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  1. Several folks expressed some interest in the ball stug repair for the broken side cover pins. I have also included a pic of the brake I put on the side vent to keep them open/closed.........
  2. Is this an early pic of you Gary?
  3. Why am I having trouble copying and pasting an internet picture to my post?? Instead of a pic I get the web address.... I don't think it's me as I can paste a pic on other boards using this new format without a problem.... http://www.cast-aways.com/CODYPICS/yellowstone_national_park_bison_geyser_lg.jpg
  4. How cool is that? Take a look! (And yes, Southerners, I know you are snickering.)
  5. I'm thinking a part was lost when I had my tires changed. I see an oil seal on the brake side of the hub that isn't sealing anything. I've attached a pic of what I've got. If that's what happened, does anyone have a spare laying around?
  6. I have a question for you all. I am looking at changing out the front reflectors for some LED marker lights. I had this crazy thought that I could maybe make them also part of the turn signals. I was reading on a nother site how a fellow connected a light bar something like what some of us are using for extra brake lights only his was a single function, but he made it dual as tail and brake light by adding some simple resistors and diodes available at radio shack. This is his diagrham. Substitue the turn signal for the brake in the pic. Could not find a 4003 number diode @ RS anymore so not sure what you would use limit wise. 330 ohm as long as it was 12v or more right? http://www.gadgetjq.com/ledbrake-run_circuit_single_image.gif (pic form Gadgets fix it page for Vulcans)
  7. Finally got all my lights hooked up and the front end of the bike back together. Changes include HID low beams, "blacked out" headlight pods, and smoke signal lenses. Painted the signal light pods black. Also added new lower cowl driving lamps. Third pic shows the left signal ON. All shots were taken in daylight inside my shop. [ATTACH]73331[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73332[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73333[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73334[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73335[/ATTACH]
  8. Bet you thought I forgot. This was after our M&E with Beer30 after we ate dinner at Volcano. First pic checking out new ride Next pic getting ready for a ride Last pic going for a ride Great color for Kevin isn't it? Goes so well with his eyes. :rotf: Amazingly Walmart didn't throw us out. Of course the little kids were checking him out cause their moms wouldn't let them ride in the store. Margaret
  9. My rear tire lost a chunk approx 8 to 10" long today! My wife and I were on the interstate at approx 70ish when I felt her go! I pulled over right away and once my wife told me what was wrong, she rode home with a fellow rider and since it lost no air, I puttsed it home max 25mph for approx 10 miles. Now I don't know What to do. We plan on converting to a Trike this winter, so I don't want to buy a new tire, but I also don't want to stop riding for the year! I'd really like to get a used tire for next to nothing, just to ride the rest of the season. I know that an Angel was looking over us and kept the tire from blowing completely! We could've very easily have gone down. I plan to take a pic and email it to Dunlop, for wat it is worth. They are 2 years old with Im guessing 10K on them, so I'm sure Dunlop won't care, but I am going to send the Pic anyway. This should never happen. Craigr
  10. Anyone else having trouble enlarging a pic in a thread?
  11. I remember from Cody how much you liked your Shiner beer, (And I enjoyed it too) so when I saw this pic on Facebook showing this pic of Shiner beer I thought of you RandyR:group cheers:
  12. Saw this sign when we went camping this weekend in Gettysburg. It reminded us of someone. So I just had to take a pic of it. It's the last line of couse that apply's. Margaret
  13. Haven't been around as much as I used to, but when I saw this.....well, there was no other place to come for guys who would appreciate it. You may have already seen it. If so, excuse me for posting it again. I have no other words for this pic.
  14. my 09 didnt have them when i got it,,can someone tell me or show me a pic where thay mount,,,some pic show mounting holes and some dont
  15. Is the a way to post a pic to this site from an iphone?
  16. I was just noticing that since I changed to google chrome I cant see my profile picture.When I log in using IE I see it but I dont when I use google chrome. So I thought maybey since the profile pic was set up using IE I changed it to a new pic while in chrome. Same thing. Not sure if somethings wrong or if its just on my end and everyone else see the pic. Help please. Oh yeah I can see everyone elses profile pics just fine. David
  17. Somebody posted a pic here a while back of an inverted copter drawn on a ceiling around a ceiling fan. Had to admit.... kinda cool looking. Pic #1 Now, it seems that dream is a reality. I ran across this the other day. An actual ceiling fan copter with a 3 speed motor, a remote control and it's own heli-pad. Pic #2 It might not actualy be all the great for cooling but you got to admit.....it's got a certain cool factor. Flyinfool? You been busy? Mike
  18. Here's a pic of a very nice looking RSV ... but there is something wrong with it (hope ya don't mind me snagging the pic from the MD posting). In fact, every 2-colored RSV has the same thing wrong with them (at least IMO). Take a look ... can you see it? [ATTACH]68289[/ATTACH] Now scroll down and you'll see what I'm talking about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ATTACH]68290[/ATTACH] Waddya think? I've not once yet seen where anyone has made this color change mod yet it's probably one of the first things I would have done.
  19. Few pictures of the pre-festivities kickoff. 1st pic - Rose (Ms Dano) Dano 2nd Pic Taz RandyR 3rd pic Dingy 4th pic - Eileen (Ms Don) Don (Freebird) Taz AtlantaDragonRider (Bob Graham) was with us, but missed him in pics.
  20. I have never been satisfied with the tail/turn/stop lights on my Harbor Freight trailer. I had changed the bulbs to LED's, but just not enough illumination, especially in the day-time. These were about $16.00 each at Wally-World. A bit of a challenge to mount, but I stuck with the measure twice, cut once rule. Well, I also cut the holes somewhat undersize then shaped them to fit the template I had made. Pretty much labor intensive, but I think the end result was worth the effort. I completed the install with wiring and connectors that I already had. I now have (additional) stronger lighting, located to be much more noticeable. I have some tidying up to do on the wiring, but it's basically completed. Pic 1- rough cut for left light (took a lot of patience and elbow grease to finish) Pic 2- some of the tools and "stuff" I used Pic 3- Hooked up with running lights and left turn signal on
  21. ok, so its hard to see the back of a 1st gen. so i purchased some reflective 3M tape to put on Pelican Cases. the first pic is the tape in regular form, the second is with flash, and the third is on the back of the cases, last is just showin her off! it should light up with headlights on at night! i will include a night pic later.
  22. Finally got my carbs back together and decided to make sure nothing else needed attention before putting them back on. There is a black plastic box (air chamber assembly on the parts diagram) that sits on top of the motor. there are 4 lines going from it to each cylinder. 2 of my lines are cracked/ split. Do I need to replace the lines or can I remove them and cap off the ports in the cylinders? What does this thing do? here is a pic:
  23. I bought this bike a couple of months ago. needless to say the po neglected it.I am going thru and repairing replacing things. I need help on the trunk lock. on the inside of the trunk the part that the lock latches onto is gone. does anyone have a fix for this, or maybe a pic of it so I can possibly make something. thank you
  24. Has anyone looked at a Goldwing shock as a possilbe fit? Seen a pic of one they LOOK alot alike.
  25. need a little help on finding where this hose goes. i thought it would be simple do to the fact the hose is short i would just hold it in everywhere the hose would fit and find it, not so. i hope its not just a vent hose. i looked in the manual but after my eyes started crossing i thought I'd go to the pros, thanks. hope the pic is good enough. o, my bad, its the hose just above the oil sight glass. its hooked to a nipple coming out of the bottom of the casing.
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