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  1. Hi all, I lost the right highway peg off my 89. Anybody have one of these that you want to part with ?
  2. Thought I'd see if we can get anybody on tonight. Somebody call Peg and tell her! I'm gonna log on for awhile and see if anybody shows up!
  3. Well to my dislike I sold Midnight last Month was not to my liking but due to my knees the bike was too top heavy and dropped it several times with Peg on board no damage was done to Midnight or Peg..... Peg and I talked it over one evening and either one of us wanted to sell Midnight but since I was having so much trouble backing out of the garage - parking lots and setting at red lights it got to where I was not comfortable riding Midnight after selling Midnight I bought a 99 V-Star 650 for riding to work light weight and good balance and figured I would save the money left over from the sale and buy another Touring bike in a few yrs that has a better balance? Well my best friend from work told me about a bike he saw at Honda shop the other day and said it was in pretty good shape and had a heck of a deal $ so Peg & I went over to check it out being its a touring bike? Well I looked the bike over not bad shape for a 2000 model but boy was this thing big Wow but when I set on it I could not believe how well balanced it was just like the Gold wing GL1800 Wow nothing like the Midnight - top heavy we took it for a ride and I really liked the smooth ride and power it put out and balance at slow speeds needless to say I ended up buying it with the money left over - no payments a plus too -and rode it home so far I had no trouble getting in - out of the garage - parking lots or red lights I read folks saying it was heavy but to me its nothing after being on the Midnight Don't get me wrong I loved my midnight very much! and I would still have it to this day if not for being so top heavy here is my new ride 2000 model Honda Valkyrie Interstate
  4. I found a solution!!!!! http://www.bikerbrackets.com/ckopdesc.htm Including shipping, they're under $80.00 to Nova Scotia, Canada!! Perfect!!!! Yes!!!!! Now I'm all set and happy as a CLAM that I've got my armrests and foot peg problems solved. Now to get them, get them installed and RIDE, RIDE, RIDE!!!! http://www.bikerbrackets.com/images/ckop/peg%20out%20small.jpg
  5. Ok first long ride with the wife. kids were away for the weekend. A new seat is needed as her butt couldnt take the punishment. Next year tax season for the russel day long, but what about peg placement. my wife complained that the back of her legs were sore from the saddle bag crash bars digging into the calf muscle. Is there a way to adjust the peg or any other suggestions.
  6. I'm looking at the KURY 4549 Adjustable Cruise Peg Mounts (pr) Fits: Yamaha: Road Star & V Star 950, 1100, & 1300 with stock floorboards I know they don't list the RSTD, but when I look at the parts catalogue on the Yamaha website, i see that the VSTAR 1300 and the RSTD have the same part # for the floorboard, 4NK-27451-10. Does anyone know a reason why I can't mount those on my RSTD? Thanks
  7. I have a honest question, I have read in posts, most recently the darkside poll by captain Joe, that some who went back to the motorcycle tire did so because they pushed the limits of riding. Now I assume they mean in cornering, and curves. The question is how do you push it past the floorboards dragging the ground. I can easily drag my floor boards in sharps curves any most any speed. I have had to replace my right foot peg because of draging getting on and off I 75 at hwy 82 the cloverleaf ramp in Tifton. not being smart, I'm just asking, how can you ride harder than that. Gregg
  8. OK,I had my pegs perfect UNTIL I sat on another GL1800..Hum whats the difference in the foot pegs I wondered..same as mine,same style,same area on crash guards mounted...I had to ask was it the seat? The answer was Kurakyn part # 8008A adjustable peg end,male mount. It replaces the "Clevis" or part that angles up when folding the highway peg up,with an adjustable clevis. I just put them on and I am loving it! I kept wondering how all my friends that are anywhere from 6ft 2 inches up to 6ft 9 inches looked so comfortable riding the Wing,now I know,they ALL have this on their highway pegs! http://motorcyclestuffwarehouse.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=136_447&products_id=2966 I bought mine from Texas Cycle Chrome in Houston
  9. Just checked my speedo with GPS..accurate at least up to 115..right with my speedo...Found the perfect hwy peg..Ergo peg with the addition of the mini arms by Kuryakyn.1.5 inch long and extends out a little..Now my legs are VERY comfortable... having the floorboards instead of pegs and hwy pegs that are perfect Did 500 miles yesterday..it was a breeze now getting ready for our 7000 mile trip starting 8/21/2010
  10. For people that didn't make it to the Hub but would like to see what the roads were like here is some video. The riding doesn't start until about a minute in. I forgot to mount the camera ahead of time. The camera was mounted to my left side highway peg so it looks like I'm over the yellow line when I wasn't. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZV64-QvJRc]YouTube - Ar1[/ame] Hope this works, I've never posted a video before.
