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  1. Puc, Here are a few pics of my '77 MGB i've owned for around 3 yrs. Since these pics i've lowered the car some and done some exhaust work. Did a complete engine rebuild, SU carbs and all suspension pieces approx. 10K miles ago. This is what is replacing our totaled '07 RSTD.
  2. We all know how fragile the end of the windshield tabs are so I decided to beef up mine before there was any damage done. What I did was used a small flat head screw and counter sunk drilled the hole already near the ends of the metal bar. That allowed the screw to sit below the rubber strip that the windshield is sandwiched between it and the outer fairing. Next I spot welded a small piece of 16 guage steel and an 1/8" welding rod together. Cut the rod to the right length and welded another tab to the other end. I mounted the lower tab to the bottom speaker mount. You'll need to bend the rod for the proper angles but that's easily enough done. The ends of the windshiled mounts are rock solid now. Another additional support I did was to add some brass flat stock to the mounting screws for the outside fairing. I cut the two outer pieces 1 1/2" long and the two inner ones 2" long , then drilled a 13/16" hole for the screws 1/4" from the top on center. The two inner pieces will need a slight bend to conform to the curve. Adding these pieces will spread the load over a larger area thus saving broken tabs under the washers. I've found that adding the brass pads will also help prevent the windshield from loosening as you can tighten the screws a bit more rather than squishing the plastic tabs at the screw heads.
  3. well put in igntec computer the 5 month. had carbs rebuilt and seen them in pieces and looked at all pieces. drove it 250 miles a while back went out the next day front right not firing at all cold pipe. took computer out and checked ohms at plugs 109 at pickups and 2.5 for coils. pulled off plug cap. cant remember how to check. where can a person buy one at and is the wire replaceable. and i read some where that the coils could be cracked and test good just not fire. is this true? the cap looks damaged just not sure. any ideas
  4. Has anyone ever had the spring loaded cog gear to bust into 4 different pieces Middle gear and ring gear ok
  5. While changing plugs yesterday, I removed some of these covers. While doing so, I wondered what function they provide other than just being nice & shiny. On both left & right, the front covers are similar. But the back ones are different than the fronts...and different from each other. The back left is 3 pieces, with the top piece having a swoop in it. The back right is 2 pieces..no swooping 3rd piece. Why not? Am I supposed to have 3 pieces on both sides? What's the purpose of the back covers?...why not just a single piece like the front covers? They don't seem to serve any purpose that I can see...unless it's just to keep the plug wires elevated a bit. Any ideas?
  6. Geesh, I'm at it again. Onto another odd project. Before I get into what I'm going to try do this time I thought I'd check and see if anybody has access to any scraps of heat shrink tubing in a diameter of 2" with a wall thickness of around .045. I figure a piece about 6" long would let me find out if this is workable or not. A few pieces would give me some room for failure. (I'm betting on that) Just thought I'd shake the cage to see if anyone had some short ones laying around before I order a chunk from McMaster-Carr just to find out my idea don't work. Like everybody has 2" shrink tubing laying around right? Mike
  7. Ok so here's the deal. I bought a 99 RSV 2 years ago up in Toledo, OH. It had been totaled out and needed some TLC. It had been sitting in the garage for like 6 or 7 years. The guy's son in law tried to put back together a lot of it, but there was still a lot needed. I have got just about everything I need to get her back together......at least all the big stuff. The problem is the guy that tried to put everything back together used common nuts and bolts from the hardware store and I have noticed a lot of smaller things missing like spacers, rubber pieces, various screws and bolts, ect. What I would love to do is find someone somewhat local to me that has an RSV for comparison. That way we can comb through the bike and know everything that is needed to complete it......any takers? I am open to suggestions......
