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  1. here are the pic's sorry it took so long i had to retake them the others wouldnt upload right http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0006.jpg?t=1246401119http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0009-1.jpg?t=1246401173http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0013.jpg?t=1246401221 and the hitch on the scooter! http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0016.jpg?t=1246401363http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0002.jpg?t=1246401416
  2. Puc, Here are a few pics of my '77 MGB i've owned for around 3 yrs. Since these pics i've lowered the car some and done some exhaust work. Did a complete engine rebuild, SU carbs and all suspension pieces approx. 10K miles ago. This is what is replacing our totaled '07 RSTD.
  3. Here's a few pics of my latest project. Whaddya think??
  4. Finally got around to looking at the pics, so I will share some with you..................
  5. Just got back last night from having my new (10th) Russell Seat made for me. I always ride down to their location outside of Redding, CA. to have it done. Pics.... [ATTACH]69501[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]69502[/ATTACH] It is nice to have a seat with internal suspension, for those long rides.
  6. It was more then a year ago that a guy drove 12 hours from Canada, north of Michigan to pick up my 2000 1100 Vstar. He was getting back into biking and wanted to turn my bike into a Trike and I had just bought my Venture. Anyway, long story but just the other day he sent me the pics of the finished product. Ive never seen anything like it. No rear wheel, there's a car axle under there somewhere. thought it was interesting here it is on my last ride with it (cabot trail) http://lh3.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/SE6Vm-GZc7I/AAAAAAAAAYQ/r1Yrp2TEUrs/s640/Nova%20Scotia%20June%2008%20260.jpg and here it it now: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/TEOutXWZcSI/AAAAAAAAD2I/vxCuxDP86zY/s640/Photos%202009-2010%20204.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/TEOusvT2JRI/AAAAAAAAD2A/uxyBbJKjvR8/s640/Photos%202009-2010%20191.jpg
  7. I just received the mic splitter from Edset. Anyone has pics on installation? Gaetan
  8. Which Harley exhaust fit the RSV ? Road King only ? Will exhaust off a 2008 Harley Street Glide Fit ?What should I do take pics and measurements ? I can get a set cheap.
  9. My wife got this from her mom who got it from...?? Anyhoo, it's antique and must have value. Any thoughts? Any ideas where I could send pics to get an appraisal? [ATTACH]73546[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73547[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73548[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73549[/ATTACH]
  10. Seems like we are always going in different directions....It was great to have everyone together.....here are a few pics of my family....
  11. Hi, I'm looking to get back to riding after a several year hiatus. I'm looking at a 2003 Venture, and wanted to ask if I could impose on the great members and RSV experts here to tell me if it sounds like a reasonable deal? And I also had a few quick questions about the RSV itself... THE BIKE: It's a 2003 midnight, with custom "silver zoned" paint (see the pics), in seemingly pretty much "like new" condition, and the seller is the original owner. It's got 51K miles, almost all open road miles. It seems to be "loaded", including: a TON of chrome, what seems to be just about every add-on piece of billet chrome Yammy offers, polished/chromed wheels, chromed and polished forks, Khrome Werks pipes, Barons lowering kit, upgraded stereo speakers, Jensen stereo power amp, extra rear lights for brake/running/turn signal. He has also added some kind of modification kit to be able to remove the rear trunk (and has an additional "solo seat") and has installed a secondary antenna hidden in the fairing. (again, see the pics. One of the pics was taken before the custom paint job) I'm going to try to attach a couple of pics, 6 hopefully, and I hope I do this right!! Can anyone suggest anything I should check on or make sure of with a 2003 RSV? Would this bike for $8000 be a reasonable deal? QUESTIONS: Ok, so while I'm imposing on everyone...a few RSV questions: How expensive would it be to have the Barons lowering kit removed, and the bike returned to stock? How hard is it to do? I train with a few motor officers, am lucky enough to be allowed to join them on their obstacle course practice sessions, and I don't like the idea of giving up ground clearance. (I've been told that the Barons kit makes the RSV scrape a LOT easier.) I'm also 6'1", so I think the bike would fit me better without being lowered. Has anyone here modified their RSV to "quick remove" the trunk? Does the RSV handle differently without the trunk? With the trunk off, does anyone know if it would be possible to outfit an RSV to accept the quick attach/remove sissy bar (with backrest) and luggage rack from a RSTD? (I don't know why, but for some reason that idea/possibility of being able to do that kinda cranks me up!) Is it possible to outfit an RSV with the short, "stubby" antenna like a lot of Harley riders do with their Ultras? The 2 antenna on the trunk, I mean? If so, how well do they work? Thank you, all, for your patience...and a special thanks to anyone who might be willing to offer their thoughts! THANKS!!!!!
