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  1. I got an ad in my email today from Harbor Freight. They are listing the pedal operated lift at $369. On line ad
  2. OK the project got started yesterday. Yesterday I took off my floorboard and brake pedal and removed the old master cylinder. Today I did a little planning and thinking and fabricating. I decided to use the stock brake pushrod and I am fabricating a mounting plate for the master cylinder. I am tapping the side mounting holes on the new master cylinder so I can bolt it to the plate. The plate is going to be bolted to the brake pedal equalizer mount. I am slotting the holes so that the master can be adjusted up and down a little, and adjusted closer and further away from the brake pedal. I did a lot of hacking away on the piece that is the brake pedal mount so that the fabricated bracket will work out. I am trying to avoid drilling holes into the frame if at all possible. I have been taking pictures but probably not enough for a step by step illustration. I will make a template of the mounting plate once it is finished, I'm using 1/8 inch aluminum. My next obstacle is coming up with a nice SS brake line to go from the master back to the T block that will be SAE on the Master cylinder end and metric on the T block end. More to follow and pictures...
  3. I've read some old posts about this subject but wonder if there is something newer I've missed. To use my brake pedal, I have to raise my foot up off the footboard which does not provide much control of the brake pressure being applied. This is because the pedal is too far back. I'd like to be able to keep my heel on the board and the only solution I see is to lengthen the pedal three or four inches. Anyone out there have a different solution?
  4. i just had the rear caliper rebuilt by earl. bled the front and rear calipers with speed bleeders. the pedal wont come back up all the way. it keeps the brake light engaged. i checked the brake switch spring and its it good condition. it just seems to have resistance to return all the way. any ideas? proportioning valve bad? time for new lines and de-link? and im in northern michigan now. just got Hughesnet installed yesterday. water lines were busted and critters got into cabin, thats why i havnt been around last couple weeks.
  5. I went to take a ride on the 84 Venture and it I couldnt get it to roll the rear brake peddle is hard to push and does not want to come back up all of the way. If I take and pull the pedal back up I can turn the tire when its up on the center stand. I only have to pull the pedal back up maybe a 1/4 of an inch. If I adjust it to take the free play out the rear tire is locked up. Can this be from the pads being wore down and the calipers have went out to far and wont come back in as they would with new pads. I am going to put pads in and bleed some fluid off and see if this helps. Hope that someone has a cure for this one, if not I will tell you what I find out. Orlin
  6. What is the beat way to lower the pedal? By looking at it I would have to remove the floor board, loosen the bolt on the brake shaft, rotate it forward and re-tighten the bolt. Then adjust brake light switch. Is there anything else I should do or have over looked? tew47
  7. Hi. My linked brakes have been weird for a while. I posted how I found the rear caliper worn and grooved which hung up one end of the pads, and I figured I had found it. I fixed that (write-up to come) and the linked brakes are better, but... When I first push the pedal, the brakes work pretty well and the pedal is pretty firm. But if I let up a little (maybe 1/8"?) and push again, as sometimes happens when you stop gradually, the pedal drops considerably, sometimes all the way down and I get very little braking until I let the pedal all the way up and push it again. This "resets" them and they work fine again. I don't think this sounds like air in the system as that should always cause a squishy pedal that gets a little firmer with pumping. That's not what's happening. I'm thinking a bad master cylinder - do you agree? I don't understand the metering and proportioning valves very well, so I dunno if one of those could be the culprit. FYI, I thoroughly bled the system with a Mity Vac at the rear, front and metering valve locations. Help! Thanks, Jeremy
  8. Hi All, My buddy has an 84 venture, he traded for it and it had squeaky rear brake so he put new pads in. He tried and tried to get the brakes bled. I personally read every first gen brake bleeding problem here and on the other list trying to help him. It turns out, that he thinks the problem was, , GET THIS, the brake pedal had little to no free play in it, the footpegs were put on the most forward location, once he moved the pegs and brake pedal back one notch, the brakes bled just fine thank you. He finally had noticed that the brake adjuster was at the very end of its travel so , having everything else fail, he moved it back and tried bleeding it. He is theorizing ,sp, that the master cyl was pulled past its proper travel, therefore stopping any actual brake bleeding. This is the first time that I have heard of this on this and the other list, so I will be posting this as a theoretical possibility so others may know what happened. I would appreciate comments from anyone else who has had this problem as well as anyone who knows for absolute sure that this ,,theoretical assumption is a possibility.