  8. In the previous thread I told about the work done on the bike and the new paint job. Well, today I went to the garage to get the bike to add running lights and a Strebel horn I had purchased and when I got the bike out, I discovered the clutch fluid had leaked out of the cylinder at the handle and dripped on the fairing!!! My beautiful paint job is ruined and the fairing has split into 6 pieces. I am heart broken. I removed the fairing and washed all the pieces in soapy water and am going to have to try to save the fairing. Question: What can I do to glue it back together and what else can I do to fix the degradation in the plastic. Jim
  9. Got back Sunday evening from a long weekend in Wellsboro, PA with my riding group, using my new (to me) 2000 RSV. I only managed to get the bike on Thursday afternoon and we were leaving Friday morning, so I didn't have much time to get acquainted, as it were. I was impressed by the looks and finish, especially in that gorgeous red paint with the extra chrome accents the previous owner had added. First impressions? The Royale has better weather protection but the RSV has a much more solid feeling front end. The fork may be flexing but I don't feel it whereas there was a looser feel to the Royale fork even with the Progressive springs. The RSV is heavier, but thanks to a lower cg, it feels lighter at parking lot speeds and while maneuvering around using leg power (Important to us 98 pound weaklings, you know!). The fork on the RSV does , of course, have a tendency to want to "flop" at low speeds due to the weight of the fairing but I'm getting used to that. I did appreciate the auxiliary plug in the tape deck so that we could use our MP3 player. My wife thoroughly enjoyed the trip and found the RSV to be quite comfortable, so it looks like we get to do more touring. Once I've got the Royale put back together, it will be going up for sale. It's a nice bike, but after sampling both, I definitely prefer the RSV (Oh God, here come the howls of outrage from the first gen camp!). One thing I did miss was the lack of bag liners for the RSV (The Royale didn't have any either.). While we did get everything packed away, getting it all into the motel room was a bit annoying. I found three companies advertising liners for the RSV...Star Yamaha Accessories ($79.99 for three pieces), Bestem USA ($65.95 for three pieces) and TLC Products ($89.99 for three pieces). I checked out J.C. Whitney and noted a review mentioning a problem with the suggested bag liners being a bit short in height (Hopnel liners) which left an empty space at the top of the saddlebags ($40.00 for 2 saddlebag liners and $34.99 for a Harley Tour Pak trunk liner (As suggested by someone on this site)). Has anyone had experience with any of these liners? I really would like to use something other than the assortment of bags we used this time. Anything that makes life easier for my honey means more touring time! Andy
  10. I don't know where to post this so this will do. I hope I don't upset anyone. I need an extra set of the rubber/plastic pieces that go on the rear passenger trunk mount. Two of the pieces are the black rubber/plastic passenger arm rest. The left and right piece. The other is the center black rubber/plastic piece in the center of the trunk support. I hope I explained this well enough. I would like to paint them another color for a project I am doing on my bike. Thanks, Harry
  11. I need the pieces that go below the fairing and the chin piece that goes below the radiator. If anyone has these please let me know. Thank you, Shaun
  12. The clear protector pieces that screw into the bottom of the fairing on each side to redirect air flow are pretty scratched up & I'm thinking of replacing them. Anyone know if you can get those in a smoke color? Just wondering...not a big fan of the clear pieces.
  13. Looks like i am finally going to get started on the repair/restoration of my 88VR. I am looking for fairing halvs in good or poor condition but repariable, I might even consider pieces that i can use to make what i have already got whole. Probably going to need the dash panels too... Just wanted to give Y'all first shot before i go to the web in seach of parts.
  14. Im looking for the left inside vent and the radio weather cover . If anyone has these parts laying around Please let me know.
  15. Ok.....I still have one thing that irks me about the looks of my bike. The tops of the dash panels where they mount to the stays. Both of mine are damaged at that spot only. Otherwise they are in fine shape but the right side has both holes broken through and pieces missing. The left side only has one damaged. Since I got the bike I have used chrome washers with bib washers under them to cover the damaged area but would like to do something to cover the whole top of panel with an angled lip to drop down to cover the area above the speakers. As there is somewhat of a curvature there a simple bend with flat material won't work cleanly. I like to use thin gauge SS sheet of possible to somewhat match the chrome trim pieces on the sides of the fairing. I could live with a painted material if it come to that. Spacers would be attached to the back to fit into the recess in the plastic to avoid bending the trim into the hole. Any suggestion? I know I can't be the only one with this damage. Mike
  16. Here's a bit of an update for those who might remember me. Last year about this time I ruptured a bicep tendon in my left arm at work. Due to surgery and recovery, there was no riding allowed for me. This year I am having trouble with my right shoulder. My family doctor says it was probably caused by compensating for the other arm...the worker's comp people don't see it that way. So, the constant pain in my shoulder coupled with my very patient girlfriend becoming less patient about me being in NY while she is in SC, forces me to make the very difficult decision to sell the Venture. I need to gather info and photos for the classifieds section, but I figured I'd o a quick overview here, mostly to garner sympathy, but also to kind of ease into the process and see who might be interested. This is really killing me, but here goes. 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale, 2 tone blue. not sure of exact mileage, but I will get that info. I put around 6000 trouble free miles on it over the two years I was able to ride it. The left side fairing was banged up by the previous owner and it was missing a side cover when I got it. I have collected most of the replacement pieces, but I have not had the time or money to paint and install them. There are also some Yama-line pieces that i bought as NOS a couple of years ago, I think I have a few more still in the packaging. Whatever I do have will go with the bike. I have no desire to part this out . I promise to have more details properly placed in the classified section in a day or two.