  11. Hey yall, I'm looking for a left side passenger foot rest bracket. Don't need the peg or floorboard, just the bracket that mounts to the frame. Thanks.
  12. I recently bought a set of mufflers from an 87 XVZ 1300 and wanted to swap them onto my 83. When I tried to install I noticed the brackets on the mufflers are different but the muffler itself seems to be identical. What I'm wondering now is whether I could the change the rear peg brackets and replace them with passenger boards from an 87 to make this work or do I have to go the slice and dice route. I want to thank you all in advance, I'm still learning about the First Gens and you guys are an invaluable resource. Thank you.
  13. I am getting some highway pegs, and I like Kuryakyn despite the cost. Due to my stature (or lack thereof, 30" inseam plus "muscular" thighs), I am getting the Longhorn Offset Peg Mounts (P/N 7985). What I don't know is which pegs to attach to it. I like the look of the Flamin' Switchblade (P/N 4412). What I don't know is how comfortable they are? Can anyone with experience with these Flamin' Switchblade pegs speak to the long-ride comfort? They look cool, but the flame part seems to be narrow on the ball of the foot. I am not sure how effective the heel rest part is. I like the look, but I want it to be utilitarian first of all. I'm not getting highway pegs to make my bike look better, but to support a 3000 mile ride. My alternate is the Switchblade Peg (P/N 4445), which looks kinda dowdy but is undoubtedly effective. I've heard nothing but good things about the heel rest on these, but perhaps it is because the peg portion is wide enough to support a range of boot positions. So, anyone here have the Flamin' Switchblade? Are they durable and comfortable?
  14. Do to recent events, I'm having to sell my baby:crying: I'm Fighting Pneumonia again, My Dad had another Heart attack the other day . We had Hail damage couple weeks ago did over 15,000 in damage to both houses and Peg Monte Carlo. So Peg said I need to quit Walmart and spend more time with my family and stay with one job due to my health having not been the best in the world guess only getting 3hrs asleep at night maybe a factor too. Plus my doctor told me to slow down!! So if I do I will have to sell my baby. Peg is all torn up for having to sell the Wing but she rather have me around for some time to come. So I have put my baby on E-Bay #300298498634 for sale if you know someone looking for a good Gold Wing. Everybody that knows me & my Wing Knows I spoil it rotten. The guys were picking on Snarly Bill & me when we were cleaning our Gold Wings (twins)after a ride in a rain storm in Eureka Springs last Sept 2008. Since I'll be quiting Walmart I will have more time to ride to M&E - Maintenance day and other get together on my 83 Venture. Buddy
  15. Well most of you that know me, Knows I put 110% in my work. That is with two full time jobs which at one time I had a third part time job as well. Any way Peg kept telling me I'm not as young as I used to be. But I still give it my all... Anyway last Thursday I started feeling bad in my chest and head area but I kept on working both jobs at full speed, each day seemed a little harder for me to get my work done. Saturday I was running 103 temp but kept on going hard at my work. fever finally broke Monday night but this morning I could not speak good could not breath and could not stand much either . So Peg took me to the Doctor sure enough I had the dang Pneumonia again. I know if I listen to her I would have not be in this spot again. My Doctor said I had the Pneumonia same time last year by their records. So I'm sitting hear at home playing on the computer coughing my head off and talking to the hotel & motel folks in Ark. doing some up dates on our Reservations list for the Rally this year. So next time Peg tells me something I'll listen... MAYBE Buddy
