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  1. Hey Guys, After having completed my seat modification to over a dozen pillow top seats since the first of the year, I thought I'd give you all an update on my progress. I think I have come up with the best process for this seat, since it's foundation foam shape is like no seat that I have ever encountered. If you take a look at your OEM pillow top, you will note a slight forward pitch and the back of the seat is flat which creates a pressure point at the back of your butt just above the tail bone. When you take the cover off and pull loose the 1" layer of foam that creates the pillow top effect, you will see two bumps at the outer edge of the seat. I have no idea whey they chose to put these bumps in the molding, except to possibly provide more support to the outer edge of the seat? Anyway I have attached 5 pictures show the main steps that I go through in modifying the pillow top seat. 1. My 1st cut is to the back if the seat to put some curvature to sit back into. 2. the 2nd mod is to cut those bumps off and slope the base of the seat back a bit resulting in lowering the seat about 1/2" at the back. 3. Then I narrow the neck and cut my tail bone relief in. 4. Once I get it roughed out, I take my right angle pneumatic grinder with a 60 grit sanding pad and smooth the seat out and shape it to fit the butt better. 5. Now it's time to replace the 1" of standard foam with a layer of 1 1/2" memory foam cut to the same shape with the same cuts to keep same the pillow top effect. The memory foam keeps pretty much the same shape of the original seat. But when you sit on the seat you will feel that your butt fits the seat much better and the memory foam does not resist like standard foam and lets you sink down into the pillow top to the new foundation. So there you have it and if I can help you with making your pillow top more comfortable I am here to help. Maybe a few of the guys whose seat I have done will speak up as to what they think of this change? And I've also done a couple of passenger pillow tops, where I mostly just narrow the neck and cut in my tail bone relief before replacing the pillow top with memory foam. The last picture is to show a modified seat on the bike with a stock pillow top sitting on the rear seat. Rick (aka Butt Butler) Oh, if you don't know I have an ad (Butt Butler Seat Mod) in the classified section of 2nd Gen Parts with more info.
  2. I have a '99 venture with the standard smooth seats. I have ridden up to 400 miles with minimal discomfort. I bought a set of pillow seats and installed along with pillow backrest. I want the Mrs. as comfortable as possible. Are these as comfortable as they look and are they hot in the summer? I weigh around 150lbs. Thanks to all and have a Merry CHRISTmas!!
  3. are you able to install a new pillow top seat from like 2012 to 2004 venture. thanks everyones input
  4. for near new standard seats from a RSTD. Reason, I bought driver backrest and with the trunk on they will match the seats better. My driver backrest and passanger backrest are not pillow top. So looking to switch back to stock seats. I will look at all in the order as I receive responces. Thanks, Joe
  5. Anybody out there with a pillow top seat?
  6. Just wanted to say, I took my seat to Rick Butler yesterday and he performed his mods to my new seat. Very satisfied with the quality of Rick's work. He has made this improvement to both my Venture pillow top & this GW seat. Almost ready for Cody....
  7. Looking for a set of Pillow Top Seats Send PM. Thanx for looking
  8. Hello, I'm new here, just picked up my 1999 RSV last week, love it so far. I've seen here on the site that one can mount a Venture Pillow seat on a RSTD. My question is has anyone mounted a RSTD front seat on a Royal Star Venture ?? Thanks, Mike
  9. I finally got around to doing the mods to my seat that I had planned for a while. The nice warm temps we have been having here lately reminded me that riding season will be starting soon. I've done this mod on two other bikes in the past and it's very easy to do. Took me 2 hours yesterday while sitting at my living room table and that includes cleanup Anyhow, I created a webpage showing the mod for anyone that might be interested in doing this yourself. I'll update it with my impressions after I get my bike out of hibernation and get a long ride or two in. Pillow Top Seat Mod
  10. Does anyone have a pillow top RSV seat set up they would like to sell?? Im just wondering thanks...:fingers-crossed-emo
  11. To those who have had both the corbin dual tourer seat and the Yamaha pillow top seats....how they compare? I realize seat choice is all kind of/sort of a personal preference.....just wondering how many pillow top users have switched to the corbin and really prefer it that way? gunk:smile5:
  12. Well inspired by Sylvester I decided to get some pillow top seats for my MM. I just went to the auto parts store and picked up some can spray paint that was close in color to the stock MM seats. The color is a little lighter but not much. If I had it to do over again I would take Sylvester's advise and have the color I want made up at a auto paint supplier and I would use a spray gun. It would probably be cheaper. The stuff I used was made to cover plastic and auto seat vinyls. It coats it well but you need to make sure that the vinyl is clean. I don't know how well this stuff will work over time but for now it seems to stick pretty well and is very pliable. I like the pillow top seat very well and this is an effort to put them on my MM. If this doesn't hold up well then I'll bite the bullet and find a reputable upholstery shop around here and have them recovered. Anyway here are a few pic's of my MM.