  17. Got the valve shims all taken care of with help from Scooter Bob. None were more than 0.06mm tight, but they are now all on the loose side of the valve clearance tolerance. I had to drill and chisel off one of the allen bolts holding one of the chrome covers since it would not release. Once I get the stud removed and the hole retapped, I will be able to put it all back together again (I hope). As of now, I have pieces and parts all over the garage workshop. It is a real mess. Not really good pictures, but this is my steed in all her naked glory. Thanks again Bob for the help today. Took hours off the time required to get this taken care of. RR
  18. Hi here is a copy of an add I placed in the Classified Wanted section. I don't know how much people check that section so I thought I would give it a jump start and mention it here. Thanks for any help, Harry All chrome pieces on my 2001 Venture need replacing but the worse is the rear turn signal arms with or without turn signals. Rear fender end chrome fender tip. Rear fender side chrome pieces ( the pieces that the rear passenger and rear trunk rack bolt over). The rear antenna mounts and front passing light bar mount with or without passing lights. That all I can afford right now. Thanks for your help, Harry
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royale-chrome-trunk-accent-rails-1985-90_W0QQitemZ280436483720QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item414b512688 This is a nice set of new trim pieces for the trunk for a 1st gen. I have them and they are nice. This looks like NOS.
  20. I just got back from my first visit to the flight 93 memorial site. There was a lady ( a volunteer ) gave a presentation with pictures of the crew and passengers, giving a little background on some of them. A very moving experience as well as enlightening. She said that they have already archived 37,000 pieces of memorabilia left by visitors to the site. The actual impact area has been declared a mass grave site and is cordoned off. She had an artist's rendition of the future memorial that is supposed to start with a groundbreaking yet this year. If you have a chance to visit this memorial site, you will not be disappointed. I know I'll go back again in the spring and again when the memorial is completed. It's really difficult to explain what is going on right now as the visitors come in in busses, cars, van and motorcycles with many leaving tokens at the site. In walking around I noticed everything from St. Christopher medallions to an allen wrench and anything else you could imagine. Hats, flags, vests and every type of memento you could imagine. Something I wasn't aware of was that as the plane crested the knoll just prior to impact it was 40 feet off the ground, traveling 536 mph and upside down. Parts and pieces were found as deep as 35 feet. I glad I finally made it over there. God bless those heros on Flight 93 !!
  21. I put risers on my RSV. The throttle binds open when turned to the right. I tried wiggling the cables around with no success. How to I reroute them? I have no clue, my bike is in pieces right now....
  22. I know this isn't bike related but maybe someone can help me. A few weeks ago my mother passed away and my brother and I are starting to clear up the estate. My mother collected Fostoria and various other crystal and cut glass pieces. My brother and I know nothing about this stuff or how to value it. We spent today photographing each piece and I have uploaded those photos to my web site. They can be seen at: www.traynorphoto.com/momscrystal We know there are some valuable pieces and some that are not. However, we don't know which is which. We are reluctant to send the items to an auction house because we would hate to see a $600 pitcher go for $6. Does anyone have any idea how to find the true value on these items or how best to sell them? Our intent with the photos was to just email dealers and offer the pieces up for sale and ask for offers. We're just sort of overwhelmed by the number of pieces mom had. Thanks, Dennis
  23. It's been a couple years since I removed the bodywork on my 87 VR and I'm just now putting the bike together. I wish I had taken photos while taking it apart but I didn't. I did bag and tag the nuts, bolts etc. In the bags for the body, front upper pieces (main faring pieces) I have one spring for each side. I don't remember where these go and I don't see the springs on the faring exploded parts view. Can anyone tell me where they should go? Thanks, Ron
  24. Does anybody know if the body parts for all 1st Gen. years are interchangeable? Specifically the fairing and side cover pieces. I have an '86 1300 and was wondering if pieces from an 83-85 1200 will fit it? Thanks.
  25. Hello All, I got all of the parts painted, not a pro, but they look pretty good. I put the trunk and the bags on today, worked pretty well. I am kinda dreading putting the fairing halves on, alot of the tabs are gone, and I am going to have to make do with the pieces I have, also the fairing lowers have alot of the tabs gone. Any suggestions or tricks to making the pieces stay on and look good? I will post pics when I get it done. D
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