we held the announcement of the event, some of the staff at the center suggested they might want to ride along as passengers. Some of them have never been on a motorcycle before so I thought we should have a safety briefing and I wrote up the following: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome aboard today's Support the Troops ride from St. John's to Holyrood and return. We will be travelling at an ass-altitude of 24 to 30 inches for pilots, and 30 to 36 inches for passengers, at a cruising speed somewhere within whistling distance of the posted speed limit. For your safety we reccomend that you remain in your seat for the duration of the ride. Each motorcycle is equipped with a 360 degree emergency exit system. In the unlikely event of an emergency, and at the direction of your pilot, please feel free to exit the motorcycle in the direction of your choice. Should you need to speak with your pilot during the ride, either (1) shout really loud, or (2) jab him or her in the ribs until he or she pulls over. Due to the short duration of this morning's ride there will be no in-ride food or beverage service, but food and beverages will be available for purchase at the brief mid-point stopover in Holyrood. You may be asked to exit the motorcycle during the stopover as it may be necessary for your pilot to (a) refuel, (b) add oil, © tighten or re-attach loose or missing parts, (d) polish chrome, and/or (e) walk about complaining about his or her sore ass. This is a non-smoking ride (unless your pilot smokes), and, although none of the motorcycles is equipped with a washroom, you may be assured that if they were, they would be equipped with a smoke detector for your safety. Lastly, we realize that you have a wide range of choices to show your support for your troops, and we wish to thank you most sincerely for choosing to ride with the CAV. Details about the ride, and the veterans pavilion can be found at http://www.healthcarefoundation.ca/events-programs/ride-for-veterans If it is in your heart to support this cause I would appreciate your clicking the "Find a Rider" button on the ride-for-veterans page, click "B" and then the "Donate Now" link under "Spencer Barnes".
  11. Wondering if my numbers are right. All I can find for the jets is 117.5 for the main fuel jets, and 37.5 for the pilot jets. If someone could confirm this, it would be great. Would like to get these first before I tear it all apart, and then wait, if they have to be ordered.
  12. so i ordered the larger pilot jets but just needed to see if I could find the screws and do the idle drop test to see if any of the pilots would not make a difference in rpm when turning them in. They all worked and it seemed that they were turned just about 2 1/2 turns from seated. i turned them out 1 full turn and re synched the carbs. they were off a bit. Felt better but tommorow morning will be the real test when starting from cold. how many turns out worked for you, did you eventually go with the larger pilots. with the larger pilots what setting should I used. how many turns out?
  13. Bike is smooth as glass at 80 in 5th gear, but at 65 gets very buzzy, same with third gear is nice and smooth at 55 mph, but gets buzzy at 35 mph. (would carb pilot circuit do this?- have new pilot jets on order) Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks..
  14. Just need some quick advice. My better half and I are heading out west at the end of June, We will be in AZ for a week and CO. for a week. Plus Two day trip each way. We wll trailer the bikes out then ride each day we are there. I recently bought us a pair of SCALA RIDER PRO. so we can communicate during our rides. We have tried them out a couple of times and like them so far. Once on different bikes and once 2 up. Anyhow , my questions (2 of them) I have the Street Pilot 2730 which does not have BLUETOOTH to connect to the SCALA. Can anyone suggest which GPS units are know to work with this system??? I have also been thinking of the TOMTOM units also as well as GARMIN. Secondly, Does anyone know which GPS will work with the STREETS AND TRIPS program??? Most of the time my trial version will not recognize my Street Pilot 2730 so I can not send routes to my unit. I like the STREETS &TRIPS much better than Mapsource. Thanks for any and all help.
  15. 2 Polish hunters got a pilot to fly them into the Canadianwilderness, where they managed to bag two big Bull Moose. As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said the plane could take only the hunters, their gear and one Moose. The hunters objected strongly saying, "Last year we shottwo, and the pilot let us take them both.... and he had exactly thesame airplane as yours." Reluctantly the pilot, not wanting to be outdone by another bushpilot, gave in and everything was loaded. However, even under full power, the little plane couldn't handlethe load and went down, crashing in the wooded wilderness. Somehow, surrounded by the moose, clothing and sleeping bags, Stosh and Stan survived the crash. After climbing out of the wreckage, Stosh asked Stan, "Any idea where we are?" Stan replied, "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year."
  16. ALWAYS ASK, NEVER ASSUME !! His request approved, the CNN News photographer quickly used a cell phone to call the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport. Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in with his bag, slammed the door shut, and shouted, 'Let's go'. The pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind and took off. Once in the air, the photographer instructed the pilot, 'Fly over the valley and make low passes so I can take pictures of the fires on the hillsides.' 'Why?' asked the pilot.. 'Because I'm a photographer for CNN' , he responded, 'and I need to get some close up shots.' The pilot was strangely silent for a moment, finally he stammered, 'So, what you're telling me, is . . . You're NOT my flight instructor?'
  17. I work for Modine and I bought and installed one of their ceiling hung heaters that was on clearance. Installed it in Sept. and it worked perfect until last week when the weather cooled off drastically. It is hooked up to a 100 lb bottle that probably has a foot of liquid left in it. The pilot went out and I can't get it to light again. I assumed it was a pressure problem. Yesterday it got into the 50s and it worked again. I figured that confirmed what I thought. Today it cooled off again. I made a pressure gauge for inches of water column from plans on the internet. Hooked it up to the input side of the valve ( a Robertshaw 720-402) and it measured exactly 11 inches just like it was supposed to. Part of my problem is that the company sent instructions for an intermittent pilot valve and mine is a standing pilot. When I hooked the gauge up to the output side it shows no pressure and of course I can't get it to light again. What does an expert think?
