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  1. Have 2, a custom and a Markland. Both came with '88 parts bikes I sold, but neither was installed. I can fit them, but I'd like to see how other first gen trailer hitches are installed. Looks like there are several options for the front connection, some move more than others. Looks like the connections under the saddlebags might require a longer bolt, or some spacers. Shoulda gone to Ft. Collins and got my own photos.
  2. I have basically been off of the forum for a while over the holidays and stuff so I suppose a lot of changes have been made but I keep getting logged out about every half hour? Another change is that if I have more than one window for the group open one window isn't aware that the other is logged on. I used to never log out and the site would just pick where I left off when I would load the web site. I was preparing a post with photos earlier and the site logged me out before I could get the photos uploaded with my post. I looked around the profile setting to see if there was a parameter I could change but didn't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas about this? It's becoming a PITA.
  3. As some of you may know, I retired from my job this past May. I have been busy doing a lot of things that I never seemed to get around to doing when I was working full time. So like men, women have projects too, and here are some photos of the ones I just completed. Now I need to find something else to do. Yama Mama
  4. Sorry for the wait my net. at home stinks! took me a whole day just to get these photos up loaded! Here are some photos of the rides and meet photos are from Eureka Springs to War Eagle mill down to Ozark and around Jasper area the next day. We had a blast seeing everyone and enjoyed the cook out as well Will do next year? all depends if anyone wants to have it again next year? Buddy
  5. We are visiting our home resort of Massanutten in Virginia. We trailered the bike up with us and yesterday rode the Skyline Drive...what a great ride! Was going to post photos, but I cannot seem to get them down to the size that will upload.
  6. So yesterday I was looking for a box of stuff and found an old box of photos going back to 1975. One of the envelopes had the photos of my very first road trip on a bike. It was in 1977, I was 18, in the Coast Guard and stationed in Yorktown VA and had just bought a slightly used Honda 360T. A couple of guys and I were going to go ride to D.C. They canceled at the last minute. I went by myself. As the pictures show, I rode through Virginia and around D.C. Being a desert rat from Arizona, the sights and scenery were pretty awesome. I ended up at the Capitol and then turned around and rode back. As you can see... I also had my first set of "poor man" saddle bags...
  7. 2009 Venture Hannigan kit www.volunteercyclesandtrikes.com http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=Along-the-Natchez-Trace-Par.jpg http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=Hannah-and-Randy-discussing.jpg http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=Hannah-on-trike-at-French-C.jpg
  8. Here are my photos of MD! Seems I prefer the motorcycles to people. I will try to remember next year to get more people! Yama Mama:smile5:
  9. Another great Memorial weekend in the books. I trust everyone is having a safe ride home today. It was great to see old friends and meet the new ones this year. We had a nice rides on both Saturday and Sunday even if it was a bit warm. And as usual, we managed to eat well. I didn't take a lot of photos myself but others did so please post a few here. Below are a few that I shot. Thanks to all who came and we hope to do it again next year. Dennis
  10. thought some of you would be interested in this http://blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2012/05/run_for_the_wall_tuscaloosa.html#incart_hbx
  11. If anyone is interested, I just got around to placing our 2011 trip photos into one link on my website. We travelled a from Central KY along a northerly route to coasts of Oregon and Northern CA. We went south to Monterey an then east to Yosemite. From there we dropped down to Las Vegas and returned across I40. The photos are posted at: http://www.traynorphoto.com/wc2011 The SPOT track can be viewed at: http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=2fd74df6c9a6b12d4 The two wives along on the trip flew into Portland, OR and back out of Las Vegas. Dennis
  12. Hey all have searched this site all day and can't seem to find where I can upload new photos of 07 midnight venture, anyone point me in right direction? Thanks Brian D.
  13. I have found the new Venture that I would like to have. I can't afford it but I would love to have it... Hmmmmmm Some assembly required. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/kitspages/nuventure.php Photos
  14. So it is the day after the big day, what was your best present? Did you get something for your bike? Please tell all, and of course share photos, if you have them. Merry Christmas & Happy 2012 Yama Mama
  15. I have posted some photo's in the picture folder for you all to enjoy
  16. When I try to down load photos it won't let me because it says they are too large. Does this site have a feature that will allow me to down size them.
  17. Ok so I finally have the 05 RSTD delievered from Sunner Southern Callifornia. Of course the weekend it arrived the temp was only 10 degrees outside. So being new to this and bike in another town, long story as to why but it will be coming home with me soon. By photos can you wonderfully intelligent people help me to answer a few questions. First is that orginal exhaust. (you will need to go to my album to review the photos). Second other than the pin stiping and the highway pegs is there any other noticable add ons? Virago's are my passion for years. Only one issue, too small for the wife and i to ride comfortably. So on to the next question, bike is out of California, I bought it from the dealership so I am unable to talk to the orginal owner. What I want to know is, is there any power robbing annoying emissions systems that I can remove from the bike? She has 60k on her and from what my dad said, rattle the windows in the shop when it started after it was delivered. So any help would be great. Thanks all, PS I included a photo of my 85 Virago, highly customized. All I can say is the wife said sell my virago and sell her bike and buy a better bike. AKA RSTD. SO I sold all the other bikes but I am keeping the Virago as my 3 yr son loves to help me and why not have a bike to tinker with. JK
  18. Just changed the rear tire and confused about the assembly of the spacers on the rear wheel. I read the posts on the tech pages about the spacers but I have a thick spacer not shown in those photos. I've highlighted it below. Where does it go? (I have the nut and washer for the other side) http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y217/gaillarry/VentureAxleSpacers-1.jpg
  19. I entered a Photo Contest in our local Paper The Northern Life I need your likes on Facebook I enterd a wasp on a yellow flower there are 2... mine has a clearer shot of the wasp go to http://www.facebook.com/northernlife.ca... on the left side you will see photo click on that and than click on Northern Life wildlife photos scroll down the photos until you see the photo of yellow flower with all its petals all out and a wasp picking up nectar Thanks
  20. We're on our way home from the west coast. Tonight we're in Grants NM. We left home on the 21st for a ride to Oregon and N. California coast. So far we've travelled about 4800 miles. We plan to be home on Friday. For our route covered you can see it at: http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=2fd74df6c9a6b12d4 If you are bored and need something to look at, I've posted photos each day to my web site. They can be found at: www.traynorphoto.com/wcday1 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday2 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday3 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday4 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday5 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday6 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday7 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday8 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday9 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday10 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday11 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday12 www.traynorphoto.com/wcday13 The photos are from several cameras. We just combine everyone's photos so I can't take credit for all of them. Dennis
  21. Here are some photos I took this weekend. There are a couple of Ventures; I wondered if they are members here. Yama Mama
  22. Check out these photos...Caption???
  23. Eat and Meet Photos
  24. New here, will add more photos when he stops riding it long enough to take more pictures! http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5261/5634591907_648b2b0173.jpg Not perfect, but 43K miles and runs perfect. Already laid it down gently in the driveway this morning and he was able to pick it up easy, no damage. It's got some scrapes already so he didn't feel like a moron. Glad I wasn't there to laugh at him, LOL!!!! Ginny in Denver-ish More photos: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5190/5641034056_4075372106.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5641031072_49a7e139a7.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5640464425_6fb5cf8cb2.jpg
  25. We had a nice evening with the VR group tonight even though it was a bit cool and cloudy. Tomorrow looks to be a great day. Here are a few photos from this evening and I am sure others have photos to post as well. Dennis
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