  9. Going to be a long post. I have an 08 RSTD and lost the rear brakes a week ago today. This is what I have done. 1: Bleed breaks traditional way 2: Replace Rear pads notice pistons were frozen on curb side. 3: Removed rear caliper cleaned and split caliper. Cleaned all cups and visual check of all o rings 4. Reinstall Caliper bleed brakes still no luck (Pistons are functioning now.) 5: Clear fluid from lines back bled brakes This worked for a day and back to the pedal to the floor. Last night I drained all fluid and back bled again. I have pedal until I push on it twice and then no pedal. I can pump it up only to loose the pressure at the next test in say 60 yards. I have no fluid leaks, hoses appear to be fine. If when I bleed the brakes leave it set overnight I have pressure in the line until I use the pedal. Seems to be failing under load. I have not rebuilt or replaced the master cylinder. Stressing I have a 500 mile ride next Saturday and would like rear brakes. Any suggestions other than take it to a stealer? Thanks in advance SJ
  10. Anyone have a work-around for a broken torsion spring - it returns the brake pedal to position (if it isn't broken like mine!)? The spring is no longer available from Yamaha and I am growing weary of having to lift the pedal with my toe to stop the rear brake from activating. Any ideas?
  11. Ride a 2007 RSTD. I want to lower the height of the stock brake pedal. This means I want the existing brake pedal rubber to be about 2 inches lower than stock. Any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks, please email me your response at fubar dot kiss at gmail dot com.
  12. Scared myself today. Instead of my 89 venture, I decided to take my Kawasaki Concourse out for a ride. I bought it for my son to ride so I haven't been on it that much. I was in the middle of a corner doing 65 and three deer are walking across the road. No problem. Plenty of time to slow down. So I touched the brake pedal like I would on my Venture with its integrated brakes. They do a good job of slowing you down in a controlled way. Ooops! These are just the rear brakes and they are a lot touchier than the Ventures. I hear the rear tire lock up on me just as I start to fish tail back and forth about 3-4 times. I pulled my foot off the brake pedal and thank God, it straightened out. I would have stood up on the pegs to shake the stuff out of my shorts but the pucker factor was well into the upper 8s (0-10) and I couldn't raise my butt off the seat. Well, I will be conscious of that issue from now on. Whew!
  13. I'm looking for extended brake and shift levers for my 98RoyalStar. I'd like to keep the boards just extend the brake pedal an inch or so.(my foot all ways seems to be stuck under it) The same with the shift lever,eliminate the heel shift and extend the lever an inch or so. I found the Soft Brake site,they offer a brake pedal but I dont see a shift lever for the RoyalStar just the RoadStar. Any one know of another company making levers for the RoyalStar? thanks jim
  14. Greetings from Knoxville, TN. I hope this is a good place to post this for some info. I just got a real nice loaded 87 Venture Royal. Can do a lot fixens, but the linked brakes I never had before. Seems like there is no rear pedal. I have bled the rear cal and the left front cal and there seemed to be no air. However, the bleeder up by the handle bars has a lot of air. I kept the rear master cyl filled, thru the 14mm bolt hole in the side of the MC (i guess that is a fill hole), and bled a lot of air out of that upper bleeder and got a good hard pedal and wheel stop, but after a little other work elsewhere on the bike, I rechecked the rear pedal and there was not any pedal again. I have repeated the air bleed from that upper bleeder a couple times and more air comes out. I would think that if I got a good hard pedal then Im good-to-go but why doesnt it last? If I had a leak sucking air in, I would think I would also see a leak on the floor, specially under pressure when bleeding. Would love any ideas and direction. Dennis
  15. Added the last tail light bulb so that all running and brake lights are now LEDS...Those Harley 90 degree bulbs sure are expensive. Added the chrome shift pegs and brake pedal also...Told TATERS she should feel a little safer now with the added SAFETY CHROME....
  16. There were lots of things I like about my Venture...the brake pedal is, (or rather was), not one of them...so I decided to change it. The original was too high and too far back. It seemed to me that it would be much easier to use if it was in front of the footboard instead of above it. This was all a lofty concept until I got too close to a chop saw and a welder. I cut the pedal from above the hub. Then I welded a length of steel below the hub and welded what remained of my pedal to that. The brake pedal arm is now about twice as long so to keep the stroke at the footpad about the same, I drilled a hole above the original which connects the pedal to the master cylinder lever. I also chopped the footpad off of the pedal, and moved it forward and up about an inch each. The results, in all their, (yet unpainted), glory can be viewed in the attached photos. Now the brake pedal is convenient, effective and allows me to use the entire footboard comfortably. All in all, I consider it a great improvement.
