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  1. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  2. May Peace and Love Be with you all year long. Be Happy! [emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319][emoji319]
  3. TAKE TIME FOR CHRISTMAS I'm bound to write a piece for this season It is on my heart to tell you the reason To share of my feelings, it's all about love For all of you riders, from the Master above. ******************************* It's not all that easy to send one away Many have felt that, when war had it's way We send out our loved ones, to God knows where at To fight for what's right, and then lonely we sat We worried, we stewed, and hardly could bear The thought, that maybe, no more moments to share To wait for the time when all would be done Would they be safe? and the struggle be won? If you have not yet had that feeling inside Thank God for the peace He has 'llowed you to bide For many have learned and lost in the fight And then life went on in the dark of the night. No sharing of griefs would seem to replace The loss of a loved one, no more to embrace. The world has gone mad with it's race to succeed For years it has happened, and with you I now plead. The result is the same today, as before We will not find the rainbow of lore. It's peace that we need, of this I am sure So read to the end, there is hope of a cure. Jesus was born, His way to the fight He didn't have to do it, for Dad it was night. To let His Son go to fight with the devil It wasn't easy, and nothing was level. No rules were laid out, the battle was joined The outcome was known, but had to be coined. He lived 30 years and fought the good fight The end was His death on a cross in the night. For us He was born, so we might have passage If He were to rise, we could loose all our baggage Victorious He was and we can be thankful For the fact that He came and put down the devil. On Shopping and Santa we are focused today We're losing the story of Jesus and hay. He came to this world, for you and for me Take time in your life, His glory to see. Yes, take some of the day, that's has been set apart And worship The Soldier, from deep down in your heart. The future is bleak, while here we do ramble For ages we have tried and made it a scramble From one pit to another we tumble at best Today we're no closer to meeting our quest. We think we can do it, we have it in hand But then we soon realize; our Captain is banned From schools to the judge, from work and from play When will we realize we've thrown it away? What is our goal,,, will it take the right bend? We need to consider our course in the end! Forever is long, and there is no going back Make up your mind now, and give it no slack. Consider the road that leads to perfection! Just ask Him to join, there'll not be rejection. A family for certain, and sure we have troubles But peace in the end and then,,,, no more struggles. Carl Norg
  4. do they make a wider rim that will fit the 1st gens i will be getting a 1st gen hopefuly by next week and was wondering? i like wider tires on the rear just a comfort thing gives me peace of mind knowing i have more ruber on the ground just thought i would ask
  5. I am passing this on to you all because it definitely worked for me today, and we could all probably use more calm in our lives. Some doctor on television this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and this morning I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, a pockage of Prunglies, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of a Chesescke an a box a choclets. Boomer....who sez Yu haf no idr how bludy guod I feel rite now.
  6. Just read that Peter Falk has passed. May he rest in peace. An amazing actor and person. If there was a show he was in, I watched it.
  7. Tomorrow SFC Donnie Shue comes home 043011. MIA for 42 years. I'm riding the escort, my heart and my tears to a fallen brother. May God rest his soul and give him peace. For those in the Charlotte area search the internet for details of the escort if you choose to ride
  8. . CALMNESS IN OUR LIVES. I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace. Dr Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished." So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates, and a half bottle of scotch. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now. Pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of inner peace.
  9. I'll be there... Gonna dress warm as its 33 deg out! PEACE DEMONSTRATION AGAINST WBC for the memorial service of David Hess =136294383086288"]Share · Public Event Time Saturday, October 23 · 10:00am - 2:00pm Location1655 Blizzard Drive Parkersburg, WVCreated ByRachel Francesca Terzo, David McIntyre More InfoThe WBC will be here to protest the funeral of fallen soldier David Hess this coming Saturday. We defeated them with peace in numbers in Charleston, so we can do it this weekend in Parkersburg! I cannot stress enough that this is a peaceful event. We do not want to create added stress to his family and friends, but rather let them know we're here to support and honor him, as well as all of the other soldiers past and present that have fought for us. We want to create a wall to completely outnumber the degenerates of the WBC. Please attend, even if just for a minimal amount of time. NO SIGNS. Just bring a flag or something else you consider to be a symbolism of peace. Invite everyone that you can to join. Bring American Flags, No political signs, only respectful signs. Do NOT approach these people! There will be over 1000 people there to stop the Westboro Baptist hate group from dishonoring our hero. These idiots will try to get you to hit them, and then sue you.. Many are meeting at WVUP parking lot at 9:00AM. We are being asked to wear Camo Clothing, or Patriotic clothing, yellow ribbons etc. Be at South Parkersburg Baptist Church by at least 10:00 AM. Parking will be scarce, so carpool if possible. The Church is on Blizzard Drive across from United Bank. Please remain peaceful and respectable for the family of our fallen hero. [ame= ] [/ame] mapquest directions: http://mapq.st/h/6-48tsMrbD