  13. Just put a set of mustang seats for tour deluxe in the classifieds (Put in Royal star parts and accessories). It says 2005 on the bottom of the driver seat but, I believe they fit any of the 2000 and up TD's (maybe 99 too?) They are in pretty good shape for four years old - I noted and put pics of the scuff's and such in the ad. We got a set of venture pillow tops (Which the wife has been eyeballing for 4 years) - everytime she saw a Venture, she had to go touch the seats (she's big time happy now). http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3079&title=tour-deluxe-mustang-seat&cat=8
  14. I have been on-line all over and contacted numerous salvage yards with no luck. If someone runs across some pillow top seats, would you please send me a personal message with the info. I'm not too good on following these threads. Thanks in advance for any help I receive from everyone. chuck
  15. Does anyone have a wrap around passenger backrest pillow top style? I saw the one for sale by Yamaha and Corbin but it is not the right finish. I would like to purchase one but I can not find the right style for my 05 RSV. Does anyone have any idea where I could buy one? Gaetan
  16. bnice273


    I have a 2000 mm and it looks like the person that had it before me changed the seats out. Does anyone know where I can get a set of the pillow top seats or a website that I cn go to besides corbin that sell the seats that fit the ventures.
  17. PILLOW TOP™ SADDLEGEL™ SEAT PADS http://images.dragspecialties.com/images/brands/Fatbook/2009/274.JPG:confused24:
  18. Well it took some work but I got it all together before riding season... My Tour Deluxe Now has the Venture Tour Pac and Pillow top seats.... Will post pic later
  19. Hey Guys and Gals. I have a question on which is the more comfortable seat for our Venture... I just got a 05 Midnight Venture and I'm wondering if the seat on the Midnight is going to be ok, or are the pillow tops better?? Corbin,Mustang???? I know I can find some good used pillow tops cheaper then getting Corin or Mustang. Any input would be appreciated, Cant wait for Spring......... We just keep getting more snow and cold here in Nebraska, We are thinking about hauling our bikes south..gettin the fever to ride!!!!!!!!
  20. So did all RSV's come with the pillow top seats? If not which did just wondering. Thanks
  21. Hey Folks. I have a friend that is looking for a set of pillow top seats for his RSV. He would even take just a driver's seat if there is one out there. Thanks for the help.
  22. I ordered one last evening - it won't ship until June 8th but that's not too long to wait. I was please to see that they offered the pillow style to match the seat. The only info for mounting was that there was no cutting necessary, is it really that easy to install ?
  23. Folks I have put up Wrongways set of pillow top seats from his '04 in the classifieds. I know there are some of you that have been looking for a set and here is one for you. I have them in Michigan at my house, so PM myself or Allan if you have any questions http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2180
  24. I posted a Diamond R backrest for sale in the classifieds. Got a Road Sofa seat and it doesn't work together. Also for sale but not posted are Pillow top rider seat, pillion and backrest for sale, available at Squidleys.
  25. Does anyone have extra pillow seat front and back. A couple of friends want them for their RSTD's? tew47
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