  16. OK folks I have read just about everything I can find on the forum here (and several others) and seen a few of the mods that folks have done to lower and stretch out the passenger floorboards/pegs. Perhaps with a consolidated effort we can master this and come up with something we can all use. Sooooo - let's limit this conversation to a "custom fix/fabrication" and stay away from recommending the Diamond R etc. It seems most of those do not drop the position just lengthens it. Here is how Boe did it on an '06 RSTD: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23575&highlight=passenger+highway+pegs And here is how Jercoupe did his mod: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16960 And according to another post I read we can use peg mounts from a Road Star - since the mounting has not changed. If this is so - then we should be able to use this Kury adapter: (attached below) With this attachment - we should be able to mount this on the back of the stock mount (maybe a spacer or two) and then attach a Kury longhorn offset with a peg - and retain the original floorboard. (This is the first picture attachment - I decided not to go this way) Whatcha think? OK - let 'er rip - let's solve this issue once-and-for-all so that we can all benefit with lower pegs/floorboards Shep Information added 10/11/08 OK folks - I decided to go with Jercoupe's modification with a few "slight" changes. The main change being that I decided to weld my 1/4 in angle-iron "onto" the existing passenger bracket. (I thought it might have a little more strength this way and allow me to use slightly shorter bolts to put everything back together. I am going to try and give a step-by-step of what I have done so far. (And I want to say "Thanks" to those who have gone before me on this mod - really they have done most of the engineering.) 1. I bought a 3' piece of 1/4" 2X2 angle iron from Lowe's - Home Depot didn't have it. You won't use it all - but that was the shortest piece I could find. 2. I cut 4 pieces off the end at 3 1/2 inches long. (you will need 2 for each bracket) 3. Next I drilled 2ea - 5/8 in holes - 2 inches on center on one side of the angle iron. Keep these holes as close to the top as you can. This will allow more at the bottom of the bracket to but up against the frame for rigidity. (remember you will need to do this for 2 brackets.) 4. This one might be a little hard to explain - There is a U-shaped bracket that comes with your Longhorn clamps. The bolt that holds the clamps on goes through the clamp first - then this U-shaped bracket and this bracket is what keeps the peg from turning. (Picture attached) a. The edge of this has to be trimmed off to fit over the edge of the 1/4 angle-iron where the peg will mount. (check out Jercoupe's mod above - he has a good picture of this. 5. Once this bracket and the corner of the angle-iron is "form fitted" to each other you can drill the hole in the corner of this piece of angle-iron. No guess work here - because the bracket gives you the location of the hole. 6. Now you are ready to weld the two pieces together. (Picture included) 7. Now you have some grinding to do to get those welds flat. (You must do this before your next step of welding your new bracket to the old one or you will not be able to reach the weld between them. 8. Slip new bracket with the 2 5/8 in. holes over the old floorboard bracket and weld together. (It helps to "round out the tops" of the new bracket holes to allow for the welds on the old bracket so it will set flush better. (No turning back now:Laugh:) Now you are ready to "fit" everything" together as a dry-run: 9. Bold up the Longhorn and its peg first (leave loose for adjustment). 10. I bought new metric bolts 1/2 in longer to mount the entire bracket to the frame. 11. You will need spacers between your new "system" and the frame - this allows the bottom of your new bracket to hit the frame at the bottom and also keep your mount - tight at the top. I just slipped a couple of larger nuts over the bolts for the dry run. But have since bought spacers. 12. Everything should bolt up well and as you can tell from the pictures - this adds a new variable passenger position with about a 5 1/2 in drop. (If you need more forward as well as the drop - just slide the botton angle-iron piece more to the front of the bike before you weld them together. Will add more as I make the other side and smooth them all out for paint. Shep
  17. I was willing to spend the big $$$ on kyrukyan (or how ever they spell their name) footpegs and adapters until I asked their tech support about peg adapters. the response from them was " we dont carry peg adapters for your bike." they were unwilling to give me dimensions of the adapters they carry to see what would work just the "NO they will not work on your bike, it's too old." Now I'm not interested in buying something from a company staffed by lazy or dumb people. so who has found an aftermarket footpeg that works to replace the worn out ones? it's a simple square male with a pin through it. They cant be some wierd size.