  10. i thought i would be glad to be back, not so. i just now discovered ,i have lost a brother, Don Hiltabidle worst part of it is, i was ill, and couldn't be there for him. Rest in peace my brother.i love ya. just jt:crying:
  11. Buster November 7th, 1996 - August 3rd, 2010 Rest in Peace Little Buddy
  12. I installed a Blue Ox sportloader 2 in a pickup for American Iron mag last week , it was a rite up on how good it is and how easy it was to install , it was the 1st one i have install and i got to say i like it and it only took 15 min. with 2 people to do , it is very easy to load a bike on but i think the 2 peace ramp is heavy . i like it a lot better than the old model and it is better than the cable type . now for the ego , in the Amer. Iron peace they show a HD being loaded but in the same peace in the sister mag. Metric Iron , wait for it ! :whistling:they show my bike being loaded , a 1st gen ! i was going to wait for the mag to come out buuut i could not wait that long to brag about it
  13. Over the last few weeks I have been teaching my wife to ride a bike again. She road one of my bikes about 30 yrs ago. She only road a couple of times, so she was a little nervous. She did her M1 beginners a month ago and we have been using my son’s Honda 600 Shadow to do a 100 stop and starts with me on the back. I told her once she is comfortable stopping and starting with the two of us, it will be a peace of cake alone. This afternoon she said she was ready, so we fired up both bikes and headed out to practice on the back roads solo. She did great. She was really nervous but we took our time and she road for about an hour. She does the official training course next weekend at the collage and will get her M2 level when she completes it. Now the best part of this is :stickpoke:teasing my son. He’s a basket case , I told him to take some pics of it while it was in one peace. He has no sense of humour and I don’t cut him any slack. Back to the main topic, she handled the bike very well but does find it heavy. She is not a big lady and I think it is smaller the than my old Honda 500 custom. Is the bike to big to learn on? My son had no problem but he is stronger and has about 60 lbs on her. What size of bike did the ladies in this club/form learn on? Do you think I should find something smaller or should we just take our time with this one? I think :think: she is just nervous about dropping it because everything is overwhelming at the start. She has to concentrate on everything until it becomes more natural. After she rides more she won’t find herself having to try and think of everything that has to be done while driving.
  14. gunboat

    big bob

    hi all was just wandering how big bob is doing. hope all is well with you & you are recovering well. looking to see you again. peace to you & yours. best reguards don c.
  15. I was wondering there are any other folks on this website former or current that worked for McDonnell Douglas Services on the Peace Sun Program in Saudia Arabia? I worked for the program for 4 years from 1982 to 1986 in Taif as mechanic/trainer on the M61A1 20mm cannon on the F-15. (Thus my screen name) I did run into one old friend, Mark Eaton, about a year ago as a result of this forum and the STAR web site. Really quite an experience living in that part of the world, but much more relaxed then than today. Would enjoy hearing from anyone out there.
  16. Thought I would bring this post to everyones attention............saw it in another post in a different section........ Join me in sending prayers out to his family... Darrell Steure....aka..Maddabber newf121 Member Join Date: Jan 2009 Rest in peace darrell steuer Just wanted to let everyone know darrell passed away this morning january 24 2009 at 720 am rest in peace my dear friend
  17. To participate in, and support this wonderful program, and have one of these beautiful wreaths in your home, go to: http://www.worcesterwreath.com/ The wreath is called "Patriot Pair". I had no idea this was done. I thought you might want to see it. Arlington at Christmas Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held. Peace, peace, and farewell . . . Readers may be interested to know that these wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. Of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out . Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
  18. Captain Bull a Delaware Indian chief settled the little community next door of Bulltown. Bulltown is famous for the civil war battle fought there.Our road has always been named Hemp Patch. Maybe this is where they raised there crop for the peace pipe. Anyway after living here most of my life we voted to change the name to Horseshoe Falls Lane.Were finally getting a fire locator address and took the opportunity to change.The wife never liked the name but I think my neighbor still carries on it's growing tradition for his peace pipe. :rotf:
  19. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&id=14087734&_LT=HOME_LARSDCCLM_UNEWS will the real Willey Hayes rest in peace? this is in the news today some of you may have seen it
  20. Hi there there will be a group of riders going from Oshawa Ontario at 8am Saturday Sept 29 to Ottawa for the Police and Peace officer memorial parade!! if you cant make it for the ride you are more then welcome to join myself and approx 10,000 other officers on parliment hill at 9am sunday morning for the service. for details please feel free to contact me at 905 924 4500 or at yamaha_racing_08@hotmail.com thanks
  21. Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held. Peace, peace, and farewell... Readers may be interested to know that these wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
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