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I got gas for $2.89 a gallon after my .10 discount at Kroger's. Hoping it keeps falling some and stays there, but I dont think it will. :crying: What are you paying in your neck of the woods?
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- cryingcrying
- gas
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Hey folks new to this site but looks like a good group. Was wondering how i might find someone in my area to help me with a carb sync. I dont have the vac gauges thought maybe someone who did might wanna make some money. I don't like going to the shop and paying too much for this kind of work. I live in central WI and would not object to a nice 200 mile ride:)
Hey all, I had a quick question about membership dues. It would seem to me that, with 13,078 members, at $12 per member per year, that's $156,936 per year. WOW! Quite a lucrative business you've got here! I considered it was possible that, of the listed members, only a portion of them were actual paying members, and the rest were a rotating batch of trial members. I don't know how your member counter works. In any case, figuring on the extreme lean side, let's say that only 1% of that total, or 130 members, were paying crew. That would bring the annual funds to $1,570. Not bad for a gig that's essentially a hobby. Granted, that's not accounting for expenses (webhosting, cost of software, upkeep, etc), which, for your average vBulletin board (which are generally FREE access) should amount to about $50/month. That takes but a sliver out of the potential pot of dues coming in. As for the rest... where does it all go?
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- dues
- membership
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Yep,rear shock is history. So here I sit waiting to drop $12000.00 our new to us trike,which will be delivered Wednesday, and what do I see when I went into the garage to remove the Voyager trike kit for the last time from the Silver beast. You got it, oil on the floor. I planed on riding it to work tomarrow. Now on top of paying for the new trike, I have to come up with $500.00 plus for a shock! Anyone out there have a good used shock cheap, that will keep me going for a while?
this past month 7 motorcyclist were killed within an hour of my house. two couples were taken out at one time by one car. I didn't know any of them but it sure was close to home. Each one was killed because a car driver wasn't paying attention or doing something stupid. the only exception to this was a young man who hit a cow on a sport bike. there is just too many cars out there, be careful.
Well we NYers dodged this one for now. But it won't be long before somehow or someway it passes. Seems there was a bill that was shot down for now that would have us paying to register our bicycles in order to traverse NY state highways. Gotta love this state our politicians are creative!:mo money:
- 19 replies
- bicycles
- highways.bang
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I ordered a set of Kuryakn Longhorn forward crusing pegs. The package arrive yesturday and I got the big ready to install them. I opened the box...and guess what? I got a set of Harly Davidson rear riders extened pegs! Rats! Called the vendor, and they said someone transposed one number and I get screwed. Anyway, they are paying postage to return and are sending the right part this time...Well that;s what they say. I just freaken hate it when this crap happens.
To recap: I got my progressive insurance transferred to my newly acquired 2007 RSV from a V-star 650. $790 a year, and for minimal coverage! I have gone to AARP Foremost and got it for less than HALF!!! So-o-o I upgraded to much better coverage and still paying over $300 less than Progressive wanted. I think the Progressive agent could see my smile when I phoned her to cancel.
I was checking out the "More" link under the mini stats on the left. Over 12,000,000 (that's million with an M) total thread views. Amazing. If I were a motorcycle company, I'd be paying someone to surf these sites all the time. Hey, maybe I'll apply for that job.
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We had two on a motorcycle killed Wednesday when an SUV came around a curve and sideswiped another vehicle and then hit a motorcycle head on. I have not seen any more details, but I was just thru that same road Saturday. The Smokey Mountain area is a wonderful place to ride a motorcycle, but sometimes your paying attention is just not enough. RandyA
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- motorcycle
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Either there are more RSVs on the roads these days, or I am just paying more attention to the bikes I see. Past (going same direction) a canary yellow RSV trike today on hwy 62E in Charlestown, IN today. Seen it before in Jeffersonville on hwy 62. Some day I'll find him and put a card on his trike.
OK....I know that we have discussed various options for heating our homes but I have another question. Have any of you swapped from propane to electric heat? I know that at first, it seems like a dumb question but I've been doing some research on it and it's not so dumb as it may seem. There is a breaking point with the price of propane and the price of electricity where electricity becomes cheaper and I'm thinking I have passed that point. From what I have learned, when propane reaches $2.48 per gallon and if you are paying no more than .10 cents per KWH for electricity, then electricity becomes cheaper. I am now paying $2.50 per gallon for propane and my electricity is .07 cents per KWH so according to what I THINK I have learned, I would be better off switching to electricity. Any experts here who can show me where I've made a mistake?
- 33 replies
- electricity
- gallon
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I went to one of the local dealers today as I have a small leak from my valve covers on my 85 1st gen. It leaves a puddle the size of a quarter every time i stop and it drives me nuts! I almost fell over when the parts guy said that the gaskets were 38 bucks each! thats gonna cost me 76 bucks to do both sides. I think I gotta check around but I thought I would ask in here to see what you guys are paying for valve cover gaskets. thanks Brian:cool10:
AIN'T IT THE TRUTH!!? Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA ) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG ). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA ), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE ) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA ) After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA ) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO ) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN ) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA ) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY ) filled it with GAS (from Saudi Arabia ) and continued his search for a good paying CANADIAN JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia ), Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in CANADA .
I was wondering if anybody had one of the shorty windshields and wanted to sell it? I don't mind getting a used one or even one that isn't tinted. I want to try it out without paying the arm-and-a-leg new price. Check the link below to see what I am talking about.
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- arm-and-a-leg
- check
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