  18. Re jetting carbs. In the tech libary the main jets in carb 1 & 2 are different in 3 & 4. The pilot jets it just says to go from jetr 15 to 17.5. The question is are all the pilot jets in the carbs stock with #15 jets or they different, too.
  19. 83 venture, finally have all cylinders firing. Runs very good. As in previous thread, I am concerned I may have reamed out 'pilot air jet' in carbs 2 and 4. They were plugged and I run .020" stainless lock wire thru jets. When compared to good jets, .020 was too large to pass thru. Now I have serious "M2 .50 cal gun blast" out right side, only during engine braking/down shifting, as tach comes down below 3000rpm. Scared the s**t out of me, every time! If I pull clutch then brake to slow, no backfire to matter how hard I close throttle. I have read most backfire air leak in exhaust, but I can't detect one. What is the effect of my 'reamed out' pilot air jets? I also have what sounds like air leak on intake side. Kind of 'chugging sound' at idle, hardly noticable at normal cruise, pretty loud during loading like hill climbing. I suspect maybe aircleaner boot loose and air bypassing aircleaner, but could be below carbs I guess. Haven't had time to check yet. Any idea's before I get started? I'm thinking I have a carb too rich, and engine braking with throttle partially closed causes to much fuel to be pulled thru, unburnt, into exhaust. Maybe due to pilot air jet?(not sure what this REALLY does) Also thinking only idle circuit too rich as backfire only on closed throttle when main fuel circuit is closed.----Any of this make sense, or am I way off base trying to over analyzing it!
  20. I did post this on the other thread. But wanted to give all a heads up... Well, here I am. Finally able to breathe. Been working on these carbs for weeks. Got a spare set off Ebay. They were in good shape. I used the #3 & 4 bank w/new parts needed. Now my power is linear. Did 125 mile back road ONLY ride. Speeds of 45-70. My overall average was close to 55mph. So, I was using a lot of the pilot jet. Went and filled up at the end of the ride. I really tried to get in as much as I could in the tank by shaking the bike on the center stand...could only fit 2.9 gallons in. That's 43mpg in the hilly area I live in. Pretty damn good and close to what I always got for the past 20 years with this beast. NOW-Neither #3 nor 4 plugs are black. #3 is light brown spot on the tip and #4 is almost white, like 1 & 2. I have #3 pilot screw is 2 ccw turns out and #4 is 2.25 or so-ccw. Note: all settings using digital tach. Prior to this latest carb work. I could not break 40mpg. Last remove / rebuild times, the float/fluid height was dead on and did not change. But still had it too rich somehow. NOW-Something just works better with these Ebay carbs. I know there is something I must have done wrong since the original carb rebuild a year ago. And #1 and 2 have never had an issue. As far as #3&4 problems, I am not entirely sure what the cause was or is on the originals. So my original set of 3 & 4 will just sit. I will be getting it EGA'd soon, to get this finished. I don't think #3 should be the only "brown" plug. But it's better than the black I had before. And the fuel mileage speaks for itself. Thanks for all the suggestions. Even if I haven't a clear idea why she was rich and what I did to fix it. Now if it skips/misfires at idle when hot. My profession being in electronics. I am not worried if it's an electrical issue, coils, or TCI. Because that's all that's left. Hope this is the last of this issue. I bet you hope the same... You must be tried of me by now.
  21. hello all met chopper pilot on sunday he came by to pick up a extra windshield i had if you recall he lost his riding we had a good conversation he showed me his old windshield it looked like someone cut out the hole the was soiled and made another one wider that maybe why it came off i look forward to meeting up with him for a ride sometime bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  22. I have placed an ad in the 1st Gen Classified section for plastic covers that will fit in the Pilot screw holes in the carbs. Plugs I will ship are black, not the silver shown in the second picture below. Keeps dust and dirt out of pilot screw hole. These can be removed and replaced. Set of 4 covers for $5.00 including first class shipping. Gary
  23. I can not for the life of me find any place including the factory manual what the Pilot Air Screw Factory Settings are,. I hear so many different story's that there different on each carb. so what were they originally before everybody set them to 2.5 turns out? So does anybody remember or have there note's on each carb number what there settings used to be? Thanks, Jeff
  24. I searched 'how to' and frankly couldn't make it work after several tries. I can add the Canada map, the USA map, but not both. You're dealing with a pilot here so help has to be real simple. My thanks in advance. Jdix
  25. Really I do! I can't think of a #@^* thing I would rather be doing then working on the furnace at 1:00 AM in the morning. It did not act like a bad thermocouple. The pilot light would stay on and light the burner one time. After the burner shut off it blew the pilot out. I noticed the pilot was low but the pilot adj would not increase gas flow. So for the second time tonight I removed the gas valve and burner assembly. I cleaned the pilot orfice and adjusted the thermocouple position. Just got it back together and fired it up. It's coffee break time while I wait and see.That old furnace is 30 years old. I hate to replace it. It runs like a first gen just needs some tlc once in a while.
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