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  1. So I talked to Rick about reworking my seat and he says it's a corbin and can't be done easily so I'm looking to buy a comfier seat (and matching passenger seat) Anyone got one for sale/trade, or can recomend one? I included a picture of what my seat looks like now, and I really like the studs and fringe, but it's not worth the pain in my butt. http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad19/fsatatkid/royalstar.jpg
  2. I figured you would be pretty much parked for the winter but then saw this picture so I guess you are on the road again.
  3. I had a place reproduce the original decal on the gas tank of the Auranthetic mini bike I have. I think they did a great job.......... I posted a picture of the gas tank so you can see the original decal and then a picture of the reproduced decal. Now its off to the sandblaster to remove the paint from the gas tank..
  4. I found a picture someone posted here a while back. It is of a V max and a Royal Star cam side by side for comparison. I can't find it again. Could the person who posted it, or someone who may have saved it, repost it here? Thanks!
  5. I finished replacing the friction disks in about an hour. No small accomplishment for someone who is generally all thumbs. Of course then there was the hour and 1/2 with goo gone and a few scrapers of assorted shapes and sizes to get all the old gasket off. I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to first generation tech talk. The picture and tips are great. Also... When putting the cover back on, do I need to coat the new gasket with RTV or other gasket sealer? Thanks, Bob
  6. Just in case people forget, there are Amazing soldiers standing at the Tomb through this craziness. This a picture from this morning. [ATTACH]72591[/ATTACH]
  7. A picture I thought some of you may like.
  8. Hi all, I just rejoined this forum. I bought a brand X bike and started hanging out on a HD forum. Anyway, my little brother bought a Royal Star and I thought I would re-join since he'll probably show up here eventually. My question is, I changed my profile pic to one with my current bike in it, but it doesn't show up when I post a comment. It's still showing my old picture. What am I doing wrong?
  9. My daughter put the grandbaby in for another contest. I don't have a facebook page so I can't vote. It's for Gerber and it's another college fund prize. Here's the link since I know a few of you do have facebook. You can see the picture regardless of whether you have facebook, just can't vote. https://apps.facebook.com/gerberps/detail.do?entry_id=187520 Margaret
  10. Last Sunday wasn't such a nice day in the northeast. Desided good day to do a little cleaning. Got to Lowe's when it opened and picked up a few supplies: Heavy duty ecologically friendly cleaner. An aluminum, chrome and stainless steel cleaner polisher. 00 grade steel wool rated pads. Got home, made some coffee, got some tunes going in the garage, parked my rump on the floor and got at it. Front wheel Picture 1 - Before Picture 2 - After heavy duty cleaning Picture 3 - After maybe 10 minutes of aluminum cleaner and scrubbing Pics 4 and 5 - Worked on front right fork too. Front wheel (rims only) + front right fork = 4 hours It ain't new but pretty happy with results. Even looks faster. Me thinks me needs a few more rainy days though.
  11. I cracked open my faring today and removed the cassette player. Anyway I dropped the spacer for the light bar. I thought it went into the front cowling. so I took them both off. I found what looked Like a horn under the shifter side. Hit the button and sure enough it is a horn. I thought the horn was on the break side with the chrome cover circled in the picture. Hit the button & nothing happened there. So is this a horn or what?
  12. It would help a few of us borderline Alzheimer cases to put a lasting name to a face if you could post a picture of yourselve(s) with names. Met a bunch of friends this week, but I forgot your names!!! Attached is myself and wife Nancy Gary
  13. I'm thinking I'd like to paint the trailer to match the bike...but it's a polypro...whatever plastic. Not exactly the same as the picture...but you know the grey "Explorer" brand car topper box. I'm not sure if paint would stick to it. Any suggestions? Lousy picture...but you get the idea
  14. Well I am not sure if they have the wrong picture or just do not know what they have. http://www.cycletrader.com/listing/2007-YAMAHA-Royal-Star-103849674
  15. Small turnout but a fun day, good food and great riding, a little hot, but as long as we were riding it was pretty nice............Had a special guest, he is in the last picture......a couple of bikes left early so they missed our special guest.....................
  16. Just in case you are having a rough day, here's a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile: 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water. 3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air. 4. No one knows your secret place. 5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world. 6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity. 7. The water is so clear that you can easily make out the face of the Politician you're holding underwater. There!! See? It really does work. You're smiling already.
  17. Goldwing?????
  18. Ok, this is dumb, but on the 83 Venture there is a part of the frame that goes from right under the seat in front of the master brake cylinder to the forward part of the frame, the side covers attach to this peice. Now I am putting it back together and I know where to mount the rear portion, but cannot for the life figure out where the front was mounted......I have taken it off several time in the past, but for the life of me I cannot remember where it connects, it reaches the front motor mount but the hole isnt big enough for the bolt to go thru...........can anyone supply a picture of their 83 with the sidecover off so I can see where it goes..............I took some picture but not of this................:bang head:
  19. I picked up this 05 Tour Deluxe in Omaha this morning. Rode it 190 home in the rain. It was exactly what I expected!! Now to get it cleaned up after the rain.
  20. Off the top of anyones head, will a stator/engine cover from a '83 1200 fit on the '88 1300. In the picture it looks the same, but don't want to bid if it doesn't fit. thanks all Markus
  21. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z5KuMrlCwKY/T6rjD-tBBFI/AAAAAAAAzGg/ix9q4_S1EMo/s1600/img_0810.jpg
  22. Does the 2nd Gen Ventures have the word Venture anywhere on the bike. If so could someone send me a picture of one.
  23. The picture is of my new (used) trailer. Gettin' ready to ride!
  24. There is a game going on with the GL1800 group that I thought would be fun to try here. We would need 2 groups (a north and south group let's say) The object of the game is to get a picture of you, your bike and a baton (one like in a relay race) in front of the state capitol buildings in all lower 48 states. The object is to then hand the baton off to someone else in your group who then would ride to another state capitol and get the picture. They would then find someone in their group to hand it to so they then can get another picture of another state capitol. Only rules would be you must be a member of this board, you must pick a team to belong to before you accept the baton from someone and you will be responsible for the baton and to meet up with someone to move it along. Once you decide on a team you can not switch sides. The GL1800 board has been trying to complete the task for 2 years now and I believe we can get it done faster. If anyone is interested in trying this let me know and I will put all the rules and such together. I would also need a person to be "captain" of the other team to get it started.. It would get some people riding and also get us to meet some new people Let me know what you all think . Rick :group cheers:
  25. Sorry, not picture but let me describe. On my 84 that I am working on there is a rubber flap about an inch square on the left side of the motor right about where the shifter is. It covers a hole that obviously leaked when by friend laid this bike down (oil?). Anyway, what is this and how secure is this little flap suppose to be? It does not seem very secure and I am trying to do some cleaning without getting fluid in it. Thanks, Mark
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