  18. Well wanted to let everybody know that has ridden with me in the past years. That I finally broke down.........Yeah I broke down and bought a CB system:mo money: So now everyone can talk to me & Peg ...Or Newtrk06 & I will be listen to Peg & Rosebud talking on the CB ...I will be installing it first of next week and will have it ready for Eureka Springs Rally....... Wildhair39 we can talk on our next long ride .... Buddy
  19. who owns a Virago. Russell, When I'm on the Virago, I always get wind blowing up on the left side of my bike that hits me right in the face. Does this ever happen to you? I find that if I put my left foot on the passenger peg it stops it, (but that obviously looks stupid not to mention, it's not the safest way to ride) I don't know why it's only on the left side but anyway....Do you know of any place that sells wind deflectors for an 95 1100 Virago?
  20. Just wondering what should be drained when changing oil, (please, no one say oil). What I mean is where should the oil be drained? First would be the big drain plug, next the oil filter. Doe's any one also drain the bottom bolt, (alen head) on the left hand side of the bike as you are setting on it. It is the cover farthest back , down by the foot peg. To get straight in on it you have to fold the foot peg back. It is made to allow for draining. It has a copper washer on it. I drain it each time I change oil.
  21. Hay if anyone is out and about around McAllister OK tomorrow 4/19/2008 around 11:00 am stop by the western siz. and eat a bite. Teri, Peg, Buddy and I will be putting on the feed bag. Ride safe :7_6_3[1]::7_6_3[1]::7_6_3[1]:
  22. Yes I know its not a Venture sorry But Peg is happy. That matters the most to me!!!! We took it out ridding today and put on 150mi Peg's back did not hurt once. She said it rode better than the GL1500 and the 83 beast was too small for us - me really. Everybody that met Peg knows she is skinny so putting her in the Gold Wing seat made her look even smaller. Now if Yamaha had a seat & backrest like the Wing we would have bought it for sure. The Second Gen. has more leg room we Also like the body style too. But the Wing had more seating room. So we Give up one feature for another I guess you might say. So if you see a Dark red metallic Gold Wing at the M&E or Rallies it will be US outcast... Buddy
  23. I took Peg to the doctor last Wednesday due to a pinched nerve in her back, there were so many people there sneezing & hacking so much I tried to keep Peg from catching something instead I catch walking Pneumonia over the deal:sick: so I'm out until next week sure do miss riding the bike and hate being stuck in the house too, never thought I would get tired of watching TV. O well just wanted to say be careful everybody due to the fact that so many people are coming down sick this year. And the Medicine I'm taking is some strong stuff too. After 15-20min I'm ready to float away. buddy
  24. I have a 2007 Venture and wants to install cruise peg mounts & pegs. Any suggestions on what type is best to use? I purchased floorboard mounts from kuryakyn, but they didn't fit because the engine guard was in the way. I would prefer a floorboard mount but if I have to put them on the engine guard, what type is best? Thanks, Chester
  25. Talimena Drive,Oklahoma Peg & I are thinking about go to the Talimena Drive. This October 20-21 is OUT due to my son Birthday so we will have to set it some other weekend in October.Was wondering if anybody esle was planing on going too.And if so what Dates and time.We will be coming from the western part of Okla. by the way of Hwy7 & Hwy271 to Talihina. Also where is the best place to get motel or hotel in Ark. over night stay? Last time I went over Talimena Drive was 30yrs ago so I know things have changed alot since then.And Peg has never been so I guess it will be new to the both of us. buddy
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