  17. Hi guys, I'm having a heck of a time troubleshooting these brakes on my '83 Venture 1200TK. The rear brake pedal has been sloppy (no rear brakes) so I decided to bleed the brakes to see if it would fix the issue. It didn't so I moved onto cleaning and replacing the rear brake caliper seals and rebuilt the rear master cylinder as well. I've been bleeding the brakes for two days and the pedal is still "sloppy" (IE: The pedal is easily pushed all the way down) with no stopping power at the rear caliper. Your question is probably, "How are you bleeding the brakes?" and "Do you know the front left caliper is connected to the rear master cylinder as well?" Both great questions because I don't know a ton about this bike and i need help. As far as How I'm bleeding the brakes: 1st- I topped off the Rear master cylinder reservoir with fresh Dot 3. 2nd- With pedal depressed I opened up the bleeder on rear caliper. Some fluid and bubbles came out, so I tightened the bleeder and let off the pedal. Repeated 5 or 6 times. 3rd- I moved onto the front left caliper and with pedal depressed loosened the bleeder waited a few seconds and tightened. No fluid came out for the first 10-15 times I did this until finally... it did. Then I moved back to rear caliper and repeated, front caliper and repeated and so on and so on.... I still have no rear brakes after two days of this. Do you spot any errors in my technique? Please help me! God Bless
  18. Check this guy out. Taking my pillion to see him on Saturday night. Catch him if you can. Man - he's F-A-S-T! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni5WHnVqWBI&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Bruce Mathiske with loop pedal[/ame]
  19. I have an 85 Venture Royale I am having trouble with the rear brake. The calipers seem to be fine, but no matter how many times I pump the brake pedal I can get a hard pedal and the brakes to work. I have bleed the brakes thoroughly, but no stiff pedal or breaks. Don't see any leaks. Would this be the rear master cylinder? Thanks for any tips.
  20. In order for me to apply the rear brake pedal, I have to lift my foot completely off of the floorboard to apply the rear brake. Are there any type of control/modification that would allow me to leave my heel on the floorboard and still be able to apply the rear brake? Or is this just something to live with? (It is what it is)...
  21. I have a Gen 1, 1989 Venture that has some ongoing problems with the rear brake. When I bought the bike, I noticed the rear brake pedal was very soft and about bottoming out. I removed the rear saddlebag to discover that the seals were blown out of the caliper. Bought the seals, rebuilt the caliper and thought everything was fine. Used the recommended fluid. Was very careful not to overfill the reservoir. I was out riding at the end of the season when the bike started lugging. I came to a stop light and to my amazement the bike wouldn't move. I managed to get it to the side of the road and called my wife to bring the trailer. No fluid on the ground, no issues other than I could detect heat coming from the rear brake area. Brake pedal hard as a rock. I tried to move the bike until my wife got there, no luck and while I was deciding what to do, - for some reason - pulled up on the foot brake pedal and voila - the brake instantly released! Brought the bike home and re bled the rear and front linked brake. I has happened twice more with the same result. Give it a few minutes and pull up on the brake pedal and the bike frees up. What is concerning is the wear and tear on the brake, clutch and drive train from the brake slowly tightening as I drive. Would you figure the master cylinder is suspect? Thanks Jim
  22. I have been having trouble with my Rear brake on my 83 venture. I had light brake pressure, but if I pump it up, it works fine for a while. So I rode the rest of last week with it that way because it was good weather. and It stops fine with just me on it. Yesterday I was riding to get something at the store and the rear brake was dead, no stopping if I pressed it, OK.. I'll limp home... two stops on the way home I instinctively press the brake pedal even though there is no brake... It worked on the last one but then did not release. I had to shove my toe under it and pry it back up. What could have caused the brake actuator to bind up like that? I have no leaks, no brake fluid on the pavement or on the bike. I'm going to disassemble the bike today to see further. the pedal it's self is loose, the linkage to the master is stiff moving in or out.
  23. I notice my shift pedal bushing has a fair amount of play/wear. It appears most of the wear is in the bushing. The bushing is not available separately....you have to buy the complete pedal assembly. Has anyone attempted or come up with a bushing replacement...dimensions/sizes?? Is the bushing material bronze? Thanks.
  24. On a trip to NC last year I lost the rear brakes. Pedal went right to floor. There was no leaks so limped it back to MI, located a resevoir and slave cylinder on ebay. Visual inspection of purchaed unit looked good, installed and bled the system. A good stream was exiting out the rear caliper, cleared all the air out of the system....still no brake pedal. Hooked up a vacuum bleeder to rear caliper ran another pint of fluid and still no pedal. Reviewed factory manual and found no clues or help. Couldn't find any specific procedure for bleeding rear. Look for rebuild kit for slave??? Or, am I missing something??? Any help or suggestions would really be appreciated. Thanks, Gary844
  25. Can't think of anything I've done that could have caused this; just wondered if it's due to failure of the little solenoid down by the rear brake pedal. I can hear a little click coming out of this little box whenever I activate the pedal or the front lever........but the brake light just stays brightly lit all the time. Anyone ever had this symptom before? Thanks for any words of wisdom. Mike
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