  12. Hey Jonas, I was at Pioneer motorsports today and picked up a "BEATER BIKE"....they just about gave me the bike.....said they dont deal in old stuff.....What you think????? don't you have one similar to this one?...I just needed something small to ride back and forth to work and not worry about it getting stolen downtown....I don't work in a good neighborhood .....here is a few pics...I figure I'd take the pics today because I dont plan to ever clean or polish this scooter....
  13. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_285000_359331370819147_1168608164_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_230809_359331230819161_656560985_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_299384_359327490819535_1333001915_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_561883_359327354152882_1970711329_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_198749_359332314152386_1125462496_n.jpghttp://www.venturerider.org/forum/http://s1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/?action=view&current=285000_359331370819147_1168608164_n.jpg' target=_blank>http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_285000_359331370819147_1168608164_n.jpg
  14. We are going to Janesville WI, to pick a 1992 Blue Venture today, sure hope that this ends up being a better one than the one I got three weeks ago, that was doctored up with stop leak. Looks from the pics to be in very nice shape everything is there still has the cargo bags . All of the plastic is is good shape. The PO said its been a very good cycle and that he doesnt ride much anymore and wanted to get his daughter a nice scooter to cruze around town on. I will get some pics on here when I get it home and all cleaned up. Orlin
  15. Other PGR members here I am sure. I am looking into mounting the 3 foot x 5 foot flag to my bike for missions. I want to make the mount and the pole myself and any and all help would be appreciated. I have saw such things in some other sites (Harley) and can not get to the pics and other info with out becoming a member first. Not much on the Ky PGR site either. So far I have come up with very little. Maybe a clothes rod holder for the pole. So your help would be nice. I love pics please. I have searched for hours and many locations on the net and have not gotten any real good info. So I decided to post here and see what others here have done with our bikes. Thank you in advance. I now build these myself. Go here www.jandjflagmounts.com PS; I have come to the conclusion that if someone could come up with a universal type mount, then it would help others. I have decided to build my own and maybe some for others. I can sell a few and save a little gas money for the missions. The Patriot Guard Riders is becoming more and more popular, growing every day. Fuzzy
  16. Ok I just rode through town with issac blowing and not going I will down load pics as soon as I can
  17. A buddy of mine told me if we decide to head west this week to be sure and ride the Million Dollar Hwy. I looked at pics of it on the net and........WHAT THE?!?! Is this road as edgy as it looks in the pics? Looks like I better get my britches sinched up for that one.
  18. Finally got the shrader valves on the bike front forks holding 18psi and back is at 50psi had to eliminate the compressor for now will load pics when I get home to computer
  19. Looks like he got T-boned by a Buick. I sure hope he didn't lose his leg or his life. Some good pics of the damage. I don't think there is more than a handful of salvageable parts. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1987-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-1300cc-/221114114187?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item337b6da08b
  20. dunvilsteev


    High Dynamic Range is a photo effect whereby 3 different exposures of the same shot are layered and free software, Luminance, is used to create pics like this one.
  21. Right next to my 08 RSV now sit's a 1987 blue Venture 1st Gen. It's in real good shape for it age. Rode it home with no issues just a few rattles. Pics will come after i wash it up.
  22. Are there any pics with instructions for how to remove my screen from my 2nd gen, on the site? Did a search & can't turn anything up. Don't want to snap anything!!! So I'm asking the experts!
  23. Here's a pile 'o pics we shot while enroute, during, and return home from the rally. http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/KruisnTheKootenays2012/ http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/ I'll get around to putting comments on them eventually and cleaning out some that didn't turn out so well.
  24. Here she is: http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p567/treecol/001-1.jpg if this works, I'll post a few more.
  25. After a long night, this morning we welcomed Tiva Jade into our family. Everyone is doing fine other than being very tired. Well, less talk, more pics. -Andrew p.s. This is why I won't be making the WI MD 2012.
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